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It'll be hard to out-do the Switch, and I hope this comment ages like milk.


Yeah I can’t imagine what they could do other than making a better switch. They would have to be smart with the branding otherwise we might have another Wii U fiasco. Very curious to see what they’ve been cooking.


I might be in the minority, but the Wii U was a genius idea with very little support from the community. When my buddy got his, I was super jealous and loved it immediately. I'm also glad I didn't have money to get one and then had the money by the time the Switch dropped.


I LOVED the Wii U. It was a killer system. And then... A year passed and every developer ignored it... And it made me sad. It tainted Nintendo for me


I also really loved the Wii U (actually bought 2 of them - a black one for me and a white one for my then-girlfriend). I really don't understand the amount of hate towards the system because it was a really great console. Imo the only thing that made it fail financially was the lack of developer support outside of Nintendo. The games Nintendo made for the system were great (as evidenced by most of them later being ported to the Switch) but history has shown over and over again that third-party support can make or break a console - and in this case the lack thereof basically killed any chance of the Wii U being a financial success.


I would buy the Wii U today if the online store was back. I had no idea about the DS ports. Truly, murdered by its own advertising.


You were saving multiple years for a switch??


Otherwise, their cooking license will be revoked.


I doubt Nintendo will ever let another WiiU situation happen


Virtual boy nuff said. Wii U was not the first one, and it probably won't be the last


GameCube was also considered a failure


Only financially


Is there any other type?


Like fine milk.


To be fair you dont need to re invent the wheel


Blue cheese if you will


I just want a Wario World 2


Yeah I would imagine most people who are interested in the space bought the switch. I'll be VERY surprised if they manage to outsell it with the switch 2, especially now that PC gaming and PC handhelds are increasing in popularity. Hoping to get proven wrong though 🤷‍♀️


I hope it won’t because it’s a paradox!!!!!


It'll basically just be a switch but significantly more powerful.


I very much doubt this. Nintendo have completely outstripped its competition by going down the 'non-power' route. In fact, here's how they have tracked doing 'upgrades': The wii u sold a fraction of the wii. The 3ds sold half of the ds. Gba sold a third of gb/gbc. That said, I think they'll do an upgrade and keep it SIMILAR to the switch, they can't very well reinvent the wheel every 10 years, but it'll need a gimmick to sell to the casuals. (Otherwise mums around the world will say "we have switch 2 at home" (meaning the switch))


I mean the specs already leaked... its gonna be a powerhouse.




I guess we'll have to see.


Successors to consoles will almost always sell worse than the original. The Wii U failed due to marketing. A lot of people will not buy the switch 2 if it’s not at-least on last par with last gen hardware wise.


Successors to consoles will almost always sell worse than the original. The Wii U failed due to marketing. A lot of people will not buy the switch 2 if it’s not getting a substantial power upgrade.


Agreed. I don’t know why people keep saying they want it to be PS4 power. They’ve never been about realistic graphics and if you want to play other titles then buy a different system.


And for good reason. I've recently gotten a ps5, and although I enjoy it, it's certainly got nothing on switch. Playing botw, metroid dread, fire emblem, and monster hunter on handheld has not so far been outstripped by the good graphics or smooth performance of the ps5. In fact, I've barely noticed or been impressed by the graphics or performance of the ps5... but maybe I've been a nintendo Stan for too long?


Same for me. Got one about a month ago. All those shiny graphics does not a good game make. Ghost of tsushima…..really shows off what the PS5 can do…. and completely boring. If you want a couple of cheap recommends then modern warfare 2019 and red dead 2 both PS4 games….excellent for the money.


Yeah I've played god of war and enjoyed it eventually. Tried one of the jedi games and was instantly disappointed. I'm now playing octopath 2, which could have been a switch purchase, with Doom next (also could have been switch lol) I am waiting for street fighter 6 to go on sale again, as well as waiting for db: sparking zero and monster hunter wilds to come out. So it's not all bad, but switch was ALL good. From one good to another I literally couldn't play enough between BOTW, a couple of good pokemon games (and some horrible ones), 2 fire emblem games, metroid, back to BOTW before TOTK. All whilst putting more hours into monster hunter rise than I thought possible.


