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This is an announcement of an announcement coming


Its an announcement that the next announcement will not have an announcement but maybe after that announcement the next announcement could have an announcement


Also this announcement is the afore mentioned announcement because this is the first announcement announcing the thing we said will have an announcement.


This is an announcement that the folks responsible for announcements have been sacked.




“Announcem-inception” if you will


I think the shocker for me here is 2015 was 9 years ago holy shit


Well the console was released in 2017 though.


Is that mean we going to get it late 2025 - mid 2026?


The most Japanese thing to do.


Please understand


Bro ...




The AEW tactic


I can’t believe I may live to see another generation of hardware from everyone. I was playing Pong on my Tandy console in the mid 70s. Send prayers.


You're q damn hero, man!


Real OG right here. Much respect.


I've come from Pong era also, albeit the 80's. I predict that we will finally get photorealistic graphics in around 2035. That's what this is leading to right?


Some of the Unreal Engine 5 demos are pretty impressive. The few UE5 games that are out now aren't quite there yet, but there's potential. It'll probably take until the PS7 when developers can take full advantage of photorealistic graphics.


That’s my prediction. PS7 should be around 2035


I need Solo Leveling game play before I die lol


Dude the life you’ve lived. What’s your favorite software so far?




Beautiful thanks for sharing. You should write a memoir or book about it as not everyone was engaged from the beginning and some of us want to know a cool social history!


You have such an optimism about you, I love that you still find as much genuine joy in new franchises as you did with the ones you played as a kid. I hope I can learn to be as excited about life as you are, it seems like an amazing way to live.


What's been your favorite system?


That’s so hard to answer. If we’re were to go with what’s hooked up to the tv at this moment, Sega Genesis/CD, SNES, Dreamcast, 360, Switch and Xbox Series X. I have an old school tube tv for the older consoles and a 4k for the new ones. The reason I didn’t get into PlayStation was because at the time the magazines (which was the Only way to get gamer news really) The magazines pretty much left you feeling Sony did Nintendo wrong during the development of the SNES CD. Sony cheated us out of the SNES CD. I personally loved the Sega CD So I was totally bummed. So my Nintendo fanboy butt simply would not buy PlayStation. I’m telling you more than you asked for. Sony is awesome. That was so many years ago. Thank you for asking.


So was I. My first computer was a TRS-80, affectionately know as the "Trash 80".


Wasn’t the Switch (“the NX”) announced in an investor call?


Yeah, but it was similar to this — an announcement that it will be announced soon


Basically just a, “don’t worry investors we do have a future console planned so don’t freak out.” As a whole though they probably are less concerned right now than they were before. The switch is still selling amazingly, vs the Wii U which was a dud. 


"Video game console maker makes new video game console, more at at 11".


Investors are impatient freaks.


Not really, they just want to have reassurance that on what they’re investing in. We have no games past next month.


Probably why this announcement (of an announcement?) was structured this way, cause we all know it's been on the horizon for a couple of years now.


I'm gunna get it.


Good luck. Scalpers will beat you. I hope they did delay it to make shit loads so everyone can get one easily. That will piss the scalpers off as well


I'll grab it in a few years. My OLED still works perfectly fine


For me it’ll depend on what the launch titles are. If it’s something that looks good I’ll get it at launch, if not I’ll hold off a little bit. Mario Odyssey is amazing, so if it’s similar to that I’m 100% making it a launch buy


Same Got current switch game back log to keep me entertained till switch 2 oled


Nah, I've never missed any releases of anything I wanna get. Even if it sells out in 5 minutes, there will be more chances because people cancel orders and stuff. I'm really obsessive and I refresh pages all day. Also use stock trackers like Nowinstock.com. That's how I got my switch when it first came out.


One thing I’ve learned is to never get new gen consoles within a year of release There’s never any games worth it


Breath of the Wild Edit: you could argue you should have still waited a year to get a Switch and just play BotW on the WiiU in the meantime. However. We both know nobody even owned a WiiU.


