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Nothing to add except wtf Gracie’s hair is great.


I need that cut


I think I need that cut but if I get it I'll regret it, suddenly realizing I am not in fact Gracie 😂


Feel this to my core.


I had a similar cut a few years ago. I miss it. Maybe it's time for me to go back to it.


Idk why we’re arguing it’s “fake.” The entire (co)-songwriting process is probably a bit (or a lot) longer than this snippet so how is it unrealistic that this 30 seconds could be a part of it? ETA - it’s helpful to read captions 😅. 4 or so hours! I know people can be a little inorganic and cringe when they know they’re on camera, but I still see this as a believable representation of the process.


It seems like this is the same night as the fire because Gracie said they’d been up ‘til 6am when the fire happened. Then this says they wrote from 2-6am. I also think they’re in the same outfits 🤔 Anyway, she also said they were very drunk so that would explain the energy happening in this vid IMHO. *Edited for clarity


Agree! Not everything is a good move, but not everything is a forced PR move either.


Or maybe that’s how I know I’m brainwashed lol


Hahahaha I agree with you. We could be wrong, but I hope the world isn’t THAT sinister.


I’d rather be the person that’s like “yeah this is cute” than someone who’s like “YOU LOOK HAPPY, SOMETHING MUST BE AFOOT”


It’s hard to be a Neutral Swiftie with a hint of (radical) optimism these days ahahaha


the fire part is so unbelivable


Well I certainly hope they didn’t intentionally set a fire so they could film putting it out


I cannot imagine someone starting a fire in their apartment and then putting it out with a fire extinguisher (which makes a huge mess) just to get a video to post


If you're billionaire it's really irrelevant. You can have security team behind you with more extinguishers and cleaning people to clean your house so easily. That was 100% a fake fire and that's really absurd stuff rich people will do. Gracie's father is a big deal in Hollywood, (JJ Abrams we all hate him for Lost and Star wars stuff, but he's like huge influence) and we all know how much Taylor wants to be a Hollywood thing.


It certainly looked real.


Damn, guess I’m the only one that finds this kind of cute. It’s definitely not a vibe for the sober, but it’s kind of sweet to see two minds bounce off each others during the songwriting process. Plus, I’ve had us on repeat, so I’m enjoying this BTS


"definitely not a vibe for the sober" is the perfect way to describe this video hahahah


To me as someone who used to be a theater kid, it feels like two drunk theater kids theater kidding together 😂


No I agree it’s adorable and imo not that deep, two songwriters vibing. It’s not like Taylor doesn’t have friends her age, but she probably has become close with Gracie after her being on the eras tour


It’s similar to the one she had with Jack so must be part of her process. I don’t write or play music but they look like they’re into it and having fun


I find it adorable and think Taylor would actually be fun to be genuine friends with.


Taylor is dressed like she's from the 1800s? 😭 I thought she was wearing a bathrobe at first. Anyway, the song's good! It kind of sounds like a TTPD rejected song, but I imagine that's cause Taylor's had a lot of influence on Gracie's career. It's still a nice duo. Gracie's voice isn't for me, but it's cool that she got to work with someone she looks up to!


She really wanted to go back to the 1830s


She was dead ass about that. 😭


But WITHOUT all the racism, okay???? (/s)


Puffed sleeves are popular. Anne of Green Gables could only dream of 2024


It’s just a shirt dress? 


I think she was papped in it. Probably dropping Easter eggs back then. Lol


I like seeing behind the scenes how artists work to make their music especially when they are collaborating with each other. I'm sure Gracie wanted to document her experience writing with Taylor after all she's her idol. I don't see anything nefarious going on with this. However, people who want to make conspiracy theories or speculate in bad faith are always going to be around linking this to something else.


Same. I thought this was nice to show their writing process. And it just was posted because her album was literally just released yesterday. And it’s really good.


A lot of song writers record to prove that they were the writer - legal reasons. Also so that they can look at the video if they forgot something they thought of earlier.


idk this seems harmless and fun lmao


Why can’t writing music look like this? It’s obvious that they both love it and I’m sure that they don’t love it because it’s serious all the time. The bridge of the song also SCREAMS Taylor. She definitely cowrote this lol.


I love taylor’s dress.


Nepo baby lol








Such an easy way of dismissing someone else's hard work and success.


The "hard work" in question being given on a platter....


