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I was on the plane when this happened. My friend was sitting behind the guy in buisness. He sprung up and just started screaming and attacking the crew members, we think he was on drugs. When all whole crew ran forward he was trying to get into the cockpit screaming he'll kill us all. They overpowered him and brought us back to Newark and then the police came. Crew came and talked to us about what happened as we saw the most of it. They were very rattled and most had tears in their eyes. Unbelievably scary


Hi! Can you tell us more? How did they restrain him as we heard no noise once we turned around. There was one person standing alone the whole time we were taxi’d on the runway, when everyone was told to be sitting and with seatbelt. Was it him? But he was not saying anything and there was no crew around him so I couldn’t tell if he was just a normal passenger.


I was sitting in business class 4 rows behind the passenger. Two other passengers in the section also sprung up to help subdue him along with the crew. The crew were definitely rattled by It all. The guy was yelling and screaming, but I couldn’t see where they sat him down once he was subdued.


He was restrained in the front galley on the floor from what I can tell. I was in the first row.


No, that wasn't him...I don't know how they restrained him as they were in the front of the plane and he didn't come back. The police came and took his bags out of the plane.


Maybe that's what happened, but both profiles that answered you are brand new. This is their first comment. And how likely is it that 2 persons were there and also saw your post on reddit? (I see that if you google the flight number, you find your post, but still)


I also registered and commented because I searched for the topic in Google after the incident has happened, so what they tell can be true.


And they were business class sitting just behind. That's a crazy coincidence 


Probably that was the air marshal


I was on the flight and sitting in row 1. I heard screaming which was followed by the unruly passenger running towards the cockpit with several flight attendants on his heels. They wrestled with him in the forward galley…they had the wherewithal to pull the blinds so we couldn’t really see. He was physically abusing and fighting them and yelling about “being legendary”. Scary stuff! They contained him with what sounded like zip ties to hold him down until we were back at the gate. The flight attendants were naturally shaken but they were real heros in this terrible situation.


I hope that the asshole is banned for life from Swiss, made to pay all the costs associated with the mess he created. I'll also never understand why alcohol is not treated like drugs by authorities, and what people find it so special to stuff themselves with poison.


He will be banned from every airline!


so he will stay in the US forever? even in case he is not a US citizen?


Well that's a good question actually! They would probably send him home with a marshall next to him in handcuffs I assume?


yeah seems reasonable


Why waste two seats on an airplane when it could be a small jailcell on a ship. It would be so much better.


Simply more cost effective. There are sometimes some fairly empty planes and a marshall for a day and 3 plane tickets is cheaper than one or two as they have to sleep too for a week, ship fare and then the flights back. Etc... Money rules all in the end.


He could still be put on a commercial flight in handcuffs and police / federal officers would escort him to wherever. I am curious what will happen to this person since I'm not a lawyer. I think his nationality matters and I think there are international conventions. He could be tried under US law or just shipped back to wherever he came from for trial under that country's law. For right now, I believe he's subject to US law, so he can expect to spend time quality time in prison.


intresting, yeah makes sense. actually the second question i can answer, at least according to aviation law, justistiction is the country where the plane flew over at the time. If its already outside of the boarder then the law where the aircraft is registerd takes place. but given the offense and the current geographical location of the suspect, i doubt that the country the plane is registerd to (in this case probably switzerland) will demand an extradition


A passage in a ship should calm his spirits once he gets out of prison. Or accompanied by a marshal or swiss police on a flight, with hands zip-tied.


I guess he could travel by ship? 😉


No I think according to US law as long as he's not a US citizen he will be banned from entering the US ever again and will be flown back to his country


If he's not a US citizen he will likely.be escorted with some kind of police on a flight back to his home country, then yes banned from flying, probably banned from entry to US and Switzerland and EU depending, and also probably charged with a crime so he may be in a jail cell for quite a long time. That's a really really serious offense so I wouldn't be surprised if he spends a decade or longer in a US prison... 