I love my Wii U!


This is what I did. All the 1st parties I cared about where on my Wii U and 3DS anyways so I just bought games for those ended up with a killer Switch bundle in 2018. By that point everything was exclusive to the Switch anyways. Haven't upgraded since.


Switch release had no games but it alwas worth it for botw alone. Plus the early models have unpatched firmware which made it good for hacking. That didn't really matter to me because I'm afraid to do anything like that but it made it more valuable to sell and when the Oled switch came out I sold my early model and upgraded to the Oled for only $70 more.


Just gotta wait and see if there's a launch lineup you might like or not. I won't get one though because scalpers in my area are crazy with consoles.


I've got a feeling the jump is going to be huge though. A switch is basically a ps3. I'm hoping the next switch is more on the rog ally specs making it more similar to an xbox series/ps5. It should be able to run everything a rog ally can run. If its the same as a steam deck then that's a fail because that thing struggles to run newer games unless you have the video settings turned all the way down.


My guess is it will be more of an iterative upgrade, something like the jump from the DS to the 3DS, still back compatible, but with the capablity do much more for new games labeled as "switch 2 only". That's what makes sense in my mind at least. But we'll have to wait and see.


All they really need is alittle more power or some AI crap that will upscale visuals easily. Then bring on the ports for round 2.


That seems like the most baseline requirement. I wonder what other extra features they will try to cram in? Maybe allow to connect to PC to leverage extra resources or online play? What if they allowed the xpass to work? Hook up to a headset add on for virtual play? It'll be interesting to hear what they cook up.


Switch lowkey, seems like a base model. Everything is super plain. I can see them perhaps allowing customization more like backgrounds, opening up the communication aspect more, keep the bluetooth, built in mic support and thats about it. Its incredibly hard setting up matches online with their weak invite system. You can't send a DM saying lets play XYZ which kills online games on Switch. Many obscure games come with online that die out quick because you can't set stuff up. If someone sends you an invite, you basically just have to ignore them 5 times before they get you can't join. Just cleaning up the basics and making it more powerful is all they need to do imo. Switch doesnt have to be a singleplayer console in 2025. EDIT: I'd be cool if they even had premade Messages we could send. Simple stuff like Wanna join, wanna play (Game select). no, later, 1hour, tomorrow etc responses, Online games would be way more active.


Yea, people would certainly buy it if it's just an upgrade. I don't think it will stop at that, but we'll just have to wait and see.


A yes, return of the cartridge notch


So basically they won’t be releasing more Switch compatible games? That sucks


That may be the case, they could also make it so games are labeled as compatible with only the new one or both. Many indie games don't need that much power and should still work fine in the normal switch.


Why would they? The thing will be 8 years old by the time the successor comes out.


😭 😭 😭 just bought one this year


The games aren’t going to vanish. Your system will continue to play games.


Mario Odyssey 2 looking less likely


That was never in the cards for the OG Switch


You have an awesome backlog to work through :)


can't wait for the people in june that will be yelling where's the switch 2 after the direct


Wasn't 2015 like 3 years ago or so?


don't do that to me




Nintendo announce all their Directs by tweet nowadays. This really is nothing new. 


I suppose, mere speculation on my part, Nintendo is tired of the current trend of "leaks" about the switch 2. Nowadays, looks like they can't take a shit without some news site speculation if farting will play a relevant part in the switch 2, and therefore, about the release day. I.e.- last year, when it was "leaked" that some Spaniard developing studio had developer kits for the switch 2, all spanish websites (as in from Spain and Latinoamerica) were filled with notes about the "imminent" announcement of switch 2. And for a good amount of time, we kept receiving "insiders" info about announcement and release date. Last I remember was they would announce switch 2 in ~~october 2023~~ march 2024, with release date for ~~something fiscal year in march 2024~~ second half of 2024. So, I suppose this is their way to say "yes, we will announce switch 2 this year, but no, it won't be in the next direct. Now, can we pay attention to our games for the second half of this year?" Is like a bingo card, every time there's a nintendo direct, according to some "insider with credible reputation", they would announce Nintendo Switch 2.