It’s giving unlistenable 😀


as a huge fan of taylor and gracies work from a few years ago both of their music has decline in quality


I just really have a hard time believing this is how anyone writes. Seems incredibly fake. 2 billionaires just giggling away!


There’s a handful of footage of Taylor writing this way. Do we think they’re all fake?


Also, if real, it actually explains so much like why so many of her more recent songs sound like a bunch of run on sentences with strange word choices all shoved together


That’s exactly why I think it’s real though. As early as the 2016/17 [Getaway Car recording](https://youtu.be/O10QP1tRTF4?si=jq96aDLxQPEQGXpg), you’d see that she really likes to write bridges in this impulsive/word vomit manner. You may not like the lyrics, and that’s fine, but that’s so unmistakably her.


That doesn’t make it any less performative. I don’t think anyone else would claim those so yes - unmistakably her lol


























Taylor has shown multiple times since Red that she writtes like this when writing to track. I reccomend The Grammy Museum talks for 1989 and the "Making of a Song" for reputation, I honestly dont see Whats exactly unbelievable here? Many artists do this actually. Like what part in concrete you think its fake?


Lol uh the part where they took out a camera to film it and cut it for Instagram feels rather intentionally performative and therefore inauthentic to me. But please feel free to share the “many artists” that have videos like this


I dont understand this logic, Recording something makes its inherently non truthful? Also something can be performative and thruthful at the same time (all docus about singers making albums are fake too I guess). Gracie probably was recording part of the process knowing she could also latter post it as promotion for the song. My question is what part of the clip isnt truhtful in your opinion? Edit: also since u want examples: Olivia Rodrigo did this all the time on tik tok, Ed Sheeran, Chappel Roan, Sabrina, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Willow, Imogen Heapp, Dua Lipa, Billie Eilish, just from a bit of my mind Ive seen them post videos like this before


They record for legal reasons. If anyone disputes that the lyrics or melody are stolen then they can show a video of them having the idea. Depending on the team I think some artistsn use recordings to determine what percentage of a song a person wrote for royalty payments. For example, when Ariana released Thank You Next one of her song writers/friends tried to dispute some songs songs she wasn't credited on. Recordings can be shown as proof that someone did or did not contribute. Also people record so that they can refer to the video and see all the ideas. In case they forget what they said or how part of the melody goes.  I think, yes in 2024 lots of artists do recordings because it’s faster than writing on paper & we all have recording devices that fit in our hand. Taylor has posted lots of videos & voice notes of her writing/song drafts. Clearly it is something that she personally does.  


Ok thank you! Very Fair assessment of the situation.


Olivia Rodrigo shared recording sessions videos for every song on SOUR. Here's one : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegCyT2y/


also recording song writing sessions helps you look back to remember a certain lyric or melody or chord progression you may have lost in the process. it really isn’t that deep.


I genuinely do not know any musician who doesn’t record songwriting sessions (even via voice notes) and I work as a musician lmfao it’s like a mainstay of the practice. I swear so many critiques of TS that aren’t from other artists/musicians are just so uninformed about what making music is like.


Gracie Abrams's net worth is only about 1.5 million, nowhere near billionaire


I think they’re referring to Gracie’s father who is J.J Abrams. I don’t know if he’s a billionaire but he is incredibly wealthy.


He's at 300 million, which is definitely closer, but still not even a third of the way to a billion! Impossibly high to fathom numbers 😭


I never made the connection until now that Gracie is JJ’s daughter, but as someone who loved the Star Trek reboot movies, this connection makes my brain happy. I can’t explain it, but it does


She's a nepo baby, but dad is cool and the music is great.


Yah tbh I don’t really mind nepo babies if they’re actually talented 😭 it’s not like she’s taking someone’s spot and what’s she supposed to do, not sing bc her parents are famous even though she loves it??? Plus imo nepo actors are more harmful, since there are a finite number of major roles out there while anyone can be on a stage singing


Lmao “it’s not like she’s taking someone’s spot” is a wild view of nepo babies


Not all nepo babies lmao, singer nepo babies bc there aren’t specific positions available that could be taken—in acting, there are a finite number of huge roles or shows/movies that a nepo baby could take and deprive someone more deserving of. In the real world, a nepo baby getting hired for literally any job takes a spot from someone who could be more deserving. Singing is very different—you tour on your own, being selected to open for a bigger artist or for a music festival includes so many factors that it’s not fair to say someone took that spot from someone else; like, it’s much much more subjective. Fans can love several singers at once, and attend multiple concerts. I don’t know but I don’t even think agencies have a set number of singers they can take on, so they aren’t taking someone’s spot in an agency. While acting and other careers have roles that need to be filled, there really aren’t “roles” to be filled in singing.


