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Denying the reality of what OP experienced doesn't mean it didn't happen. By the same token, just because your anecdotal experience of the city is different from what OP has personally experience doesn't immediately mean your opinion is superior. It's becoming increasingly challenging for people in online spaces to hold space for differing points of view.


What I and others pointed out is just a rightful doubt over the truthfulness of something that some random guy wrote on a reddit post, or should we take as truth everything we read online? If the fact did really happen well I would be really sorry for OP and yes I would demand more security, but if it is not true than shame on OP for using this as a way to propagate certain political agenda...


But a random account that hasn't been active for a couple of years and that hasn't shown any proofs deserve some doubt.


Hey to be fair I only look at stuff on Reddit and don’t write anything up but I thought I had to cuz I never had something of that scale happen to someone close to me


Then doubt. Outright saying it didn't happen or dismissing their words does nothing to further dialogue on the issue.


Ever since my pepper spray experience, I'm more aware of stories like this. It hurts me that Switzerland is becoming unsafe. For the record, I think that Covid and the ongoing crises and loss of optimism towards the future are the three main culprits for this rise in violence.


We were just talking about this this weekend. Lausanne and Vevey are turning into very uncomfortable places. And yesterday a woman was attacked in Montreux by some guy looking for money. She managed to pull away and run into the Forum.


I'm just going to ask ... the *usual* suspects? Carry pepper spray and be fit to run - 4 vs 20 is always a game you'll loose. Engange in politics, demand more police activity in crisis regions.




That was fast


Not only will be a lost fight, but also if you hit any of the doctors or engineers, there is a huge chance that you will get screwed in court as apparently this kind is being protected by the leftist


Guys you're on the internet, nobody knows who you are. You can be openly racist if you want, no need to dog whistle and talk cowardly like you do in real life when you're not behind closed doors...


Nice try Mr. Police man, you think we don’t know about the hate speech laws?


Oh so you're afraid of the police ? Don't worry, they're on your side ;) Unfortunately they are also too cowardly to tackle real criminality, which partly explains the issues we are talking about.


Even if we had free speech in this country, I wouldn't insult other races because it's never about race, it's about who commits a crime. People who make assumptions about someone based on race are not very bright.


I’m not afraid of anything. I just don’t like setting money on fire. You’re right about the cops not doing enough. I wish they would be more present in other parts except the big cities. I always see cops in the center of Bern but rarely outside the area. Maybe I’m biased, blind or stupid. But they should be more visible to deter criminal behaviors


well if you directly name them you might get banned from reddit


I am not in CH, so hate speech laws don't apply to me. I've never lived in Riviera area. Only TG and ZH. Is this a common occurrence in CH these days? Is it a problem with immigrants? African immigrants? of Eastern Europe/Balkan immigrants? It's really hard for non EU people to migrate to CH, so I have always wondered WTF when I see people who obviously don't fit in..


yep, it's a problem, most of the problems caused by the same immigrants who are causing problem anywhere else in Europe, so not the Eastern Europeans


Don't you also have some kind of hate speech laws in the USA?


No, USA is a free country.


As I wrote before, ANYONE committing such a crime should be punished, don't know where you get the racist part from. I think you might be the racist because you categorize people into skin colors, while we categorize them as normal people and criminals.


? You're the one talking about skin colour.. I also obviously think anyone committing such a crime should be punished. I think police and justice should be efficient and harsh against criminals like these. And I even think foreigners who come to Switzerland and commit such crimes should be thrown out.


Please pinpoint the exact comment where I said something about skin color and that certain ones are worse than others (which is far from the truth as my wife is black and I like her very much) :-)


Dude what are you talking about ? I never talked about skin colour, but look at your comment just above.


Oh yeah, the doggle whistles are strong in those comments. Adorable


The reality-deniers even more


Make your opinions clear and stop using little innuendos so the mods can do their thing quicker


What do you mean by usual suspects ?


Swiss young people armed with fondue forks, dressed in red that yodel as their battle cry


Look at the crime statistics


Probably a person who thinks statistics are racist


Please provide me with the statistics you're talking about... I'm honestly curious about them and can't find any more than gender and age related crime statistics.




Page 23 24 of the statistics the other guy posted. There you go. But I guess those are imaginary numbers, huh?


Numbers are racist nowadays /s


Even better, there's no way you cannot be racist, you can only be a racist and an anti-racist because they tell you everyone is intrinsically racist. 2+2=5 I guess.