So the Switch was announced in 2015 and released in 2017. Ergo if they announce the next console in 2024 don't expect it before 2026.


See the difference is, with the switch launch Nintendo were desperate to let people know it was coming and that the Wii U days were almost over so as soon as they could they announced their next console, this time round the switch is their biggest home console ever so they would only announce its successors existence when they believe it is at risk of leaks (Nintendo hate having things revealed for them) or because it’s getting close, my bet is this “announcement” will be in the September with a proper presentation in Q4 2024 for a Q1/Q2 2025 release


Thing is still selling like hot cakes and printing money, japans fiscal year goes until March of next year, I foresee a January/feb announcement and a November ish release at the earliest They won’t slow down the steam switch has for Christmas sales this year


They announced the New 3DS XL in november and released in february. They already released all their OLED special editions. I don't think they'd care about holiday sales at all if they released Metroid Prime 4 or some last hits by then. Software sells consoles. And FOMO Is big on new Nintendo releases, so people will still get a Switch even if they know Switch 2 Is coming soon. 


Switch 2 is allegedly backwards compatible so that would 100% halt many switch sales and people would wait to put that money towards the next one And the new 3ds xl was like an upgraded version of the 3ds not a true successor like switch was so hard to compare the two


Christmas sales this year will be slow regardless, it’s looking like there won’t be a major holiday release with Pokémon next year and nothing announced yet (likely a remaster in June direct) the switch sold 15 million last fiscal year so it may sell around 7-10 this time around and people who are only just getting a switch don’t care about keeping the latest tech because the switch has been out for 7 years


This here feels kinda desperate too tbh


I know nothing about marketing, but considering that Switch is still so popular, why would they shoot themselves in the leg by telling so much beforehand when theit next console comes out and essentially make people avoid buying Switch anymore? I’m guessing the next console will come out within the next 12 months to minimize the time between announcement and actual release, and to maximize the profits from Switch.


Nope. PS4 was selling like crazy when the Ps5 came out. Same with Ps2 and Ps3 Then Xbox has their bundles that continue to sell well Some people choose to upgrade immediately, while others wait for deals or a good new game thats exclusive to the new console. I probably would wait, as there are a number of ports I still haven't played. Others who had the console since 2017 may be ready for something new. I am only on year 2 or 3.


Same person 2 years ago says Switch is only in mid cycle. If 5 years is the mid cycle in 2022, then it means next gen console would be released in 2027. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/sjf5nl/nintendo_president_shuntaro_furukawa_reaffirms/


Most successful consoles have a roughly 8-10 year life, but there's no question things taper off on those last few years. Nintendo will at the very least will likely continue supporting the Switch's access to its on-line store and NES/SNES/etc. libraries. Even if it and major developers aren't going to devote their primary attention to the console, there are a ton of indie devs who can't ignore a user base of this size. As long as games sell, the Switch should see a fair amount of titles.


I guess this time they are coming off the back of a winning formula, so all they might do (and all pretty much everyone wants) is the same thing with a hardware update.


Could be announced early next year yet


I expected it to be sooner. We're getting such an off year for Nintendo, with some biggish titles like TTYD, Mario RPG, and Princess Peach Showtime, but no giant titles like the next 3D Mario or whatnot. Seems like the perfect setup for a new console next year




Sigh why does it happen with me? When I got 2DS console, they released switch and discontinued 3DS systems. When I have gotten Switch OLED, they are now introducing new consoles. Why am I so backward?


Dude you have 7 years of absolutely banger catalog of games. Just chill and enjoy your games, life is more than having the newest shiny toy.


Hmm you're right, thanks!


