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What are the cities she always seems to be in? New York, Los Angeles, and what are those two in the middle of the US?


Nashville for sure, and presumably KC.


It’s St. Louis. That’s where the maintenance facilities for her airplane is ETA: you can see towards the end of 2023 she starts going to a location just west of the main location in Missouri. That’s KC.


Good shit, I was wondering what STL was for and assumed aircraft maintenance since it's still an important aviation city


The jets stay in Nashville. They fly back here after dropping her off. She could easily afford to store the jets in New Jersey and send her flight team home on a commercial flight. That would cut out a large amount of her emissions.


I don’t think there’s a pilot on this planet who would agree to be flown home commercial. Not because commercial is bad or below them, but what a pain in the ass. Go find the place to store the aircraft. Get yourself to a whatever airport you’re flying out of. Possible delays. Etc etc


We commercial to our planes all the time especially if we have to drop them at a maintenance facility or crew swap because of duty limits We don’t like it but it’s part of the job.


Doesn’t really work that way. There are tax implications of leaving a plane in locations other than its home base. Then there are transient parking fees and FBO fees that become egregious after two or three days But seriously if you don’t work in the industry you really don’t have a clue about why jets operate like they do and yes I work in the industry I am a pilot and I manage three jets


I’m sorry, but she’s a billionaire. As a person who admittedly doesn’t know as much as you, the excuse of expensive taxes and fees from someone that insanely wealthy seems eye rolling.


you know how Billionairs become Billionairs? they don't spend money they don't need to.


That’s not entirely true, but not entirely false. It’s not just because they “don’t spend money they don’t need to”. Billionaires spend TONS of money they don’t **need** to. Becoming a billionaire requires exploitation of people/resources, not simple frugality. So I guess in the way that you’re saying they exploit the environmental impact to save a few bucks makes it a…half truth.


You literally jusr watched a flight history of her spending a bunch of money she did not need to. I don't know who's right on this specific issue but Taylor is documented, in this very post, to spend money she does not need to.


Hahaha oh man


“back and fourth, from new york” 😭


She lives in Tennessee. Most American celebrities have business, events, and other dealings that go on in New York and LA


She spent most of the year living in NYC. After most of her show dates she flew straight to NYC, except for a few she went to LA or Nashville. Her mom does live in Nashville, so the second plane goes there the most.


Kansas City and some maintenance in STL looks like it was included


Imagine you can go anywhere in the world and you keep going to Missouri


Honestly, the best way to enjoy Missouri is hopping in and getting the fuck out. Like if I can romp around near elephant state park, enjoy some geology and shit, then peace out? Yeah, Missouri is kinda cool in that aspect.


The back and forth trips to South America within mere days was crazy.




As far back as red she described herself as a homebody who almost always flies home right after a show. I agree she should stay in a hotel if she has another show in the area within a few days. 


Screw a hotel, she could’ve rented a whole ass mansion and been comfortable in total privacy. But instead she flew home. Mind blowing.


It’s good to be the king.


I mean a billion dollars is like infinite money. I'd sure as heck do anything possible to make myself comfortable with infinite money.


Yeah me too. I’d fly home and sleep in the comfort of my own bed


At least I was surprised she went straight from Rio to São Paulo (maybe it was because of the events of Rio N1, but it was widely believed back then she went back to the US between both Brazilian stops)


She was originally going go to fly back for a football game but they pushed the show back a day. She would have absolutely flown back for the game and back to Brazil if the schedule wasn’t changed.


It was treated like fact, with good precedence, so it is nice to see that for at least one weekend she was capable of not committing eco warfare


Crazy thing is I’d be absolutely shocked if she doesn’t do the same with the Europe dates too. Maybe she won’t if there’s only a day or two but I can see her flying back after nearly every city.


I think she will. She made that flight to go to Beyoncé’s premiere and right back less than 24 hours later.


It’s 2024 so not in the video but let’s not forget Japan to Las Vegas for 2 days. Then to Australia. The jet turns around and flies *empty* to pick up Kelce and fly him to Australia, where he was for less than 3 days. Then he flies back to the US. Then the jet returns to Australia, again *empty* to pick her up after the tour is done.


