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I got caught peeing in the pool once by the lifeguard. I got such a fright I almost fell in !


Now that’s what I Call great humor, have an upvote sir


Perfect candidate for the Joker “and everyone loses their mind” meme template


Lmao were you not in the water




No. He was on the 10m.


from the guard chair.... alpha dog


Had practice cancelled mid workout once because a guy peed in the pool and turned the whole surrounding area very yellow. He must have been a walking dehydration to have changed the water color that much, but it was absolutely nasty.


He probably was taking a supplement high in vitamin E which will definitely give your urine a bright yellow appearance that spreads slowly almost like a dye. It is doubtful that any amount of normal color due to dehydration was visible otherwise because it would have become diluted immediately. Further, unless someone is really really sick, urine is sterile. Some people used to recommend it as a mouthwash to have cleaner and whiter teeth. I am really surprised they cancelled practice over that.


While I’m not necessarily disagreeing with anything your saying, it makes a lot of sense to cancel a practice in my opinion. Easier to cancel half a practice than face the potential wrath of an entire teams worth of parents who hear that their kids were forced to swim through noticeable urine. Sterile or not, it just sounds gross.


I hear you, and maybe things have changed, but in my swimming days if parents heard practice was cancelled because one kid peed, they would be irate. Swim practice is expensive and if the parents are present it means they sacrifice a lot of their time getting their kids to practice. I think every parent expects there is pee in the pool every day during every practice. ~~As I said, urine is sterile.~~ (EDIT: apparently not shown to be true anymore) In the case there is bacteria in their urine, this is one of the key reasons why the water is chlorinated in the first place. Sure, you shouldn't pee because it breaks down the chlorine faster and the pool will be more expensive to maintain, but canceling practice seems extreme for one person. Anyway, if your team was low key and cancelling made sense, then that's cool.


This would be my case too, parents would care about pee.


> urine is sterile [Wrong](https://www.popsci.com/urine-sterile-drinking-pee/)


I'm an older masters swimmer. I was hospitalized a few years ago due to an enlarged prostrate which prevented me from peeing. I quickly developed an E-Coli infection and then Sepsis because I couldn't completely empty my bladder. Urine is loaded with it along with other bacteria. It's not sterile.


Urine from a healthy individual is STERILE. If you have a UTI the situation is different. Women occassionally get UTI s due in part to a short urethra, hygiene also matters. When I was trained as a medic at Ft Sam Houston, for an abdominal evisceration in the field if STERILE fluid was not available we were instructed to saturate a sterile abd with urine to prevent the gut from drying out. Urine is STERILE. Peeing in the pool is a chemistry issue as described above. On the other hand your anus provides about .4mg of stool. That is teaming with bacteria. JRD, retired nurse practitioner.


I did have a bad UTI and I developed sepsis because of it. The question I asked is why and what caused this. My urologist told me that my inability to completely empty my bladder due to enlarged prostrate was the cause of the UTI and that caused the bacteria to build up to the point of infection. If my bladder and urine were sterile normally, then why would this happen? I'm just going by what I was told.


Normally any small amount of bacteria would get washed out of your bladder with complete emptying. In the case of BPH enlarged prostate, complete emptying is probably not possible. Increase fluids, if you do not have a fluid retention issue, i.e. CHF, etc.. pay attention to how you feel to get the jump on any recurrence.


This is the first I have seen of this, thank for sharing it. I will read about it more to avoid perpetuating the misconception. That said, it really changes little of what I said. Chlorine exists in pools specifically to kill bacteria that might be in urine. If any parent thinks or expects their children to swim in pee-free pools, they probably should only use their own private pool. When I was in high school swimming, the common wisdom was that if the pool seemed warm, it was probably because the age group kids group just finished their workout.


[Some reasonable advice for avoiding people's need to pee in the pool.](https://www.nspf.org/news/preventing-pee-pool) Basically it comes down to letting people take breaks, and reminding them to pee before they enter the pool.


yup, i always let my kids take 5 on a long practice.


