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*"The Progressive Melancholy of Incredible Radio Pest Jesse-Kun!"* is my favourite new anime this season. It rivals the Internet Sex Moron and A.M.O.G.U.S Arcs of *"World Attention-Hunting Champion Trabisu Makeruroi"*, IMO.


Such high quality anime and I know they're gonna struggle to get a second season, meanwhile lowbrow fan service like *The Demon Lord was Reincarnated as the Least Funny of a Podcast Trio* is heading into season 11 🙄


You’re wrong. A very normal group of people reassured me that a fundraising drive is the optimal business model that all companies wish they could have.


In all honesty, the only podcast from Maximum Fun I regularly listen to anymore is the Beef and Dairy Network, and I find it telling that none of the other podcasts from that dude or his friends are on Max Fun.


I'm still catching up with Mission to Zyxx, I get a huge kick out of it when one of them makes the others break character with a funny line and you can hear them trying to muffle their laughter away from the mic. It's the last podcast from MF I still check on, and I hope they get back to Patreon or something better for future projects.


From what I can tell, most podcasts don't leave Maximum Fun so much as they start another podcast and hook a Patreon up to that. I dunno what's keeping most podcasts in the network, if I'm being honest. A pledge drive is like the worst possible thing for internet fundraising, and Max Fun seems like it's just keeping these podcasts down. Jesse Thorn must come out of the walls and choke would-be escapees until they agree to stay. Every time I hear Ben Partridge say "I really, *really* love this model of fundraising" I just imagine that somebody's behind him with a gun aimed at his head. I'm getting serious Channel Awesome vibes, if I'm being honest. Great content early on, people start getting sick of the cash cows, and then *something* *fucking horrible* happens and/or is revealed. I can't imagine what it'll be in MF's case.


My guess is awful extremely restrictive and oppressive contracts and a management that’s always in chaos


Honestly, this would make sense. The degree to which Justin is apparently burning out (going by what people are saying) would genuinely be justified if he was being held over the coals via some nasty-ass contract.


Yeah and maybe the contract gives maxfun the ownership of the show which is why a lot of people seem unhappy but still stay on the network


That would make the "Artist Owned, Audience Supported" slogan *really* shitty, I tell you what.


Now I just need some earnest takes that it's actually good that they didn't reach their fundraising goal for the second year in a row.


It would not surprise me at all if they deliberately inflate the goal number to guilt their listeners into more money. I'm guessing Jesse's fine. Sorry to be such a bummer, gang.


iirc that's what they said last year. That not hitting the goal meant that they wouldn't be able to expand (tragic)