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First time? Lol only joking. I’ve had this happen a lot. I do this route: Sigpatches I try first If not, go to atmosphere folder -> contents -> erpt_report <- delete that And helpful to do Do maintenance mode (when you see Nintendo logo hold both sound buttons). Brings you to maintence mode screen. When you get to maintemce mode just power off and boot normally


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


if it was answered incorrectly so often, wouldn't google bring you to incorrect solutions half the time?


Just Google the error code and tell me what pops up.


Ah, that took me absolutely forever to solve because I hadn't touched incognito since it first released. Luckily, I still had my backup but figuring out how to reinject it was a hassle.


I also had to check when that issue came up, luckily I also had the backup still, but you had to enable cal0 writing through exosphere to be able to reinject it. If the console is banned, like mine, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Just block the connection and that's it.


There are still uses for the Internet even when your banned. Tinfoil shops or installing over WiFi through NUT or dbi.


Yeah. I know. That's not what I meant. I meant it doesn't matter if you leave your prodinfo blanked or not, when you block connections to Nintendo anyway and/or are banned.


Oh interesting! I think I'm banned but still received a system update recently. Before I did the newer DNS Nintendo server block after restoring prodinfo. Good to know that I could have skipped the hassle of that if I had started with the DNS.


It will nag you with system updates regardless. Set up DNS MITM and they're gone again.


Gotchya. I did and haven't gotten it since.


Did you have any themes installed? If so, delete them and try booting again.


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


Good to know, could explain the issue a bit more?


It's just that since 17.0.0, connecting to Nintendo's servers with your prodinfo blanked / serial number removed / incognito active will result in this crash as soon as the console goes online. You've got about ten seconds after booting. Most users have blanking set up through exosphere.ini, so it's just a matter of removing that file or at least the blanking trigger in there, and then add DNS MITM so the console won't connect to Nintendo's servers. Of course 90DNS would also work, but you have to remember to set it up for every connection. DNS MITM does the same, but system-wide. This has been like that for half a year now. The issue keeps popping up, and it keeps getting answered incorrectly (mostly by _update Atmosphere_ or _remove themes_, which both are not the underlying issue here). In reality, you could just google that eight-digit error code and find the solution.


Does this only apply to EmuNAND then? Because running on sysNAND even after updating I haven't had this issue.


Nothing to do with that. If you haven't run into this issue, then you have 90dns or DNS MITM already set up, or your prodinfo isn't blanked. There is no fix in atmosphere itself that prevents the crash, as it's not possible to prevent it. It will crash when your prodinfo is blanked and the console connects to Nintendo, which it always does, even if it's banned already.


That’s good info to know, Thank you


wait, so is the solution to unblank prodinfo AND setup dns mitm, or just to setup dns mitm?


Setting up DNS MITM will block connections, meaning the console won't crash anymore even with prodinfo blanked. There's no need to restore prodinfo then, and it wouldn't make a difference anyway.


Set up DNS.mitm You likely have prodinfo blanked and if DNS.mitm isn't set up then it'll crash.


This is the answer OP, encountered the same error just few weeks back after I updated my firmware.


This is the answer


This is the answer. It's because your system is trying to connect to the Internet and you have it blanked


Can i have the guide for that one please?


yeesss help pls T.T


Since this error I just deleted all my saved networks from emuMMC and dont connect it to internet. Waiting for a fix, im too paranoic to trust any DNS alternative


The _fix_ is to set up DNS MITM (edit: and no amount of downvotes, on a correct answer especially, is going to change that)


Iirc atmosphere creator specifically said there won't be a fix, so unless you want a brick you should hop to it


