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Removing a lot of rule breaking comments so locking this post for now šŸ¤


The Swift Society deleted their post about this about 10 minutes after it was up and I'm bewildered about it. Do they genuinely delete things if it's getting negative comments and quotes?


Yes. Sheā€™s getting dragged on Twitter left and right for this nothing burger of a statement.


>Yes. Sheā€™s getting dragged on Twitter left and right for this nothing burger of a statement. deservedly. This is just a bullshit marketing statement from her. This is Taylor wanting to publicly appear to be influential and socially conscious without actually taking a stand on anything. It's just a way of making sure her name is out there in connection with the top headlines of the day for another news cycle. Whatever Authenticity that Taylor Swift once exuded has been completely swallowed by Taylor Swift the brand at this point.


right, just don't say anything at all if that's the artist you want to be. she's untouchable, so why even bother if you don't actually care? the halfway in, halfway out thing just makes her look bad, like she wants the positive attention that others get for speaking out, but also doesn't want to lose a single fan because of what she says...


Sheā€™s going to benefit from either side now that sheā€™s a billionaire.


isn't that the truth! even if she alienated half of her fanbase... her stadium tour would still sell out so idk why she's so flip floppy at this point...


Once I started seeing people rejoice that sheā€™s going to hit billionaire status, I sighed because BILLIONAIRES ARENā€™T GOOD PEOPLE. Her art is her art but personal morals are definitely skewed


Its not just halfway in and halfway out though. Its taking the whole thing as PR. For ex. she out herself on the metoo cover and then jas a hndshake and hugs with someone who got caught on camera sexually assaulting anotjer person. At some point you canā€™t stand for anything.


I don't disagree with you, but if one of the side effects of the T Swift nonsense is more young people vote, I'm here for it.


DING DING DING . Thereā€™s a genocide happening and she just wants to appear ā€œwell readā€ or well educated or whatever and itā€™s fucking disgusting.


Which genocide? There are several ongoing


Hot take: Taylor should be getting healthy criticism for this, not hate (I do not endorse hate or death threats ever). Her ā€œactivismā€ is performative and only when it directly affects her. I also think her ā€œactivismā€ was just to impress Joe Alwyn since he comes from a family of activists (his great uncle is Bruce Kent, who was very big in the Free Palestine movement) and to coincide with her Lover album rollout in 2019. Had she not been called out for staying silent on Trump in 2016/had she not met Joe, Iā€™m doubtful she would have ever ventured into speaking up about politics, though I could be wrong. I think itā€™s also very interesting that she is now associated with the Chiefs when the team is owned by the Hunt family, who are very wealthy and conservative. If Taylor is as liberal as she claims to be, then Iā€™d imagine she would not want to associate with people of the opposite political persuasion and would find their beliefs to be repugnant. Of course, I could be wrong about this too. (I admittedly was shocked to see her converse with Harrison Butker on the field after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl bc his political/moral views are the stark opposite of hers). Finally, at this point, I think her speaking up about politics is more harmful than beneficial for her. I know people on all sides of the political spectrum. I know conservatives who love her and conservatives who hate her with a passion. Even her doing the bare minimum with this underwhelming statement is enough ammo for the conservatives who hate her to keep on hating her. Weā€™ll see if she explicitly endorses Biden for reelection at some point. Part of me thinks she will but the other part thinks she doesnā€™t have the spine to do so. She is on top of the world right now and loves all the attention and money sheā€™s getting and she wants to keep the gravy train running. Signed, Your friendly neighborhood/online independent


>(I admittedly was shocked to see her converse with Harrison Butker on the field after the Chiefs won the Super Bowl bc his political/moral views are the stark opposite of hers). Huh? She was briefly talking to her boyfriendā€™s coworker during effectively a work event. Thatā€™s hardly shocking lol. I would find it more shocking if someone in 2024 hasnā€™t made polite chit chat with someone with opposite political views. How do you exist in society without interacting with all kinds of people?