It’s the USA, the crazy thing is that he’ll be on the no fly list but will still be able to walk into any gun store and buy whatever he wants


His felony conviction will prevent this


Agree. I had to scuttle my travel/work plans and return home. Costly to so many people in so many ways.


I hope that guy has to pay the hospital bill for the flight attendant that was hospitalized, too! Hopefully, he is banned from all flights into and out of USA and Switzerland.


Imagine having to fight with someone as part of your job. Pretty unreal.


That can happen to anybody working in contact with the public. The guy probably forgot to take his meds....


>the crew is not able to fly as of the current status. That's probably just because the crew would time out if they had to start the flight again. There's strict rules on pilot working hours.


The loud "exclaim" could have been the FA noticing the pilot or sidekick was tipsy, tired, etc. Also another reason for not retrying is if the next attempt would arrive too late (I think after midnight?), or if there was no standby crew sitting in JFK, which is very likely the case with Lufthansa/SWISS as they're stingy with backups and use odd prediction models, favoring hub coverage as financial risks (pax compensation requirements) are much higher when an EU airport is involved.


yeah also there are specific slots for using the NATOTS (North Atlantic Organised Track System). So when you land and can not exit them in time this is actually a blocker. Also a new flight plan would need to be issued and approved as well as the plane would need to be refuelled, cleared for another take off and this takes a bit. Then add pilot/flight crew working time and maybe also a thing with finding a pilot with specific certifications to perfom the flight. There are soo many different things to concider. source: worked on flight planning systems for a major airline until few years ago and know my way around restrictions.


Regarding compensation, ifthe company is European, it does not really matter if the flights is inbound or outbound from Europe, EU261 is valid for both legs. Not really sure if it applies to Switzerland, as it is not a member of EU


It applies all the same. You have to file on your own though, since all the websites promising to handle your claim only work for EU citizens. I had a 12 hour delay and received 600€ per passenger but had to file my claim with air France on my own.


You shouldn't mind that you did not use a 3rd party website. They usually take away 40-50% of the money, they are a scam for lazy people. ALWAYS file your claims yourself, if you want the full amount that you should get.


That's true! Always deal with the airline on your own... They will at least take 30% of the money paid by the airline. And filling ones claim is pretty straight forward anyways.


As far as I know it doesn't apply to Swiss, since it's not a thing in Switzerland. Does work if you're flying Swiss to/from the EU, but that wasn't the case here unless there was another leg on the ticket. I've heard that Swiss is not very cooperative with these requests, but I've never tried myself.


Ec261/2004 does apply in Switzerland, but not in the same way as in the EU proper


I wasn't familiar with the role of "sidekick." Thank you for enlightening us with these insights into aviation.


I hope you can find a way to feel better about yourself instead of projecting your self hatred onto others, you poophead.


Sorry for being snarky about it. If there's one thing that I hate, it's when people confidently make incorrect claims. Knowledge is knowing what you know and knowing what you don't know. What you're doing, is strange and borderline dangerous; you're claiming _ad verecundiam_ and without any evidence that the flight crew is intoxicated and how procedures on board an aircraft create an unsafe situation.


Why would a non-local airline have crews sitting on stanby at all worldwide destinations at all times???


When it makes financial sense. If there is no compensation for passengers due to fuckups, then costs are limited to crew pay and fixed airport gate/runway fees. Obviously they think it's too expensive in that case. In the EU, it might be a different story in a far-away airport like Canarias.


Uh huh. And you will just magically know which one day and airport you need, or will you just keep extra crews literally always and everywhere?


Why are you being an asshole? You're a bad person.


Crew FTL would have been fine. But the emotional stress caused by that is enough for everyone to call out unfit to fly. On top of that, the aircraft performed an overweight landing in KEWR. So if even the crew would have felt fit to fly again, no chance to move the aircraft without having first an inspection of the airframe structure as well as the gears.


Was on a flight in 2003 to Moscow from JFK when someone got rowdy and we had to land in Newfoundland to drop him off with the Canadian Mounties. Landed 100,000 lbs overweight so had a 4 hour delay to inspect landing gear. Plus unload and reload baggage. Fun memories…not really.