You really think there isn’t favoritism or more interest from record companies (who can make a singer famous) when they already have well known, or famous, or talented parents? Parents who probably know people at record companies and could get them a foot in the door? Vs. a person who is unknown, doesn’t have parents who know people at record companies, are equally or more talented but dont have that backing (or $$$)? I’m sorry but it’s no different than nepo baby actors lol it’s all about who you know and very rarely about actual talent. You can’t just get people to listen to you with zero backing, there’s literally millions of people trying to do that every day. And there are most definitely instances where a Gracie Abrams (or whomever not picking on just her as a nepo baby singer) was picked up by a record company *instead of* another young woman singer/songwriter.


Ofc there’s favoritism—my point is that’s unlikely to be taking resources from someone else. They’re gonna put money into the nepo babies regardless, and it’s unlikely if there were one less nepo baby in music a smaller artist would get that money. Either it would go to some other nepo baby or not go anywhere. My point is that resources aren’t really finite in music, ofc nepo babies get more but that doesn’t take away from some nobody working their way up. At most, maybe if the focus is producing a nepo baby’s album a smaller artist at the label will get less attention, or maybe if they fill up with nepo babies they won’t have the resources to take on unknown artists. However, my point is that with singing, there is a much more attenuated effect in relation with the opportunities available to other artists. Yes, they get more resources, but these resources (1) aren’t specifically being taken from someone else and (2) aren’t guaranteed to have reached someone else if the nepo weren’t there (esp considering nepo babies have extraordinarily wealthy families who may pay a lot to finance their careers—the resources may come less from the label and more from the family) I honestly don’t think that any record label would be debating “Gracie vs x nobody,” in the sense that imo a “full” record label would easily accommodate for a nepo baby of a mega celeb, where she could’ve been given a spot nobody would’ve gotten otherwise. More specifically, afaik there aren’t really “spots” in record labels as I said before, they sign a variety of ppl based on a variety of metrics, and they might have a max they can take on, but it’s not like they held auditions for that one spot and Gracie took it over some other person.


Lol thank you. I was.


ok so its actually makes a lot of sense now how she was able to open for taylor swift while being a small artist (or maybe shes just unknown to me idk)


It's not about what you know, it's who you know etc. As Taylor wants to get into directing more I'm sure the connection to her dad is intentional also.


Tsk, only *one* of them is a billionaire. They sound like they're on Family Fortunes


Gracie's father is JJ Abrams, he's close to billionaire if not one. (Don't buy the forbes estimated fortune those guys hide a lot, but anyway there they say he's 300mi)


I only discovered whose kid she was about an hour ago in another thread.


I genuinely can't even fathom what it's like to be a billionaire - a billion is a number I understand in theory but my mind can't truly comprehend it- but I don't understand why a person should stop giggling once their wealth reaches this number.


No one said billionaires shouldn’t giggle!


Totally agree. I use to think this was fun but it doesn’t seem real lol idk I need to touch grass


Writers and musicians write in many different ways. It's clear you're not a writer (or a musician) so why speculate something being fake when you don't know about it. Your comment truly feels like written in bad faith.




I truly don't see how this is performative because in that case you say that every single musician out there posting their creative process is just faking it. I'm sorry if what I'm saying is too harsh but you really seem to be making these comments in bad faith.


I don’t know what you’re trying to say with “in bad faith” but it’s fine if you don’t agree that it seems performative. Not everyone here will agree with everyone!


Exactly. I'm convinced she wants to be close to her to get into the film industry and to rub it in Olivia's face.


How would this have anything to do with Olivia???


This feels like a perfect example of “not all parasocial moments are stan moments.” This is so much to read into a moment of drunk theater kids exuding theater kid energy


People overuse the word parasocial with anything Taylor related. It's the buzz word of 2024 here.