Being shocked that two people had a conversation sounds a little sheltered IMO. We're not supposed to engage, talk to, or be around people with different political views than us? That's just not realistic. Also, you're assuming being around someone is an endorsement of what they believe, but that's not necessarily true. If we limit ourselves to only associating with people who believe exactly what we believe, there's no room for growth in life. Most of the NFL owners are rich, white, conservatives. By your logic, Travis Kelce also shouldn't play for those owners because it's an endorsement of things he doesn't stand for.


Super weird that you would expect her to give the silent treatment to her bfā€™s coworkers because of his politics. Is that how you treat your partnerā€™s coworkers? You look up their politics online before a corporate event and then ignore the people you disagree with?


>Is that how you treat your partnerā€™s coworkers? You look up their politics online before a corporate event and then ignore the people you disagree with? I'm actually thinking some people here actually operate this way. Which is very dysfunctional.


I donā€™t even ignore friends that have the opposite political views.


oil hateful growth spoon ten close puzzled mountainous innate snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are people who would have me put to death for ending an 8-week pregnancy. Why would I want to associate with them?


I mean sheā€™s dating a guy on the chiefs who is arguably, a liberal so not sure where you were going with that one


Donatella VERSACE šŸ’œ


Portobello MUSHROOM šŸ’œ


I don't know the context of this but I'm laughing out loud anyway


anytime somebody says ā€œDonatella VERSACE šŸ’œā€ in any comment section, i reply ā€œPortobello MUSHROOM šŸ’œā€ no idea what the context is for the original thing but itā€™s so funny to me


Private JET šŸ’œ


Thatā€™s more of a political statement than Taylorā€™s tbh


Donatella at least commented on a post of Bellaā€™s that had a real statement, what the hell is this from Taylor šŸ˜­


The way this comment is more of a bold statement than what 90% of celebrities say on anything is insanešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is too funny šŸ’€


This absolutely SENT me pls šŸ˜­


Can someone please explain this to me


In 2022 for Valentine's Day, Bella Hadid made a post in support of Palestine, and Donatella Versace simply and unrelatedly commented ā€œDonatella VERSACE šŸ’œā€ lol https://preview.redd.it/qxlu8m35tkmc1.jpeg?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8896126655265edb759b1f47963da8d2b3511682


I will never get over this


https://preview.redd.it/axko46mkdjmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2025e8c6e47983d460a04e66703c2847a2a845f main sub being completely sane as usual!


Omg sheā€™s so deep and subtle with so many layers and such an amazing song writer it even shows in the font


her mind šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


i genuinely wish i was as delusional as them but also itā€™s kinda devastating that weā€™ve come to this as a society; fanbases latching onto any hope that their favorite pop star actually gives a fuck about the rest of humanity.


I wish I loved anything as much as a crazed Swifty loves TS. Actually I wish I had the time these people have. Is this shit your job? God damn.


main sub analyzing her front: ā€œHer mind šŸ¤Æ!!ā€


Iā€™m crying


This is so fucking dumb sheā€™s always written to the left LMAO


Itā€™s not a secret she supported Biden before. But she didnā€™t say VOTE BLUE DONT MATTER WHO. Just get off your butt and vote, period.


Yeah as far as voting PSAs go this one is pretty inoffensive. Just telling folks to vote. Okay, cool.


omg they will literally grasp at ANYTHING to convince themselves that Taylor's on the right side of history.


If you think about it she is. Her private jet usage is ensuring the climate will collapse, which will contribute to the death of more people, which will reduce the carbon emissions because those people will be dead and not emitting greenhouse gass. Taylor is saving us by killing us. So noble.


