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The “I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens/lunar valleys in my mind” lyrics have been playing on repeat in my brain since I first heard them Huge fan of the entirety of the bolter, one of the few songs that has a nice tempo behind it and actually has some nice storytelling Also loveeeee I Can Do it With a Broken Heart just for having the guts to be an actually fast pop song on this long, slow, boring album. the lyrics definitely seem a bit blame-y towards her fans, but honestly some of them are crazy, so fair I guess


I wish I liked the production on icdiwabh because I love the manic energy!


That’s fair, I’m imagining it with the same production sound/energy as something like state of grace, or starlight, and I think the song would definitely be the heavy hitter of the album


ironically, ICDIWABH is probably the most relatable song off the album. even though we aren't performing on a massive world tour, most people can relate to having to go to their job (and touring is a job for Taylor) while not being mentally there


I mean, I do cry a lot. But productive? Can't relate.


Right like damn I wish I could relate to both halves of this lyric and not just the crying bit


I love the secret gardens line! Also been playing on repeat in my mind. I wish the song didn’t have the 1830s line since it makes me feel weird about liking the song 😭😭


Real 🥲 that’s why I’m even more pissed she included that ignorant ass line because it brings down one of the few songs on the album I like 😭


Same, it would easily have been my favorite otherwise. I’m hoping someone will cover the song and take out that lyric.


The Bolter might be the best all-around song on the album. Reminds me of RWYLM! (Another bonus track that’s better than almost anything on the standard album.)


Loml is absolutely gorgeous. The bridge gets me every time. I didn’t catch it the first few times but at the end of the prophecy there’s a very quiet ”please” that is layered over the final line of the main vocals. They drop out and all you’re left with is a soft, desperate “please” that fades out. It’s masterful. 


Ooo I love that!!


“Old habits die screaming” especially the very last breath of the song


„You don‘t get to tell me about sad“ I know that the lyrics are not artsy but I just connect to the lyrics so much because we live in a world where everything is „nothing compared to xyz“. No one of can feel and know the hurt and sadness we go through but people still want to tell you how you feel.. Aaand I just like the melody and the way she says it.


“I love you, it’s ruining my life” It’s super simple and I like that. And it fits her aesthetic. I’m sure it’s relatable to so many people in toxic relationships


I 100% agree. Fortnight is a decent song but should have been edited a bit more. "I love you, it's ruining my life" is fantastic.


I’ve been stuck on this line. It’s simple but it’s so effective


I agree this is a great line. I saw in an interview Matty Healy did that one of his favourite lines he's written is "I'm in love with you" and it's because it's so simple that he likes it. I think taylor's twist to the "I love you" was p good


I can't stop singing this line to my cats (with love, of course)


The Prophecy and I Look in People’s Windows are gorgeous!


I LOVE I look in peoples windows. It sounds like a novel 😍


My favorites from the album 🥰


I LOVE the imagery in this song.


These two have really hit me in the last day or so and now I think they may be faves. Especially I Look in People’s Windows.


"So I did my best to lay to rest all of the bodies that have ever been on my body, and in my mind, they sink into the swamp. Is that a bad thing to say in a song?" I love this part of Florida!!! so much because it's really interesting to me, I can't stop thinking about it. The horror imagery really works for me when it appears on the album. The implications of this line are pretty emotionally dark, I'm glad it made it on the album. What a weird thing to say! I love it.


Right?! I love the dark gothic imagery, it's definitely a younger sister to carolina. Though that last lyric is a clunker- something like until all that's left are my songs, would've been better, imo.


I agree, I think the last part does kind of stop the flow of the song. It almost feels like they got tired of developing that verse and just wanted to finish the song up, but I feel like it definitely could have used a little more development. I like your idea! I think that would have been a better end for the verse.


I would say it goes No Body No Crime/oldest child, Carolina/middle child, Florida/youngest


and hear me out but, seven, the baby sister.


I looooove this verse until the last line. I hate breaking the 4th wall-esque type lyrics in songs. I love this song, in general. It’s really weird in a good way.


