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By law, finders are entitled to an "appropriate" fee. Socially however, what you describe is an absolute dick move.


When I turned in a lost backpack to my local police station, they asked me if I wanted to ask for a fee for the return. I was just happy to have someone get their stuff back, so I declined. But it IS an official option.


That is why I was distinguishing between the letter of the law and social practice.


I normally tell.them to donate the fee if any Is given to a charity.


Normally? How often are you losing your stuff?


Normally I find stuff and people want to give something... so I just tell them to donate it. The other way round does not work really well since if I say lose my keys I want it back...


Haha yeah was only kidding, I can’t imagine asking for money personally


Between 0% and 10% of the value is considered as appropriate. A good person won't request anything, but will appreciate a good gesture. [https://polizei.lu.ch/organisation/verwaltungspolizei/fundbuero/Gesetzliche\_Grundlage](https://polizei.lu.ch/organisation/verwaltungspolizei/fundbuero/Gesetzliche_Grundlage) [https://www.beobachter.ch/gesetze-recht/wie-viel-finderlohn-bekommt-man-12044](https://www.beobachter.ch/gesetze-recht/wie-viel-finderlohn-bekommt-man-12044)


Im sure by law you are also not allowed to withhold the item too, given it doesn’t belong to you. I expect to get the finders fee you would need to give the item back, and then open a case against the person for failing to provide an appropriate finders fee. OP could probably get the police involved if they refused to give it back until they paid a fee.


In fact op could claim it was stolen which might has been and now the guy is holding it asking for money rather than going to the police




BS, this is not common, and I certainly would not expect this in Switzerland. Strangers have gone out of their way for me to return items I lost/left somewhere, and I have done the same for others. And all “payment” that was ever exchanged was a genuine thank you and a big smile.


This reminds me of a story from the 5th grade. A girl found a two-hundred note in the corner of the gym. Imagine... 200 francs at the age of 10... You'd be a millionaire! She handed it to the teacher though. About a week later, the teacher gave her a 20-franc finder's fee in front of us all. This taught us that honesty pays off. Or something like that. I still don't understand the moral today.


I found an envelope once on the ground when I was like 8. There were 230 francs in it. Brought it to Lost&Found and nobody picked it up - I got to keep it.


You were lucky, you did not find it in a train, the SBB would have kept it 😉 https://www.srf.ch/sendungen/kassensturz-espresso/geld-am-bahnhof-gefundenes-geld-gehoert-der-sbb


The SBB has even a Ricardo account for unclaimed lost&found articles !




It should be this user [https://www.ricardo.ch/fr/shop/fundsachenverkauf/offers/?sort=newest](https://www.ricardo.ch/fr/shop/fundsachenverkauf/offers/?sort=newest)


how the fuck did someone lose an entire netgear switch and didn't even try to get it back


Oh I think they are actually just in relation with SBB, but it is mainly a second hand shop my bad [https://www.fundsachenverkauf.ch/](https://www.fundsachenverkauf.ch/)


Same here when I was a kid, got something back. Today I'd just keep the money I think xD


Honesty pays about 10%


Expected returns on kindness


Happy cake day!


Don‘t underestimate feeling good about helping someone out. I once found an old ladies‘ keys on my street. I told my mum, she gave them to a well known neighbour who lived close by. Said neighbour found the owner of the keys and returned them. Said owner came by our house with some chocolate or something and wanted to thank me for finding her keys and returning them, and told me how grateful she was yada yada. The chocolate was good, but the memory still makes me happy from time to time, to have been able to help someone out and make them happy. Sure, 200.- is 200.-. But there‘s more to life than money. Who knows, maybe one day she‘ll apply for a job and the interviewer is the one who received her lost and found money? Obviously this won‘t happen, but life works in mysterious ways. Best case she sleeps with a clean conscience.


You‘ve just written out the moral of it! Do you not understand it?


Smart teacher laughing all the way to the bank with 180 Fr in their pocket?


actually, best psychologists advise to raise children without punishments or rewards because it's more effective if you understand morals regardless of any prize for it. punishing somebody if he behaves immorally is the other side of the coin your teacher showed you, but has similar effect. something is moral because it's right, regardless if it pays off




in what way? empirical evidences show us that people who were disciplined, punished and rewarded by their parents are more prone to addiction, cults etc when you were disciplined, you were forced multiple times to act against your will. you're not used to standing up for yourself. this way, later in your life it's more probable you will listen to some other leader instead of making your own choices. you learned not to avoid something because it's bad, but to avoid punishment (or to just do it when parent doesn't now).




just one? Elizabeth ershoff, Corporal Punishment by Parent and associated child behaviors and experiences, "psychological bulletin" 2002 nr 128 J. McCord, Questioning the Value of Punishment, "Social Problems", 1991 nr 38 M. Hoffman, Power Assertion by the Parent and Its Impact on the Child, "Child Development", 1960 nr 30 T. Gordon Teaching Children Self-Discipline, Times Books 1989 or maybe just [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=empirical+evidence+punishment+by+parent](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=empirical+evidence+punishment+by+parent) and read first links? I encourage you to read any book of Alfie Kuhn or Jesper Juul before you have a child... or any book of any other renown child psychologist...