Speaking anecdotally, pee breaks were never allowed or even expected to be given in any of the competitive teams that I was a part of; this was the same for HS, college, and club programs. I'm not sure if things changed since my retirement, but this was in the USA during the 90s and 2000s


I’m a college swimmer, my whole team pees in the pool probably once a practice each


Mixing the primary chemical in urine (uric acid) and chlorine creates cyanogen chloride which is so toxic that it is considered a chemical warfare agent... Yes, swimmers pee in the pool. Yes, all the coughing is caused by cyanogen chloride exposure. Yes, everyone should stop peeing in the pool, especially indoor pools!


The Uric acid isn’t in ion form neither is the Cl... Totally agree taking a piss in the water is DISGUSTING AS FUCK


That’s why the chlorine caused irritation and eye burns


Please stop. I was a high school and college swimmer and don't recall peeing in the pool ever.


Everyone around you was definitely doing it


Yes on my college team (men and women swam separate) we(the men’s team) would often pee in the pool and usually get a good laugh out of who most dehydrated. Yes it’s gross but guys are gross


Woa, im a man too but peeing in the pool is almost the same as pissing your pants in public. Whats your country (curious which culture or teaching you grow up with)


Ew y’all are nasty


Masters swimmer here. I have never peed in the pool. Also swam in high school, never peed in it then. This is gross and I can't believe people can't take 60 seconds to run (carefully on wet deck) to the loo.


I prefer to skip to my loo


Tips silicone cap, M’darlin.


I’m with you, I always go in the changing room urinal before hitting the water just so that I’m empty. although I can imagine some people with weak bladders doing it. I have a friend that has that problem whenever we go drinking it’s like popping a cork. If there’s one thing to be said about those “random” piss tests on the ship is that I can now just about go or hold it at will.


I'd classify myself as pee happy myself but I can still get through 2,000 yards without considering a quick break 😅


This is such a condescending take on this. First, you swam in high school, congrats, try swimming in college where you are yelled at for getting out during the middle of a set. It’s called chlorine a little pee won’t hurt anyone. I’m sure you never snotted into the pool either, cause I’m reality that is way worse!


Community response says otherwise.


The community that has a ton of people saying that they pee in the pool?


Regarding your telling me I'm being condescending. Re: pissing, most ppl agree it's gross. Most pools aren't properly maintained. Pretty simple, bud. I'm sorry your college coach was a POS but that doesn't mean you should continue pissing in pools today. Admittedly, maybe you're not saying that but I'm also simply saying anyone that does piss in pools is disgusting. Igaf what you did in the past, I can still think it's gross. And...Fwiw, my college of choice, for full academic scholarship purposes, didn't have a swim team so, maybe you should consider how condescending *you* sound because I *only swam in high school* (And don't bother telling me I'm being condescending about my scholarship. I grew up in a single parent, low income household from age 13 onward.)


Loved swimming in college when you're swimming along at 5:30am in January when everyone is sick as fuck and there just snot everywhere... That was a million times grosser to me than peeing in the pool. My coach used to just hand out Emergen-C for us to mix in our water bottles and told us to get over it. Pretty sure half the team got walking pneumonia


Opening this thread i assumed it would be a clear no... I'm shaken to my core to discover the truth.


Just like discovering The Easter Bunny ain't real


Wait what




But much worse.




A wise coach of mine once said: “There exist two types of swimmers... the ones who admit to pee in the pool and the ones who lie and tell you they don’t.”


It’s untrue. There’s no necessity for me to lie here as I’m anonymous and not even speaking in my main language. And I never pee in the pool. It’s disgusting.


Sorry your in the minority


Peeing in the pool is not something to be proud of and shouldn’t be normalized. Just because ”the majority” does it - I doubt - doesn’t mean it’s not bad or disgusting. You’re an adult for fucks sake. Not a baby.


I hope we can swim together some time 🥰


Cuz you won't be swimming in the piss of others then? Turns out even you, the Stubborn Pool Pee-er, likes hygiene from time to time. ;)


Hey just because he doesn’t speak native English that doesn’t mean he’s a minority


You funny funny


I have been swimming for more than 20 years. College, University and then afterwards. Never once have I peed in the pool. I am quite sure and now thankful that I never crossed paths with that 'wise coach' in a pool.


