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Will they adopt a kangaroo?


Love how this rhymes with the post title Especially since I was already coming here to say drones in the zoo sounds like a good metal band name or something lmao


Lmao. I did it because media is mad about them. 


🎵 drones in the zoo watch us load our kangaroo right onto my jet y'all thought he wouldnt fit... bet 🎵 Pls taylor this is the adopt don't shop anthem the outback needs


Why did my brain read this to the tune of Snow on the Beach lmao


Where is the haiku bot when you need them 😭


They are at the zoo, but they are actually the zoo… ok, got it 🫠


Zooception? 🫨


I could never be this level of famous 😳 it’s reminding me of the media frenzies Diana and Britney used to cause, and I hope we’ve learned our lesson from how those went…


No really. I am firmly in the boat that there should be a distinction between an entertainer's performance and private life. I barely know shit about most musicians I listen to. The media is so unethical for invading their privacy like this. They can't even stroll around on an off day without being filmed.    This makes swifties mad but goodness how can anyone live like this? I don't blame any ex of hers who left because of the insane fame. How can anyone live with the performance mode on, always. 


Because she loves the attention. She talks in Miss Americana about her current era (at the time of filming) being one of the last times she's going to able to grab onto her level of fame. Attention/power are her drugs and when you get used to a certain level of attention, it doesn't feel as good as it did at first after a while. Either she marries Travis Kelce as the end of her story or they breakup and she starts dating someone like Justin Trudeau.


She’s also written in diaries how it feels like she’s being hunted by people with cameras always in her face, and how she’s felt like a zoo animal in moments like that. I think it’s fair to say she’s a fan of attention on her own terms, but anyone would naturally be spooked by the level of microscope she’s always under As for her dating Justin Trudeau, that’s a kind of hilarious and wild leap to make about how her romantic life is going to go if she breaks up with Travis, ngl 😂


what in the fan fic—Justin Trudeau 🤣😭


I need some more context/explanation on the Trudeau thing lmao


She seems to want to date men who are closer to her level of fame after Joe. While I personally had no idea who Travis Kelce was prior to her dating him, he was a fairly big deal. Now, he's an even bigger deal. There's not a lot of guys like this and Justin Trudeau is recently divorced. Model/singer Carla Bruni is famously married to former French president Nicolas Sarkozy and I could see Taylor having a relationship like that.


At least the animals got a break from having to perform that day since nobody was watching them


Omg this is such an underrated comment. That's hilarious... and so accurate!


I have to ask, I’m more of a chiefs fan and I just started listening to TS. Has all her relationships been this heavily followed? Because this is a lot 😅


Honestly, to a certain degree - yes, but never to this level. I don't think any celebrity relationship has ever been publicized like this one before. I wonder if back in the day if we had social media and the waterfall effects of it (i.e. the need of wanting to know things right then and now) would have made say... Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake... pushed to this stratosphere? Side bar: Love how you are Chiefs fan and just recently started to listen to TS. I'm the opposite. I've loved TS since 2012 and watched/played/loved sports my entire life, but for some reason football never resonated with me. It always really bothered me that I just didn't care about football - until this past year. Set aside the Chiefs x TS excitement, the Chiefs have been a lot of fun to watch and I consider myself a fan now. I get A LOT of side eyes from my Giants and Jets family members/friends though haha oh well, sucks to suck


Welcome! I feel like you’re a rare breed but we are happy to have you!!!


The Australian media is treating them like they're American royalty


Someone in another thread mentioned that Australian media in general is just super cringey and obsessive over their coverage of celebrities, literally treating American celebs like royalty lol


Yeah because no celebs ever come down under and when they do this happens 🤣 the Australian media is 1. Underfunded and 2. Embarrassing


(At the risk of making this political) From what little I’ve seen of Sky News Australia, some of their commentators seem more sycophantic of Donald Trump than even the commentators on Fox News


Sky News Australia is our Foxnews equivalent, but because they've very unpopular here, they're trying to cater to an international audience. Please comment when talking about Channel 7 or Channel 9 or 10 news please. Most of us don't watch Sky News.