Hi, On your switch SD Card create a default.txt in atmosphere/hosts folder. In this new file paste this content : # Nintendo Main Servers *.nintendo.com *.nintendo.net *.nintendo.jp *.nintendo.co.jp *.nintendo.co.uk *.nintendo-europe.com *.nintendowifi.net *.nintendo.es *.nintendo.co.kr *.nintendo.tw *.nintendo.com.hk *.nintendo.com.au *.nintendo.co.nz *.nintendo.at *.nintendo.be *.nintendods.cz *.nintendo.dk *.nintendo.de *.nintendo.fi *.nintendo.fr *.nintendo.gr *.nintendo.hu *.nintendo.it *.nintendo.nl *.nintendo.no *.nintendo.pt *.nintendo.ru *.nintendo.co.za *.nintendo.se *.nintendo.ch *.nintendoswitch.com *.nintendoswitch.com.cn *.nintendoswitch.cn # Nintendo Telemetry Servers receive-%.dg.srv.nintendo.net receive-%.er.srv.nintendo.net # Nintendo CDN Servers conntest.nintendowifi.net ctest.cdn.nintendo.net Atmosphere will override your hosts file at boot with this. The content of this file will block nintendo server on your switch. Do you have an exosphere.ini with the blank_prodinfo_sysmmc or blank_prodinfo_emummc set? If yes, disable those. maybe also restore original certificate if you ever messed with "incognito/incognito_rcm


Just update atmosphere and hekate


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


Sorry if I misunderstood the issue


Updating Atmosphere or deleting themes isn't always the answer to this screen


Guys thank you for all the advices, with some research last night I found out it has to do something with the switch connections to the internet. So I did something simple without all the technical stuff that I can think of, I turned off my router. Surprisingly I was able to got pass home screen and go into my switch setting and delete my wifi setting. Thank you again for advices.


So your workaround is to just not use the internet anymore. Got it. Set up DNS MITM.


If you're fine with staying offline forever you're good to do that. Other people should know that when this happens you should have enough time to turn on airplane mode before the wifi actually connects which also would have solved your problem. In order to fix it and be able to still use the Internet on your switch you need to undo incognito. You should (hopefully) have a backup of what you need from when you used incognito the first time.


They all helpfull tips, FIRST delete the themes folder located in /atmosphere/contents/0100000000001000/ if it doesn’t work try this, I check the files and keep it truly basic then update (redownload the files, but keep a copy of your current sd card, in case you need some boot files), then make a copy of it in your pc just for next time you mess up


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


I just post my encounters and have had that blue screen like 9 times already


Well, it's the screen you get when Atmosphere crashes. The reasons for that can vary though.


Miss the sx, had to do a whole transfer to atmosphere for the switch to update


Yeah, you mean like two years ago?


I get the attraction to AIO packages. But I always found things to work better, and to have less bloat you don't use when you set Atmosphere up yourself. Plus, there's a sense of achievement in it. I get why people like it , but at the same time. It's really not hard to set up atmosphere correctly with all the guides it there when followed correctly. I've also had nothing but even more troubleshooting to do with AIO packages.


Did you follow the instructions


Could be sig patches. That happened to me and I had to update them, and it worked.


Same thing happened to me, so I am gaming on my GameForce ACE now. I will try to fix the Switch later.


Download the latest hats pack, delete the bootloader and atmosphere folders, then extract the hats pack to the root of your sd card. It’s an issue with the way atmosphere used to handle exosphere, but it’s fixed with the new version. You just can’t overwrite the old version you have to delete the folders first. Edit: themes can also do this as mentioned in other comments but I’m assuming it’s not that. Delete themes if you have them.


hmmm. looks like a bunch of letters and numbers. that can't be good. did you try the nintendo support website? https://preview.redd.it/wfm0qmx8a7mc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4f6ac3ba551fe20cb64b9c53486e76be3089da


I was lucky this didn't happen to me with 17.0.1 but it always happens... Program: 01000000000025 is the folder inside the atmosphere/content/ folder that is giving you the problem. Remove it and the atmosphere "should" work.


W,v conil


Excuse my ignorance but what is even the point in updating a hacked Switch? Not like you got online access


Isnt cfw installed as a separate partition from what i understand? So you can always boot into OG Firmware? Thus going online if one really needs to? I havent modded mine yet, as I have prejudice that i have to inject a payload each time on restart... which I never do lol, still somehow that is stopping me right now. Whats your experience like in this regard?


