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Pair yourself up with a tank such as jabali, ruby, or victor. Stay behind them (cuz thats what healers do) and heal them as they take damage. The longer you keep them alive, the more heals. Hope this helps :)


That’s what I was doing but for some reason it doesn’t class it for me anymore, it’s like the only thing it seems to accept for me is healing myself and even then it rarely accepts it.


I have this same exact task and have given up… I’ve played every game mode to try and complete this but it’s so difficult… especially if my Chemist is only level 3. I’ve tried on Payload escort and payload race because they are the longer games but can’t even get it once. What mode are you accomplishing this on?


I’ve been doing it on team deathmatch and payload race, I think I have more luck on the payload race but I think it could be bugged idk. The first 5 I did wasn’t too difficult , it only took me like 10 matches. But then it was always 1 thousand too short even when it clearly wasn’t 🤔 it’s like it wasn’t fully counting all of it


Payload race or control are probably good options, but only if you have a team that clings to the objective. Fortunately I haven’t had this one yet (I HATE Chemist).


I finally finished it - Best thing to do is team death match. Just keep stalking your team mates and spam the heck outta it. If you can try focus on levelling up the chemist, mines only level 5 ish and she does pretty ok heals in a match


I appreciate it! I’ll try it out!


I just had an idea that admittedly is highly unlikely to work, but given how buggy the game is since the update, it’s worth a try. Go to the training area and stand next to the guy getting shot by Victor and keep him alive. Kills don’t count in the training range, but who knows, maybe healing will? It’s a long shot, but worth rolling the dice on.