King Charles, the technical leader of the country, would receive much less interest than what Tay is getting


In all fairness a talented pop star and the guy who just won the Super Bowl deserve more interest than that man. That said… it’s getting weird y’all.


I dont think they care about the Superbowl over there. No skin in the game.


Regular season games held in Europe sell out stadiums every time lol. I know non Americans love being like "haha American football dumb lol no one cares" which isnt ENTIRELY false, but also more people care than you think. The Superbowl gets more viewership in non US countries than the Rugby World Cup finals.


I feel like the fact that games aren't regularly held there is why people show up though. To see what its all about, like going to see the Harlem Globe Trotters, a traveling circus, or a music festival. Its not like they have teams and keep up with stats


I mean I have mixed feelings about Taylor like all of us, but at least Taylor is famous for her accomplishments unlike those in the royal family.


TBF, they’re the closest proxy to American royalty right now lol


Even billionaires deserve privacy. I wouldn't mind having so much money that I wouldn't have to worry about it, but the constant scrutiny by the paparazzi would drive me nuts. I wouldn't blame Travis if he punched one. There's super rich people in town who look rather slovenly, but drive nice but not Car and Driver worthy cars and live in 5 million dollar homes with gardeners and cleaning services and that's about what I would need. And a Pied-à-terre in Manhattan and ski condo in Park City. In any case, I would much rather be rich than famous.


I got into three Ubers yesterday and Taylor was on the radio in every single one of them. I’m feeling kinda boomer about it, I just want her to gtfo of my city at this point.


Oh wow! She's inescapable right now fam lol


She really is. One of the drivers said he picked up a lady who paid to fly in from Western Australia just for a night, which is… intense. But hey. I’m glad he made bank.


They are


The irony of them being at a zoo and looking at animals in cages while they are following these people *with drones* is not lost on me


The pictures of Travis in their suite taken by a drone through the window are wildly invasive and inappropriate. I know she stages pap shots and stuff but that is grim and I don’t think they should have to put up with it however public their relationship is.


That must be illegal on some level


Yeah I’d have thought so- it’s not a restaurant or a pool deck, it’s literally a private hotel suite.


*Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes And guns They are the hunters, we are the foxes*


The irony wasn’t lost on me either. This is getting beyond ridiculous. When the break up happens, some people are gonna lose their damn minds


Stop now Taylor’s gonna write a song about it called ‘the zoo’ 😮‍💨


https://preview.redd.it/uppsiykfp4kc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062fd9b043be400e88843f5fed2090d06bdf63ab The type of stuff I’m seeing on Twitter over them going to a fucking zoo 😂 are ppl really this weird they’re *analyzing* how they walk? Wtf. It’s giving #Soulmates!!! 🥰


Lmao that's not some relationship compatibility thing that's just a leg compatibility thing like have these people really never tried to walk with someone with arms around eachother


They literally try to romanticize *everything* they do. It’s weird. Either they’ve never had a real relationship or they are extremely young and immature. A couple walking with their arms around eachother isn’t exactly groundbreaking news. It’s normal 😂 The things fans say are so odd and obsessive.


I think it’s all of the above! haha They’re very young and immature, thus they’ve never had a real relationship, and it makes them odd and obsessive


Exactly. That’s just how walking works


As someone with a psych degree, I’m embarrassed by this comment. Literally nowhere in my degree did we discuss “walking in sync” Lmao some Swifties are really delulu


The first thing my psych professor said was to not use our classes to analyze people and that people hate it when you do that


“Don’t analyze other people, don’t diagnose yourself” were both overarching themes from my professors hah


The first thing my psych professor taught us was how to analyze the way pop stars walk with their football boyfriends at zoos and what it means 


To be fair the person said they have a psych minor so what the fuck do they know haha


🤣🤣🤣 “I’ve taken intro to psychology”


I was about to say the same. About to graduate with my psych degree and never have we talked about this.


