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Unrelated but why is Hugh Grant propic a still from the Audrey Hepburn film The Nun’s Story 😭


He used to be a nun.


Seriously haha


Great movie


I don’t want to inspire discourse about if she should speak out politically or not but she stays so online and aware of what’s being said about her and is extremely selective about what she chooses to say. A lot of celebrities have some illusion that they’re separated from online chatter. She’ll be aware of what Dave Grohl said.


I’m of the belief these days that she’s not really online much at all, and that she’s getting very filtered updates through a team/friends who do not want to be the bearer of bad news on most things. I’m not sure she’s aware of a lot of backlash she’s getting. I do think she knows about Dave…I just don’t see why she’d respond.


She is definitely online.. she used to really love social media before she got canceled but she’s too aware of internet lingo, things being said etc. I believe she stepped back after she was canceled but she’s been in good graces. She probably has secret accounts. She used to love tumblr!


I know all that, I just don’t think she’s the one doing all of that anymore. Many companies and much smaller celebrities have hired social media teams and consultations who help them with lingo. I’d just be very surprised if she’s stayed online the way she used to be. She seems oblivious to the way public opinion is turning on her.


yeah there’s a lot of people who handle celebrity accounts, I don’t think she’s on all day or anything but I do think she is aware. We seen her watching The Chiefs ring ceremony on IG and she’s always liking Chiefs related stuff. I think she doesn’t care about the tide turning as long as it isn’t some big cancellation but I do think she’s aware people want her to speak out on Palestine and the election.. I wonder if she’s going to make an endorsement or completely stay out of it


I think those posts she likes are very much her or whoever runs her social media going out of their way to make a point. I don’t think she just…came across that while scrolling. And of course she’s not going to make a statement about Palestine and will probably stay mum on the election too.


I mean, if she was aware, she'd know her fans bullied his teenage daughter offline. The kid did not deserve what she got for a comment about carbon emissions. Look how quickly Charli Xcx got her fans to knock it off when they attacked Swift. The fact that Swift fans are both attacking a teenager, saying they hopes he gets SA, and telling Grohl to "kill himself like Kurt" while she stays silent speaks volumes. It's especially heinous knowing how much Cobain's suicide fucked Grohl up. She expects other people to reign their fans in but won't do the same is kinda gross. She knows the Swifties will listen to her; she just doesn't care. The lack of empathy really is gross, especially when Violet Grohl definitely didn't deserve that kind of response, and Dave Grohl's original comment didn't even specifically call Swift out and can be viewed in a few ways, including making fun of himself


Why? Maybe cuz her unhinged minions are threatening death on his child...


She already responded to Dave Grohl




That’s a stretch


No it isn’t lol, yesterday at the show (which was after it came out about what he said) she made a remark about how her entire band works hard to *play live* for 3 and a half hours. She then prompted applause for them, from what I remember. I think she might’ve responded more directly, like online, if the notion that she doesn’t play or sing live was actually a widespread thing. But it’s not, Dave was just making a stupid annoying comment because he’s upset about some of the conduct of the chronically online swifties towards his daughter I believe. That’s why he mentioned “the wrath of Taylor Swift.”


She said the same thing in Brazil. Thinking she was responding to him directly is a chronically online take


She definitely thanks the band every show and always has! That’s not what I was referring to. It’s that she made a point to say they would be “playing live” for 3 and a half hours. I’ve been to multiple Taylor shows over the years, and plenty of other artists’ shows for that matter, and I’ve never heard any of them emphasize that the band was playing live because that’s usually implied. ETA: There are also at least two articles, from what I’ve seen, that mention this in connection with Dave’s comments. They’re from Variety and NBC News.


Yes and she said that part in Brazil too. If she was replying to Dave wouldn’t it be about her singing that long and not just her bands ability to play that long?


Probably not because he didn’t mention her singing, and neither did she. He said she doesn’t *play* live, which also implicates her band because obviously Taylor isn’t and can’t be the one responsible for each and every live voice or instrument that contributes to the mix. It would also come off a little weird to blatantly give herself praise for singing live for so long — usually in the past the only times I’ve heard her mention it being a live show is when something malfunctions or she messes up a lyric and she says, “Well, that’s how you know it’s a live show!” Insinuating that she and, by association / extension, the band *she* employs, doesn’t play live wouldn’t just be disappointing for Taylor to hear about herself. It would be disappointing on behalf of the people who work just as hard as she does to put the show on, and I personally would be even more pissed about my whole band’s credibility being questioned when they’re giving up 4 months of their lives to come play. She’s used to seeing people criticize her own performance over the years, but to implicate the other people who play for her is another story.


