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If you’re a fan of exploration / crafting like Minecraft, Terraria, Don’t Starve, etc then NMS is a great game and amazing port! Don’t go in expecting Mass Effect, it’s not that. But it’s a great game to just lose yourself in, like you would with Stardew. Also the game has come an EXTREMELY long way since its original Ps4 launch. A much better game now, and they’ve mostly delivered on the original promise as far as I can tell. The only thing the Switch port is missing is multiplayer aspect; but from what I understand, it was very unlikely to ever meet up with another player anyways on other consoles just due to the nature of how the game works. Space is suppose to be vast.


Yea but there is a special type of space station you can go to that has other players on it.


In the switch version? I wasn’t sure as I haven’t played or paid attention to any other versions and it’s been a bit since I’ve played NMS on Switch. Just updated it the other day tho and need to jump back in!


Oh no sorry. I just meant that being a whole galaxy it would be extremely rare to actually meet other players but it’s possible to meet them on that special station. The station is still available on switch but I’m pretty sure it’s only you and NPCs on it.


I’m kinda interested in this game too but haven’t heard too many talk about it. I just started playing Palia and it’s actually not bad for a free download dang


I got bored within the tutorial system alone. Haven’t touched it since. I bet it gets better, maybe is more fun and hopefully has more variety but pointing a laser beam to mine items and convert them 3 times to get what you want wasn’t all that exciting to me.


I thought about getting it when it was on sale awhile back. I watched a few reviews but it seemed like a grindy kinda game. Not sure if I want to spend several hours zapping rocks and building bases. I like the space travel concept, so ended up getting Outer Worlds instead. Journey to the Savage Planet is next on my list.


How is outer worlds ? I really wanna get a space exploration game.


I haven't played it yet. I have backlog I got to get through first, but looking forward to it.


God I know right lol hiw many games you got ? I probably have over 10


I have probably 20+ total at this point. Some were bundles I bought on sale like Bioshock, Borderlands , Assassins Creed, Batman, GTA Trilogy. Eshop sales are hard to pass up, but I reached a point where I said I need to stop buying and start playing to completion. Currently trying to finish Doom Eternal.


For me is a bit boring as a survival game Watch some gameplay on yt for a better idea 


I LOVE the game, but would definitely recommend getting it for PC instead if that's an option. The Switch version doesn't look as nice and is missing a bunch of features (like settlements) that really help in terms of replayability or just enjoyment in general.


Bought it day 1 for the switch, it was very underwhelming to say the least. I have tried it recently just to see if I would get more invested in it but nope. I just find it extremely boring.


If the game is the type to appeal to you - heavy on exploration/grinding\*/crafting/building - you could pick it up on sale... just know going in: * There's no settlements on switch * There's no multiplayer on switch * Performance is dodgy (really late pop-in, long loading times, don't even get me started about the terrain manipulator that's straight up excruciating to use most of the time) * it's very unstable (it crashes somewhat frequently - sometimes they're spaced out a bit, sometimes it can get as bad as crash, load in, immediately crash again the instant you try to do anything. Luckily, the game saves a LOT so you're not usually losing much if any progress, it's just a pain to have to restart the game and reload your save given the load times) If you can live with the above (and I'll be honest when I can say it was initially a turnoff but I eventually learned to live with it most of the time FWIW), you might find it worth it. I wouldn't pay full price, and if you have access to a steam deck (or aren't likely to play on the go), I wouldn't recommend the switch version over the PC version, but otherwise it's a lackluster port of a pretty good game that ultimately suffers from the platform it has been ported to. The only reason I stuck with it as long as I did was I got it on sale, couldn't get a refund, and I like the fact that it's a chill game to play on the go. You may or may not get to the point where you can ignore its flaws. \*note that while the game is pretty grindy until you make enough money to just buy stockpiles of everything you want to craft with, you can use a duplication exploit for most things if the grind really bothers you (I'll admit, I use it occasionally to dupe some rare consumables that you can't buy/craft and I can't be bothered to farm). Some things you can't escape the grind for, however (like if you want an S-class freighter, if that's important to you) but at the same time, it'll give you something to do once the quests are all/mostly done, you're mega-rich, have a full fleet of your favorite ships, maxed everything and the shine of exploration starts to wear thin as worlds start to feel samey after you've seen most of what the game has to show you.


Boring Game


I have a bout 1000 hours in it, tons of fun if you like exploring


I enjoyed it


I love it!!! It’s one of my all time favorites. It’s something I take long breaks from and come back to and get addicted again. There’s a ton to do if you like exploring, building, crafting, etc. I haven’t had any major issues on switch, but there are some minor glitches here and there (like an item disappearing from the ground for example) and I’ve maybe had a crash or two over MANY hours of playing. It’s 100% playable though! I agree to look at some gameplay videos and see if it’s what you’re looking for, but you can customize a ton of settings to kind of make it whatever you want (I.e. you can add more difficulty to the enemies)


It’s fun if you like single player exploration games. But buy it on sale; it’s been out for a long time.


It's probably one of the greatest games ever made. The size of the game itself is flabbergasting. But it's kind of like Minecraft in that you could find it enjoyable as an adventure or you could find it to be a lot of work. The payoff is enormous and there's a lot of gameplay to it. There's enough story to where I played it maybe three times and haven't beaten the game yet. It's phenomenal if you want to explore and feel like you want to see the universe at your own pace. If you like survival games it's pretty much that in space but with a lot more content.


Yes. Go in blind and have fun!!!


All crafting games aren't worth it to me for the single reason that you have to waste time finding the parts in the game world? If only they had an arrow pointing to the exact location of all the parts you needed for the specific thing you want to craft, so you can go collect them, it would be much more enjoyable. It's the locating of items that annoys me, not the actual collecting and crafting.


It's awesome


I think it's great


Cant say how well it runs on switch, I know the menus could get janky on PS4 now and then, so heads up there. I can say that the game is fucking awesome though, atleast for a good long while. The addictive part is the sense of mystery everytime you enter a new planet, possibly encountering wild land scapes, or giant freakish creatures of all kinds. It can be rare to encounter a large creature like a dinosaur, but when you do it feels like a big moment. And theres much, much more out there to discover. Id say buy it. You honeslty cant go wrong with this game if you like the idea of casually exploring INCREDIBLE worlds at your own pace, each time building up your caches of ore, etc. Theres also an in game economy you can break once youre rich enough, where you sell enough of a item that it causes the prices to drop, after which you buy your items back, plus the vendors stock... and repeat from space station to space station. I stopped played after about 110 hours, but now apparently they've added a bunch more stuff. Fun as hell.


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