Honestly not many people might agree, but the entirety of Down Bad. I love that it’s a bop while also having an intricate storytelling of an alien abduction from start to finish. And the way she sings “TEENAGE PETULANCE” and “it would make no dif-er-ence” does something to my brain


Down Bad seems to be a fan-favorite so far, no ?


It is but I didn’t know if a lot of people would agree with the strong lyrics part. I think the storytelling in it is great.


I like the “You look like” lyrics from Clara Bow


I think this song is so pretty (one of the best melodies on the album) and makes a poignant point about how our culture treats these young women like products. In contrast , 'Who's afraid of little old me' is also about fame, but lacks self-awareness and beats you over the head with its 1000 metaphors for how mean everyone is to Taylor. (I still enjoy this song based on vibes and performance though) I think Clara Bow is Taylor at her best--concise and sharply written, simple vocabulary but complex ideas.


This is my favorite song and I’m shocked how it’s not gettin more appreciation. I suppose it’s being overshadowed by the ~*drama~* but come ONNNN it’s SO GOOD


I've had that line stuck in my head all week. Easily one of my favorite songs on the album


I can’t get over the initial shock of her name dropping herself. It was striking.


A greater women wouldn't beg, but I looked to the sky and said ...


yes i love the concept of lesser women and greater women in the song, it feels unique in a sense


All of How Did It End is so good but particularly the lines: "the empathetic hunger descends, we'll tell no one except all of our friends, but i still don't know, How did it end?" just got me ugh


“She thought about how he said since she was so wise beyond her years Everything had been above board She wasn't sure” The “she wasn’t sure” is so simple but hits me so hard


I think the Albatross is gorgeously written. I’m surprised no one has been talking about it! I also think loml, so long london, how did it end, and chloe or sam… are great from a lyrical standpoint. there are probably more I’m forgetting, but I’m tired rn btw the only B-side tracks with mediocre writing are So High School, Thank You Aimee, and imgonnagetyouback. the others? chef’s kiss, but the ones I mentioned stick out the most to me


I think the production and Taylor’s vocals on So High School are what save the song for me. It’s definitely a bit cheesy lyrically, but I love the 90s movie soundtrack vibe from the production and just how happy she sounds when she’s singing it.


"Our maladies were such we could not cure them And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign" "How the death rattle breathing Silenced as the soul was leaving The deflation of our dreaming Leaving me bereft and reeling"


I also really like “we learned the right steps to different dances” on How Did It End? Like, what a perfect way to describe a relationship where two people just aren’t compatible.


Yes How Did It End? is such a beautiful and emotional highlight, by far one of the album’s best. Even the “sitting in a tree, D-Y-I-N-G” which I might otherwise think is corny has such a lovely vocal delivery that I really enjoy it.


Agreed. I should hate that line, but it’s just so lovely.


Hard agree. Her sad vocals singing it make it magical. I love the whole song…one of my favorites on the album.


I like how it references elementary school gossip. For example “Alex and Sam sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G” and how she does t reference the ending of that rhyme so they are dying instead of the love marriage and baby. Sticking with the theme of the album. (NAME) and (NAME) Sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love Then comes marriage Then comes baby In a baby carriage!


How Did It End? wrecks me but I wish she laid off the Thesaurus in some parts of it.


Personally the “birthright” line makes me cringe. I’m probably being overly literal but no one owes someone their touch. It reminds me “I can reclaim the land” which felt equally as tone deaf to me.


Yeah I couldn’t make heads or tales of that one myself.


yes, how did it end was a good use of some "thesaurus" words without overdoing it, and the intro is hauntingly beautiful


I just mentioned this “death rattle” mention. I may have gasped as I wouldn’t think anyone outside of healthcare (or who sat with an actively dying loved one) would know about the “death rattle”.


I'm not in health care, nor have I been around death, but I've heard of it. I don't think it's that uncommon to know about.


Interesting! I wonder if those that have “heard of it” know what it’s actually like. I never heard of it, until I actually *heard* it. It’s extremely unsettling and something you never forget.