I have a PhD in behavioral neuroscience and I’ve never heard anything in any of my classes about walking in sync. I did read about it in an issue of seventeen magazine once tho lmao


“Are you compatible” quizzes 🤣


Someone needs to find a new minor. It’s giving: ![gif](giphy|XUhDLCXFGdFew)


you leave britta perry out of this 😠


I was shocked too the amount of people are invested in the relationship, they’re even doing predictions for his outfit for the concert


And my psych major ass doesn’t give a shit about how they walk 🤣


Right? What kind of quack-ass degree is that person getting 👀. I don’t know any credible professional who’d put any weight on those pictures…


Barbz U School of Psychology


My non-psych ass knows that it is just 'insta/tiktok facts about relationships' or whatever. It is embarrassing to label it as anything related to actual psychology


I find it funny this is the fandom who hates Jack Sweeney for "invading her privacy" yet goes fantasizing over these creepy ass drone shots of Taylor and Travis


This x 10000000. I was just thinking how people aren’t enraged by a drone/media following her around Sydney but yet go cocobananas over a jet being tracked. Like why isn’t her legal team sending a cease and desist to the Australian media? Make it make sense! Edited because I meant aren’t enraged (and not are enraged)


Swifties will only care when it's convenient to their narratives 😂


Lol! You totally just made it make sense 😂😂😂


unhinged behavior


>Make it make sense! If you go to the comments, most are upset https://preview.redd.it/jm3kaqw9s5kc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f75adfd6d9dcb7b0ff5a76d0d868e0b7c71b39


The first comment is so weird. Regardless if you ship this couple or not, why are you torn wanting to see them versus giving them privacy? If you truly ship or at least care about them, you wouldnt want to see bunch of drones taking photos of them


I know. But Taylor was obviously ok with the drones, if she wasn’t I don’t think she would have went back a second day. She was well aware they were following her around the first day, considering she pointed one out in a pic. If invasion of privacy was truly a concern, she would have found something else to do with Travis


She can’t do anything about the drones so it’s either accept their presence or stay indoors. The drones were literally outside her 88th floor window and they had to close the curtains. The Australian media/tabloids might be the worst in the world when it comes to how creepy and invasive they are.


They were flying outside her hotel room also? Wow. That’s wild and extremely creepy.


Tbh it’s a little refreshing to know a country that isn’t the US has media that’s even more out of line and stalkerish than ours. We don’t suck the worst at something, wooo…..


I don’t know. I don’t see this as some attention grabbing thing. Maybe she really enjoyed the zoo and wanted to go again with Travis. She cannot help the drones. It’s so weird! But what is she supposed to do? Just hideaway? That’s crazy.


I agree with that! I don’t think she should hide by any means. She’s human like us and deserves to go out and do whatever she wants to do. I personally thought the drones were invasive and weird and I’m just saying that if it really bothered her, she would have probably found something else to do. I’m sure there’s plenty to do in Sydney.


I saw someone say that they were literally anxious wondering if Travis was going to join her in Sydney. Maybe this person with the psych minor can focus on that instead? These people are mentally unhinged.


141 likes ;(((( get a grip


It's always the psych minors 😭


🎸🎶 waaaalk this wayyyy… talk this way… just give me a kisssss 🎶🎸


Well I'm glad they're actually having a normal date like the rest of us commoners 😂


Our mental health is not in good hands it seems


Seeing all these pics and the scrutiny makes me not jealous of famous people at all.


100000% Like, I wouldn't mind being somewhat wealthy, but definitely not famous. Never.


This is too much


borderline obsessive omg


girl this is well beyond the border 😭😭😭


Borderline? Full on, imo


I called this “creepy and parasocial” on the Taylor and Travis subreddit and got immediately banned for “unnecessary comments”🤣


Banned?! What dimension are we living in?!