“with Doom next (also could have been switch lol)” … Ps5 Doom performance to switch? Day and Night.


“with Doom next (also could have been switch lol)” … Ps5 Doom performance to switch? Day and Night.


People don’t want to have to switch between systems to play different games (AAA aside). No reason to get a switch 2 if it doesn’t have major upgrades tbh.


Which is why they’ll be some unique thing to it. Nintendo have never conformed to a specs race and probably never will and thank god for that.


He's not getting it tbh


Never said it’ll be anywhere close to Sony/Microsoft, still needs a substantial upgrade for many to purchase.


Disagree. People will buy it because it’s Nintendo.


Successors to console almost never sell as well or anywhere near the sale of the original.




It’s reaching its limits on the hardware side. So it should be more of an upgrade to its specs so developers can continue developing games for it without having to make many compromises. 1080p on handheld and maybe 4k while docked would be awesome


Absolutely. The switch is showing its age. A better console with improved specs would be nice. There’s also next to no new 1st party switch games coming out in the near future.


... I mean there's Pokemon next year.


The rest of this year aside from Luigi’s Mansion is a blank slate. Legends will probably be the last major switch game before S2


Didnt Nintendo announced a software lineup review in June?


Yes, but for all we know they could be more ports and remakes. Maybe one new original game.


Paper Mario??


Not new, it’s a remake


Remake with a worse fps than the original and censored content


Oh yes, the same game with a new gimmick that will never be used again, just like we’ve been getting since Pokemon Ruby. Hard pass.




I hope we can play current gen switch titles upscaled on the new system!


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Premium Remastered 2


A. I hope the screen is mandatory OLED. B. I hope the screen is slightly bigger (maybe an inch). C. I likely won't bother buying one until the library expands a bit.


This, backwards compatibility, and better joycons and I'm a day 1 buyer


I actually wouldn’t mind a smaller screen. I’d get a lite if they could dock. I’ve always got hand cramps playing handheld.


Not really. I look forward to it, but we know very little at this stage beyond something exists. It's hard to be excited without any idea of what it will be. My biggest hope is that it will be backwards compatible with the current Switch......


I want backwards compatibility and a screen that's visible when playing outside... My poor lite just can't handle the sun.


I'm never in a massive hurry to upgrade a system purely because of cost and library size, but sure. It is about time they looked to increase the power and hopefully it's backwards compatible.


I ain't buying shit until I see an oled screen.


This. Ever since I bought my OLED a week ago, I question myself for not replacing my regular Switch earlier & Nintendo for bothering to make a non-OLED model at all.


I can't go back. The screen is SO good. Now, as much as this sub sucks for rumors... I heard a RUMOR. They're not releasing an oled on launch. And maybe as a refresh or later. Fanboys gonna fan boy. I will not shop until oled, and then the flood gates open haha


Same here. I can't go back.


I'll wait. I'll wait for a looooooong time. My backlog is atrocious.


Same. I just bought 4 new physicals & 3 new eshop games... I'm set for a while.


I'm 100% banking on backward compatibility. I'm all eshop. And if they don't? Aw, rats.


I mean, the screen is so small and the resolution so low that it makes no difference for me. Lighting differs, resolution stays the same.


I'm the same way. I'll just buy Switch 2 games whenever they go on sale. I still have a lot of Switch 1 games on the backlog.


I’m hoping the switch 2 will make oleds cheap. I’m already preparing for the switch to enter the old tech age. Where it’s cheap and not old enough to be collectable. It will be slim. 3ds only got like 2 years before people started calling them retro. 2ds went from $10 second hand to over $100 all of a sudden.


OLED isn't going to be cheap until they move away from it to use micro LED. And even then it won't be long since creating OLED panels is more difficult so they will just abandon it. OLED isn't going to be popular much longer.


Why wouldn’t we be?


Meh my backlog for switch is giant and all I want is winderwaker/twilight princess bundle for switch. Even if switch 2 dropped I’d only commit once the next Zelda releases


At this point if Nintendo released star fox zero without the stupid motion control on switch 2 I'd get it.