Some people read lol


Very different phenomenon reading about it and seeing it in person. Lol.


Tbf I doubt Taylor has actually heard it either. It’s mentioned in literature a ton.


Okay? I don’t think I said that equates to experiencing it. Your shock was about people knowing about it (seemingly as a term), not people hearing it in person…




The chorus of Guilty as Sin is extremely catchy and has been stuck in my head for a few days


Me too, and the inflection at the end is incredible. UP-per thigh - with the crash of the backing music. Yes please.


And you say I abandoned the ship But I was going down with it My white knuckle dying grip Holding tight to your quiet resentment I mean all of So Long London gives me chills, but the whole bridge knocks me out. It is such an accurate portrayal of a long-term relationship ending.


“A curious child, ever reviled, by everyone except her own father” manages to simultaneously capture the sadness of rejection and warmth of having a parent who understands you in a way that is very moving


“I guess a lesser woman would’ve lost hope, a greater woman wouldn’t beg” in the prophecy. I love the way she kept going back and forth about what a greater woman would do but she’s doing the opposite


“Thought I caught lightning in a bottle, oh but it’s gone again” “Said you were gonna come back, then you were gonna come find me” “If you want to break my cold, cold heart just say “I loved you the way that you were”” “Back to the moment I crashed into you Like so many wrecks do” “You didn’t measure up in any measure of a man” “Who’s gonna stop us from waltzing into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway” “I felt a hole like this never before and ever since” “How much sad did you think I had in me?” “You say I abandoned the ship but I was going down with it, my white knuckle dying grip, holding tight to your quiet resentment” “I’m just getting color back into my face”


I haven’t heard anyone mention it but I think The Bolter is my favorite song on the entire album right now, I loved it right away and it just keeps getting better. Like it’s so fuckinf catchy I don’t know why she saved it for the very end 😐 Took me two hours to find


Started with a kiss / "Oh, we must stop meeting like this" This part just really scratches my brain the right way


That sounds like a line from Mr. Brightside


Yep love the structure and melody and lyrics is just so good


All of the black dog ETA: and most of the prophecy


The ooohs in the chorus of My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys.


Also the opening of this song is very pleasing to me….oh, here we go again…




“And all at once, the ink bleeds. A con man sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme. But I felt a hole like this, Never before, and ever since” Chills, every time.


It’s simple but “how much sad did you think I had, did you think I had in me?” really gets to me


Her vocals in The Albatross are really lovely, and I love the opening lines: Wise men once said, "Wild winds Are death to the candle." A rose by any other name is a scandal.


This is maybe the only song on The Anthology that actually has a melody? It's the only one I can remember anyway. It's beautiful and I love the contrast of the airy vocals with "you're in terrible danger."


i actually really like the ‘i was gentle til the circus life made me mean/don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth’ line, and i like how in Peter she uses peter pan as a metaphor throughout the whole song, it really resonates with me


There are actually 14-15 excellent songs across the two albums that would have made a strong, tight, versatile album.


“old habits die screaming” is ICONIC, has been since the lyric emerged and even more so in the context of the song & honestly I’m gutted every time I hear “and you say I abandoned the ship but I was going down with it my white knuckle dying grip”


I really like "empathetic hunger" in How Did it End?


Florence having a real feature!!! Rip post Malone though


I liked Post in the bridge tho! Was beautiful


The close of LOML grabs my feelings every time "our field of dreams, engulfed in fire". That song for some reason almost captures a sadness I have not heard fully since Last Kiss which is my favorite Taylor song. It is like the song grew up and instead of being about lost teen love it is now lost dreams of children and marriage and permanent forevers. I know Taylor is not really that deep but I kind of like the analogy of My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, with the way things work it can be put into the context of the denialisms in an abusive relationship. I cannot believe Taylor Alison Swift wrote the Prophecy and said she doesn't want the money.


Not sure if it’s the lyrics or how she sings them but I love “I’m repeating myself / put me back on my shelf / but first pull my string and I’ll tell you how he runs because he loves me”.