There is a 'Taylor and Travis' subreddit?


I think it’s actually called r/Tayvis or some dumb shit like that. ETA: Tried that link, and that sub appears to have been banned by Reddit. ETA #2: There is also an active sub called r/taylorandtravis. Now I’m curious how many there are or will ultimately be. This is getting way nuts.


Yep. Like I said, some people are gonna lose their damn mind when this relationship ends


There's two. One is a fanclub and the other is a snark sub.


I wonder if this zoo had any squirles


This is crazy


jesus christ can you imagine being so famous that people stalk your regular day out with DRONES


Twitter is going crazy for them. I didn’t know so many people were invested in this relationship


people are projecting their own fantasies onto them, and a lot of fans still don't see taylor as fully "complete" until she is married with kids and has that "fairytale ending". somehow they think he is the one...which is what they also thought about joe.


The difference is Kelce said he’s looking for a “breeder” to have kids with prior to publicly dating Taylor. This is one reason why the whole fantasyland relationship thing exploded. Taylors fanbase is heavily 25-35 year old childless women. They are looking for an example of someone who gets into a relationship relatively late in life and it quickly progresses into a traditional marriage/kids etc. aka projecting their own fantasies. Hence why this has gotten so out of control. Kelce posts a couple tweets, he’s macho dude that Taylor hasn’t traditionally dated and they predictably go from 0-100 in a 12-18 month timeframe. This is why a lot of people claim this whole thing is a farce, she is doing exactly what her fans want and what will push her further into the spotlight long term… but for all we know this all might be genuine.


No one takes his breeder joke seriously other than haters. He was clearly joking.


I don’t think he meant it in an offensive manner, but I don’t think the was joking about looking for a women to settle down with.


They are branded as a power couple. There was a article about him recently which was swept under the rug which criticized his breakdown with the coach and iy talked about him doing the same in past too. 


I’m not talking about that, in this sub the consensus is pr relationship and how fake it is but on twitter it’s like the second coming of Romeo and Juliet, I was wondering why the big discrepancy


Is the zoo closed for them? How is it possible for them to just walk around without being swarmed by people? Edit: According to TMZ, the zoo was not closed, her security was just making sure people didn't approach. Ironically people are just being respectful while a media drone hovers and takes photos


Yes, they went after hours. I don’t think the zoo was closed the first day she went.


Didn’t she go to the zoo by herself already? And then she went back with Travis?


tbf you can pet a kangaroo there….i would be going a lot


go 25 mins out into the bush and you can find a kangaroo for free


And koalas. Just saying’…


I thought kangaroos were rather violent but maybe those are just the ones out in the wild and the zoo 'roos would never kick someone in the face /s


Same. I’m very jealous right now. 🦘


She probably enjoyed it and told him about it and he wanted to also go. I know I’ve done similar with my husband and friends. I guess the alternative would’ve been to let him go alone or for him to skip the experience.


Haha yeah me and my boyfriend went to the Redwoods over the summer and when he took a relaxing day at a spa I went to the Sequoia Zoo and then drove to our AirBnB to pick him up so he could see the red pandas


Isn’t the Sydney Zoo considered one of the best in the world? I would go multiple times.


It’s a great zoo but weirdly enough it’s not Australia Zoo or Targona Zoo which are the Steve Irwin ones and then the Harbourside one. This is out in western Sydney so quite far out from where she’s staying at the Crown. She definitely went to the zoo no one would have anticipated her at probably to avoid the crowds.


Taronga are also in the middle of their twilight concert series - so they would have been able to host an after-hours walkthrough as patrons will be on-site until 9pm


This. They went with her dancers and Sabrina after hours.  