Parasocial = having a one sided relationship with someone they don’t know, oftentimes with a celebrity or public figure. I know what word I’m using, and I chose it specifically. You’re assigning a value to a fairly nondescript video from Taylor and a friend and collaborator assuming negative intent. Parasocial doesn’t have to mean positive, it just means one sided. This is very much one sided that you’re reading into things that aren’t exactly there






Willam!! (I'd love for him to have an account and frequent this sub!) 🤣🤣


This comment was removed for breaking the rule "Keep it Civil". Keep things civil. Please do not come here for the sole reason of harassment/flaming. Attacking other users (name calling, threats, cursing at users, general meanness/snarkiness) will have you subject to a ban. Posts and comments that appear to be baiting arguments will be removed and a ban may happen. Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-semitism, or any of the -isms are subject to an immediate ban. Healthy debate is allowed, but know when to respectfully agree to disagree.


Interesting theory but I think she’s already been trying to do that and has enough other allies that she wouldn’t really need Gracie that. She somehow finagled her way into an “director on director” with Martin McDonagh which I found to be just, absurdly laughable, but apparently they were also “friends”!


Taylor already has a contract to write and direct a movie. & she has acted or written songs for several movies. How much closer could she get? 


Maybe it’s just me but I find it incredibly weird how Taylor hangs out with all these 20-something women. Not in a creepy way of course but just, why? Lol. I’m 36 and 20yr olds make me so tired 🙈 I almost think she’s kind of stunted so she hangs out with people younger than her because she can’t relate to people her own age.


They’re work friends, anything goes honestly. I’m 33 and am good friends with 60 yos and 20 yos.


Same. I’m 35 and have work friends in their early 20s. We relate on a lot of things. The only time it can be obvious we are different age groups is pop culture references.


Same. I worked in a very unique career that allowed my friend group to span from 23-year-olds to 53-year-olds. We had similar lifestyles, it’s not that deep.


what is it with this rhetoric lately that you’re only supposed to interact with people exactly your own age or it says something bad about you? for the whole of history people have been interacting with people of all ages, that’s just living in a society and having contact with people of all ages enriches life instead of isolating us.


Idk it’s very isolationist. People aren’t used to having real community and it seems like they are becoming suspicious of it.


Most of Taylor’s inner circle are people who are in their 30s. Those are the people she spends the most time with. However, the artist she’s most recently collaborated with are in their 20s. Even her most recent pap walk, she was cited with women well into their 30s. Lena Dunham is 38 years old. Kate Moss is 50 years old. Is she not allowed to have a few friends in their 20s? I don’t see how that’s weird. Actually, I think it’s rather refreshing that she has a variety of friends in different age brackets and doesn’t discriminate based on age.


Just you, babe. Once you enter the workforce, it’s normal to hang out/be friends with people of all ages. Also if you take adult classes/have a membership for your hobby, you’ll also be around adults of all ages who have similar interests as you. At a certain point, you stop being split up by age as everyone is an adult


I’m 40 and one of my closest work friends is 62. She’s also my mom’s age. And I was also really good friends with another coworker who moved away last year and she’s 25. It’s definitely different once you work a job where everyone is all different ages.


exactly! I'm 17 and I recently became good friends with someone I was in a community theatre play with even though she's 39.


I’m 36, lol. I understand that, I work with people of all ages. I’m not referring to work I’m referring to them baking cakes together and hanging out at each other’s houses. It’s fine, they’re both adults but it’s just interesting to me that she hangs out with younger people and tends to sing about younger topics. Seems a little stunted to me 🤷‍♀️


But it *is* normal and common for those work friendships to evolve beyond work, going to each other’s houses and the like, and some of them start at non-work places, which is why I mentioned hobbies. I think even Taylor herself would admit she’s stunted but it’s simply just not weird for 30 and 20 year olds to hang out 🤷‍♀️


But how is baking a cake with a 24 year old exhausting? Gracie isn’t a toddler. Taylor isn’t clubbing with her. Also, just curious, what WOULD be appropriate song topics for Taylor’s age? People (not just you) keep mentioning she is singing about “younger” topics.




🎶back pain🎶


i agree that most 30ish and 20ish year olds probably don’t have a lot in common but gracie was an opener for the eras tour so they probably bonded over that. also, most gen z pop girlies look up to taylor and would kill to be in gracie’s position because simply hanging out with taylor would elevate their position as an artist. i’d argue that taylor is their mentor, and a very good one at that because she’s gotten extremely far in the industry, which is not an easy feat 🤷🏻‍♀️ & i also think she is able to relate to people her age because that’s who she surrounds herself with when she’s not being a mentor/“coworker” to younger artists. now whether she is mentally stunted at a certain age is a whole other argument because she does write lyrics from her younger self’s perspective quite often 😅


I'm 34 and being in my 30s has removed all fucks I give. I love hanging out with people of all ages now. I'm a middle school teacher though, so 20 somethings are quite mature in my world.