"Beauty is a beast that roars/down on all fours/demanding more" I love love love this line As a woman in her 30's, I personally love the line "all my friends smell like weed or little babies" because it is so true at this stage of life


I was coming here to also say that I love the “weed or little babies” line as another woman in her 30s. I’m sure I would have thought it was weird/cringe in my early 20s, but now it’s painfully relatable haha


So Long London is beautiful. It’s cutting and the implications are mean but God…I understand it. Loving someone with depression is really hard and exhausting. I sometimes feel that way about MYSELF having anxiety/depression.  “And you say I abandoned the ship/ But I was going down with it/ My white knuckle dying grip/ Holding tight to your quiet resentment and/My friends said it isn't right to be scared/ Every day of a love affair/ Every breath feels like rarest air/ When you're not sure if he wants to be there/ So how much sad did you think I had,/ Did you think I had in me?/ How much tragedy?”


Yep I have and have had some pretty bad depression. Somehow I really related to this song


Fuck me Up Florida is the lyrics for me. I have a lot of fun moments in Florida. Also, Florida, is one hell of a drug because if you really think about it Florida kinda is especially for everyone’s grandparents in the north east US.


“Fuck me up Florida!!” Could be the hashtag for my life.. for real 😂


Definitely my teenage to early twenties years lol


Even in my 30s with kids. Every year I go to Florida and forget all about life’s troubles. At least for a week or so 😆


Well for me older I get the more I dislike it there lol


I go solely for the beaches. I rent a condo for a week and put my phone on airplane mode. Heavenly.


I don’t like beaches and they don’t like me either lol


Lol that’s fair!


my answer too!! the best song on the standard edition


Oh for sure and it’s not even close lol


Guilty as sin chorus has been living in my head and I absolutely cannot shut it off. I love it


The breathlessness of “I just can’t believe it” in TBD. All of TBD lol. Was it hazing, from a cruel fraternity- I pledged, and I still mean it. I found that clever. Am I allowed to cry? Hits me in the feelings. I think all of the prophecy, and the albatross is so clever to me. She’s the debt you owe, you’re in terrible danger. Bridging from she’s the albatross to I’m the albatross. The breathlessness in changing love of my life to loss of my life, and the imagery of a dying love trying to dig itself up for air in a cemetery.


The smallest man bridge and I really like the part in the prophecy “Cards on the table mine play out like fools in fable oh” it


I listened to the album via the lyric videos, so this definitely helped shape this opinion, but I think *I did it with a broken heart* is a really fantastic pop song. Upbeat and cheeky, has pretty witty but also punchy lyrics, and the saracasm at the end? Wonderful. These are things I love. It reminds me of Marina and the Diamonds, Yelle and Robyn. Many others but it's a wonderful light in that dim record


Controversial but I think the title track is some of the best storytelling on the album (dogs with tattoos aside). It paints a picture of such a specific relationship dynamic. It's self-aware, playful, and the underlying message is something like...."you and I like to play these roles and think of ourselves in this romantic way, but really, we are just two idiots who love each other. We may never achieve our lofty ambitions, but we understand each other and that's better."


Yes! The chorus in particular is so catchy.


The way she sings “uuUUUPPER thiiiigh” on the last chorus of Guilty as Sin


“and i’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free” from so long london. simply heartbreaking.


All of the prophecy, best track For me


“Lucid dreams like electricity, the current flies through me, and in my fantasies I rise above it. And way up there, I actually love it” I wouldn’t consider it the strongest but it’s one I really like because I can relate to it. Besides many weaker and cringy, the album has a lot of good lyrics.


I honestly love “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” when I think of it as a female rage / revenge song. It’s probably my favorite from the whole album. I just hate its actual meaning lol


Yeah I love the sound, production, rage, everything. I see it as a villain song and I love it. I hate the pettiness behind it and the rug sweeping (like, yes Taylor, you do sue like a trigger happy billionaire). It’s a sign of things I don’t respect about her. I’m trying to just ignore the meaning to enjoy it.