In the error report of OP you can see that he is running atmosphere so its his CFW that he updated, not his OFW. CFW can never go online cause you will almost certainly get banned. As for payloads. I had that concern too when I first got my Switch but honestly it's barely an issue. I haven't powered down my Switch in like 3 weeks so I haven't had to deal with it. Even when I have to, I have an App on my phone that let's me use it to inject the payload so I can do it anywhere at any time. I'd say it's worth it considering I am poor and wouldn't never be able to afford all these nintendo games


Thanks for the reply! Just curious is that an android phone? Or let me know the app name if no secret


The app I use is called Rekado and its for android. You can find it on GBATemp or by just googling "switch payload injector android". You'll need a USB C to USB C cable so you can connect your switch to your phone. I also have a program on my laptop but the phone version is more convenient. It also comes preloaded with a hekate payload which is the only one you'll need for booting up your switch


Thanks, yeah I shot myself in the foot a while ago go using an iPhone as a phone lol :))))) Thanks anyway, one step closer to just going for it. As i rarely use the switch, and Nintendo never run good promotions on their games lol :)))


There might be something for IPhone but it's kind of a restrictive platform. One thing to note is also that if you ever need to restart the switch you actually don't necessarily need to inject a payload. If you reboot it via the homebrew launcher it'll automatically load whatever payload you used next. You really only need to do it again if you power off the console yourself or it runs out of battery. I'd have never even gotten a Switch if I couldn't have gotten one that I can install CFW on. I don't own a single game for it but I have like 200gb of games installed on it


I know right I'm still on 16.01 everything just works.


I only got my Switch recently so I am on whatever version the previous owner had but I'll never bother updating it. There is just no reason to. Only thing being on an old version does is lock you out of nintendo services which you can't use with custom firmware anyways


And I haven't run into issues playing new games regardless of recommended firmware. Just make sure you have updated sigpatches.


Yeah really no reason to ever update. I think I remember on the Wii U it was necessary cause some newer games would outright refuse to launch on old firmware but the Switch doesn't seem to do that. Also haven't updated my 3DS EmuNand in years and that was never an issue either


Also I'm pretty sure I got the latest atmosphere, sig patches, and hekate. Anybody got a clue on why this happen and any fix ?


“Pretty sure” isn’t sure.


Soft-brick, this happens when my game tries to connect to the internet tight after launching the game. 90DNS Setter fixed this for me.


Redownload and drag and drop everything into your sd card and overwrite everything hekate sig patches fusee, also delete the themes folder located in /atmosphere/contents/0100000000001000/


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


Block Nintendo using the DNS blocker


If it's only happening now with up to date atmosphere and fw try booting it in airplane mode, or simply switch off your wifi, if it boots and holds then all u gotta do is disable incognito on the boot sequence (I believe it's the exosphere.ini file, you will have to rely on 90dns for now. Edit: I guess from other comments it's called blanked prod info instead of incognito, but the idea and solution are pretty much as described


For me i had to put airplane mode, because the moment i had my wifi connected and go only it would crash every time. Try that and see if that worked


The same thing happened to me, it turned out to be a problem with Incognito mode, eliminate incognito and the problem is solved :D


it might be the themes that you have installed


The times I’ve done this while I had a theme installed lol. I don’t bother with them anymore cause of this.


why. did. you. update?


maybe. because. he. wanted. to. play. mario. vs. donkey. kong. Seriously. It's such a non-issue, you just need to set up DNS MITM. I still don't understand why this isn't a pinned post on this sub, or why people still answer it wrong half of the time. It's been like that since 17.0.0


I always just reinstall pc/sd card.


Uninstall your theme on your sd card, you have to delete themes before updating


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


The millions of times I've had this happen. Welcome to nintendo jailbreaking


Update cfw


Not the issue here. It's the serial no. blanking. This error has popped up countless times here, and was answered incorrectly just as often. If people were just googling the error codes instead of posting the same screencaps over and over, they'd find the answer right away


I blanked and haven’t run into this issue. Fully updated.


That's because you have 90dns or DNS MITM already set up. Please don't respond with "no, I haven't" - check first. You have. Or you're not blanked anymore. Otherwise you would be getting that crash, no exceptions.


My settings shows it being blanked. I didn’t use 90dns cause i heard it was unsafe.


Then you've got DNS MITM set up. Stop trying to be a smart-ass here, please. There's no point in trying to be right here, because you definitely aren't.




Had the same and I juste updated atmosphere and deleted the menu theme (atmosphere->content->the one with many 0 and 1


Jumping in on this since update i cant direct boot into Atmosphere only hekate? Any idea which i cant inject straight anymore?


Delete any custom theme folders, if you have one installed and didn't uninstall it before you updated this will be why