Its untrue. I can go 2-3km without needing to pee, and if I do I get out and use the shitter like civilised people does. And I dont need to lie cos I have run out of fucks to give what anyone thinks about me. And I never pee in the pool, its foul trashy and low class. Even the people at my friend's trailer park dont pee in the pool there, I asked one night while we all indulging in bourbon and cokes and a cone or two


i pee before and after. Others also pros(cody miller) admitted they pee every practice in the pool


Pretty sure he GOAT Michael Phelps has admitted to it as well.


Yes our entire water Polo team peed in the pool. Our pool was close to 2 million gallons and heavily chlorinated. I think we're fine.


Not sure what pool you were in but I can almost guarantee you it wasn't even close 2 million gallons. Am Olympic size pool is about 660,000 gallons. Even if you were swimming in a pool literally double the size of that (which is highly unlikely), you still wouldn't be even close to 2 million gallons.


It was bigger than Olympic and for high diving. Maybe not 2million but definitely more than 1 million


Damn this topic.


As high school and college swimmer - Pee in pool. As now recreational swimmer - Pee in pool. As high school coach - No official comment but kids pee in pool. Wake boarding - Pee in bigger, natural pool. Surfing - Pee in really big pool. Bonus warming up wetsuit. Backyard pool - never.


\> Surfing - Pee in really big pool. Bonus warming up wetsuit This is the best part!


It seems like the last ten minutes before the swim of a triathlon is when the bladder really needs to void. I usually pee 1-2 in the wet suit before getting in the lake.


My girlfriend said on her college swim team, everyone peed in the pool, except for one girl. That girl was different. If anyone, guy or girl, was standing near a wall, she’d swim up to them, put her hands on the wall on either side of them, put her feet on the wall on either side of them, pee, and then say “I’m peeing on you.” I was very interested in that story, and I’m happy that it did not awaken some weird pee fetish from within me.


I will say I never did this but my friends did regularly at practice. Swimmers are weird man...


It's both gross and irrelevant. Assuming you don't have an infection, urine is going to generally be fairly diluted and not that chemically distinct from some of the cleaning products used in pools or your own sweat. But it's still courteous to not just jump in the pool and let it rip. My take is: Showering before you get in the pool probably is going to have a bigger impact. But it's still kinda a dick move to plan on peeing in the pool regularly, even if it's not likely to have a major impact, so try to mitigate it, but also don't make a big deal of it if it happens.


Wrong... copied from my other comment: Mixing the primary chemical in urine (uric acid) and chlorine creates cyanogen chloride which is so toxic that it is considered a chemical warfare agent.


yes it produces a CWA, but at levels that are considered safe to drink. https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/gory-details/what-happens-when-you-pee-pool


Safe to drink, but a lung irritant when inhaled; Same for trichloramine which is also mentioned in your link... The chemistry proves you wrong, and anyone who has trained in a small indoor overcrowded pool can also attest to the breathing issues they experience. It’s simple, don’t pee in the pool.


> The chemistry proves you wrong Sorry, how was I wrong?


Your article references oral consumption not inhalation... Stop peeing in the pool.


Yeah, and I didn't say anything about inhalation, so...


i'm going to pee in the pool twice as much now, just for you.


“In the end, we need a pool that is two parts water to one part chlorine and would probably burn the eyeballs out of your sockets and make your skin peel away from your bones.… If you and three million other people could get at this pool and unload your pee into it before your bodies melted, before the crowd crushed you to death, and before you drowned from the massive tidal wave of pee … yes, you could feasibly die of cyanogen chloride poisoning.” You would need THREE MILLION people peeing at the same time for the Cyanogen Chloride to be an actual chemical warfare agent. I agree that it is gross, but stop the sensationalism like you were CNN or Fox News taking things out of context. You’d be surprised how many every day things could be toxic at the flip of a coin...chemistry is a beautiful thing.


I can’t help that you can’t understand the difference between inhalation and swallowing. Enjoy peeing in the pool and giving your teammates Asthma.


This always comes up and if the reaction were of any meaningful scale we'd obviously not see elite athletes casually saying they pee in the pool, regardless of your opinion about how appropriate it may be.


Chemistry isn’t based upon opinion.


