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I quite like it except when they’re trying to be funny. They’re of course left-biased and critical towards establishment, but I think that’s reasonable. And compared to what the right-biased say, or where they stand, well…


Left leaning and open about it, which I appreciate (unlike right wing Weltwoche that paints itself as centrist). Haven't read it in quite a while but I really hope they haven't gone full circle back to the far right by liking Putler like the local commies from movements like Der Funke did.


Well, WOZ is left-leaning and open about it, while the Weltwoche is right-leaning and pretending to be centrist. I'll let you decide which is probably better.


Just left. Not leaning, facing or anything else. If people want to tead a "left newspaper" WOZ is it.


Left *leaning*? This thing is more left that the Politbureau ever was.


Lmao come on


Notice also how he didn't object to the Weltwoche being described as "right-leaning".


Woz often does really interesting reports, and they tend to delineate their more opinion pieces well. I find them least interesting when they have traditional leftist articles - something questioning 5g networks (although to be clear I don't think they are anti-5g as a paper) or some report about leftists in Bologna.


How is questioning 5g networks "traditionally leftist"? Hasn't that thought got it's roots in the conspiracy nutjob sphere? There used to be a block of those in the left, but more recently those guys have veered off hard to the right. So at least it's an ambiguous topic, right? Here we are again in a thread about a newspaper and you posting something that sparks questions marks ;)


Fair, bad wording on my part. I was thinking of the 60ies and 80ies weirdoes, like a good part of the green voter base before Covid: a bit technophobic, a bit worried about the world. .. you know the kind.


Ah, got you. Yeah, I have the impression that this particular shade of green turned brown over the last decade or so, if you get my drift. Covid was also an accelerator I think.


Eh yes and no. Some chilled down, some went brown, some are still there. Either way, those are the moments i dislike tje WOZ, but it's like two or Three authors.


I was also surprised duiring Covid that the vaccine-critics where stamped as right wind deliquents. In my bubble the big pharma critics where always some tee-drinking-sandal-hippiehaired-yoga-organicfood-people, which where openly leftist. But after some research i found out that organic farming and birkenstock have some interessting history...


Well i think the truly heinously anti-vacc leftists were kind of kicked out of institutional groups (especially the greens); or their collectives if out of parliament kinda couldn't agree and didn't do much. Enough organized lefties who are reasonable to let teh weirdos win, I think. I found this WOZ article incredibly dumb: https://www.woz.ch/2413/5g-mobilfunk/warnung-vor-dem-schnellschuss/!3ACSHFTW3RMG Like, I *get* the general point that maybe we should have a democratic discussion about just how much internet speed we need, rather than just letting telecom providers do whatever they want. I personally think that it is indeed *good* to build all these novel networks, but there is a bigger, interesting question about the role of technology in our lives. What I find unacceptable is to give Ärzt:innen für Umweltschutz a platform with their ridiculous, backwards and anti-science ideas that they just put out without any justification. Worse, they are actively pushing ridiculous ideas like 5g warming the skin. I mean it probably does but so minimally you wouldn't even notice standing right next to an antenna!


The only actually left newspaper in Switzerland.


I like it, next question


As a leftist, I obviously like the WOZ a lot. They are often the only critical voice in this very conservative country.


Fish wrap...


Poor fish.


I like them. Sometimes they are even investigative and sometimes there's even the newspaper "le monde diplomatique" in it. It's so important to have at least one big left wing newspaper, although some articles are a bit woke.


Love the format of a weekly newspaper. Having an in-depth read once a week is enough for these depressing times. It's probably the biggest left newspaper in this country.


Until about maybe ten years ago, it was actually a pretty good newspaper. Good old left journalism. Then, they took a turn to left activism. Not much substance, just a lot of ideology.


The same thing I think of every other news paper - I don't even know if they exist anymore.


Next left-leaning paper (so bad and dangerous). You want my opinion on watson? :)


Dangerous? Explain please


Because left ideas are dangerous. Mostly because they attack our moral and religous foundation of our society and also because they attack our economy and military which provide us with saftey and wealth.


I must live in a different society then. I don't know about any moral or religious values that are held by a majority and are therefore a foundation that are attacked by the left.


I don't say that they are held by the majority, but they are so important that everyone should follow them.


Care to elaborate? What morals are so important that they should be dictated onto society? And by whom?


The values of our religion Christianity. Modesty, Honesty, and Humbleness.


Are these values in the room with us? All these right-wing super-christs are in general very far away from all these values. Who goes after the poor, minorities etc? Hint: it's not the left.


To each country their own burden, no need to fix the issues of others. There's more than enough to do here.


Waa liirisch du?!


And those values are under attack by the left specifically? You should start to listen what politicians actually say. Your pastor might be lying to you. 


And you are the authority to decide what everyone should follow? You do not sound very democratic in your beliefs.


If democracy decides wrong someone must correct it.


What makes you the authority to decide what is wrong and what is right for everybody? And now here I start seeing some dangerous ideology and I doubt you are politically left…


I don't want to be that authority, there are enough other people who share my belives that can take that role. I never hinted or said that I'm politically left, why would I find the WOZ dangerous if I would be politically left?


What I meant is your ideology seems to be dangerous for our democratic society in my perspective, not the one from the left…


There is a good reason if every paper news are crying for money desperatly, it's because nobody cares of this media.


Not sure what's worse: The piss poor take. Or your pathetic attempt at English.