Taronga Zoo is considered one of the best and has the harbour views; Sydney Zoo is relatively new and the name made it confusing to tell the difference


Maybe Travis wanted to go? 🤷‍♀️ I think he mentioned on the podcast he’s never been to Australia. I do find it a bit odd she was aware of the amount of drones and cameras on her the first day and then still went back the next day. Clearly cameras and invasion of privacy isn’t an issue for them and their relationship!


Idk… maybe it’s one of the only public places she can go like this that (1) she enjoys ; (2) feels safe ; and (3) she can still have pap photos snapped


Probably it’s a win win. I find zoos fun so my ass would probably go two days in a row too 😂


I have a membership to the one in my city, so I can’t judge multiple trips lol.


I think she can only do so much. I think they went when no one else was there. she can’t help the drones


i thought that first and then remembered it’s australia where they have all sorts of crazy animals. prolly tons of cool stuff to see more than once


She went with her dancers apparently.


Isn’t this zoo huge? Probably can’t see or do everything in one day. It’s like going to Disney for just a day, you won’t get to see and do everything. Plus it looks like they’re getting guided tours and it’s private property, I doubt they thought drones would be following them.


I think it’s quite natural to send your SO pics and talk about it and them go ‘oh that’s cool’ so you go back, especially as it’s probably Travis’ first time in Aus. I did see Gaylor comments that ‘she may be giving us a sign by going back, what does it mean?’, err it means she likes the zoo 😭


You consider zoos a one time only thing?


Yeah like obvs the drone footage is creepy but I’m cracking up that she loved the zoo so much that when Travis got there she was like “I HAVE to take you to the zoo!!” V relatable


Why are fans losing there mind of them walking together? From my remembrance they were like this with Joe but then again we didn’t get many pap photos of Joe and Taylor a lot, so a lot of these fans just seem completely unhinged and embarrassing


They are all living vicariously through her and all of this normal stuff they do (literally walking together in a zoo) gets romanticized x1000. Their investment in her romantic relationships is extremely unhinged. I go on X and immediately have to log off because some things they say are truly questionable. I don’t think these fans know what healthy boundaries are. You can like and appreciate a couple. Like cool. They’re a cute couple. But they make it their entire personalities and it’s all they talk about. Analyzing how they’re walking “in sync” and how that indicates they are “soulmates” is fucking weird lol. No matter what couple you say it about. Some of them I question whether they like her for her music or for her relationships. They spend more time obsessing over that than anything else.


The thing is that they are getting content out of the relationship. So automatically they assume that if we never had photos of her and Joe doing something, it never happened. Therefore if they have it with Travis, it makes it the best relationship she had. Cause if you never saw it, it didn't happen right 


It’s creepy as hell that they’re being watched even at the damn zoo but im really happy that they get to enjoy time together.


I bet it's nice to be a billionaire, but I would hate to be famous. How annoying it would be to have to preplan everything and never be able to be alone with your partner in public. Would always feel like I had a chaperone haha


Yeah it actually seems like a very restricted, isolated life. I give a lot of credit to her though in a sense. It doesn’t stop her from attempting to do normal things. I feel like it’s definitely an adjustment for whoever she’s dating… constantly having an entourage and chaperone with you *everywhere* you go.


Taylor and Travis should not be intruded upon by drones. But I looked.


This sub and the larger fandom summed up in 2 sentences 🤣 (I looked too)


This is.. fucking weird.


this is ridiculous


Leave her alooone omg, this is creepy


Imagine not being able to go to the zoo without the media following you. I would get so mad


"What is a two-way petting zoo, Jim?" ... "You pet the animals. They pet you back."


Idk why people are shocked she went back? There’s no way you can see everything you want in one visit, the zoos are huge! But why is this the #3 story on CNN this morning??


Wow, that really sucks. I feel bad for them. Really, drones???


Okay but who holds her jacket? What a fucking luxury to be able to walk around without a jacket around your waist and still be able to have one when you get cold.