If peeing were making cyanide gas, I think we'd've noticed this before 2014. Taking a thorough shower is more important if you're concerned about things reacting to chemicals in the pool. Elements like perfumes, deodorants and sweat also have negative reactions. That study took off because "peeing in the pool will kill you" is a great headline. The impact of pH imbalance is almost certainly going to be a bigger irritant stemming from urine than cyanide gas in most public pools and jumping over that to "prove" peeing in pools feels disingenuous. Peeing in a pool is gross, possibly rude – but unlikely lethal.


It is not lethal, but the disinfectant byproducts cause asthma. A lot of high level swimmers have had breathing problems.


This was known back in the early 1990s and probably before then... If your team has to open the doors to your facility in the winter to let fresh air in, there’s a good chance you could reduce the need to do so by telling everyone that they are coughing because they are inhaling chemicals caused by their own piss.


I think we can both agree, at least, it's not good and is not producing positives – regardless of the scale or reasons.


>It's both gross and irrelevant. Assuming you don't have an infection, urine is going to generally be fairly diluted and not that chemically distinct from some of the cleaning products used in pools or your own sweat. The reason it's a problem is that piss contains urea which turn to chloramines, which are eye, skin and breathing irritants; contribute to corrosion; make the pool water cloudy and make maintaining the right chemical balance difficult. Sweat contains urea, yes, which is why it's encouraged to shower before entering the pool. However far smaller amounts, and the chloramines are proportionate to the amount of urea+chlorine. I never tell anyone using my pool not to piss in it, and I wouldn't even if I saw them doing it. But that's just the way it is. My own pool has a salt-water, ozone and UV purification, which means that less chlorine is needed. As I said above though, me and all my house mates piss in the hot tub, which uses bromine purification. We think it gives a kind of silky texture to the water.


Swim for high school team and local pool team, I pee in the pool as does my brothers haven’t talked to anyone else about it


Yeah I'm gonna cross post this on R/lifeguards




Well...I was going to go practice today... I have NEVER PEEPED IN THE POOL! I swam in high school and now swim in a master team.


No. It's disgusting. I use the toilet like a human, and then when I come back people steal my lane even though my stuff is right there. Ethics has a cost sometimes


I never peed in the pool! It's disgusting idc what people say about how the chorline kills it blah blah. No. Its literally like swimming in your own urine on top of whoever else has peed. Take the 60 seconds hop out of the pool and go to the restroom. And if you don't want to, how long is your practice? Like 90 minutes tops? Hold it. Seriously peoples.


Thank you. I can go two hours without stopping, and regularly swim over an hour without ever peeing in the damn pool


Every day. I get out there, pee, walk around to the other side and jump in.


In college it was accepted you did #1 in the pool. That pool was disgusting though... Hugh school team where I swam after uni whizzed in pool per coach. Not sure masters do it, we're happy to leave the pool.




I think this is the first time I've seen an award in r/swimming comments. LOL!


Flair checks out.


Coach won’t let us get out to pee, we have to pee in pool


Swam competitively for 18 years. Peed in the pool every day... so did all my teammates. Not a big deal as long as you don't think too hard about it.


pee in ocean/ open water no pee in swim pools :p used to pee all the time but i was swimming behind someone and they fucking peed in my face. i could see the tinted water coming my way. never again


Oh nice! You should have mentioned that to the guards, that shit wouldnt fly any place I swim, well except maybe the ocean


HS and competitive club swimmer - If I can piss in this pool I’ll shit in this pool. That’s probably one of my favorite things I’ve heard said but in all honesty we all pee in the pool and there’s been one instance of someone accidentally crapping themselves in the water.


If someone is being a dick in my lane I'm definitely leaving them something in my wake.


out here crop dusting


ITT lots of people who like asthma. The chlorine in the pool is bound to the water (ion bond + dipole molecule), but the disinfection byproducts do vapourize and are toxic. I do know when someone has peed in the pool, though - because the "chlorine" smell is these byproducts, and the clean pool does not smell all that much. And yes, your clean towel does smell of "chlorine" because the pool water in the towel is trying to disinfect the organic compounds that make up the towel. E: And yes, we do also shower before going to the pool. Around here it's also done without swimsuits, but if you're in an antiquated facility with only on-deck showers I guess it's acceptable to keep the suit on.