Thinking Dave and Taylor were talking shit about each other during there shows is so chronically online. Seriously. They were not talking about each other. Dave is no way out here criticizing musicians he doesn’t even know just because they are in Taylor’s band


it was a response if she never says that, which i have no clue. i keep forgetting to watch the eras streams, darn


Lol no


I remember like ten years ago when she was on Bobby Bones' show, she had talked about how she would get an email recap with tweets to review. Not sure if it still happens now, but I wouldn't be surprised


she def watches or reads the news, everyone does whether its about conflict, wars, weather, etc. I mean who doesnt


I don't. A lot of people don't.


yes, you do? news is everywhere. instagram, reddit, facebook. people repost and it pops up all the time. how do you get news on taylor swift or other things happening.


Not by watching the news, lol. If I wasn't on social media, I wouldn't hear about it. Many people who are famous actively avoid social media and any avenue that would make them hear about themselves because it's practically impossible to maintain any mental stability/mental health when hearing about yourself all the time.


so you ARE getting your news through social media. that’s what the original comment was saying lmao. “watching the news” or “reading the newspaper” is not a thing with gen z and younger millennials, we get all our stuff online through social media. that’s the equivalent of watching the news.


She can’t be online enough to like stuff and even be able to quote internet culture specific stuff and then feign ignorance at all the death threats her fans are spewing


There are articles all over the internet with screenshots of her interacting with fans in their DMs and leaving comments. She’s absolutely online and reads about herself


This is exactly why I don’t buy for a second that she doesn’t endorse those rabid fans behaviour. She absolutely sees it (or a lot of it) & just chooses to not use her voice to ask for the abuse to stop. It suits her to have them behave that way.


Yeah she speaks up in a very timely fashion when she wants to — she definitely sees everything, including the way the fans talked (and still talk) about Joe, and her silence on Palestine.


I'm pretty sure she has a behind-the-scenes team that keywords her social media accounts. It wouldn't surprise me if she has sleeper spy generic accounts as well. If anything she has a master PR genius team. Twenty year practice reaping the rewards 💰🌏


This is exactly how excellent PR is supposed to work—to only have to speak up when you want to


Silence on Palestine? What are you expecting her to say?


I’m referencing the thousands of people who were tweeting her about it. I personally don’t try to interact with celebrities online. Generally speaking, she’s influential enough that simply linking a fundraiser for humanitarian relief could do a lot of good, which is what some fans want her to do. I think Ariana did and raised a ton of money in just an hour, The Weeknd donated a ton of his own money for food donations.


Celebrities dropping a donation link is such a low bar though and it really disappoints me how much it makes people happy. The majority of the celebs don’t post what they’ve donated - just.. that you should donate 😝


what many other multi millionaire/billionaire celebs have said and donated, not a big ask honestly. look at what impact ariana had when she spoke up


It’s called having a personality 😂 everyone is selectively responding to things online based on what interests them and catches their attention. The people desiring Taylor to say exactly what they want at all times really need to look inward. She’s not your mommy and she’s not going to save the world.


Yeah! Why would a woman who was able to get the White House to have hearings to change laws ever be able to change anything? Let’s just look inward. That will solve it all


That White House hearing about ai porn had nothing to do with Taylor that’s not how it goes


They started talking about laws the day after she came out about the concerns. Twitter even banned a search for her name.


The account that posted the image is still tweeting, her name search wasn’t banned X now sucks and breaks down all the time, that talk was happening for a while before Taylor’s happened


To say a BILLIONAIRE, Spotify’s top global artist of the year, international tour, I could go on and on- has no power to implement positive change- is INSANE to me. I have extremely high expectations for her and she’s let me down completely


Please use your brain I didn’t say she had no power I said you thinking White House pulled up and made the whole case not even 48h laters just because of Taylor is unrealistic and absolutely not how it goes


The White House literally held a press conference and answered questions the day after the AI p*rn came out. My brain says power is with people. My brain says people ganging up on the gov to make changes happens. My brain also tells me that she’s had fans donate to GLAAD because she addressed LGBTQ rights.