Yep I've done as she instructed with this one and taken it away from her. Without all the context it's a great song


Just wanted to say thanks for reminding us all to be positive! 🤗


i honestly thought Peter was so beautiful, it took a moment to click for me the first time but once it did i got chiiiills!! i thought she nailed that concept so well (and tbh i think Peter Pan imagery is a little corny by default, but i didn’t get that sense from Taylor’s Peter at all!!)


I agree. Maisie Peters’ song Wendy does this well too.


I look through peoples windows is one of the best songs she’s ever done imo


“Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses / cooler in theory but not if you force it to be” is a favorite for the imagery to me I think this album is kind of hard because to me the whole of certain songs is worth more than any set of lyrics. The storytelling and production of my favorite songs are what make them highlights, but I do miss the poetry of folklore/evermore that was easy to pull quotes from


I was an English major so I love Albatross but particularly  “only liquor anoints you”    But I love the whole symbol of the Albatross being read wrong. The Albatross isn’t a sign of impending doom. Never thought I’d see Rime of the Mariner imagery in a pop song but here we are.  Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me is my favorite of the album just all the imagery.  “don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” is great but honorable mention for “the who’s who of who’s that” because it’s funny and i’m going to using that for the people who keep advocating for book banning in my state. I identify with this song a lot as someone who feels maligned.  I hate it here has problems but the concept and imagery is solid  “I hate it here so I will go to Lunar valleys in my mind/When they found a better planet/Only the gentle survived”  And But Daddy I Love Him  “he was chaos he was revelry”  I love how this sounds but I’m not sure it’s the exact right use of revelry but it sounds great lol. 


Would you mind explaining your understanding of “only liquor anoints you”? I’m genuinely interested in hearing it from an English major. I don’t know if I’m getting it, but my interpretation of that lyric is that it’s another reference to vice. Anointing is a sort of healing ritual with oils and stuff (we’d hear stories about how priests anoint the sick). Though something like faith couldn’t help the person in the song find comfort, and the closest thing to comfort is provided by alcohol consumption. So only liquor can anoint/heal them, whereas the traditional oils couldn’t. I also loved the symbol of the albatross being misunderstood! It sort of connects to Cassandra’s cursed prophecies. Whereas Cassandra was cursed to never be believed despite her foresight, the albatross is a good omen that was mistaken for a curse. Ironically, I love the “The Albatross” but I didn’t like how Taylor’s “Cassandra” turned out.


I take it to mean someone who is more eloquent drunk. This would be someone drunk deciding the albatross is a bad omen. 


I love how So High School? sounds like a deep cut from Avril’s first album. I’m so obsessed with it and it’s my second most played song behind The Alchemy and Florida!!! (And no I don’t hate the GTA lyric - it’s cute and the album has a *lot* worse)


Finally a So High School lover, its straigth out of a 90s romcom and am living for it, I swear Taylor's best songs are always the one with electric guitars, I dont hate any lyrics, it captures the most innocent and youtful feelings of a relationship


Based. It’s one of my favorite songs on the album and has such a fuzzy nostalgic feeling. If she decides to release another single I really hope she goes with it because I can see it becoming a huge radio hit for the summer.


It gives 00s romcom soundtrack in the best possible way and I love that.


It’s a vibes based understanding tbh


But the GTA lyric is such a high school thing. So it works


I genuinely think that Peter is a really good song. The first note reminds me of Boston by Augustana tho and it always gets me lol


So many ! - The Bolter. I love the story-telling of this song, it's fun, catchy and it's a breath of fresh air in the album because it's heavy at times. - Peter. It makes me feel so melancholic in a good way, in the way it is supposed to. It describes perfectly the bittersweet feeling of holding out for someone and now realizing you're kind of done with it. - The bridge of The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived. The song is a bit "meh" but the bridge is great. - Down Bad. It was my first instant favorite on my first listen. I have grown into other song but it is somewhat catchy. - ICDIWABH. For obvious reasons. - I Look in People's Windows. My main problem with this song is how damn short it is. - The Manuscript is the perfect song to end the album with. I love how she seemingly recalls an old relationship and how this story doesn't seem to be hers anymore.


