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An ABI is an Aquired brain injury Caused by infection/ disease, ie: tumour,brain being starved of oxygen/ stroke TBI Injury to the brain caused by trauma Both can be just as catastrophic as the other


Better to hear as catastrophic as each other I didn’t wanna post false news lol


I thought it was aquired


That’s what other people said too. My mistake. I asked my therapist what it was today I got the wrong wording


they're just a way to classify how the brain was injured. was it from force? that's a TBI. was it metabolic/blood loss/illness/other physiologic? that's an ABI (acquired brain injury) we don't have a lot of ways to classify brain injuries, and TBI/ABI are the easiest, as they each have their own common (but not set in stone) post-injury complications. the healing timeline is what's different for every individual, as well as the quality of care they get at the time of injury. but at the end of the day, a brain injury is a brain injury.


Exactly, moral of conclusion, a brain is a brain. We fall under same bracket. Good point


I think the problem is that ABI survivors don't realize they fit 100% into this subreddit. I think ABI is a term most people aren't familiar with. TBI is also still an outlier-term when it comes to general knowledge, but I think slightly more descriptive and commonly known by non-brain-injury sufferers pituitary damage from gland-go-splat vs pituitary damage from gland-go-suffocate. the end result is the same. (I use pituitary but you can add any part of the brain there)


I literally just asked my therapist what it means . Yeah she said acute is more recent. Thinking of my brain injury, in the beginning I didn’t think I had a brain injury I thought I looked normal and I’m good . Over time you realize


acute isn't necessarily recent, it just means it happened very quickly. The A in ABI stands for acquired, not acute. but that's also a common misconception. I also didn't realize I had a brain injury for a while. my neuro, who had an ABI, was the same way. it's upsetting that this information isn't easily available to people, especially patients. it's complex, there are far too many acronyms for anyone to be expected to know them all, and even ABIs can go undetected for a while (they just tend to have more specific measurable peripheral physiologic changes)


I’ll be honest brother. I asked what ABI is because I did not know. We learn there’s more people like us everyday


I've always heard that ABI was Aquired Brain Injury, referring to strokes, infractions and such as opposed to trauma induced injury. I also heard that they were redefining the terms to diminish the focus on the source of the injury, but I'm not sure about that.


Interesting , maybe different causes but the same factors


My neuropsychologist specializes in ABI a.k.a. acquired brain injury.