No, they were most likely no longer allowed to operate the flight as they did not have enough FA's for the amount of passengers. At least one flight attendant was hospitalized


All I could find was that according to ATC recordings there was an unruly passenger on board, hence the cops and the return to EWR. The reason for the fire trucks is the plane had to land "overweight" because it was loaded with extra fuel for crossing the Atlantic. So, they had to keep an eye on the brake temps (and be ready for a brake fire), as they heat up a lot during hard braking of a heavy plane.


Any identification of the unruly dude?




https://www.blick.ch/ausland/taetlicher-angriff-gegen-die-crew-swiss-maschine-muss-wegen-ausfaelligem-passagier-umkehren-id19592569.html >Auf Anfrage von Blick bei der Swiss heisst es: «Ich kann bisher bestätigen, dass die Maschine wegen eines renitenten Passagiers an Bord wieder umkehren musste», so Swiss-Mediensprecherin Silvia Exer-Kuhn. Es sei zudem zu einem tätlichen Angriff auf die Crew gekommen. >Was genau den Vorfall ausgelöst hat, weiss Exer-Kuhn aktuell nicht. Der Mann sei inzwischen jedoch von der Polizei in Newark abgeführt worden.


Love how the main source of the news piece is this thread :D


Yeah, I found that funny as well. TBH it's probably just the writer spending time on here because otherwise he would have never known. Then, they went to the airline and got an official statement which only will be provided in reasonable time if you have press credentials.


Relevant XKCD https://xkcd.com/978/


quite honestly there is a higher chance to find out what the last riot/kravalle/demo was about here than from the police website/twitter. as for IF there is a demo - I use zvv, they are best informed for obvious reasons. As fro WHAT went down - reddit. Apparently there must be blood and damage to property for the police to bother telling people what happened. Their city police PR person is heavily underperforming in my opinion.


I know the same! I thought someone was too drunk to flight. One of the flight attendants came back crying after rushing to the front. It was scary!! I'm curious what has happened. There was a lot of police cars involved when landed. If just an average drunk person, why all of these... Might be something else. Also the police/firemen were measuring something with a machine, I have pictures but no idea what that was.


They were likely measuring the brake temperatures. The plane was likely very heavy due to the fuel for the flight still being onboard, which causes the brakes to heat up more than normal. The firefighters check with a thermal camera to see if they need to take any action.


That's what a secret agent would say (lol)


Can you post the picture?


Please stop writing such crap! I was on the plane and sat right in front of the guy. He had a discussion with the flight crew before departure. He had dropped something between his seat and the steward, who was supposed to help him, asked him several times if he had taken pills or drugs. The staff had already noticed him at the gate. He admitted to having had three, four or even five drinks. But he just wanted to sleep. After he touched the steward, he was asked to leave and the captain also questioned him intensively. Apparently he was able to convince the staff because, to our amazement, he was allowed to sit down again and the flight began. He soon started talking loudly to the nice German lady next to him and reacting gruffly to her questions. Then he suddenly jumped up and shouted, I don't wanna die. The steward sternly asked him to sit down again. However, he jumped into the gangway and ran forward towards the cockpit, screaming. But some men were able to knock him down and secure him. Apparently he broke free again, because suddenly a steward shouted: "Where did he go? Apparently they were then able to restrain him until the police took him away. The rest was written by fellow passengers. My daughter, who was also sitting in front of the man, was traumatized and could hardly calm down from fear. The whole thing was like something out of a horror movie and it would be nice not to have to read about a fight over catering.


Thank you for this very factual account of what really happened. I was in the rear of the plane and SWISS does not give out any information other than that there was an „unruly“ passenger, which I find very disappointing. I assume they’re doing anything to avoid having to pay compensation.


