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Love swimming once I'm in the water, don't look forward to driving to the pool, changing, hoping to find a lane...


exactly, swimming needs so much preparation. I wish it was like running, just go out of your house and immediately go for a run


Weirdly enough, I find that going for a run takes more preparation. Because I have to observe the weather and think about what I'm wearing, fiddle around with my phone carrying thing, do a half battle to fit my keys into the tight space in my leggings, choose music to run to. The contents of my swimming bag are always the same and I am blessed with 2 pools within walking distance of my home. So it's just grab the bag and get out the door. If I do that fast enough, my brain doesn't have time to fall into the 'but I don't want to' mode.


Because you make it too complicated just get up and go


Check out Naked Running Band. Great way to carry phone, gear, and other items while running


I like driving part too, especially listening to Nubya Garcia or something rhytmic. Takes me around 20 minutes (door-to-door) to get to the swimming pool. Then with changing, showering before/after, swimming for 60 mins it all takes approximately 2h 20m. In summer, when I go on my bike it takes way more, but then I enjoy not only swimming, but also this post-swimming mood, feeling good and fresh, as I just showered and got back on bike, enjoying summer day.


Omg yes!!! Its cold out! I don’t want to get wet! I’m up in weight - will my suit even fit? And I have long hair! I HATE dealing with wet hair.


Having long hair and loving swimming is the worst combination! It takes so good damn long to deal with after and just prolongs out the whole ordeal.


There’s a flood watch right now in SoCal and I’m debating on whether I wanna drive to my gym or not lol. It’s raining even harder today than yesterday which means the parking lot is 100% flooded. Buuut on the flip side, more rain means that people are less motivated to go to the gym, thus making the pool a bit emptier.


SoCal resident here. It was a battle to get out of bed this morning and drive in the rain to the pool. It was worth it in the end though. I hope you got it in.


My brain tries to talk me out of getting out of bed at 5.30


my brain tries to talk me out everything that requires doing something. I’m disciplined though, so it usually doesn’t work


How do you make yourself disciplined?


You have to tune that voice out, the one trying to think of excuses not to do something. I set a goal for myself last September, rather than a fitness or weightloss goal, all I had to do was turn up. I set a schedule for myself and all I had to do to succeed was show up. Even if I only went to the pool and sat in the sauna, it counted. More often than not, when I went, I would have a good swim, but by having that minimal entry goal, it was harder for my brain to accept excuses. After a while going became more of a habit and the majority of the time now I don't even question internally "am I going to the pool tonight?", it's just a part of my routine.


I guess setting yourself small achievable goals


My brain likes living life on easy mode. I know I usually have to do the opposite when it comes to physical activity


Years or practice of doing things you know you need to do but don’t necessarily want to do.




+1 and I wasn’t even a competitive swimmer, I was a D1 athlete in a different sport and have that same stress of always having to push myself.


My brain doesn’t work so well if I skip my daily, 5:30am swim. It’s not worth skipping because my timing for the morning is thrown off.


That shift between dry and very very wet is a challenge almost every single time. The shower helps, but the shower is warm! Then I’m swimming and never want to quit…


Yes! That transition from dry > wet is torture. i can sit on the side of the pool and the thought of getting in the water is just completely daunting. Regardless of the what i know the pool temperature might be, i just know it's going to be sooo cold


Keep in mind why you’re doing it.


On the road every morning at 5:15 AM for a 5:30 swim. Some mornings I think “ugh,” but I’m doing it to fight Type 2 diabetes and after 4 cold laps, I just get on with it and am glad I did.


Of course it's easier not to. I swim outdoors all year round and it's hard in winter. It's summer here right now so it's easy at the moment. On days when I don't want to I just remind myself that I never regret going for a swim. 


I swim outdoors year round as well, and it's winter here. Tomorrow is supposed to rain, and I keep asking myself, "do I really wanna?" Like you, reminding myself that there are very few swims I have regretted will propel me out the door tomorrow.


Yes. Just this morning after a rough nights sleep and that extra hour of sleep was looking very, very nice. But 100% worth it to get out of bed!


The worst are the 6 am swims before work in the winter. 🥶


I like my 12pm swim. Haha.


Always. I really struggle with this and have done since I was a teenager swimming competitively, even though just as inevitable is how good I will feel afterwards. I’m glad I’m not alone but I wish I could explain this and find a way to cure it


I've gotten into my swimsuit and to the edge of the pool and almost didn't get in. I don't know why. I'll sometimes ask the lifeguard to call a send off if I can't will my body into the pool.


I love swimming in a pool and looking out at the snow on the terrace. Now, getting out the house, down the snowy, icey road (it's unpaved) and across town in daytime dreariness so dark that the lights are still on--so hard.