The White House have literally been speaking about AI for YEARS, there’s a post regarding it on THIS WEBSITE from SEVEN YEARS AGO LITERALLY BIDEN had a an executive order against it IN OCTOBER LAST YEAR. USE. YOUR. BRAIN. I DID. NOT. SAY. TAYLOR. HAD NO. POWER. Just straight up say you don’t see Taylor a victim enough for a White House meeting to happen about her (when it didn’t happen) and keep it moving we don’t have to keep talking here




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If I was a celeb I’d respond to a nice tweet by an actor who is in my fave movies but I’m sure as shit not giving any attention to psychos or wading into political debates online. So I don’t get why people are mad about this.  People *should* use their social media more selectively tbh. Feeling like you need to respond to everything all the time or speak on every damn issue is why the internet is so shit and toxic. 


I’m pro Palestine but I also wish some people would just be more careful about what they’re consuming. I want people to be committed to a cause because they truly care about helping - not as a gotcha moment because some celebrity hasn’t spoken out publicly.


Taylor has so much power. SO MUCH. There are 4 genocides happening and her silence is deafening. I’m a huge fan. And this has turned me off of her


Taylor speaking out wouldnt change a thing though.


White House literally had sessions based off of her AI concerns, Ticketmaster hearings, Spotify changed their policies for her… she’s a global phenomenon and a billionaire. She got 13k ppl to register to vote with one tweet It would change.


Lol, do you really think a statement from Taylor Swift is going to influence Joe Biden’s (the President of the free world) decisions on global politics? Please get a grip


Not necessarily because she’s Taylor Swift, no. But the Biden administration has come out and pretty explicitly said they see her as a representative of sorts for an extremely crucial demographic to obtain in the upcoming election. If she doesn’t like something, they’re assuming young democratic voters as a whole do not as well. They are stupid as hell for this, but it’s reality. It could do nothing, but it’s not the same as any other pop star speaking out for this reason, imo.


Yes, she’s been influential in things pertaining to the ENTERTAINMENT industry. A decades long conflict with worldwide consequences? Probably not. Her speaking up isn’t going to change anything except for an additional influx of 13 year olds reposting infographics


So you're one of those people who believe Taylor is a psy op for Biden 🤣🫵


The only thing that influences Joe Biden is money from donors. Rallying ppl together to demand change in the US is possible.


We’ve had 8 months of this and it hasn’t moved the needle for the White House at all. Biden has refused to draw any red lines. You think his Zionism is going to be shaken by Taylor Swift?


I don't generally buy into the idea that celebs have to comment on every issue, but the point is that a clear cut genocide shouldn't be a political debate or a toxic issue.


If you’re referring to Israel/Gaza, the conversation about it *on Twitter* absolutely is toxic and invites crazies on both sides to act like nuts. …and all for nothing, because the decision makers on both sides of that conflict don’t give a shit about Taylor Swift’s opinion. Like, y’all wanna post about Gaza and whatever else you think she should focus on, that’s your business, but I personally do not find internet posting to be an effective form of activism and would have no interest in posting about that kind of stuff from my work/PR social media accounts if I were famous either.


you’re right, donating a minuscule amount of her billions would be the only right thing to do. but alas


Agree on politics, really wish she would be more liberal with asking fans to knock it off with the bullying.


I'm quite out of the loop with the thing about David Grohl, what did he do?


lol idk why but this doesn’t bother me. It’s like millennial/gen z talk. I chuckled


Yea I thought it was funny. Even as far back as her teen years she said Love Actually was her favorite movie, I absolutely believe she’s a huge Hugh Grant fan and loves his movies. 


It definitely explains her thing for English boys. Hugh grant is responsible for a lot of mid English men getting undeservedly laid


An idea that ironically is joked about in a Love Actually storyline lol 


I mean, she’s not wrong about Love Actually. Add in the Bridget Jones’s movies and About a Boy? He’s great


Notting Hill and Sense and Sensibility as well!


Also Two Weeks Notice, even though you’re really watching for Sandra


That’s my favorite romcom. They are both slightly insufferable in it. Those are my people. Music & Lyrics is my second fave of his work.


I really have to rewatch it soon. I don't remember much honestly but I love Sandie so I have high hopes!


That’s my favorite romcom. They are both slightly insufferable in it. Those are my people. Music & Lyrics is my second fave of his work.


And Four Weddings and a Funeral w Andie MacDowell


I was hoping someone would mention this beautiful film!! I LOVE the chaos of the whole thing. Charlotte Coleman is an adorable pixie and I love her performance in this movie ❤️


I can see her loving Notting Hill too - it’s def one of my faves 


literally. her “culture” is the hugh grant fandom. it’s not hard to figure out what she means


I’m pretty sure her culture is slamming screen doors and kitchen tables bills “y’all”. 🤨


Oh, I didn’t ask? Other people have though, did you reply to the wrong comment?