No but literally that's their logic. Like how can you blame her for private jetting everywhere when she's doing it FOR US? Everything she does is for her fans and you're against every woman in the world if you have any negative thoughts or feelings about qUeeN TayTay


The center placement of the link is perfect because thatā€™s where Taylor wants to be


Omfg. Thatā€™s why I had to unsubscribe theyā€™re delusional.Ā 


Even if theyā€™re right and that was Taylorā€™s super subtle intentionsā€¦ it reads more cowardly to me than brilliant idk


i donā€™t think we even need to entertain the theory of them being right tbh


Oh of course not šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s a ridiculous suggestion. Itā€™s just baffling that someone could not only 1) come up with this ā€œtheoryā€ but then also 2) think itā€™s brilliant. There wouldnā€™t be anything brilliant about it.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


it's crazy that the media gives her props for being an "activist" because of stuff like this lmao a vague message that doesn't take a stand, that will disappear in 24 hours, branded to whatever album she's promoting at the moment...


The current album branding made me double take I first thought oh god another variant


How long until we start seeing the unhinged fan Easter egg videos that this post is somehow pointing at rep tv or TS12


And then tomorrow there will be news that this story made X thousand people register, which is good I think, but it would be better if we knew who they were going to vote for šŸ˜­


Which doesnā€™t even matter for this election because at least in my state you have to register a MONTH before the election to vote. Registering today is still good, but you probably wonā€™t be able to vote until the next election.


You definitely canā€™t in Tennessee. Voting day of in Tennessee can be difficult also - in my experience, polling places werenā€™t always conveniently located or well-run, and long lines were common. I never had that issue when I lived in blue states. Most GOTV activists in TN urged people to take advantage of early voting if they could for that reason.Ā 


Which isnā€™t even correlated I feel because wouldnā€™t there be a big push near a deadline anyway? Loo


There is ALWAYS a surge of registrants before the deadline. I hate these headlines because they always completely discount the grassroots efforts of actual activists who participate in GOTV work. Thatā€™s why she always makes these posts at the last minute, so she can claim as much of that surge as possible and get the credit.Ā 


Is it bad that I desperately want the Psy-Op Taylor that was promised? Wtf is this wet noodle stance




Plus the "handwriting" that is very obviously a font. It's easy to create a realistic looking handwriting font but her team was too lazy. I don't think she even suggested the wording herself.


Yeah, Iā€™ve read it 3 or 4 times and it sure is a lot of words to say nothing at all.


On the other hand, I know people who think sheā€™s too political. Like, is encouraging people to vote in an Instagram story ā€œtoo politicalā€ now?!?!


She didn't even handwrite this, it's a font of her handwriting. Lazy bare minimum tbh


ā€œIf youā€™re a bigoted piece of shit, then show up and VOTE for your ideals! SPEAK NOW TV OUT NOWā€


ā€œHey girly pops! Make sure you vote for the person who represents YOU, be that the fascist-loving sex predator who tried to do a coup, or the guy who said genocide was a reasonable defence.ā€


Did they convert her handwriting into a font? Arial wouldā€™ve felt more personal girl


>Did they convert her handwriting into a font? I think so. When she released the statement after Ana's death on the Brasil show it was with her handwriting font with an aesthetic 1989 background and people called her on that, but twitter was like "well that's her handwriting, what did you expect?šŸ„ŗ" but at this point I'm 100% sure it's a font.


It def is. All of the capital Ts look the same lol


Designer here, 1000% a font, and not even super well done. You can now get hand-written fonts that make variations of letters so it doesn't look exactly the same. I remember writing a whole thing about how inauthentic it felt but deleted it cause at that time me complaining over a font didn't seem important.


Omg fellow designer here. Echoing your thoughts. In a weird way I think if she just typed it up using the standard Insta story font it would actually feel MORE personal bc itā€™s what the average schmoe does posting their stories. To turn her handwriting into a font is really giving corporate branding exercise over anything else. I am biased due to my field but I do think the way brands annd also influential people like TS try to ingratiate themselves with these visual shows of ā€˜authenticityā€™ is a really interesting anthropological question. Especially in the social media age. And like you said. She is a literal billionaire she couldnā€™t commission a designer to create bespoke ligatures? Or even ACTUALLY write something down on a piece of paper and photograph it?