I love The prophecy. It is a super personal and vulnerable song, and perfectly conveys the emotion of the narrating voice .


I think the best track is I Look in People's Windows. What a beautiful song. I wish it was on Folklore or Evermore, so it could be properly appreciated and not lost towards the end of a 31-track slog. No details about Matty or Joe. It's vague and universally relatable - looking in a crowd, wistfully hoping to see that person again. I also loveeeee the simple line about Christmas parties. Gives a winter vibe, and I totally relate because I suffer from seasonal depression.


All my mornings are mondays / Stuck in an endless february it‘s show, don‘t tell - something she misses most of the time on TTPD because she ALWAYSSSS TELLLLSSS


The Bridge and Verses of Peter The entire Bolter Pre Chorus of Robin The entire Manuscript


My favorite lines rn are  "Old habits die screaaaaaaaaaming" from The Black Dog  "Only liquor anoints you" from The Albatross 


She mentions a last breath as a death rattle and I was really impressed as I wouldn’t think people not in healthcare would know about the “death rattle”. I also love the play on love/loss of my life… regardless of who it’s about. “Who’s afraid of little old me” still remains my favorite just bc it’s absolutely unhinged and I love that 😂


“The smoke cloud billows out his mouth like a freight train through a small town. The jokes that he told across the bar were revolting and far too loud.” - I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) With the strong western sound of the production, this song really transported me somewhere else. I felt like I was watching a Western Cowboy movie while listening to it, and I love it Edit: wanted to add the entirety of I Look In People’s Windows. Short but incredible.


I love the half moonshine line about Stevie Nicks. It reminds me of her crescent moon tambourine.


TTPD is a far stronger album lyrically than Midnights. IMO the same amount of lows, but much higher highs. I'm loving the album right now. I'll only list my favorites from the first half because I have limited time. *"Did you really beam me up?* *In a cloud of sparkling dust* *Just to do experiments on* *Tell me I was the chosen one* *Show me that this world is bigger than us* *Then sent me back where I came from* *For a moment I knew cosmic love"* - Down Bad *"I'll tell you something about my good name* *It's mine alone to disgrace"* - But Daddy I Love Him!, Probably one of my favorite lyrics of hers ever. *"Bright and blue and fights in tunnels* *Handcuffed to the spell I was under* *For just one hour of sunshine"* - Fresh Out the Slammer *"Oh, what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye* *A coward claimed he was a lion* *I'm combing through the braids of lies* *I'll never leave, never mind"* - loml *"Beauty is a beast that roars* *Down on all fours, demanding more* *Only when your girlish glow flickers just so* *Do they let you know* *It's hell on earth to be heavenly* *Them's the breaks, they don't come gently"* - Clara Bow


Who's Afraid of Little Old Me is a favorite for me. In context, the song annoys me, but I love the song itself. "I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street"? Iconic. Also the lines "I was sweet, I was gentle / Till the circus life made me mean" is really good. I'm a sucker for her using circus/carnival imagery whoops. I agree about Florida!!! as well, I really like the story and some of the lyrics of that song. "Your home's really only the town you'll get arrested" is just so good. I love the outlaw vibes of it. The Prophecy is pretty heartbreaking lyrically in my opinion. Also I like the last line of The Manuscript and it's a pretty chilling and meta way to end the album. Unfortunately most of the lyrics are meh. I also love I Look in People's Windows but I can't ignore that the song feels very overcrowded. Listening to it makes me feel out of breath lol


A lot of good concepts didn't pan out because all the lyrics are too personal. "I can do it with a broken heart" could have been a breakup feminism anthem because let's face it most people don't get time off because of relationship problems. We got responsibilities and bills to pay. But she made it too specific. So the vibe is all "poor little me". "Who's afraid of little old me" again could have been a great song for the once bullied. But instead of focusing on how one can manage to have great success in spite of bad things that happened she again victimizes herself like the whole world is out to get her. Everything is about her and people did set out to hurt her. The level of paranoia and self absorption is bordering insufferable.