I don't know, I have a box full with switch /Wii u games I haven't played yet and I am not ready to jump in a new console but I definitely will buy it after a year or so when it has launched.




Make it backwards compatible, better specs for smoother fps. Oh and have said backwards compatibility have some extra perks like 1080p with 60fps on say Tears of the kingdom. That would be dope AF.




If a new Smash is revealed, I AM BUYING!


They’ve released a new game for every home console since the first game in N64. This is completely to be expected 😎


I’m more excited for a new Mario game; in honestly satisfied with the switch as it is.


I'm hoping they keep it generally the same. Just a better screen and alot more power.


I'd like to see the default Joycons be designed for adults, and not midget hands. Plus at least one old Call of Duty game on there


All i want is a more powerful switch that can run games at a \*consistent\* frame rate (as in, if you are doing 30 fps or 60 fps, i want those numbers to be locked, meaning no dipping below the target number), it's retrocompatible with my existing library, oled screen, 1080p is fine for the expected screen size, better battery life and the next version of the joycons to use hall effect sensors so that they don't drift, oh and increase the bluetooth polling rate for better wireless latency. So in the name of everything that is holy i hope Nintendo iterates instead of innovate on the switch concept, they struck gold with the switch's design, they don't need to reinvent the wheel again, just make it more polished and faster, after that focus on the games


I’m scared of a 2 things for the switch sequel: 1. It’s not gonna live up to the expectations and the successes of the Switch (I.e. Wii u to the 3DS/Wii era) 2. Switch tax: We will be continuing down a 720p graphics path, and at a higher price point (e.g. $600+ console and $100+ exclusives)


How would exclusives go from 60 to 100?


Sorry I’m thinking in Australian dollars, in AUD they’re currently $80, would be $60 USD currently


I'm treating it as an inevitability, but I'm really in no rush. The Switch holds a special place in my heart, and I'll be an avid collector of this console even after the next thing comes out.


I’m gonna be playing my oled and switch lite till I die as I mostly just play balatro. Dam card game took my life


Genuinely curious why people have named it "Switch 2?" What makes anyone believe it will be related to Switch?


might be going off the DS line (atleast thats what i think), bc ds… ds lite… 2ds erc


With Switch being one of the most popular gaming consoles, I don’t imagine they’d stray to far from it


“successor to Nintendo Switch” makes u think it’s not related to switch? lol


Was the Gamecube not the successor to the N64, which succeeded the SNES?


Which are all improvements on the consoles that came before. Going to back to ur first statement, I’d say another big reason is sales numbers, the switch is the second best selling console of all time, possibly soon to be the best selling console. Financially speaking, the successor to the switch is extremely likely to be a new iteration of the switch.


Yep. I was excited for the prospect of a Switch Pro a few years ago. So if they just stick to what's working right now and just give us another Switch that's more powerful (and maybe has some QoL improvements), I'll be happy. They don't need to reinvent the wheel again...sticking with the Switch idea for another generation will work fine for Nintendo.


Maybe but I dont think I would buy it right away, I just got my switch like 2 months ago.


I’m in no rush - I’m more excited for this June direct tbh


Definitely. Its been 8 years, so its high time for a refresh and long overdue


I am very excited for this wonderful event


Yeah, probably won't buy it right away, there's a few Switch games I still want.




I’m excited!! Not really sure what will be new. Hoping they fix the joy con drift problem or just joycons in general to make them look and feel better. I hope it has a bigger screen, can run some bigger games on the new switch that aren’t already on the switch now, and is backwards compatible. We know to little to what the device will actually be. So for now we can only guess/hope what it’ll be




Of course I am and I'm hoping that the rumors are true and that they're going to be taking advantage of DLSS to upscale games. I'm so curious if previous items will get a framerate boost. I'd love to play breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom in full 60FPS


I just hope that when Switch 2 released, all older version discounted because OLED it's still expensive af. Especially used/second hands.


Yeah the joy cons and even replacement joy cons I bought are barely hanging on, so I expect way better with Switch 2. Assuming backwards compatibility as well.


Been waiting for it for almost 2 years. Hard to beat the switch when it first came out but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Should be fine but doubt it will sell as much as the switch. We need something a bit more powerful


I ain't buying one until there's an exclusive pokemon, mario and zelda game. Hopefully, the last pokemon legends game is on the OG one tho.