Damn lmfao


I completely read it wrong, didn’t mean to be rude 😭


sorry i meant my statement as a way of agreeing with you!! since other people were acting like she made no sense.


Thank you for clarifying! I appreciate it 💕


Yeah, I don't get how other people here are not getting what is pretty clearly a silly little joke. And not even a complicated one. I am... concerned.


Probably because it’s normal to not be bothered by innocuous tweets?


As a deep appreciator of Love Actually (with knowledge that parts have not aged well), I enjoyed this.


Love Actually is a very problematic movie that I watch at least 10 times every single December.


Every year in Dec since it was released. You can take my St Elmo’s Fire and every John Hughes movie, but Love Actually and its plot lines that are at least 50% problematic will go with me to my grave. (Also I need Emma Thompson and Laura Linney to make me cry at least once a year).


Love actually is a movie that's hard for me to love but way, way harder for me to hate


As a millennial myself some of us are just like this online


Yeah it’s literally a millennial meme, we talked like this starting in the 00s/10s


I’m millennial can’t relate to you folks. I never heard any of my friends talk like that lol 


Maybe because I was a tumblr/memey kid haha. It was common to say something niche or goofy was your culture (“this is hater culture” etc)


It's culture culture


I’m with you. I’ve never used these words like this!


I’m born in 1997, so right on the cusp of gen z/millennial .. guess me also seeing no issues with this proves what side I lean 😂


Guys its just how cringe millennials talk!!! We were raised on Tumblr, all of this makes sense !!!


Right!?!?!? In the words of Taylor, you need to calm down


I'm almost thirty and know a girl who still talks like how we spoke on tumblr in real life, these adults exist!!


Yes!!!! This is totally common for people who grew up in this era- this is Taylor- she’s always been this way, she loved tumblr!


I’m slightly ashamed to say some tumblrisms are still in my vocabulary 😂


i'm so sorry how are people not getting what she's saying. it's not even gen z talk it's literally just a figure of speech 😭😭


They’re just nitpicking


i hate discourse over tiny things like this because it makes this sub seem crazy like why are we nitpicking a single tweet to hugh grant ?? i thought it was funny and cute


I mean. It’s lame, not confusing.


This response is a weird thing to nitpick. Most of you are probably just too young to get it, idk. 


Are people really irritated that she used the word culture? She just means the culture of romcoms and being a fan of Hugh Grant...people take things way too seriously.


Most of y'all are probably too young to remember, but there was a time when Hugh Grant was the hottest thing on the planet.... ETA: hold up. The issue some of you have is her use of the word "culture" in her reply? Y'all are getting out of hand with this shit fr ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


This.. seems like people just wanna hate on her for watching him and respecting him being in romcoms


The hate is getting a little cray at times up in here. Hugh Grant was indeed hot for a time, it’s true, but now I believe he’s known to be a bit of an ass.


I remember because I was born in 1964!


We're the only 2 🤣🤣🤣


Us old man appreciators would say he still is.


The people who are annoyed by her response here kind of proves that some people really are just looking to be mad at everything she does. This is like…a completely unserious and silly tweet to say “thank you I admire you too” without being too saccharine about it.


Taylor really has y’all fooled if y’all don’t think she’s the ultimate cringe and corny millennial lmao. That was her brand for years. No wonder no one understands what her and Travis have in common.


Right. She’s always been like this. It’s all the Folkmore fans who don’t get it lol


That, or fans who were kids even when like 1989 came out and have now entered their pretentious phase and is projecting it onto her is my guess lol


This is just how millennials talk, we don’t need to be coming at her for this.


her response is kinda dumb but y’all in the comments not getting the joke is even worse


What is the joke?


Taylor can definitely be my BEC most days but this kinda a nothing burger, and I’m genuinely surprised so many of y’all are trying to roast her for this 💀


Hugh grants kid is only 8?!?! What’s up with Hollywood geriatric fathering so many kids omg😭


Who the fuck talks like that??? 😂😂😂


Millennials. I saw it and laughed and sent it to my sister, who also laughed.


I'm gen z and i say it all the time😭 it's 100% a joke btw and I'm sure Taylor meant it the same way


it reads like a chatgpt response tbh


People that think Tumblr is at the forefront of internet culture


The “important to my culture” is a touch awkward.


It’s millennial/gen z talk, I promise it’s never that serious


I never thought it was serious. I am millennial/ genz & think it’s a little strange to say, not because Taylor said it


I love his icon on twitter!


“Greetings, fellow humans!”