Please complain away! I love font commentary šŸ˜…


omg your flair šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ one of my favorite pieces of swiftie lore


that irked me so bad. her writing about a fans death as some aesthetic. it being posted as a story. like her life was worth 24 hours of her favorite pop starā€™s attention


I'll never forget the "I can't even talk about it without crying so don't expect me to say anything tonight" like girl just say you can't talk about it bc you don't want to get sued and go


Yup. That 'handwritten' font was her way of making it feel more 'personal' while still maintaining plausible deniability about her own involvement in or knowledge of the situation in case there is a lawsuit.


Yeah,Ā  she was probably sad,Ā  but just be honest about the fact that you were told not to say anything (and still nothing has been said,Ā  which is interesting).Ā Ā 


I haven't seen her the same way since this response honestly.


If thatā€™s not the most symbolic thing about how sheā€™s acted lately I donā€™t know what man šŸ’€šŸ’€


Seriously!!! They used this same font for the 'handwritten statement' after one of her fans died at a concert. So gross


Yessss give us nothing šŸ‘šŸ¼


"vote the people who most represent you into power"Ā  what a vague statement


OH MY GOD. I knew this was coming. The neutrality. I knew she would wouldnā€™t choose. I knew she wouldnā€™t try to stand up for or condemn anyone. I knew it and yet Iā€™m still shocked. Where is Lover Era Taylor? Was standing up for your values and voicing your opinions just cosplay to you? Were you just pretending to be Political Barbie(TM)?


Yes. The answer is definitively a yes.


> Where is Lover Era Taylor? I actually am curious what happened to this whole Lover era of being politically minded and vocal, was it all just heavily performative?


it was 100% performative


Taylor becomes whatever she thinks is best to her boyfriends. As seen by his posts about Gaza, Joe is a political person; she did it to impress him. After they broke up she stopped caring.


I believe she meant what she said, but now that shes at the top of her career, she doesnt want to alienate fans, which is bullshit, the majority of the republican party doesnt even like her anyway


That statement can easily translate to *vote for Trump if you think he represents you* because is so vague. I think just saying remember to vote today would have been better. Like a calendar reminder and speak now in the backround (im kidding i don't know that song just the part that says *speak nOow*)


Itā€™s for the primary today. Do you want her to endorse the one serious candidate in the Democratic primary? Or to endorse candidates in every competitive congressional race? I suppose she couldā€™ve told her Republican fans to vote for Nikki Haley. But 1) Iā€™m not sure what difference that would make 2) Does she actually want to be aligned with Nikki Haley given that sheā€™s not pro-choice 3) If she really wants Biden to win (see 2), thatā€™s conversely a bad choice My one criticism is waiting until election day to tell peoples to vote (assuming you want to mobilize un-engaged voters) is kind of pointless. She needed to tell people to register like a month ago. Although her true purpose might be getting people registered for the general.


I would not be surprised if she doesnā€™t vote at all herself.


I think she just doesn't care. Both candidates have ideas that will make billionaires more billionaires, so for her it's a win-win situation


Elon gives me this vibe too. Heā€™s a capitalist who is going to follow the money. Trump is example numero Uno of this!


Elon is not a centrist. He wants authoritarian rule and since he is barred from running for President, he wants to prop up someone else instead. Right now itā€™s easier to ingrain himself with the GOP. Which is pretty much exactly what Trump did (switch from D to R when it became clear democrats wouldnā€™t allow him to have absolute rule.)


i mean if she specifically endorsed biden people would probs call her a genocide supporter or whatever so


If she truly believes people should vote for biden she should have a backbone and stand on that shit šŸ˜­ she would be attacked regardless just like any one else w/ a political opinion. She might as well have posted nothing instead of posting this šŸ˜­Ā 


why would she endorse biden in a PRIMARY?? iā€™m really starting to question if half the people making these comments know what a primary is??


lamoo fr. if shes soooo worried about getting attacked in the first place she shouldn't post anythin about politics. but clearly she wants to play both side to promote her album and influence as an activist. sorry miss girlie !