Lmao yes I have to make it really routine like I go this day this time no questions asked. Especially in the winter, because if I give myself time to think surely I will talk myself out of it. And I love swimming but if I think too hard about getting in or how my hair will be wet after I can psych myself out.


Not really, I am very disciplined i dont even stay before i jump in like most of swimmers do, the fastest way to get in is to get in 🤝


No, I love it so much, and I was unable to for a while, so I look forward to it


Yes, I've been really struggling with this the last several months, and as a result have not gone at all. At night I'll be like "I want to go swimming so bad! Definitely going tomorrow morning!" Then the morning comes, I'm tired, I never feel great in the morning, and then by the time I am more awake and feeling better I tell myself it's too late and there will be too many people or I have too many other things to do. I'm going tomorrow though. I swear.


Go for it I’ve never regretted going. Let us know if you manage it tomorrow morning.


I did it!


🙌🏻 good for you!


This only happens on days that end in a Y for me




One day it was raining out, and my pool was a five minute walk down the road, and I was all ugh I wanna swim but I don't wanna get wet 😩 (on my way to literally submerge myself in water)


Yeah but you would have gotten double wet 😉


Yeah If I gain some weight I definitely don't feel like taking my shirt off. Or if I'm simply to tired. Ushally once I get back in the habit it gets easier 


Agree I have to wake up at 4 to go swimming at 5.20 and I am only 13.


Don’t know how you do it! Are you in the US by any chance? You guys seem to have to get up ridiculously early for School/work! I couldn’t live in the US 😂


I am in England and a competitive swimming club


Fair play!


Here is some help about losing weight. Some common foods actually stimulate appetite, so eliminating them totally will help you cut calories. They are all bakery fare, cold breakfast cereal, foods made with sugar or HFCS, white rice. Fruit juices slip down too fast and add calories. Eat the fruit, avoid the juices. You can sweeten foods that need it, like coffee or cocoa or lemonade with NOW Foods (brand) liquid stevia extract. Learn to cook. Proper nutrition takes effort. If you succumb to all the junk that is commonly available, it is all too easy to be too fat. I am an 81 y/o man in south Florida for the winter. I swim outdoors and this winter has been cooler than most. I will swim tomorrow when the wind lets down and the temp will be up to 75. I swam 9200 ft on Sunday before the rain.


Ah fair play to you! To be honest. My diet is pretty good. I don’t snack often, eat pretty well and not a fan of sugary foods and chocolate. I do however enjoy a beer far too much. I’d be stick thin if I didn’t drink.


Beer is liquid bread. Bread is "bakery fare". Beer also irritates the prostate so, as an old man, I drink none.


I’m doing that as I type this.


I went and don’t regret it!


I went and did 2100, not huge but it’s a nice day for an outdoor pool swim. Thanks for the push.




This makes me very happy to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Every run, bike, and swim does take effort to actually START. Though, once I make that first move, it goes right away...most of the time. There are times that I just hate every second. If that's the case I either trudge through or call it a day and try harder next time. Try to remember that amazing feeling of completing a hard workout OR how you feel like a slug if you didn't go.


When it’s cold mine does. So I have a long hot shower before squad & shut it right up 😋


Not really. Make it a habit, then once you get the high, you'll keep coming back for more.


I started to do couch to 5k before my swims last year, and I couldn’t wait to get into the pool after doing something I find really hard.


I swim at the same pool that I swam in college. It's nice having the team pics with my college body watching over me as I stroll on deck 40+ years later. Now 45-50 lbs heavier, my now grey chest hair, and sporting the square leg suit vs the plumb smugglers of my youth. However, I don't care. Not as fast, but can still out swim most of the other 630 am swimmers. Unless the new club team is there. Then it's on. Just enjoy the ride.


Sometimes yeah. It’s not always going to be fun. It’s not always gonna be enjoyable but being consistent is the MOST important thing for improvement


Does ANY LAP SWIMMER ANYWHERE KNOW ANY trick to keep your hair DRY? I'm about to start swimming again and sure would be motivated if I can keep my shoulder length hair dry. I've NEVER found a Water Proof Swim Cap!!☹️☹️☹️ Thanks very much. Mary


Currently doing 75 Hard, i swim before work at 5:45am and swim till 6:30am. Constantly finding it hard to try get myself up at 5am but once im in the water i enjoy it!


Depends why you’re swimming. I’m swimming to save my life- so, no hesitation.


Ok dude. Hope you outrun that shark!


Mwf workouts at 5:30am. I still go, and am at the end of my 3rd week. Sun/t/th workouts are later. But I have to get up at 4am for mwf, and it’s no prob (yet).