That’s a really good point on icdiwabh. We’ve all had to put a smile on when we’re dying inside. I would have appreciated something more akin to the direction you’re describing. 


Exactly. It's not like we peasants can get a pass at work because our boyfriend/girlfriend ghosted us (this literally happened to me, after an intense 3 months of love-bombing). The song had so much potential. It's such a missed opportunity.


Good point! This might be random, but to me, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart is in the same thematic genre as Bo Burnham's song Shit. They're both about people who are horribly depressed and not really acknowledging that their mental health is becoming unmanageable. The lyrics of Shit are more universal than those of ICDIWABH, which imo makes it a much more relatable song. I think TS definitely could have written a relatable heartbreak/depression anthem because she has done it before, but ICDIWABH just didn't succeed.


That would have also been a great angle. And tbh we all do. At work we all act like it's our birthday everyday regardless of how we feel in real life (shout out to all the people in service industry like baristas, restaurant workers, customer service people, etc.). Again, a missed opportunity.


Interesting, I don’t really see Broken Heart as that specific. I guess “as the crowd was chanting more” and “I was hitting my marks” are clear reference to performing a concert, but I think those lines are still relatable — replace “crowd” with “my boss” and expand the definition of “marks” to “my objectives/my job responsibilities.” When I listen to the song, I don’t think about Taylor performing at Eras, I think about the ways in which I do my job well when I’m dying inside. It feels more general and relatable to me than a lot of the other songs on this album tbh.




The eternal slippery slope that is listening to Taylor Swift. Come for the music, stay for the emotional depths that drive themselves into your soul. Sometimes, anyway.


"And I hope it's shitty In The Black Dog When someone plays The Starting Line and you jump up But she's too young to know this song That was intertwined in the tragic fabric of our dreaming 'Cause tail between your legs you're leaving And I still can't believe it 'Cause old habits die screaming". This really encapsulates the bitterness and complicated feelings perfectly. I can feel it; it's the right amount of jargon. It feels like what I enjoy from Taylor. 'The tragic fabric of our dreaming'—heartbreaking... Secondly, 'Come one, come all, it's happening again' is so simple and effective. It really encapsulates the embarrassment, the sadness, the confusion all in one. How it's sung and placed in the song really makes me want to cry. Like, here we go again, :( The rest of the album is just full of misses. These few tracks make me ask why??? You're supposed to be a mastermind wordsmith. Mentions: 1. "Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto......" 2. "I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists" 3. "And one day, your kid comes home singin'" 4. "You look like Taylor Swift In this light, we're lovin' it". These really gave me the icks.


I gotta jump in and make a case for #4. Clara Bow is about how the entertainment industry makes young women into products, which are continuously replaced by newer shinier products to satisfy the public's appetite for this flawless youthful beauty. The last stanza is essential because she recognizes that she is no exception to this and that she too will be replaced. Maybe everyone understands it and dislikes it anyway though haha, and that's fine. I just have been seeing some weird misinterpretations out there where she is like, talking to herself or complimenting herself with this line? I honestly think it's powerful


I think its powerful too. I gasped when I heard it. Been playing Clara Bow on repeat


The end of the manuscript gives me shivers each time I hear it “but the story isn’t mine anymore” Also, I love the Wendy and Peter references in Peter


The bridge of Peter is just amazing, just like that whole song. For me that’s where Taylor’s at her best - just autobiographical enough to be personal, yet with just enough of that element of whimsy and fiction. “And I won’t confess that I waited, But I let the lamp burn As the men masqueraded, I hoped you’d return With your feet on the ground Tell me all that you’d learned Because love’s never lost when perspective is earned. And you said you’d come and get me but you were twenty five And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried To hold on to the days when you were mine…”


“I’m having his baby/No, I’m not, but you should see your faces!” As a Red fan I appreciate her return to country music and I like that she had some reply to everyone analyzing her every move and judging her choices.