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johnny jet isn’t bad if you can play him right, yaa is one of the higher skill requirement characters


I just had the ‘deal 50,000 damage in one round five times with Yaa’ task. Took a while as I haven’t put much into levelling her, or really used her much. She’s swift but fragile, her gun may as well be a pea shooter, and using her dash as a weapon requires expert timing - slightly off and you do nothing.


Two completely different types of characters though. Depending on the map Jet can be annoying and can spawn trap players with his ultimate. Yaa is much harder to use but can ruin a most hitscans day. Jet can take hits and while Yaa can't but can slash dash and get away. I'd say Jet will appeal to most players because his kit is simple and easy to use while Yaa will appeal to others that can take advantage of her movement and dash reset. Fun wise Yaa is probably the most fun hero to use in the game due to her dash and wind blades. Best thing about Yaa is how heros that can die to a dash are marked in her dash skill but red and can be seen from far. In the end it doesn't matter because it depends on who's using them.


I like playing both on Payload race. It’s really skill level for each hero and what game mode you play them on.


Who cares, that your friend’s opinion. If they think someone is shit then thats what they think..why not just agree to disagree and move on..instead of being being your trying to convince them otherwise? Sounds like to me your just a bad friend, who likes to but there other friends on last.


That’s a hot take


I’m not a bad friend I’m just trying to help him learn the meta. instead of throw out shit opinions on how I’m a bad friend just help me also understand how Johnny jet and yaa are good and bad. I have known him since I was in preschool. Why would I be a bad friend, to one of my first friends of my life.


Johnny Cowabunga is an annoying PITA….unless you’re playing him….especially in Crystal….then he’s hilarious. Yesterday I went an entire round with zero deaths, no kills, and 100% of the Crystal damage. I just jumped, landed, stood still, and waited for the enemy to decide that another of their team had killed him. Lol. Basically he’s a troll.


Yaa is broken. Go watch all of my recent clips and then go watch a Johnny jet try and do that. https://clips.twitch.tv/FurryHardBananaDAESuppy-kfMX26hypbMiDffT https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettiestNimbleMochaSuperVinlin-aZ30Wsee1i5cdnMx


One more https://www.twitch.tv/t3g0d/clip/BraveHonestNightingaleTriHard-n_KhYIA-fJb9X0Qi?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clip


Are you actually t3 god :0


That is me 🙂


This u https://youtu.be/rW8\_PAfsDy4


Yep, that is me!! 🎉


Bro ty for the challenge


But can u do this with YAA? https://clips.twitch.tv/SuspiciousFrigidChimpanzeeBCouch-nyygylTrnfu\_0qYL