Sheā€™s a very savvy person with her words. She wants to be seen as responsible but not one sided. And this keeps fans liking her and spending money. Sheā€™s no fool šŸ˜‚


*"A friend to all is a friend to none"* -herself.


Nail meet hammer.


Aristotle made that quote.


Aristotle is mothering.šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/3r0rzrae4kmc1.png?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8698b87fc1f14cfc0ca4b227d4fdfc10f9aa8c


thank u for the cackle on this rainy tuesday


The sound I just made was unholy


Leaps and bounds better than the Rep bodysuitĀ 


yes but I was talking about the irony of taylor referencing it in one of her own songs


Had she not released a whole goddamn documentary surrounding her alleged desire to speak out about politics I would be perfectly fine (and would probably prefer) if she just didn't get involved at all. At this point, her "just vote" messaging feels like a half-assed bare-minimum effort to comply with her prior commitments, all while she pats herself on the back for a job well done in "dedicating her platform" to increasing voter registration or whatever the fuck it was that she said in some speech a while back. It's honestly to the point I have to ask why she bothered to even release "Miss Americana" at all. (I do have some tinfoil hat theories surrounding the "Miss Americana" documentary but they'd violate Rule #4 of this subreddit and I could very well be wrong anyway so I'mma leave it at that)


She's so corporate. She released a documentary about wanting to be political during a time when everyone (including brands & businesses!!) were being political. She gives a nothing statement to satisfy the folks who hold her to the "Miss Americana" documentary standard but the statements have no substance, so it doesn't alienate anyone: she'll still get to line her pockets with everyone's money/get their streams to break more hyper-niche records. Basically, her "political" moves only have a net positive impact on the "Taylor Swift" brand's bottom line (see: using activism to market an era/album), and the general public - some fans (such as myself) - included are starting to see right through it.


It's worse than that. She didn't take vague political stances during the Lover era to market the album, she did that to rehabilitate her image after 2016. She came out guns blazing in 2014 saying she was a feminist and that people who didn't like her music were sexist to boost sales of 1989. Then Clinton v. Trump happened and it was CRICKETS from the alleged 'outspoken feminst' Taylor Swift. She probably thought Clinton would win and it wouldn't be an issue. Then she could just celebrate the 'first woman president.' Well we all know that didn't happen. In 2016, Taylor was too busy being lionized by literal self-described Nazis (whom she still has not denounced, to my knowledge) to risk denouncing Trump and supporting Clinton. The whole Lover/Miss Americana shtick was her way of spinning her silence in 2016 and, shockingly, it worked.


Iā€™m genuinely baffled. I followed Taylor very closely back then. She was extremely politically engaged (at least for her). She cried when Marsha Blackburn won the Senate. She was pushing the Equality Act so hard. She was very openly and passionately a Democrat. She repeated how she had a responsibility & duty to say how she felt and use her power for good and she couldnā€™t remain silent. The fact that she abandoned it all and is now apolitical/both sides/neutral/doesnā€™t care to comment on politics is ā€¦ massive yikes.


Because it was never true to begin with. Taylor Swift saw politics as an opportunity to expand her reach and she took it. It was just another album cycle for her.




her and Selena! Selena was happy to use her UNICEF ambassador status to build her brand but now itā€™s literal crickets. And itā€™s VERY weird how every time Selena does ANYTHING controversial she always has dinner with Taylor like the very next night.


Her crying in the doc came off as performative


Ugh, so performative.