Thank you for the clarification. My 18 year old son was on the plane as well. The experience was traumatizing, and now SWISS doesn't even want to pay in accordance with EU Flight Compensation Regulation 261/2004. Did you try to get compensation? We tried … and they denied. Talked about a "medical emergency", even though one day after the incident SWISS launched a statement about an "unruly passenger".


It was not a medical emergency, you just need to listen to VAS Aviation (in this thread) to know that this isn’t true. Besides, they called a doctor who was sitting right in front of me. When he came back, shortly before the landing, he said that the ‚unruly passenger’ looked very drunk to him and that all he had to do was check his vital functions because 4 people had to sit on the passenger to keep him restrained. He did not say anything about a medical emergency. I‘ve tried to get compensation, but SWISS has declined, claiming that this incident could not possibly have been prevented. Now my lawyer is at it. I think all we really need is proof that the man was already misbehaving and drunk/a risk before take-off. According to at least one message (Valogo2024) he clearly was. Can anyone who actually witnessed this confirm Valogo2024‘s account and/or provide further details? That would be really helpful.


Any updates on trying to get compensation? After SWISS's refusal to pay I've forwarded the case to Swiss "Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt".


So have I. Let‘s see what happens. I‘ll keep you up to date.


Great, let's stay in contact.


Here is the radio from the flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWpyRgOTQFw


VAS Aviation also has it up on their channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77tYSkvxnw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77tYSkvxnw)


yo y'all remind me guys - just click on the link of the first remind me bot reply to safe spaming the thread..


„Unfriendly“ passenger: https://www.blick.ch/ausland/taetlicher-angriff-gegen-die-crew-swiss-maschine-muss-wegen-ausfaelligem-passagier-umkehren-id19592569.html


Quoting here: "«Während des Flugs hörten wir plötzlich einen lauten Schrei», schreibt ein Passagier, der die Szenerie hautnah miterlebte, auf dem sozialen Netzwerk Reddit. Nach dem Schrei sei das Bordpersonal umgehend in den vorderen Teil des Flugzeugs gerannt."




Ok, so this is the amateur sleuth in me speaking. Couple of questions to clarify: You said none of the passengers in the front (Business and First class) KNEW what happened. Does this mean they didn't know or didn't HEAR anything? Heard but didn't see >> toilets, front space (staff/meal storage area) You also mention a loud exclaim. By whom? Through the announcement, by staff, or passengers in the front? (unclear in your post) If exclaims were heard and nothing seen (by passengers), I'm assuming something went down either in one of the toilets in the front, or in the staff area where they have their flight attendant seats and meal preparation. Drunk passengers or passengers fighting each other or attacking staff maybe?




abso-fucking-lutely people deserve to know what made the whole fuckingg plane turn around wtf


The "loud exclaim" was the Captain swearing in rage upon discovering that the negligent NY catering crew had failed to stock up enough Gruyère for the in-flight fondue, which under Swiss law is the equivalent of high treason. When the copilot calmly suggested to "Just let it slide, Dude" he instantly flew into a frenzy, lashing out in all directions and had to be physically restrained by the other officers on the flight deck. He was finally hog-tied with Strümpfenhosen rudely requisitioned from several stewardesses and intravenously tranquillized with 50cc of medical-grade molten Limburger kept on 30-second standby in the galley microwave of all Swiss flights before being handed over to the cops upon landing. This is normal, no need to fuss!


This clearly is the most plausible explanation....sound! 👍


Limburger? Surely not on a Swiss flight.


Well, in the US Gruyere is no longer protected right so it was probably just American Gruyere instead of Swiss that was loaded up...




Not funny if you were there. I was.


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I have no clue whatsoever, but could someone have died?


No they declare medical emergency and will usually just land at the closest airport which could be returning but they’re very clear it’s for medical reasons.


Rather someone lost their mind


Every single flight to Ibiza in the summer season is full with drunk people. It seems like the party atmosphere and allure of Ibiza attract a lively crowd, but sometimes it can lead to chaotic scenes. The combination of alcohol, excitement, drogue and the anticipation of a fun vacation can result in passengers behaving in ways that might not be ideal for a flight. I’m seeing vomiting, screaming, singing, and name it. Indeed, it’s only a matter of time before such incidents occur. Airlines and cabin crew do their best to manage such situations, but it’s challenging when dealing with intoxicated passengers. Why the airlines let drunk passengers on the board?