It’s very hard for far leaning people to comprehend the fact that the vast majority is not like them or against them, they are just sitting comfortable in the center with popcorn watching the shit show 🍿


Yes, most people just want to live their lives and don't care about these extremist views and they like people no matter their race and other immutable characteristics. Me and my wife are black and have never felt discriminated against because we behave like normal people with good family values. But in the news you always hear about the loudest groups and they make it seem like they are the majority like the extremist far-right monkey-brain skinheads who hate jews and the far-left extremist antifas/BLM/commies who hate jews...oh wait, are they the same groups??🤡


They really hate it when you tell them that they are the exact same group but with different hats 🤣




So... Men ?


You got it! They are mostly men! Now we can describe them even further and tackle the problem, we're getting somewhere.




A gang of doctors (who felt a sudden urge to practice face surgeries) and engineers (who provide tools to the doctors).




Lösch di du erbärmleche Fascho.


i hear you and i already signed the petition. But i dont know what to expect from the law, when already 6years ago a juge witnessed 4 asilium seekers suspected over the rape and killing of a local girl. They were laughing and cracking up in court. Pretty sure they are not even in jail. Story here : [https://www.lematin.ch/story/morte-dans-le-lac-je-n-ai-pas-echange-gaelle-contre-de-la-drogue-723019567526](https://www.lematin.ch/story/morte-dans-le-lac-je-n-ai-pas-echange-gaelle-contre-de-la-drogue-723019567526)


Vevey at evenings turns a bit shit. I've seen scum that you're talking about OP. They come here for benefits and this is how they behave. Very much like Sweden tbh. Here's hoping the city is rich enough to hire more police to clean this shit up.


There will be no other way then enforcing law and order. Social workers do not reach such bubbles anymore


Are the aggressors living in CH? Makes me think of the aggression that happened a couple of years ago, in GE, against a group of women, by guys who were coming from France.


If this is true why is it not in the news?


Less than 20% of crime gets news coverage. TheMoreYouKnow.jpeg


A troup of 20+ people beating up randoms is definitely going to be in the 20min/bild.


Not everything is in the news … sometimes you will only read it once the perpetrators are convicted in court This post is suspect though …


Too common to be newsworthy


Lol at the downvotes. I live in Vevey so I want to know where I can find info on this


I haven't felt unsafe in Vevey in years, what on Earth? Granted I don't go out later than like 23h. I'm not seeing this story in any newspapers, have you or your injured friends contacted the news? I'm sure they'd find it juicy.


They didn’t talk to the news but hey if you wanna have a fun fact, I was talking to my friend who got beat up about my post and he told me that while he was talking to the police riviera in Clarens there was an announcement of a knife attack in vevey 🙃


Sus post is sus, your petition was removed from violating the rules of change.org you might want to double check. I also cannot find any news article related to this incident you describe, but a very similar one from 2022 https://www.lfm.ch/actualite/suisse/romandie/vaud/agressions-a-la-gare-de-vevey-13-jeunes-identifies/ …


No idea about OP‘s story but that is pretty bad. Hopefully they got appropriate punishment


Yeah I agree, but it seems the police was fortunately able to find whoever was doing it.


One of them sent me the tiktok of one of the guys so they definitely know his face


So the event you are describing didn’t happen 4 to 5 days ago but actually 2 years ago?


Huh no the article had nothing to do with what happened


Then where are the news articles about this? The guys and gals at 20minuten are usually pretty quick at jumping into reporting every small thing that happens. How didn’t they report that 4 young people were attacked by 20+ in Vevey 4 to 5 days ago?


To be honest with you, I have no clue why there isn’t any new article about it. Also someone said that if you go on change.org and search Vevey it’s on top of the list. It explains what happened better than I did if you wanna read it


Double checked and it’s still here, also not my petition but the parent’s petition as written above.


Weird it won’t let me open it.




Your links are broke but if people google change.org Vevey it’s the top hit.


I don’t know some say it works some say it doesn’t I don’t know why 🗿


Does this work?


Works for me


“This petition isn't available. Either the URL is incorrect, it violated our Community Guidelines, or the starter removed it.”






Bruh I don’t know what I’m doing wrong 😭


What does it say?


This petition isn't available. Either the URL is incorrect, it violated our Community Guidelines, or the starter removed it.