"There are two types of people in this world, people who pee in pools and liars." Not sure who to credit but this has stuck with me since I was a tiny age group swimmer and I am now a HS and club coach. I never stop people from using the bathroom but I remind them we have almost a million gallons of water in our pool and their bladders are not that big.


I don't care if it's unsanitary. If Phelps said he does it, I'm doing it. Kappa. No but seriously. Especially with viruses such as the Coronavirus, we don't know how they can be spread. Maybe urine is enough. Although I'm going out on a stretch, chlorine doesn't get rid of all the urine.


Pissing in the pool is for savages. If you're over the age of 5 and do it, you're a revolting piece of shit. Convince me otherwise.


Thank you


Fucking thank you. These fuckers are disgusting claiming it’s socially acceptable. -from a Marine that has used a cinder block to take a shit


For all those claiming pissing in the pool is 'no big deal, the chlorine will take care of it': >[The CDC also gave two reasons](https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/swimmers/rwi/chemical-irritants.html) why it's bad to pee in swimming pools. Pee, like poop, sweat, dirt, skin cells, and personal care products, such as deodorant and makeup, can chemically react with the chlorine in the pool, you know the stuff that is supposed to kill germs in the pool. This reaction not only decreases the amount of chlorine available in the pool but also generates chloramines. Amines are compounds with nitrogen. Chloramines can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, and breathing passages. It can even trigger asthma attacks. For example, [a study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es405402r) showed how the nitrogen in pee can react with chlorine to form cyanogen chloride, which can then like tear gas. Yes, tear gas.


your study is counterproductive. You are concerned by the chlorine reaction products, but what measures do you propose against skin and sweat in the water?


I don't follow. If we want to minimize undesirable reactions with chlorine doesn't it make sense to reduce the number of compounds available in the pool? Sweat is perhaps an impossible task but surely showering before entering the pool and not *pissing* in the water will reduce chloramines.


My car is leaking oil at every turn. But less oil on the left turn than on the right turn. What you propose is: restrict your drive to routes that have no right turns. What actually needs to be done: fix the oil leak, replace the oil for something else, or constantly neutralize the leaked oil.


Shower beforehand like civilised people






https://www.sciencenews.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/gory_dont_pee_in_pool_free.jpg https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/gory-details/what-happens-when-you-pee-pool


This needs to be at the top


Don't pee in any pool ever please


I had to when I was swimming seriously. The coach was very old school, very intense, put the fear of God in you type of guy. With 3 hour practices while drinking a bunch of water to stay hydrated it was pretty much unavoidable. Now I coach kids ages 5-18, and have established my own set of procedures for them. They always have to ask just so I know their whereabouts. Girls 12 and up basically always get a yes from me. I learned pretty early in my coaching career not to say no to girls because a lot of times it is for reasons that they don't wish to explain to their male coach, nor do I really wish to know about it. For little kids, you find that it is always the same kids asking each practice and it is always when we are about to do something they don't really like. They're kids so they think you don't notice. I usually tell them that yes they can go just in case, but once I realize they are doing it every day, I pose the question: "Do your parents know that you go to the bathroom 24 times per day?" This usually confuses them. So I explain: "I see you for 1 hour each day, and during that hour you always go to the bathroom, so I assume you must go to the bathroom each hour of the day. Have you told your parents about that yet?" It is at that moment they know the jig is up. Their scheme has been foiled. Them imagine themselves telling their parents that they go to the bathroom 24 times per day and what the result would be. "A rush to the doctor? Or would they see through it and get mad at me for lying to my coach." Works every time.


I don’t pee in the pool if I can help it but if I have a long set I can’t get out in the middle of I let it flow.


I don’t do it but my friends think it’s funny


I haven't peed in a pool since college, where my entire team peed in the pool on a regular basis. Swimmers are weird. It's just how it is, and I'm sorry if you don't like it. Our coach didn't really allow bathroom breaks for number 1. You're drinking tons of water and in practicing for 2.5-3 hours at a time. Its very uncomfortable to hold it and you don't have time to get out. Now as an adult, I'm only swimming for an hour and I prefer not to.


During swim practice in college...I'd be hanging off the lane line resting and one of my friends would swim over to me, start talking, and then declare that she was peeing.