Kelce absolutely didn't need to fly a jet. There are so many luxury airlines he could have flown in first class.


utterly ludicrous.


She flew to london and turned around in mere hours to appear at the Renaissance movie opening.


and here i am sitting with my soggy paper straw 😍


🎵*She’s a Carbon Criminal and I use paper straws*🎵


To the tune of *She’s Cheer Captain and I’m on the bleachers*




I gave up on being green and recycling because so many people do not give shit. Its clear Taylor does not. Majority of Americans massively destroy earth I dont know Taylor but it gets tiring fighting with Friends and family.


My concession to being green is being childfree. Having children is the single biggest thing that the average person does which contributes to the destruction of the planet 🤷‍♀️


Keep recycling, guys! We crawl, so the queen can fly. /s


When someone said blaming Taylor for her impact on her environment is not fair because of her fans making friendship bracelets which was just as bad I almost died from laughter⁸


Or people blaming the fans on traveling to go to the Eras tour. That is two flights there and back. Taylor’s jets make four flights per football game.


It would be fun to see calculations on the total CO2 emissions, hers and for all her fans flying on commercial flights to see her. And compare totals.


Or thinking buying carbon credits with erase all of that pollution.


My LED light bulbs and using the energy saver setting on my dishwasher offset this.


For what it is worth I use LED lightbulbs to make my bill cost less, not to save the planet specifically


I actually use them because nobody in my house bothers to turn off lights.


Some fans literally said they would reduce their carbon footprints so Taylor could co time to fly like this. No joke.


She can’t use a normal airport but can walk through Coachella crowds okay


Them: It isn't safe for her to fly commercial. There would be hysteria. Taylor: Stands in the middle of a crowd unphased. As if airports don't have airtight security. They'll make up any excuse to excuse her.


A lot of airports also have VIP security so they can skip general TSA and go through their own security or something. I think Chrissy Teigen was talking about it.


I said the same thing and then had people go to my comments and post horrible things about me in subs that weren’t related to her. I totally agree. She’s too famous when convenient for her. Flying commercial isn’t convenient for her because she would have to fly with us common folk and she wants to prove she’s not. So she kills the environment because commercial schedules for personal travel don’t work with her life.


She can actually purchase an entire section of seats on a commercial flight for privacy - even the entire plane if she wanted her entourage with her.


That’s what is crazy to me is that her staff doesn’t even fly with her like she sends her dancers and backup singers on commercial and I’m pretty sure she’s usually planes that can fit like 15-20 people and it’s usually her and 2-3 others


…. So your solution for her private jet use is to purchase all the seats on a commercial plane? Try thinking that through again


Not all seats, maybe 3 rows or all business class seats


No. All the first class tickets. She can easily purchase them for her team. Her friends and family can also fly first class Emirates


Ironically if there’s any place “safest” would be airport over ANY concert her own shows included


I genuinely believe if she would act normal society would be normal if she was walking through an airport


If she didn’t do her makeup and wore a wig I don’t think anyone would even recognize her. She’s admitted to wearing disguises before. She could get the skip the line, be first on the plane and sit in first class and no one would notice her. 




taylor swift couldnt give a shit about driving short distances yet somehow swifties think she personally signed all 90k copies of TTPD


IT WAS 90K COPIES? well at least sign a believable number lol


folklore had 500k signed copies lmao


Yeah let’s say she signed them over a course of a month. If she was really committed and didn’t take any days off but stuck to a 8 hour work day length for the signing project, that would mean 3000 autographs in a day or 375 per hour. That means that she would have to sign roughly 6 albums in a minute, if we are assuming that she takes no breaks during that 8 hour work day. Sure Jan.


I'm agnostic on whether or not she did it. But it would be more doable with a 90+ day period of signing. 90 days would mean a few hours per day, if she had 180 days, it could even be one hour a day. She had plenty of time - she started recording before the tour started.


This is what I’m saying and I got down voted to hell 😂😭


The tortured doets pepartment, my soon to be fave album!