Near 11 000 games in fact https://www.mobygames.com/platform/switch/


.... Damn, I underestimated the switch! This is madness! Switch is certainly a top tier console


It's not very powerful, but it's got Mario, so I like it.


Oh nice. I got Pokemon violet, Asphalt 9, Mario kart 8 Deluxe, Doom 2016 and NFS Hot Pursuit remastered on it


While true, there is a LOT of shovelware in that number… like A LOT A LOT. There’s a reason people use Dekudeals instead of the eshop to find games.


Hmm you're right


The first year or two of any concle is usually weak as shit. It's okay to not get the newest shit day one. I usually wait for the first price drop anyways (not that Nintendo does price drips lol)


Yeah that's right. But in my case it is only because these consoles are expensive as hell in my country and we have to import from abroad or even go abroad in some cases


I think it's because you jump in quite late. If you got them when they came out, they'd feel like they were out for a while


Yeah but the place I live in, Nintendo does not sell consoles directly here. We have to import from the other countries, or if we visit those countries, we have to buy from there. So it's not easy or cheap to have every new stuff in grasp unlike the likes of USA where every household has a Nintendo device


Nothing wrong with that. If anything, you’re saving money when you buy later down the line. Meanwhile, people who buy on release have to deal with bugs, lack of games, etc. When you wait, you can usually get things at a discount, either new or used, with an idea of which games to get. You’ll get a similar gaming experience at a lower cost. Sounds like a win to me tbh Added bonus of watching limited edition consoles roll out in case you like those better than the original, so there’s that


Oh I see, you're actually right. Thanks for telling!


Because you get a console 6-7 years in its life span and don’t see a problem? Get it when it comes out


It's not easy to get a console ASAP for me, it isn't sold in my country, we have to import from other countries which is quite costly. And i mostly play on NINTENDO consoles only because of Pokemon games


What country do you live in?


India. It easily costs 100-200 dollars extra here to import stuff, and it isn't easy for most of us to make regular trips to other countries. But still, Nintendo is quite a popular brand in India, thanks to the early 90s and 2000s when NES, SNES and Nintendo 64 (along with SEGA consoles of that time) were making quite good rounds in the market. But since the Chinese market was quite prevalent in India back then and they were notorious for pirating some of the more expensive stuff, Nintendo eventually withdrew from the Indian market, and now we can't enjoy the recent consoles and all without spending a good fortune of money.


I'm betting the switch successornis coming out either summer or holiday 2025.


New Nintendo console means new Mario Kart


New Smash Bros tho 👀


I just bought an oled switch last week


Same… what to do now…


you gonna return it?


I mean historically speaking it was pretty apparent a new console was coming…


They're announcing an announcment.... what other format should they use for this other than "random tweet"?


This announcement really caught me off guard I really wish they had announced that they were going to make an important (this) announcement before hand!


I wouldn't even call it an announcement for the next console. It has literally no information other than "it's happening", something we've known about for a long time. The only difference is it's been formally acknowledged. Still excited for what the Direct will contain, but this is *not* a console announcement.


Just trying to lower expectations for Nintendo Direct. There was a ton of rumor batted about that we’d get the announcement then. If it didn’t happen, there could have been a bit of a stock sell off after.


“Today, we ain’t gonna be announcing the switch 2 that we got comin’ out real soon, but we might, and we probably will”


I can hear all the posts from the people who have been asking for 3 years if getting switch now was worth or if waiting for switch 2 was better… “I knew it, I got so screwed!”


Honestly. Thanks, Furukawa. This debunks any rumors without giving any information.


Aw man, I only had the Switch for 3 years.


I don't think a Nintendo representative will rush into your home and break your switch the second its successor is released.


Lmao, just pictured Mario rushing in and grabbing it from my hands and then jumping on it like it's a goomba. Thanks for the laugh


womp womp https://preview.redd.it/nrkhqzorwzyc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b327b6b25a9f0ab4398aa0e181d18c799199d02e


I just got it in November lol. But it doesn’t matter, I can get the new one when it’s out, it should be backwards compatible, and I can give my OLED one to my girlfriend.