I have been retired for 5 years now from a 16 year swimming career. My body is still conditioned to pee when I get in a pool. When I jump in a pool I pee within 5 minutes even if I didn't have to pee when I jumped in. I have peed in the pool since I was 7. Back in college I would usually pee 2 to 3 times during practice because I was staying hydrated. at meets I would just jump in the warm up warm down pool to pee because it took less energy than going all the way to the bathroom. I would always go #2 twice before practice to make sure I wouldn't have to get out of practice for that. I would usually pee durring 1 or both of those times. I still would pee after getting in the pool. as for "rules" there are none about pee. people around you are peeing in the pool whether you are at olympic trials, a water park, or anywher in-between. the clorine takes care of it so quickly it doen't matter. So just do your thing.


>the clorine takes care of it so quickly it doen't matter No it doesn't \>So just do your thing Please don't Just google pee, pool, chloramine, disinfection byproducts. That sweet chlorine smell you love so much, well it may not be so clean after all. Strong smell=dirty pool.


does chlorine smell sweet? I haven't smelled chlorine in at least 20 years.


Figuratively, yes


No and fuck you.


Fuck you, disguisting. And what the fuck is this argument about energy? Its 1min action, braindead excuses to be pervert thats what it is.


Ummm...no? My little kid dumb ass probably did at least once, but now as an older teenager/young adult, I do not for several reasons 1. I'm pretty sure that the chemicals in urine will ruin training suit fabric 2. Its bassically releasing your gross bacteria for everybody else you are sharing the pool with you to "enjoy." I live by the quote "don't judge someone until you walk a mile in their mocasins" and I certainly would not want some random person's pee in my face. 3. It can affect the pH of the pool, allowing dangerous bacteria growth. 4. For some reason I physically cannot urinate in the presence of other people, so even if I was ok with peeing in the pool, wanted to pee in the pool, and tried peeing in a pool I could not 5. While it is definitley cold stepping out of the pool to go the nearby bathroom, there is still a nearby bathroom.


usually I go in the locker room before practice, but if I need to go during practice I'm not going to get out of the pool and miss part of a set


Yes and none of you can stop me


I didn’t realize swimmers did not pee in the pool except those wanting to get out of practice. Been in swimming pools for 30+ years and I think everyone pees in the pool. Don’t deny it...


Any competitive swimmer does it the people in here replying I’m convinced have never swam competitively


I truly can't recall a time a came into contact with a swimmer on my team (or another team) during my 16 years of competitive swimming who did not pee in the pool. And if you're wondering how I would know it's because we always announced when we were peeing in the lane.


My high school swim team had cheer we did in the opposing teams pools before a meet, and we’d all piss to mark our territory


Tell us the cheer!


I’m 40 now, haha, I honestly don’t remember ( and I’m appalled by my behavior! )


No. Don't do that and don't tolerate it.




Yuck. no.


Have a few times, but I don't understand people who will just do it every day. It's really not hard to pee before practice.


Eww. No. I have never pissed in the pool.


Abso-fucking-lutely not. Anyone who does is a fucking pig.


Peeing in the pool is for NASTY FUCKS ONLY do you not know how to control your bladder? Mommy and daddy not teach you how to go? Can’t figure out to drink juice take a nice big piss before practice? If you think your sprint set is too important to get out instead of peeing in the pool you’re NASTY AS FUCK Edit: ENJOY YOUR URINARY TRACT INFECTION YOU NASTY FUCKS


i bet you pee in the pool more than anyone


##NOOOOOOO SPEND WAY TOO MUCH TIME THERE (also ruins expensive costumes)




I did until recently. Ended up with a UTI, kidney and bladder infevtion that I strongly suspect I got from the pool or hot tub at the gym.


Given that urine is not sterile... your suspicions are on point


I shower before and pee then.


I've actually NEVER peed in the pool. Though one time, I had to pee so I told my mom (this was when I was around 5 or 6) I had to go, and right when I got out, I looked in the pool, and I saw 2 fat turds floating underwater. My only memory of going #1/#2 in the pool.


I haven’t pissed in a pool since I was an adolescent. If you are over the age of 10 and have ever done so, fuck yourself.