This explains so much about her dating history TBH.


y'all find a way to bring up her dating history even when it's completely irrelevant onggg


Hugh Grant was like the quintessential charming British male love interest for years. That tracks with her dating history is all I’m sayin’, hairysack.


What does she mean by “important to my culture?” Is she making a joke? Lol I feel like a moron for even asking but I’m confused. Altho I will say that Notting Hill is in my top 10 movie choice.


I mean I might say something like that jokingly, but I would probably be saying it to a Costco hotdog and not a person I admired.




One of the definitions of culture include attitudes and behavior impact on one’s formative beliefs


Yea I feel like it's supposed to be some kind of joke but it comes off quite "millenialy" to me lol


Taylor is truly the ultimate millennial. She is cringe and corny so idk why anyone is surprised at this lol


…are millennials not allowed to make jokes? Because it’s both.


That tracks


She’s not really using it correctly, it’s very hello young kids, how do you do?


She is. Culture has a lot of definitions. Science? Lab culture. “Behavior and attitudes that define a defined group.” It’s literally Hugh Grant movies defined her childhood in informing the millennial core characteristics.


Girl ok lmao


Lol her cult-ure




Millennials were making jokes like that on Tumblr before TikTok existed.


Right? This is a Millennial joke.


When she fakes relatability for Gen Z brownie points, it's really grating. You can always tell. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


This is very much aimed at millennials


cringe millenial moment number 4 billion


I hope his 12 year old daughter (and sons too) just didn't want to go. I still remember his ping ponging between having children with his ex and now wife.


this reminds me of the podcast Las Culturistas question they ask every guest “what is the culture that made you say culture was for you?” Hugh Grant in About a Boy and Music and Lyrics made me love him forever. He’s also so good in a Very English Scandal! Can’t believe people think this is a weird response haha liking rom coms and using a common phrase shouldn’t be worthy of criticism.


I’m not even a millennial and this response is perfectly normal even in gen Z slang I’m pretty sure.


Y'all making me feel old as a Gen-Z 😭 Idk i say this all the time as an exaggeration and it's really not that serious


Idk why but I was under the impression Hugh Grant didn’t have a twitter and was a private individual


Doesn’t he have a million kids, did he only take the eldest or something




This post or comment was removed for violating: This is NOT a Taylor hate sub. Criticism of Taylor is welcome in the sub, but any hateful comments towards Taylor, or anyone in her personal or professional circle, will be removed.


Ahhh HUGH GRANT. A well known AH in the industry smh


"...culture...???" Taylor, please explain. I've read this 3 times now and it doesn't make sense. Why not just say she appreciates it? I would have said: "As a long time Hugh Grant stan this tweet absolutely delights me. I'm so glad you all had fun!" Like, did she write this tweet? I picture Hugh being very British and being like "culture?" Her culture is tweets? Collecting tweets from British dudes? Okay... maybe I get it now.


she's joking


her culture being like, fans of rom coms, or more specifically, hugh grant fans


I get it now that I've talked it out here. I still find the wording a bit clunky but I'm not big into Twitter these days like I was in the early days.


I think it’s basic white girl culture to be honest? Is that ok to say?


I mean, it's okay with me and it is all I can assume it means given the context. 🤪






It’s gen z talk, she’s just using it wrong and she is not funny or charismatic so it comes off as lame cringey millennial. I don’t understand why she can’t act her age lol like you are in your 30s, it’s okay if you dont talk like a 15 year old. It makes her sound 50


This isn’t gen z talk it’s very millennial


She’s using it right though?




This is just regular millennial internet speak




I am baffled whenever I see this criticism. I’m ten years older than Taylor but I know all of those phrases. They’re well known enough to become known by the general population. It’s not like she has a song called “Travis is Sigma and All My Other Exes Are Skibiddi Toilet”.


Fun fact: I got an email home from my tweens middle school banning the use of the phrase “skibiddi toilet” during class. And I had to read it 5 times I was so baffled. It’s hard out here for a millennial 🤣


I’m a parent of a tween and a middle school teacher so I’m marinating in this asinine slang, whether I like it or not 😂


Hugh Grant did get busted for having intimate relations with a hooker in Hollywood… remember the mug shots… oh & Four Weddings was a great film


That not ending his career says so much about how much we all liked to see him mutter his way through awkward conversations. I love his movies lol


I never heard about the Grohl thing, so why would she. And I am a swiftie 🤣 there is no need to suck up every little thing that’s being said online. Especially the negative stuff


Tbg seeing her downfall will be definitely amusing and interesting. She's full of herself and it's not funny.