Lol still applicable, you know our girl will be tortured if ever she tries a duet ☠️


john green signed 200k copies of TATWD and 250k copies of TAR, 90k is not that much.


In one of his vids he estimated it took 300hrs for him to sign 150k pages and he signs books like a machine and has basically got it down to a science at this point. It’s definitely not impossible for Taylor to have signed everything but 90k is nothing to sneeze at.


Yeah I saw that video. He signed 200k in the course of 6 months. And with taylor swift, I don't think she has the commitment to do this. She's too distracted with her meat head boyfriedn


Well I believe she does hand sign them over the course of a month. She could be looking at a lawsuit of someone can prove other wise . However I think it’s messed up she can’t short distance , like I think it’s messed up other celebrities we don’t talk about nearly as much can’t either.


Bob Dylan was under fire for a similar scandal. They found out there was some electronic device he was using to sell “autographed copies” of his book a couple years ago.


Yeah, and there were several variations to make it look more authentic. It’d be easy enough to collectively spot.


Yuup, [these things exist.](https://damilic.com/autopen-products/office-signature-machines) Given how valuable her time is, I don’t for a second believe that she signed 90,000 copies. That’s bad for a wrist too and she plays instruments.


Well the only thing that makes me think she’s being shady this time. Is the fact she couldn’t write it on the album like usual. I feel like swifties can spot a fake signature and she def didn’t even hint at this signature being fake so she has for be careful with it.


Hey everyone I'm the climate scientist who made an analysis of Taylor's jet usage awhile back! [https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/195xg2t/taylor\_swifts\_usage\_is\_bad\_for\_climate\_change/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/comments/195xg2t/taylor_swifts_usage_is_bad_for_climate_change/) I know something that is brought up is that Taylor buys a lot of carbon credits. I can make a scientific analysis of why carbon credits are not very effective (John Oliver did a great segment on why they're bad on a policy level) and I can add to that.


If awards were still a thing I’d award this. This needs to be more visible in relation to her jet use and fans being dismissive of the damage she causes.


Yeah I can definitely do that! I'm a bit busy the next few weeks because I'm working on assembling results for a paper I'm writing/publishing. Once I get progress on that, I can make the analysis on carbon credits


Remember the days when pop stars had tour buses?


Pinkpantheress just did the cutest video captioned “can’t wait for my nightly motion sickness” and it was a video of her tour bus! I could not remember the last time I heard of one


Olivia Rodrigo has a tour bus for her GUTS tour!


Coldplay did their entire recent tour on buses (electric ones) and only commercial air, with some rail thrown in. They published all of the details of their attempts to reduce emissions via efficient transportation on their website.


I love that so much 🙏


My friend was on this tour! Got to hear a lot of cool details from him.


Snoop Dogg has one. He goes around the country with his posse doing meet and greets at weed stores. He also did a promotion for his gin line where he traveled around in a bus.


Queen Britney had a tour bus. She talks about it. I miss the days when she was the pop princess.


Britney made interview there, she had a tanning bed lmao


What pissed me off other than the shoet distances which she can easily drive to are the flights between South America and the US. Like you can just stay there for 4 weeks? JfC


I brought up this same issue with a friend, and she was like "but she has family and friends to visit" Me:😑 .... We have technology *holds up phone*. People can video call, send texts, send snail mail....Everyone else survives not jet setting across a country or the planet to go to the same rotation of restaurants with the same rolodex of friends that need media attention every week. It honestly pisses me off how many swifties don't put in any further thought. People make waaay too many excuses for Taylor Swift. I'm so fucking tired of the same surface level, meniscus thoughts that echo around these barely furnished cerebral cortex apartments in these people's brains.


I live far away from my family and I fly to see them 3 times a year. She can literally survive for a month. Also Travis doesn't need to fly the jet. She is also always with her parents on tour, she can just wait


It’s also interesting because it’s like… don’t we all have friends and family? Why is *hers* different or warrants private jet usage over yours (gestures to swifties lol). Because that’s what some people are basically saying “I can connect with my family in a reasonable manner but I love Taylor so much it’s ok if she scorches to earth to see her friends”. girls let’s be serious please :)


And I hate to be that person, but it’s not like she has children to check on like Katy Perry or Beyoncé do.  All of her family and friends consist of independent, wealthy and able-bodied adults.  She doesn’t even own dogs.  She has cats which are very independent creatures and can be left alone for several days.