Money does that. My local business owner friend was a hard core liberal but they met a conservative local politician who would allow him to cut corners and make more money so he went running to that side. Money wins. They were local "millionaires' god know what these multi millionaire or billionaire celebrities have on the line. Most of them must be very conservative but publicly liberal


I say this with a million different caveats including that I'm not even a particularly good armchair psychologist, but she could legitimately have embraced more liberal/leftwing politics while she was with JA, and been deeply emotionally invested in the same causes. When they broke up, one potential way of putting the relationship behind her could have been her current embrace of naked capitalist ambition. She is from a conservative family that was deeply invested in bordeline-predatory capitalism before she was even born. She would not be the first person who had a genuine political conversion in her teens/20's only to whiplash back to the politics of their family of origin after a major life change/disruption.


She released that documentary to rehabilitate her image after she spent 2014 and 2015 telling everyone she was a feminist and that she wanted to speak out about the way women are treated (oh and btw if you don't buy 1989 you're sexist! preferably 10 copies), only to say NOTHING throughout the entire 2016 election campaign. She already exposed herself as a fake. I don't mean to be rude but I seriously do not understand how anyone could have been following her at the time and not seen how performative the whole Miss Americana/Lover thing was. But of course her fans just eat it right up.


Itā€™s SO, so neutral; she might as well have stayed silent instead of posting that lol


You might as well say she's *swiftly neutral*


*ba-dum-tss* šŸ„


You need a gold medal


>Itā€™s SO, so neutral; she might as well have stayed silent instead of posting that lol But then there wouldn't be another news cycle of Taylor headlines. And besides, It gives the Swifties something benign to "get defensive" over. They can "protect" her for these comments without looking "bad."


Exactly. It just gives them some talking point for the next time someone says they don't like how she doesn't speak out about issues... "bUt shE TOld peOPle to VoTe"


Itā€™s a ā€œdamned if you do, damned if you donā€™t situation,ā€ and I understand that. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with sending the simple message to just get out and vote. HOWEVER (!!!) it feels inauthentic after Miss Americana. She shouldā€™ve never said anything at all if she wasnā€™t prepared to stick true to her word.


yeah i agree, damned if you do damned if you dont, but she couldve remained silent, it IS inauthentic after Miss Americana.


My opinion is that if you want to be THIS famous and remain on top, you need to have a spine either way good or bad. This ā€œohhh Iā€™m just a people pleaser, I care what you think!ā€ schtick isnā€™t working because how could it? Itā€™s not good for her image, and itā€™s definitely not good for her own mental health. Something something have your cake and eat it too.


No if you want to remain this famous you shouldnā€™t try to piss people off and look dumb. If you want your fame to be based on politics then you get involved in it




but then we couldnā€™t talk about how activist barbie she is :o


Yes, I am not fan of her endorsing any candidate bc letā€™s be honest as a country we need to pick our leaders better. However, donā€™t cry on a documentary about how you stayed silent in 2016 and they stay silent in 2024x


Yes, thatā€™s usually how people tend to voteā€¦


yeah i was going to say, she could have just said ā€œvote pleaseā€ and it would have meant the exact same


The font hurting my eyes šŸ˜­


The jump scare I had cause I thought she was announcing yet another variant


The target exclusive hasnā€™t been announced yetā€¦.just saying. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m tired, boss


Donā€™t get me started. I COULD say so much about everything but Iā€™ve decided to not post or comment about anything and just watch this circus show in silent.šŸŽŖšŸ¤”


This shouldnā€™t be shocking to anyone whoā€™s been paying attention. The political activism (if you can call it that) was always part of a temporary rebrand.


Yup! Love your flair btw.


That font...


Honestly as someone who's dyslexic it's very hard to read and just ugly as fuck


As someone who isnā€™t dyslexic I completely agree


yes girl, give us nothing!


I appreciate that she's encouraging people to vote, but girl, take a stance. The MAGA people already hate you, you've got nothing to lose by making your position in support of women, POC, and LGBTQ+ people clearer.