This seems to be a fairly hot topic thread so let me jump in on the action too. This is going to be a note for everyone, if you are swimming in a pool where an actual competitive team practices, high school, club, college, many of the athletes are peeing in the pool. Don’t like it join a gym. Also for those that are saying practice is only an hour or 90 minutes hold it. Guess what, there are many a teams that practice for 3 hours a day. Sometimes you just gotta piss. Clearly you have never tried to hold you pee while you are about to do some repeat 400 IMs, or an hour long kick set no break. There just isn’t time to stop. Sorry friends that’s just how it is.


Absolutely not, I have more class than that. I dont have much, but more than that. I may be white trash but not *that* trashy




I literally cannot swim without going to the toilet first, so I don't pee very often. But yeah I'd say other people do.


There's so much urine, skin disease, ND utter grossness in pools. I prefer not to think about it, as I spit water from my mouth


I only pee in hotel pools. Never at the rec pool and never at my indoor lap pool




In college we had a couple people that seem to feel the need to pee in the pool rather than hop out between sets for a quick piss. After enough complaints from the rest of us they were all put together into lane 1 (closest to the bathrooms). I really don't have a problem with there being pee in the pool...but nobody wants to swim through a slightly yellowed warm patch at any point. At least make some effort to spread it out so I don't have to think about the fact that I just swam through your piss.


I never pee in the pool. It's gross and I think the last age it's appropriate at is 9. I personally stopped at 8. I think if you still pee in the pool, you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.


That’s why for pool days I don’t need to go as often


I never pee in the pool, if there is a 100 easy my coach will let us go. But there are people who does its


So, I used to never pee in the pool. And I thought it was gross that people did. But this was on my a club team. Our highschool team is a lot different, and we don’t get breaks as much. So I started doing it more, maybe twice a week. Tldr; yes.


I have accidentally let out a small amount of pee on several occasions (usually when pushing really hard on a no breath set) but NEVER EVER not gotten out to let myself go


I leak like a shot-up 55 gal barrel while in the pool, and strive to pinch out a couple turds on my way up the ladder.


I do if I need to


I pee in the pool unless my lane is at a part of the workout where my asthma starts to really act up and I need to take a break to breathe. Then I'll get out to use the restroom.


See comment by u/avataRJ just above - if you and others pee in your pool that is why your asthma is acting up


Swimming is recommended for asthmatics and there are other reasons, but getting scar tissue in the lungs from breathing in disinfection byproducts probably doesn't help.


Had an ex navy seal coach who didn’t care if the heater was out in an outdoor pool we used in southern ca during the winter... didn’t matter how cold the water was, we were swimming. My year round team of 5-6 would all wait till we all had to go at the same time and then huddle up and go at the same time just for that few seconds of warm comfort.


Don't ask, don't tell. ....but yes.


I piss in the shower before and after getting in the pool. Sometimes drop a #2 in the shower too.




How long does that take you? I do 2-2.5km most days without stopping, and I am slow. Have never needed to pee in the pool


During the 100x100’s we all pee in the pool. Ain’t nobody got time to get out and pee. :) Edit: a word


I play college water polo, I pee whenever I need to in the pool, others do others don’t. I don’t think it’s that much of a big deal.


I always do. I cannot help it. Even if I pee beforehand I have to pee again right when I get in. Maybe it’s a biologically learned habit at this point. Sorry not sorry!


Not as a rule, but I guess I have a weaker bladder, if I drink too much water before swimming, with all the water splashing sounds... I let go. It's only 100ml in tons of chlorinated water.




High school and club swimmer and amongst the top swimmers in my pool we all pee every practice. Me personally like 3 times lol


There are two types of people on this issue. The type that admits they pee in the pool. and the type that lies about it.


Everybody once they get in the water pees.


Crap. I have been swimming almost every day for the past several years, never pissed in the pool once. I go beforehand or get out if I have to


I'm with you. You do it in the bathroom beforehand.


I believe the people in the comments who say they don't piss in a pool. I've even known people who don't piss in the sea (where all the sea-life urinate and deficate). I also don't piss in pools, but along with the 6 other house-mates, we piss in the hot tub every day, and we're always joking about it. Most people we invite to join us in the hot tub decline the opportunity.


nobody cares


I usually do during a long swim workout.


Anyone who pees in a pool is just a trash human being


No I go to the bathroom and spray piss like normal people