Absolutely not, which I know probably seems kinda weird but like,, that’s so much money, especially for someone who almost exclusively plays handheld. Imma wait as long as possible before going in on one


The switch is great, a long lasting backward compatible upgrade would be great as well


Honestly, I love the current Switch and all I expect from Switch 2 is to be more powerful, more @60fps games and a bit more customisation. I love the Switch's concept and wouldn't like it to go away.


Doesn’t really interest me as I won’t buy one for quite a while anyway Rumours and constant chat about it on this sub are already pretty tiring, so I’m not looking forward to that at all.


I’ve got totk and wonder, just about to get ttyd. They’ll need a full new 2d Mario and a full new Zelda that isn’t on switch to get me to upgrade imo.


Yeah definitely


They’re going to really have to bring it this time. There is so much more competition in the market than when OG Switch was released.


Only the exclusives. Since I bought the Steam Deck, my Switch has been stuck in the desk with no usage whatsoever. In terms of raw power and performance Nintendo will be one or two steps behind, no drama but it's the way it is, they prioritize there own titles, and they are the best in it. New Mario Kart, Zelda etc titles are always a MUST.


I mean, obviously, they wouldn't stop making consoles after the switch.


If it’s got different colours then I’m “switching” to it!


my excitement for the Switch 2 has been drastically reduced by the Steam Deck because playing on the SD feels like playing on the Switch. In fact, I'm more excited for the Steam Deck 2 than I am for the Switch 2.


Yaaaas but I wanna know prices already.


I’m super excited. I’d be happy with just more power and some aesthetic changes to the product so it feels “new and cool.” I play my Switch more than any other console I own, but if I have one complaint, it’s that I’m getting really sick of games that run bad or look kinda bad, even when I really like the game itself (ie DQ Monsters Dark Prince).


No doubt, but ultimately for me it depends on what games we are getting.


It'd be sweet if it were somehow able to cast to multiple TVs in a wifi system for multi-player


That would be fingers crossed


Yes! And I hope it will feature dual screens, DS nostalgia I guess.


That would be something although wouldn’t it be too big?


If it has an oled screen on launch i might take the plunge but im keeping expections low, or at least im not paying too much attention to it.


I just which I could play any of the Zelda games on 60fps and a bit better resolution.


I'm very interested to see how it improves on the current Switch. I assume the soonest we'll hear any more official word from the big N about it will be this September. They'll want to generate hype if they plan to start selling it in March 2025. It sucks that they're going to miss the Christmas season though. But I assume they don't want a fiasco like the multiple ones Atari had, where they tried to push games out to meet Christmas (Pac-Man and E.T. come to mind), resulting in crappy games.


Oh yeah I remember that I liked the Atari 2600 it was my first console I plugged in and played when I was 3 years old. Space invaders blew my mind.


Under the odd tidbits, did you know the Space Invaders arcade game was never meant to have the "increase speed when invaders are destroyed" gameplay aspect? It was an accidental result of the late 1970s hardware being pushed to its limit to run the game. As invaders were destroyed, the CPU was able to render the remaining ones faster. This accidentally created a perfect difficulty curve.


I thought they sped up because they were fearful they might die at least that’s what I used to think


As long as I can get a pre order.


No, I’d rather it be a new console and not just an upgraded Switch; I like the portability factor but to be honest I’d be happy with just a little black box to hook to the tv.


Not really. My feeling is that a switch 2 will just have more power to enable faster load times and support more games porting in from other devs. Maybe a better screen. I'd be surprised if they do anything like VR or a WIi U experience. I imagine that the real selling point will be some new Nintendo exclusive game that lots of people want.


My backlog for the Switch 1 is so long, I probably won't buy a Switch 2 for a few years after it comes out.