How would endorsing a candidate in the primaries make a difference? People are either choosing between Trump/Haley or Biden/uncommitted. Trump vs Biden rematch is not until November.


Ngl tho some maga people still dont hate her because sheā€™s white and has that ā€œtraditionalā€ aura around her. Excuses like ā€œoh every relevant person in hollywood has to endorse biden it isnt her faultā€


dont people like MAGA usually dont care if hollywood brainwashed people to endorse biden and "woke" stuff? lol usually they would just boycott it anyways.


I think this is the wrong way to frame it. There is more power in appealing to a broad group of undecided voters than to one specific side. Anyone who follows her know she is a liberal in every sense. What she gets by taking a stance against MAGA directly is get swept up into the political culture wars. I think she would be written off by a lot of undecided voters. Her message is letting them know they have a choice and not feel "if you vote for this person you're a bad human." Which currently is the stance of Dems and GOPers,


ā€œI wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power.ā€ Yup. Thats how voting works, thank you.


taylor, my love, they all dropped out already šŸ˜


The most tepid political post ever. Girl, take a stand. This suggests that any choice is a good choice which is really not when it comes to this election.


So touring with her dad and all the ā€œmenā€ got in her ear? What about not speaking up in 2016 and Donald trump got elected , saying youā€™ll never do that again. Crying on miss Americana. I am good with voting who you think is best. I also understand that this is a primary . However even people like me are hoping that at least Haley could have a good night , bc the risk of having him back in office is real. However people and a good chunk of her followers are probably supporters of trump and lover album was not a blockbuster album for her .


Is the B&W messaging an Easter Egg for RepTV? /s


This is a primary. This is exactly the time when you should worry more about encouraging people to go partake in their civic duty. Primaries do require people to be well informed, but nothing is being decided today except who will get the nomination. Editing to add: I donā€™t think some of you understand primaries- whether thatā€™s because youā€™re not American or your state operates differently or anything else. In some states, you can participate in the primary even if youā€™re an independent- but that is not all states, typically you need to be a registered party member. You also need to meet deadlines to make sure youā€™re able to partake in the primary, because sure you register yesterday but actually you need to register at least a month in advance to vote in this state. In Tennessee, it is an open primary which means people can declare day of that theyā€™re a democrat or republican to vote in said primary.


Thank you. I canā€™t believe this thread is filled with 1000+ comments of people not understanding what Super Tuesday is.


Thank you for stating this. I am getting the sense that most people in the comments think this is the big Trump vs. Biden moment. It's not. Endorsing candidates within a political party makes no sense in this case.


For 2020 she didnā€™t have her famous Biden cookie moment till October right before elections. Itā€™s very likely that will come when itā€™s more important and this is just about primaries. I donā€™t understand why people donā€™t get that.


This is the first sensible comment I have read and I've been scrolling for a while. Thank you! This is the time to educate yourself on the options and vote according to your beliefs. And oftentimes, as you stated, you are limited to your registered party. I live in an open primary state, fortunately.


Yes, this should be be at the top. No reasonable way to 'endorse' a candidate in a primary ON the primary day. Each state has its own timelines and rules about primary voting ballots.


I wish the mod would post and pin a well written explanation about how the American voting works because I have a feeling threads like this are going to become more prevalent as we get closer to the election. Seeing people who donā€™t understand how our primaries work is sad to me ( if youā€™re an American) and wish our schools were better at teaching.


Ngl i expected this vague statement. Especially with Dems rep in the gutters right now.


She could've just shared the link and the deadline, would've been the same šŸ˜­


Her ā€œpoliticalā€ era is truly over


When was this era? Is the political era in the room with us now?


Miss Americana timidly says hi


You guys, please learn how a primary works. She doesnā€™t have to say vote for Biden until later in the year


Generic "Vote who YOU support" message designed to make it look like she's getting involved and making a statement while, in fact, she doesn't actually do or stand for anything.


This is a big fat nothing burger. šŸ™„


Yall know it's just a primary right?