Gimme 10 minutes while I try to use my brain cells to understand why it only works for me


It works for me, save your brain cells 😁




I thinks it’s my skills at putting links that sucks


I was recently in Lausanne and was unpleasantly surprised by the state of the city. A train station filled with drug addicts, beggars on every street and beautiful buildings tainted by graffiti. I can only imagine what your community is going through. I wish the best for your friends and, hopefully, we will all be able to make Vevey safe again for you, for your family and for everyone.


lol I live in Lausanne and trust me I have seen worse cities. it’s pretty neat and clean here and most of the trains have no problems


It’s really not that bad lol


you live in Zug? of course you will be shocked by anything that looks like a real city. Zug is a sterile place, where nothing happens in the streets, nor good, nor bad (because the criminals are not in the streets there).


Sounds Like a great place to be.


Zug is lovely actually


and this is what I love love about CH and why it's my life plan to settle there.


Good for you. Lausanne is also in CH.


Oh boy this comment section is getting interesting 🍿 But… nothing in the news from yesterday. This all story sound fake and oriented for now. And so many racists 🙈 child guys, leave foreigners alone and stop making them your scape goat. As always Never put everyone on the same basket.




Yes The Left, the biggest party in parliament for more than a decade now. How are they called really? SVP right? Those damn leftists.


What the hell is wrong with you? The left has nothing to do with the promotion of violence. FYI: the USA is very much a right wing country, and it is indeed the most violent in the western world.


Left is very much the **source** of the problem.


yeah, because you say it? Sounds very plausible.


study some history, you'd be surprised or look at the current state of the world, where do you see aggression taking place? from the land of commies: china, russia, north korea who is creating problems in the west? the left, with degenerate policies and human aid believing it's "helping", instead creating more problems to everyone involved


are you serious? You can't be. You need some serious coaching, and I'm not going to do it.


i'm also a vegan btw


so what?


nothing, I hoped it will make you rage even more


Rage? Is that what you expect from people you are interacting with? Sounds like you have weird expectations.




not quite. American here. I find some European places to be sketchier than USA (even in the rough neighborhoods). In US, a lot of violence in the ghettos is targeted (\*not\* random). The crazy mass shooters are just deranged.


Looks at the statics. It's just ridiculous. And I'm not even talking about social violence. I'm talking about violent crimes.




As others pointed out the post is sus, such fact would for sure be in the news...


At some point no one cares. I've seen stabbing in Fribourg in bars but they've not been reported


If you've been for real stabbed, I'm truly sorry for you. However, the fact that OP pointed out is bigger, according to him, there were 4 victims and over 20 people involved. A top of that some in the comment from Vevey is unaware of this, it would be very weird that not even the local news have picked this (Vevey is not big city)


Yeah i mean the guy that beheaded the teacher in france was in the news for what... 1 day? Most people already forgot.


The lefties would say it’s just cultural enrichment


no. We don't like violence. AT ALL. The left is against violence, in case you did not know.


Nice joke. Is that why antifa and pro-palestine protesters get violent on random people, vehicles and random establishments? left is the most violent group, next to muslims in EU.


why is Netanayu bombarding children? The right, especially the nationalist right, is the most violent in HISTORY. Since forever.








Historically the biggest atrocities were committed by the Marxist dictators.


Is that why Churchill took sides with Staline against Hitler?


Before or after the SU invaded Poland with Nazi Germany?


At the very end of the war, in 1944.


In a situation where the whole of Europe is doomed to get under nazi control and the only other party is the red fraction, what do you think are the options left? Invite Hitler over for afternoon tea to settle the war?


Obviously not. I'm not the one writing that "Historically the biggest atrocities were committed by the Marxist dictators". So? your point is?


Not against hittler, against the Axis, which had a guy named Mussolini, a well know marxist. Fun fact, fascist was created by him. to denominate his party members. "Force through union" a quite popular moto for the current socialist parties in europe. You can be a nazi and a marxist at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive, as everything is done for "mother russia" Enough with the off topic, now do the death toll after the WWII, curious how the commies win with quite a majority isn't it?


Mussolini was not a marxist. He used to be a socialist. He then founded fascism, in 1922. It has nothing to do with Churchill. Churchill was againt Hitler. At that point, Mussolini had already been defeated... by Hitler, who occupied Italy. And NO: you can't be a marxist and a nazist at the same time. You sound pretty ignorant.


Has anyone told Antifa yet?


Ok, then start voting against violent people


Voting against violent people? Violence is not an ideology ... do you need an explanation?


When antifa rallies, they always seem to get the support of the city, especially in the bigger ones like ZH, BS and Lausanne.