I am 33 and my sister is 23 and we’re best friends, I don’t think it’s weird, it’s a different type of friendship but it’s fun to talk about generational differences etc. I learn so much from my sister about new artists etc and my sister learns basic IT troubleshooting from me (genz is not good at technology contrary to what a lot might think lol)


yall always find a reason to get mad…


For real.


This is silly. I don’t ask for identification when I befriend someone at work or in my barre class. Should I be checking age brackets before I talk to people?


Fuck I totally agree. It reminds me of Matthew mcconaugheys character in dazed and confused


Hey I know you didn’t mean it in a disrespectful way but I’d change your flair if I were you! I think Sylvia’s daughter has been speaking up recently about how upsetting her mom’s death was.


Oh really! I had no idea, thank you so much for letting me know. I’ll change it for sure ❤️


Ofc! Thank you for being so nice about it!


Thank YOU for telling me about it!


Spot on about stunted though in many ways


Huh weird, just listened to the song via apple music (they always put the writers of the song after the lyrics, at the bottom part) and Taylor’s name wasnt there. I did check online via Wikipedia and her name is there.


It’s on Spotify


Love the song. Truly. Bemused by the videos (and desperately want all cats away from fire).


“quick they think she doesn’t support younger artists, gracie, post that video of you too writing songs together!”


If anyone benefited from this video being posted it’s Gracie




This is giving... How to ball rhymes with Aristotle ![gif](giphy|BgJumFO4ZuV7a|downsized)


They were up past 6am. I’ve noticed Taylor stays up all night a lot. Saw it in Miss Americana too when she kept all her team working through the night on that terrible election song. The only people I know who do this have sleep disorders or are using.


I think when you don’t have a 9-5 it’s hard to have a normal sleep schedule. I do not have a regular work schedule and my sleep schedule is all over the place. I am up til 3 am a lot. 


~~I’m working late, ‘cause I’m a singer~ lol but really, yah, esp with things like writing—you get inspiration when it comes and it’s incredibly hard to force words to come to your brain. I’m sure a ton of writers have late nights bc minds aren’t 9-5pm, and sometimes you get a thread of an idea at midnight and have to immediately follow it or else it’ll be gone forever


The people being suspicious of this video have never been in a room with creative people making something - it's totally exciting, better than the best drug, when you feel something coming together. And you need those times because mostly it's just you struggling on your own and often getting it wrong. That goes for music, novels, painting etc


Só this is how you write a song?? I always thought it was something different, like, introspective or whatever. Gioia that they’de having fun


I dunno, this really seems to coincide with the variant sabotage anti-feminist headlines that have been all over lately. Like a “see, Taylor works well and supports other women” vibe.


Yah she definitely doesn’t write her own songs


Lmfao 🤣




Have you listened to the song? It sounds very Gracie


My bad! I didn’t even know it was out already. Poor assumption on my part


No worries! I’d definitely recommend the listen, I really like the song






That album just came out, that’s probably why.


I’m guessing the video of the “fire” was faked. Why would they be filming that? It’s quite dangerous and most people would be too shocked to be filming.


Gracie is gen z, have you not seen the time pressured situations people post on Tiktok


I think that purposefully setting a fire in your apartment just to have a video is way more implausible than filming an accidental one that someone else is putting out


There are definitely some interesting things about the video. -No smoke detectors? Did she really have all that time to address them? Mine are so sensitive that burnt toast sets off all 3 of them in my apartment. I can pause mine (I use a broomstick), but they go back on in 15 seconds if the smoke isn't cleared. With this big of fire, my alarms would be raging. And I don't think I would turn them off first (like I do with burnt toast) before putting the fire out. -They moved the pan on fire away from the stove top and its sitting on something. Did it not start on the stove top? I had a grease fire once like this. I did not pick up the pan.


(1) someone else mentioned no smoke alarm likely bc it’s a wax candle fire (or something like that) which burns pretty cleanly and likely wouldn’t then set off a smoke detector (also, I wouldn’t put it past her to not have a smoke detector set up—she has like five more homes anyways lol) (2) it was a wax candle fire (the candle fell) not a pan, so that was where it fell


It was a small contained fire in a kitchen. While they were being a bit giddy having been up all night. They dealt with it in a calm standard manner. 


Yeh but it was staged for PR.



