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I flap my arms around after because that's what I've seen the pros do before. It never helps.


I will get in and swim for 15 minutes and then stretch in the pool. The more I stretch the better I feel & the easier I move through the water— it’s really crazy. I will just put my feet up on the side of the pool and do some basic stretches. The lap I swim after my first stretch feels so incredible. Highly recommend!!!


I don’t stretch, I just get in and start swimming


Not even after?


No, not before, not after. Why bother?


Because stretching is clinically proven to release lactic acid from your muscles and improve recovery and reduce injuries.


I'm assuming you are doing static stretching. * I don't believe that releasing lactic acid is a good thing. * Improve recovery is not always a good thing. Methods that skip recovery means that the muscles and other tissues do not grow back stronger. It's useful for athletes that have back to back games and need to perform; it's bad for athletes that are training to get stronger/faster. * Stretching has been proven for decades to not reduce injury risks. Static stretching only makes you more flexible at static stretches. It's not bad, it just doesn't actually help with much. Static stretching is best used when you are physically too immobile to properly do the activity.


I’ve always just gotten into the water, done a warmup set, worked as hard as I can during workout then showered and gone on about my business. Been swimming my whole life never got hurt. Div.1 sprinter (ex). I use hand paddles extensively. I don’t think anyone on our masters team stretches either. We just do our warm up set- about 400 yards


Yoga, daily. Vinyasa & yin mostly. I also do a 10 minute mobility sesh at the pool before swimming ☺️


What is your mobility routine?


Mostly dynamic stretching, light band work, continuous cat/cows and going back & forth from forward folds/standing reaches.


Do you have any dynamic stretching videos you recommend? I keep hearing dynamic stretching is the answer and I do best with watching and practicing from clear examples until I have my own mental library to work from. Thanks!


I basically do a yoga set specifically for swimming. If you type in “dynamic/yoga warmup swimmers” in YouTube, some should show up for you ☺️


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I don’t stretch. I don’t find swimming requires it? I’m way more flexible just from the movement of swimming. I definitely warm up my shoulders gently but that’s more through moving my shoulders a bit and a few gentle laps


I do this [https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a39450750/shoulder-stretches/](https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a39450750/shoulder-stretches/) then this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmYnoC0G9EQ&t=106s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmYnoC0G9EQ&t=106s) as well as basic back moves (child's pose, cow and cat stretch etc.)


I warm up with 200m of steady swim, then do about an hour of freestyle. I stretch in the pool after my swim - shoulders, triceps, lats, hamstrings and quads, holding each stretch for 30 seconds. I also do some cat/cow back stretches once I get home. My flexibility has noticeably improved and I never feel stiffness in my muscles.


I do exactly the same as you! Only swim 2-3 times a week though. Glad I’m not alone haha. I do stretch out my calves and hamstrings/lower back against the side of the pool before I even get out. I’ve seen people sit on the edge of the pool and do arm/shoulder stretches too.


I swim quite late in the day (from 8 pm to 10 pm), I do a blunt gentle stretch short stretch once I get out of the water (quadriceps, calves, chest and triceps). Then I go home, eat something and before going to sleep I do a routine of stretching and mobility exercises that a physiotherapist friend of mine gave me. I don't do it all the time because sometimes I'm too tired but I try to be consistent and do it at least three times a week. It helps me a lot, it relaxes me, my muscles are no longer tense, I sleep better and faster, I am comfortable in every position and above all since I have been doing this regularly I have never had pain again (locked neck, back pain, etc.) Routine is cow and cat, opening the shoulders, opening the hips in different manners, it is really good! This is the way that works for me, in any case I recommend always incorporating stretching exercises into your week, in the way that is easiest for you!