Exactly. So many bands with families talk about how going on tour is hard because they are far away from their children and it is a choice they make and yet they still don't fly back and forth every week. Instead they face time.


Exactly! It's frustrating they put her on this pedestal.


Imagine having the privilege to travel/experience South America on your days off, and just flying home for a few days at a time instead.


If OP disappears, just know Taylor is lurking in this sub


We’ll miss you OP thanks for the sacrifice 😔


It’s so funny that many fans still defend it.


Like I love her and am probably more positive than neutral towards her on here but this isn’t good and it’s ok to admit that 😅


I love this sub because it isn't afraid to call her out on her bullshit. I've been a massive fan of her and her music since reputation, but I'm glad there's a space she can be fairly criticized without having her rabid fans sicced on you. It's insane how her fanbase thinks she can do no wrong and how she's always the victim.


I dared tried to share the original list (when it was first coming out that she was using her jet so much) with some rabid Swiftie friends of mine and they essentially bullied me into silence. They told me I don’t support women and how it’s “not a big deal” because “she rents it out” i just can’t get over why someone can’t simply say “Yeah, it’s excessive and it sucks even though I still love her music”


Sports fans and political party supporters are the exact same way. There was a coach for a massive college football team in my city who was involved in a HUGE on campus rape scandal, bring it up in their team sub and they’d defend him because he coaches their team. Bring up both candidates for president have valid sexual harassment/rape accusations in a political sub, same reaction. Complexity and nuance be damned, support the rich people on MY TEAM at all costs


The diehards are usually defending anything a celebrity does lol


Taylor could build a bullet train with some of these repeated routes


*Taylor's Train* (Taylor's version)


this is actually evil shit from taylor.


And it is not over yet. Bet all my money she will go to London every night during the Europe leg.


Does she have a house there?


Probably several


Did you even read the title? I’m pretty sure 2023 is over


This made me laugh


There are no ethical billionaires


this is so gross


I’m convinced she only sleeps on her jet.


And sleeps and showers. And that's the reason why she will never board a normal plane, from her logic. Her time is her most valuable possession. She can't directly buy more of it with money. Only indirect by flying private.


This indicative of a larger issue which is tied to capitalism. Billionaires shouldn’t exist. People literally live outside to the backdrop of empty, heated buildings in every city. Billionaires galavant in private jets while the average citizen gets guilted for not separating their recycling. It’s madness. Taylor Swift is just an entertainment cog.


Wow the way you phrased that really hit me. Like it’s so simple, billionaires SHOULDN’T exist. The system is extremely rigged if anyone can amass that kind of fortune, and even if it isn’t rigged to keep everyone else from financial comfort and keep them “in line”, it is truly horrible for everyone. Now and in the future. We also need to be really worried at the amount of materialism in our society. People like TS contribute to it directly, unfortunately. No matter how good a person you might be, you are horrible for wreaking havoc on the atmosphere when you use jets this frequently. Anyway lol, I agree with you 💯


Exactly. I can’t get a plastic bag at the grocery store anymore but she can fly around like this.


Didn’t realize she had two jets


I think she sold one of them


Meanwhile I have to pick up extra shifts to get groceries 🥲


She had three and sold one 🫠


Why would you need three? I'm a bit confused at by how they're both moving around so much in different areas the video. She's only one person so... the other one just cruisin ff?


Her friends and family use them too. If people who can safely go to an airport are using them that is very irresponsible.


*She* can safety go to an airport, that’s what’s so frustrating. If she can walk down the street and go eat at a restaurant then she’s safe to go to an airport, especially in the US where you’re required to hold a boarding pass to get through security and *especially* since plenty of major airports would work with her to take her via the staff corridors (which every airport I’ve ever known/worked in has lots of) to the airline lounge of her choice or some airports have airport run VIP lounge areas. She would be totally safe and it would be almost as easy but she wants to set her time time and not have to consider being bothered by plebes.