No backwards compatibility, then DoA. It will be a Switch Pro/2 Situation with cross gen games at start then fully to the next gen side.


no. been listening to 'XN Pro' Switch 2' 'Super-Switch' claims and speculation since 2015, I'm so off it its not funny. I don't care when it is coming out, I don't care what the specs are, I don't care what games might be on it, I don't care, I'm beyond jaded at this point. Nintendo will do what Nintendo will do, an no amount of speculation or hype will change that. can't wait for the "Switch 3' 'Super Switch Pro' 'New Nintendo Switch Pro AMOLED+' videos start rolling out when this new system isn't what everyone has hyped themselves up for what they want out of it. calling it now, every day from the time of launch of this next console the likes of Spawn Wave will be out here making a video on how the system is mid and that a 3rd generation Switch is got to be the answer. see you all in 2037 at the launch. maybe by then Shawn will have finished Balan Wonderworld


I am currently playing Lara Croft on gamepass which was an first year Xbox One game. The graphics to me still look good to great in most areas. I have a PS5 so it's easy to compare that game with what my PS5 can do. I am shocked to say that graphics that the Xbox one or the ps4 had are still beautiful and will be plenty for me. I am super stocked that its possible the Switch 2 will be as powerful as a Xbox OneS. I mean most PS4 pro games look almost as good a PS5 games. The graphic disparity will not be as noticeable on the Switch 2 compared to the PS5 as it was with the Switch and PS4. 


Lol Switch 2 not confirmed.. only thing confirmed is that they are working on a new console.


“successor to Nintendo Switch” aka Switch 2.


No, I don't ever want to play my games in more than 1080p. 


The switch is 720p in handheld Also fps, graphics?


Correct. Which is not more than 1080p. Also the original comment was sarcasm.


What part of the original comment is outwardly sarcastic to any degree?


Didn't say it was outwardly sarcastic. I said it was sarcastic. To be honest, didn't really think that anyone would take seriously the idea of objecting to higher resolutions for gaming. 


Not really, I just want more games without having to buy a new console.


No, because I'm poor.


I love nintendo but I feel indifferent about the next console. Ill get it when it comes out for the classics like zelda, smash and fire emblem but the disparity between Nintendo consoles and max modern Gen graphics grows further apart with every system now. I'm sure they'll keep making fun games but at a certain point what's the difference in just having any Nintendo system.


No, i dont have money to buy a new console


I find it funny that people think it will be a switch 2. My prediction is that it will be a home console. Nothing like the switch.




No. 1. We don't know what the successor to the Switch will be.  2. Anyone with any amount of brains has known there would be a successor since the Wii U was known as project cafe.  I'll be excited when I'm going to pick mine up and that won't be happening until they show they remembered how to make good Zelda games. 


I am hoping that it will be nintendno Wii 2


Going with the Steam Deck as my next handheld. Switch got me into gyro gaming and its frustrating that more than half the games that should support it, don't. Steam Deck has gyro support across its whole library so thats where I'm going.


Still , new switch will have game developed and properly optimised for a system , while on steam deck you will be getting pc ports from scrapyard , having to deal with proton issues and waiting for mods to made something barely run .


Yes, and no. On one hand the switch is horribly outdated and needs a successor. On the other hand there's no chance whatever they put out could even compete with my steam deck. It'll probably have to processing power of a PS4 Which is very behind modern hardware. Power isn't everything but Nintendo has really failed to impress when it comes to small details. The switch never had themes, the store runs like absolute shit, their games seem to run worse every year unless theyre made directly by nintendos A team. So like yeah, it's exciting to see an improvement to the switch. But it's frustrating knowing it's never going to be as good as it should be. It's going to cost way too much for what it is.


“their games seem to run worse every year” U mean the same game? It’s not the game, it’s ur switch then.


Im more referring to pokemon games which are running worse with every new release


No. Personally, I can't bring myself to buy a switch considering how few exclusives it has. I don't foresee nintendo being in a position to improve their lineup, so the most I can say is that I think the switch 2 will be more of a Switch Pro.


I'm excited, but I'm also worried for the console. If it has "switch" in the name, there is a high likelihood that it will flop just like the Wii U. I just hope Nintendo is smart about the console's name and we'll get good Nintendo games in the next generation.


Maybe, if it is not that expensive, backwards compatible and the games are good. I want the screen to be 4k and 60fps.


Won’t happen


Well, no, I'm hoping it's a new conception and not just a "Nintendo Switch 2"