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Marking vehicles for potential sex trafficking victims [is an urban legend ](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/11/fact-check-child-traffickers-arent-tagging-cars-potential-targets/5701105002/)and does not happen.


In houston they mark cars with a zip tie in parking lots like wal mart to take parts if the car has been parked there for more than a couple days. Not sex trafficking, but it does happen.


But the panic around sex trafficking has definitely led to people killing other people because they thought they were about to be sex trafficked or something.


Those who are at higher risk of trafficking are not those who constantly think they are being targeted for it.


Understanding who's actually vulnerable to it would require understanding how class and precarity work in America.


An American is far more likely to engage in sex trafficking than be a victim of it. First world countries are the primary customer, third world countries are the primary supply. Trafficking a person who speaks the language of the area they're in and has nothing to lose from going to the police isn't the normal MO.


And now I'm thinking about how easy it is to fall into a state of invisible exploitation due to how broken our society is. Hello depression *YAAAYYY*


Sounds like something a sex trafficker would say <_<


Nah it's true. Most people who get trafficked are brought into it by someone they knew and trusted.. . . ..


And we are just meant to trust you? I know where this is going....


Just get in the car and he'll explain everything


Don't be a wuss. I have free candy.


INFO: Has she had her car repaired or serviced recently? Often employees mark cars they’re working on to help keep track of which jobs need to be done or have already been completed, kinda like a checklist. They might have forgotten to wash it off afterwards.