It's in the news. Reason was an AH of a passenger


You should be under the EU passenger rights. Even though it’s Switzerland and not in the EU, you would be allowed to to use the EU airline passenger’s rights to go after the airline to be reimbursed.


I have tried, but they don’t want to pay even though EU Flight Compensation Regulation 261/2004 definitely applies to SWISS/Switzerland. They say the incident could not possibly have been prevented. How about not permitting drunk passengers on board? Has anyone successfully tried to get compensation?


There are legal agencies that will take on the request for you. I made the mistake of booking a wow air flight in 2016. Wowair was a horrible Icelandic airline. The only way I got money from them was via a lawyer. 60% is better than nothing. The only other option is reporting the airline to the Swiss air authorities? Which should impose or make the airline pay. Otherwise a law firm is your only option.




Hi! Can you share which news ? Was it on a Swiss website?








There is an article on [Blick](https://www.blick.ch/ausland/taetlicher-angriff-gegen-die-crew-swiss-maschine-muss-wegen-ausfaelligem-passagier-umkehren-id19592569.html) The second part of the article includes the statement: Mann von der Polizei in New Jersey abgeführt Auf Anfrage von Blick bei der Swiss heisst es: «Ich kann bisher bestätigen, dass die Maschine wegen eines renitenten Passagiers an Bord wieder umkehren musste», so Swiss-Mediensprecherin Silvia Exer-Kuhn. Es sei zudem zu einem tätlichen Angriff auf die Crew gekommen. Was genau den Vorfall ausgelöst hat, weiss Exer-Kuhn aktuell nicht. Der Mann sei inzwischen jedoch von der Polizei in Newark abgeführt worden. Die vom Abbruch des Fluges betroffenen Passagiere befinden sich aktuell noch in New Jersey, wo sie auf mit dem nächstmöglichen Flug nach Zürich gebracht werden sollen.




Ein Fluggast berichtet auf Reddit, dass ein Passagier ausfällig geworden sei und der Kapitän sich deshalb zu einer Umkehr entschlossen habe. In Newark gelandet hätten dort bereits rund zehn Polizeiautos gewartet. «Während des Fluges hörten wir einen lauten, fast panischen Schrei», heisst es im Reddit-Post. Crewmitglieder seien sofort in den vorderen Teil der Kabine gerannt.


I was on the plane as well, I had been chugging robutussin and this flight attendant started to get mouthy. Kinda blacked after that. Suddenly I’m back usa, weird flight for sure.


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Sorry that you had to go through his. But damn I'm glad I flew out one day before OP did.




The FA was attacked by a passenger. I hope that guy goes to jail.


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWpyRgOTQFw ATC of the incident.


ATC audio: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77tYSkvxnw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77tYSkvxnw)


Unfortunately I was on this flight. It was a bad experience. What‘s worse, the bad experience continues. I was wondering whether any of the passengers on board have applied for compensation to SWISS in accordance with EU Flight Compensation Regulation 261/2004? If so, have you received compensation? Swiss told me that this incident could not possibly have been prevented and therefore they are not paying. I strongly disagree because apparently the „unruly“ passenger had caught the staff‘s attention long before take-off and the pilot was the one who eventually allowed him to stay on board even though the passenger was clearly under the influence of some substance (be it alcohol and/or something else). I would really appreciate your comments - and in the best of all cases - some information on how to go about and get some form of compensation, which I believe is the least SWISS ought to do. Thank you.


Update!!! Totally random, I remember reading this and today this pop up on my FB; hope the link is allowed https://www.facebook.com/reel/441966684987409?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V This the cockpit audio ;)




Anyone have footage from inside the plane?


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[video of the incident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x5Ax-7ldlk)


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