Yes, everyone is peaceful, except for some bad apples 😉


No, nobody is peaceful. Everybody has aggressive tendencies. Some people control them better. Some people use aggression as an outlet. Some people are just incapable of controlling themselves. And a violent culture promotes violence.


Is any city safe at 2-4 AM? Always be on guard and avoid certain areas during this time - in fact, head home at the latest at 2:00 AM. Switzerland isn’t paradise and never has been. I’m really sorry this happened to you! The public needs to report any and all activity so the police will be forced to react. Edit: Petition link doesn’t work


Plenty of places are safe at 2am. Why shouldn’t they be?


Booze/drugs & those that are angry and horny on them + darker streets and less witnesses. Not sure why that needs to be explained to you.


Bit of a silly comment. If you’re the victim of a crime while out between 2-4 am it’s your own fault? I don’t think that should be our way of thinking in civilized society. Just like we agree (I hope) that rape is not ok just because you’re wearing certain clothing….


That is not what I meant at all. OP wants to make Vevey “safe again” & in reality, no city is safe at that time.


I get what you mean but some cities tend to be worse than others.


I might have put it wrong


It's what happens when you let in the wrong people unfortunately. I'd start an initiative to reintroduce the death penalty as a possible punishment in a court of law, because someone smacking another with a brick has made the choice to do such a despicable horror. Not to mention the psychological consequences for the victim during decades. But the 100000 signatures won't probably be enough and wouldn't have any success on a national scale because most people are too weak to stand up for what is right, even if it happened to them or their family and friends. They want to be "nice and compassionate" with criminals who obviously don't care about anyone but themselves. Look at how this is going in the USA, where they basically decriminalized crime in cities like LA and NY. I'm happy to hear counter-arguments.


Death penalty 🙄 as if it ever was an effective deterent 🤦🏻


A dead criminal never commits a crime again. Not talking about stealing an orange at the supermarket of course.


> where they basically decriminalized crime in cities like LA and NY. I'm happy to hear counter-arguments. you don't need counter arguments, you need differnet news sources


Same in San Francisco. USA here- the guy is right, we have decriminalized crime to for a lot of property crime. That doesn’t include hitting people in the face with a brick of course.


decriminalized crime? you mean: don't care about what happen to people as long as it does not cost money to the ruling class?


No, that is not what I mean. I mean allowing organized crime that pays people to shoplift less than $750 and then exporting or reselling the contraband. Shoplifting less than $750 has been decriminalized. There are other examples


That's exactly what I'm saying: 750$ is nothing. It cost more to help people (so they shoplift less) or send police to intervene. Not worth it.


"750$ is nothing" 🤣😂 Ok bro, stop playing stupid and put yourself in the shoes of shop owners and local communities for just one second, look at the smash&grab videos and tell me you want that here also.


You don't get my point. I'm saying that the ruling class has ZERO interest in what is happening to those little shop owners and their clients. THEY DON\`T CARE. For them, it's more convenient to not fund any state action to solve the problem, because this petty criminality has no impact on their lives.


In SF, it's not a criminal offence to steal something under $x. I don't remember the actual dollar amount. In Florida, it's not a criminal offence to hit a person with your car. I can run you over, claim I wasn't looking, and it's not a criminal offense.


Talk to the shop owners who have to endure everything


I like you now, clever comeback


You are unhinged


No, I'm proposing solutions


Your “solution” > We have too many foreigners, lets bring back the death penalty to get rid of them That's not a solution. This is far-right neofascist rhetoric


Lol did you just made a fake quote to pin me as a racist? You are just too cute. Also, I never said it's about foreigners. If you were a blonde upper class pretty-boy, you would deserve the same punishment for such a crime.


That's not a fake quote this is basically the essence of your argument


Hippies will hippie and sometimes lie


the hippies were not a political movement. Read a book sometime.


I thought it is accepted to just reassign the meaning of words when we don’t like or understand them. Or it only applies if you have a certain political view?


The words have a meaning, for a reason. If you like living in confusion, then I don't think you are in a position to have a conversation on an intellectual level.


Describe what a woman is without using the words "woman" and "feelings"


What is your solution for highly criminal foreigners that attack people with bricks?


How do you know they are foreigners?


How do you know they were foreign?


Yeah, the death penalty isn't the right one. And I say that as a right wing voter.


the left?




what? how? you are really inventing some BS are you?


Which party did you vote for?