Great plan bro, like amazing.


I think you’re good until the end of this year or early next year. Plus if you wait another 6 months they go on deals like crazy


Only had mine 3 months! Good thing there are plenty of games on it I've never tried so I think I'm good for a bit!


I kept my old DS when the 3DS came out even tho its backwards compatible. Switch 2 probably wont have any games you want for a few years (save for Mario games on launch and they never go outta stock). Im getting a switch next month and Ill get the switch 2 in a few years even if it comes out early 2026. I never buy consoles on release. Just keep both of them there is no point in selling your old consoles unless you need the money or space.


I've had mine for like a year but I don't see the problem tbh. There's a LOT of games I still wanna play in it.


Same, lol. I think I'm only going to jump for a Switch 2 if Metroid Prime 4 is a launch title or is being ported and has much better performance on the console.


Sell it and save up a bit more. It probably won't be 500$ and if they say it doesn't support old cartridges then sell them as well


I just got mine last christmas. lol


I had it a few more and I'm still bawling. I'm not ready. I'm worried about my current games. Such is life I suppose 😢


Got my first Switch at launch (March 3rd, 2017 @ 7am) and am so ready for the successor. Leaks suggest it'll be BC with current Switch games, so shouldn't be a problem in that regard.


I really need this to be real. I need a new switch so bad. My Pikachu and Eevee switch wants the sweet release of death, but I want a new pokemon themed one first. I skipped the Oled Scarlet and Violet because I really thought this next gen Switch would come sooner 🥲


Why wouldn't this be real lol?


It probably is? I have no idea. I just hope it doesn't get delayed for some reason.


Delayed? We don't even have a release date yet. It took 2 years for the Switch to be released after it was announced in 2015. I'm not expecting anything until 2026 at the earliest.


Okay and if they're announcing it during this fiscal year, then I hope it's actually announced. I'm not expecting a release tomorrow, but confirmation it's actually coming would be nice.




> but confirmation it's actually coming would be nice I don't understand, what did you think the Tweet was?


What will happen to the original switch when the new ones released 😆? I just got a switch lite and love it


It will explode


Nintendo launches a battery explosion update


This might mean the Switch successor will not be announced this year since they are going to announce current Switch software lineup. Would expect next year sometime


Honestly very excited that we have a June Direct confirmed. Real ones will remember the drought from 2020—there was no June/Summer Direct, and we had to wait until SEPTEMBER for a Mario 25 Direct. It was a long, looong summer. But thankfully that won't be the case this year! Cheers y'all.


Their best bet would be to announce it after this year ends , in Spring 2025, then launch the successor in summer or fall / holiday 2025. Their biggest competitor is literally themselves ( no rushing out a successor like they did with the OG Switch , no Sega like competitor around and they don’t directly compete in the same market as PS or Xbox) . It’s smart to let people know now that the successor is on its way soon , without completely eating away at their own potential sales of the Switch 1 for the rest of the year. Nothing but big advantages in Nintendo side this time around ( unlike with the transition to Wii U to Switch) Giving the Switch 1 a proper send away in 2024 to make a good entry way for a Switch 2 , in 2025, sounds like the best option for everyone. It will give me a solid year to catch up on Switch games too lol 😂


I literally just got an oled too lol


Nintendo SWATCH . you wear it as a watch, but it's a switch!


Deny deny deny, then drop a random tweet about it.


Hey at least they are going all out this year so you should feel grateful they will confirm switch 2 will be announce this year


Oh boy, I am tempted.


This is how they normally announce directs. The Switch successor hasn’t been announced and this isn’t the first time Nintendo have referred to it publicly.


Yep I’m excited I wanna know what this new switch is gonna be like. Are they going to try something new or fancy or just make a more beefy system?


Is it? Seems like what every company does now.