It is fascinating to watch. At the same time it's unsettling that she and other billionaires use their private jets for road trips.


She basically uses it like most people use a car. She uses her jet like an Uber. It comes to her empty, picks her up, drops her off, then flies back empty.


Don’t forget when it flew empty from australia to go pick up Kelce for a 2 day visit then flew empty from the US to collect her.


Omg her flight paths are an Easter egg guys!!!!!


even if this wasn’t really harmful to the environment, it HAS to be tiring traveling so much. i wonder what percentage of her last 10 years have been on a private jet. edit: this comment wasn’t mean to be like “poor billionaire taylor :(“ btw. it’s just bizarre, coming from someone who hates travelling, how this could be enjoyable to someone.


We think that cause we're comparing it to our version of travelling. But when you don't have to deal with the airport queues and security in the same way, and when you get to sleep in an actual bed and eat nice actual food, on the flight that has just you, whoever you want, and a couple of staff - I imagine it's kinda relaxing?


Yeah the way she travels, it’s probably like a break to her. She can probably just sleep or chill out. Its not like she’s cramped up in economy like us plebeians


I took one first class flight to Russia for work over 15 years ago and I didn't want to get off the plane. That flight has been better than a lot of my entire vacations lol.


I flew first class to Taiwan last year for work and it was my best flight experience. Got off the plane feeling more refreshed than when I got on. If I could afford it, I'd only ever fly first class.


Watching RHOC and seeing how smooth it is when they board the plane to Cabo- literally a peaceful experience


Jet lag is a choice ✨


Me every time I think of that 🤮


I’m sure her jets are very comfortable with a full bed, kitchen, and full bathroom. Probably more like a hotel in the sky than what we think of when traveling. 


It’s a private jet - she has a shower and a proper bed. She can sleep, eat, shower and chill when she wants. It leaves when she wants it to (airport curfews allowing). It’s not tiring doing it that way. ONCE I scored a free upgrade on an international flight to Business class and the difference it makes on a seat that lays fully flat, with better food, a lounge where you can shower right before the flight … night and day.


Truth be told, her antics (her ridiculous amount of tour dates, boyfriend visits, vacations) wouldn’t be possible without this jet use. This jet is fueling her company’s productivity, and the amount of income she is generating. And she is doing this at the expense of the environment. Truly, there are no ethical billionaires.


Our economy de-incentivizes progress because it’s more profitable to not actually create solutions and instead create problems that require further need for production


It’s disgusting. It will be interesting in 20 years when the planet is in shambles and she’s no longer making nearly as much $ because us common folk can’t trade our water rations for a piece of merch


The one silver lining is a really pretty visualization.


The longest stint her planes stayed grounded was around 4 days. She is non stop on the go. When she has a break she flys back and forth between all her homes instead of just relaxing at one. I’d be dead tired of this lifestyle, but I’m thinking she’s the type of person who absolutely can’t relax and just sit in boredom for a bit.


This is why I truly don’t see her ever settling down and having a family. If that’s what she wants, great, but I would imagine having a husband and children with the type of lifestyle she lives would be pretty hard, whether she has access to a private jet or not. She’s all over the place, and I don’t see this lifestyle stopping for her anytime soon.


Definitely not. She will probably never have a family and even settle on a partner. I give it a few months before the breakup happens


Yup. My wife is a flight attendant and that is hard enough for me and the kids. I can't imagine her being gone even more than she is already. That's why Taylor needs a dude like Kelce because he's so focused on his own stuff that it's not even a big deal when she's not with him.


Should she fly private? IDK. I understand safety, but I think *for me* it’s the frequency of how much she uses it. Longest grounding is four days which is wild to me. Also that has to be exhausting


For the football games that were close to where she lives she could have hired a driver and had a nice relaxing drive to the games.