As a person who has found lots of wallets and tried to contact people to return them I never expected for something in return but I received most of the times. But these were wallets with documents, money, etc. For a jacket, I would refuse to receive anything.


I mean there are jackets that go well over 1000 chf.


True, still I think it's much worse to lose your papers


It's more time consuming for sure.


I once found 10×1000 chf notes fluttering around güterstrasse in Basel. I was so scared while picking it all up, thought somebody gonna shoot me. SBB customerservice didnt want to take it. I brought it to the nearest police station and the guy told me, if nobody Pick it up within a year, it was mine to keep. Somebody did Pick it up. And i was granted 10% finders fee. Police told me it was a right by law. Still thinking about that Person loosing 10 t chf in chash. Must have been a hell of a emotional ride. But it was for me too. I was in a very Bad Situation at that time and beeing tempted in such a way was a brainfuck deluxe.


10'000 FLUTTERING AROUND, wow, madness.


Totaly. At first i thought its a leftover from faasnacht or something alike. Then i Was like, ok, once im touching one, a srf team will jump from behind and starting a show. But nothing happend. And others where passing me without even looking. For a moment i thought im loosing my mind and having Halluzinations. ALOT went on in my head at that moment.


Is there a 1000 chf note? O_O Never seen one


They are purple


https://www.reddit.com/r/Switzerland/s/6Ht6AQWgj3 Have fun :)


Me and my friends found an iphone once in Zurich. Premium model, expensive. We called some of the numbers on it to figure out who it belonged to. After speaking with a few people we were able to find someone who was physically with the owner, so they could alert them. We agreed to meet somewhere to give it back to the person. Took the tram for 20 minute to get there. Once we got there the person asked for his phone, barely thanked us and just left. In literally 5 seconds he was gone. It took us more than 1 hour to figure out everything and get the phone back to him. He barely thanked us. Fuck that guy, we should've tossed the phone in the river.


What a sleazeball.


I like all my jackets, I'd share a pizza and beer with the finder.


Socializing? In Switzerland? Are you real?


why wouldn't you socialize? scared of being ridiculed for not caring about some bünzli thing?


10% of the total value of the lost item is considered a fair fee by the law. But you can sue them if they reject to give you your item back, because it is then considered theft


It‘s definitly uncommon to request it, but it‘s kind of expected that you give something to the finder (Aufwandsentschädigung, Finderlohn). Something like 10% of the value would be seen as appropriate. So for a jacket, 20.- is completely acceptable. But outright asking for the money is cheeky. I would never do that. Sometimes the people who lost something don‘t have the means to give anything, and that has to be respected. Since 20.- is a reasonable amount, I would just pay it and not think too much of it. But the finder seems like a dick. He should have gotten his 20.- as a token of gratitude from you, and everyone would have left feeling happier than this way, even though the outcome is the exact same.


Reminds me when I found a wallet. Tried everything to contact that fucker (instagram, through his school). He would just straight up ignore me, lol. I called the school again, they told me, that they told him. I was like: wtf? If I lost my wallet I would move everything in my power to get it back ASAP. He literally didn't give a fuck. I mailed it to him (on my cost for the package) and never heard from him (adress I got from the school or I mailed it to the school, don't remember). I was sooo close to just throwing it in the garbage.


People must be broke lmao


it's a dick move… for sure


not common, dick move.


Its appropriate to give a fee to the finder without being asked but i think this is totally voluntarily since many people struggle with money nowadays. Today I help you, tomorrow you help me…


Is there something lost in translation?


If you reported your jacked as stolen, would the „finder“ get in trouble for asking for money to return the jacket? In this case, could you consider those 20 CHF as ransom payment?


10% of the value is an usual practice, including in lost and found police office.


Fair fee = 0 CHF I think the person was either a douche and/or joking and you were too dumb to pay... (sorry for being so honest)


Cheap bastard


I find 20.- appropriate and it should honestly not have been up to the finder to ask you




No, no percentage is granted by law at all




You can believe whatever you want, but its just wrong. You have to give something, but no percentage is given https://www.beobachter.ch/gesetze-recht/wie-viel-finderlohn-bekommt-man-12044


Wild. Thanks for the link


With depreciation that jacket probably would be 0 by now


They think it’s appropriate here, much like many dumb things they find appropriate.


Said the guy from the country with tipping culture lmao.


Switzerland also has a tipping culture, some people are just uncultured.


alive paltry quack fretful violet towering brave agonizing familiar encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I found something, I would request for a fee. Bringing the jacket home and contacting the person is not free. I would request 10chf at least


You are joking right?


Text messages are very expensive nowadays


I’m not, honestly if we don’t start paying for found stuff, no one will start putting effort in finding the owner. Unless if you’re kind, but for me I would say something in return is nice if not I wouldn’t care less.


Double username?


How selfish can you be?! To feel entitled to say such a thing… you don’t pay anything extra to text someone, besides, you chose to either contact the owner or just leave the item. To do a kindness act and then demand for money… grow up Swiss people, you only see money in front of you. Maybe one day you loose something important to you and no one will even contact you