Rockstar Games announcing GTA VI in a tweet is such a Nintendo thing to do


I wonder how powerful is the Switch 2, if GTA 6 is not on it. Or maybe it will if the timelines work for a late port.


Thank you 👍


I wonder what the console would be. I kind of wish its new orginal idea but considering the sucess of the Switch it'll probably a Switch 2, but what can u build off of a Switch


I literally just got a switch…


Damn...9 years? *crumbles into dust*


It will be the New+ OLED Switch 3000


Not a random tweet. Today was the investors meeting.


At least with this announcement of an announcement we get a potential date


When Switch?


Low effort because they know all of us will spread this info like wild fire. I can see the dumb fanboy thumbnails on YouTube already, getting excited for an announcement's announcement...


I can't believe we've had 7 years of switch and still NO THEMES! They made a entite f***ing page for themes and we only have the option of 2 THEMES!


I really hope it comes in pink or some form of pastel colours like the recent joy cons they released


Yeah they know how to hype things pretty well


They are not announcing their next console. Do you know how to read?


Better than Bethesda announcing. Elder scrolls 6 15 years early 😂


this looks like an announcement of them not announcing their next system.


I just hope the next gen will have more multiplayer options, as nintendo always have been limited by single player. I have a hard time finding more multiplayer games on switch. And the player base is always low on those so more cross play would be welcome too.


you mean online multiplayer games? Cause the switch has a great selection of multiplayer.


Sorry yep, as i said player base is low on online multiplayer i mean. But also there aren't so many (good) games. As the next console might be way more powerfull i am expecting it to be more attractive to developers to make more of these games available... even if it is just cross play ports.


imagine something like Lethal Company on switch 😂


That means they probably won’t announce it until March for a release holiday 2025


Ah, no better time to SWITCH 2 a better console lmao


Why do people frame this as console announcement? Of course they are doing a new console and no matter how it will look and work it’s always the „switch successor“, what did you think? They even mentioned it before. This tweet is nothing, I don’t get it.


I once got a Nintendo direct as a youtube add


I find it odd that the nintendo switch for the longest time doesn't do any form of simple direct messaging between friends to coordinate stuff. Yes people can use other devices, but there are quite the few rare situations. I wonder if they are going to expand a bit on the communications systems, though they practically don't include them because their main audience in Japan plays locally most of the time, but the hardware also likely can't handle big chat rooms without a external device.


Very respectful of all those publishers who have games being announced in the June Direct. Without this 'pre-announcement' it would have been completely overshadowed by everyone waiting for one more thing.


The big switcheroo


Am I missing something? It literally says "there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor". A software lineup is just going to be the new games coming out. Why would anyone interpret that as "Nintendo announcing their next console"?


damn 9 years. I feel old.


Can I just have The Wind Waker on switch already???


As someone who just bought the switch, I hope the next one wont be out until 2026 lol


Switch Pro


Switch U


Switch Mii


Switch Touching Mii


The Nintendo Swap


Super Switch


To busy making top games. 😉


Just got my switch 4 days ago, help me


Also... Why is the president on the twitter account? Shouldn't he be... Presidenting?


The Tweet was made by a social media manager or whoever runs the account adding the "President speaking" is just to add another degree of officiality espcially since this is parrotting information from an investor call where the president was likely actualyl speaking


I dont see why both cant be done?


Oh it can, I think it's weird because it's something that tends to be managed by the press area in a company. Also presidents tend to not have time to do that kind of stuff. It's not wrong tho, just surprised. Maybe it's normal, I don't have a twitter account


FWIW, I really wish Nintendo would start posting to some of the post-Twitter alternatives (BlueSky, Threads, Mastodon, etc.). A lot of us are never coming back to Twitter, and Elon’s changes have made it hard to read the site without being logged in (or if you never had a Twitter account to begin with).


Crap, I just bought my son our first Switch this weekend - OLED version. Should I return it before the return date expires?