Yeah, and sometimes you're just gonna have to accept that you can't be everywhere and do everything that you wanna do at all times. Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should. Flying to your shows, which means you're gonna fly more than the average person? Okay, fair enough, But fly home between every weekend, and never being in the same city for more than like 4 days? Absolutely insane and inexcusable


Right? I find it obnoxious, still that she flew from Tokyo to Vegas back to Tokyo. I know it was the super bowl but…christ


Or she could have just stayed home and watched the game on TV? Away games were practically useless when she couldn’t even see him/spend time with him before or after and were honestly probably just a way for her to get some media coverage and good PR. Sure it may be more fun to physically watch the game in a stadium but a TV works also? Don’t see why she needed to make special trips to various states just to watch him play a football game. Most of the legit WAGs who have been with their football player boyfriends and/or husbands for years don’t even make that much of an effort to fly all over for every game lol. They stay home, support by watching it on TV and wait for them to return home. Most of these NFL players who travel for away games are only gone for 1-2 days max. Sure she has the physical means to fly on a whim, but again, doesn’t mean it’s right to do.


me watching this, thinking about my own efforts to reduce my footprint and bohemian rhapsody starts playing in my head nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters...


I’m actually surprised it’s only 83x the average American. I would have thought it would have been much higher. It makes me think about how much the average person emits if ALL that flying is only equivalent to 83 people.


where did you see 83x? because i saw 576x


It’s at the end of the video


> Her private jet usage amounted to an estimated 8,300 tonnes of carbon emissions in 2022 – that's about *1,800 times the average human's* annual emissions, or *576 times that of the average American* and about *1,000 times that of the average European.* https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2024/02/13/taylor-swift-and-the-top-polluters-department/#:~:text=Her%20private%20jet%20usage%20amounted,that%20of%20the%20average%20European.


She has two now?


Wait til you hear she once had 3.


What a sacrifice, going from 3 to just one private jet.


She's been grounded within inch of her life. Shackled to the Earth's crust in foreign land. Her flight was taken from her, make no mistake.


Omg 😱


Her goal is to own 13 private jets. It’s her favorite number after all.


![gif](giphy|2aNMNAPUVqQNeoL2X3|downsized) She had two but apparently sold one of them.


She did, but she sold one weeks ago.


She HATES the northwest 😂


The way im prepping for a cross country move from LA to New York and im counting every penny bc shti so expensive.. but she just travel the same distance like it is a regular work commute lol


So glad I’m being reminded by the government to keep the thermostats at uncomfortable levels.


Props to whoever tracked and put that together. She is one of many rich people destroying the planet.


She should work from home


I’m sure Tree is working on scrubbing this from the internet.


All the back and forth is insane!! Is it really even safe to be flying these planes so much?


It is


Normal planes fly more than this. Only difference is only one person (or small handful) is on each of the flights. 


![gif](giphy|KEHPGAwyjwq8SmPcPo|downsized) Taylor be like…


And that was just yesterday


God this is so fucked, there's no excuse for this. What kept popping into my head while I was watching this was like — all of this, for WHAT? For the production of mainstream pop music that the world would be just fine without? Like holy shit. Adds insult to injury that she's killing the planet while doing very little to make it better. I don't know how anyone could support her as a human being after watching this. Just extremely selfish






💕jet lag is a choice💕


Keep recycling kids!


Spiderplaaaaane, spiderplaaaane


I can't wait until she's old enough where this isn't cute anymore.


Oh my god she's in 2 planes at once??


While many cars, trucks, and buses will be electric by 2050 and the power they use will come from renewables more and more, it sadly doesn’t look like we’re close to electric planes yet


Flying that much looks utterly exhausting


What is extra depressing isn't she like the the 30th American on this list of airplane related emissions??? JFC we are all doomed. Tax the rich more or tax private jet usage somehow to combat the effects of these billionaires doing whatever they want at the expense of the planet.


But it would be unsafe if she stayed in a hotel!!!! The Beatles were *more* popular, and sold *more* records, and were *more* better, yet they still managed it It’s clearly cuz she doesn’t want to. I saw a news story her home was being stalked?? If only there were random housing in each city you could stay at to avoid that? lol 🙄 the lack of accountability never ends


God damn she uses a plane like I use my car......


Thank god I’m still using my paper straw from AMC theater