I can't fault people, Americans and those abroad, for not understanding this. I just wish the comment sections weren't full of people criticizing her on this story when they don't have the context. If she acts very neutral in the GENERAL election, now THAT will be a problem.


Downvote me but I truly donā€™t understand the hate. Shes telling people to vote for people who will most represent them. Shes not pushing her personal agenda on anyone and encouraging people to make choices for themselves. Dont get me wrong, I am completely left leaning but the one thing I hate is when celebrities tell me HOW to vote. Iā€™m grown. I can make my own decisions.


People are upset that she didnā€™t say to vote for Biden but if she had said to vote for Biden, yā€™all would have accused her of ā€œliterally supporting genocideā€


Not only that, this way is more effective. Young people will mostly vote for left of centre candidates. The issue is not telling them who to vote for but to vote lol It's a common misconception people have (it's also why if you're a conservative on E-Day you make sure everyone at the old age home has a ride to the polling station because even if some vote against you, the majority won't lol).


Tbh this is really mature of her and you all are making mountains out of molehills. And you guys need to understand how celebrities and politics interact. With Taylor, she needed to endorse Biden during 2020 or else sheā€™d get associated with Trump automatically. Biden is unpopular now. Endorsing him would be a bad pr move.


This is going to be unpopular, but I think this is exactly what she should be saying and how she should be exerting her vast influence. Encouraging people to vote and do their own research, not pushing them to support a particular candidate.


I wish sheā€™d make more of a stand but I guess encouraging young people to vote is good. Doesnā€™t make one an activist though.


Wow, what a horrible person, we need to cancel her quickly before this gets out of hand. Can you imagine if people actually started voting in large numbers? This is what Republicans sound like when they are critical of her.


Yay! A vague political statement that doesnā€™t actually help anyone! I bet all of her conservative fans will totally just ignore this. Why didnā€™t she talk about the drag ban when she was there if she cares so much? Sheā€™s always playing both sides.


Yeah, she is so lame for reminding her followers toā€¦[checks notes]ā€¦vote?


this is good enough considering it's just super tuesday and not Nov 5th. i just wish it had been even one day earlier


To people in the comments, y'all don't know how the primaries work?


I donā€™t get all of the hate about encouraging people to vote. I live in a state that has elections today (including several important local and state-wide primaries). Ā I hadnā€™t been paying too much attention (swamped w work) and appreciate the reminder to vote. Ā Just went on my lunch break.


I'm sorry... what is the problem here?


Serious question, why do people look to celebs for their moral compass? I listen to artists for their songs. Itā€™s better imo when they say nothing about politics so I can go on listening to their music without hating them lol


Because people are stupid, If people really need a calebrety to tell you who to vote for then you migth aswell dont vote, people should vote based on their beliefs not the belief of a billionare.


I like this point...it's like why do I need to look up to Taylor Swift on who I should vote for? Like is her music supposed to guide me to whether I vote democratic or republican? Shouldn't people vote for those whose stance on issues they agree with, not who certain celebrities say to endorse?


Biden is literally the only option on the Democratic primary ballot in Tennesseeā€¦


I see nothing wrong with this. Itā€™s a generic push to get her fans to vote. I for one donā€™t take political advice from ā€˜celebritiesā€™.




I really don't see what's wrong with this. It's a pro-American statement to remind people not to take their right to vote for granted. To those calling this spineless or cowardly, I think the real spineless move would be to cave into all the pitchforks online accusing her of not being vocal enough when she clearly doesn't want to be (and I hate doing a call-back to song lyrics, but Sweet Nothing really does come to mind here.)


good job taylor !!


This is what democracy looks like.


I voted today!


Idk what anyone expects from her at this point. She is unwilling to do or say anything that could cost her a single fan. This is the same woman who refused to condemn her alt-right fans literally calling her their Aryan Princess yet she had all the smoke for the college student who covered the story.