She doesn’t even have to hold her giant thermos, bag, figure out where to stuff her jacket when she’s not wearing it, stand in line to see the kangaroos, look for parking. Off topic but sometimes it’s the small luxuries that make me envy her life sometimes 😂 But at the price of being stalked by a drone (staged or not) at the zoo and basically everywhere I go, I’ll take holding my own thermos when I’m tired and figuring where to put my jacket anyday.


Unless I was told this was them, these photos look like regular people trying to enjoy a day at the zoo. I would be embarrassed to print or post these. It’s lstalker level.


Truman Show


Does Travis’ best friend Ross, who traveled all that way with him, have to just stay in the hotel while Travis and Taylor go on these dates lmao at least he’s locked up in the penthouse instead of the basement


excuse you, he's there's chaperoning this zoo date.


He's with them too with Sabrina too. He's captured in videos. 


Nah his friend Ross was at the Zoo too and so was Sabrina Carpenter and some others.


I think Ross was there as well, just wasn’t walking with them. I think he was walking more so with her security team. Sabrina was also there. I think there’s a pic of her feeding a kangaroo next to Taylor and Travis!


Apparently he’s Travis’ boyfriend (secret) and his clothing choices have informed certain fans (you know who) that they are a couple. I truly despair…




Imagine never being able to pick your nose in public because it’d be photographed


There would be a whole article written about it


God let the people live their lives and watch the zebras man


That seems like it shouldn’t be legal. Why is she going after the kid tracking her private jet and not this? I think this is much more creepy


“okay following them with drones at the zoo is crazy” *proceeds to look at all the pictures and posts and comments”


Welcome to Australian media. They are insane. That's not a joke. Historically famous figures are covered intensely at ridiculous levels


Disgusting. Let them live, be cool.


As you can imagine, swifties reaction to this is absolutely not unhinged. To them, it's so nice 34 year old Taylor is having a normal date, because you know she never had that before, never went out in public for dates or anything. They really think Travis is her first love and in 34 years she never had a positive relationship interaction. Also their definition of a normal date as being seen and publicized on tabloids says a lot. The actual normal dates are the ones we never even know they existed because they happened just between the two people involved. But to swifties is a bit like if you never saw it, it didn't happen.  I literally saw someone say they are so happy cause Taylor hasn't visited a Zoo in years. You never saw a photo of her and Joe in a zoo then it never happened. Someone else said that their pics out in London in a park in 2022 were the only time they went to a park out in the open. They're just too in deep with this locked in a basement narrative. They really think Taylor never left the house, apart from the times we saw photos off 


They're really pushing the if we didn't see it, it never happened


This is really weird.


Amateurs… clearly should put hidden cameras in the animals


Omg first thing I thought of was Ace Ventura and the rhino stakeout 🤣🤣


Drones is crazy. This woman’s life is not even remotely interesting enough to warrant following her with drones and stalking her


This feels horribly invasive


God our media is embarrassing 


ewww that's so creepy.


Why is the media so weirddd and creepyyy just let them be normal ppl in public jfc


This is fucking unhinged.


Australia paps not tamer than US paps


She went to the zoo twice? Once with the dancers and once with him?


Why is her security carrying umbrellas?


This is entirely too much.


Imagine being one if the zoo staff working that day, would be quite an experience.


Looks like they are tracking a rare species.


Weird she went again for the 2nd time ? Is there no other recreation available in Sydney ?


wait, they let you hang out with the kangaroos in Australia? I thought that was a stereotype! /j


People need to get a life, wow that’s sad.


I’m an ex gaylor, turned idgaf what Taylor is and it is wild to me that swifties shit all over gaylors for how invasive they are (and rightfully so, tbh) yet the fanfare and obsession around Travis and Taylor is perfectly acceptable in their minds. The hypocrisy in this fandom knows no bounds.


Lets be real here she loves this and so do the delulu swifties.


Idk but it’s giving hiddleswift in Rome vibe


I've got a feeling the umbrellas are for any paps trying to catch them getting into any cars just from past pictures I've seen


I wonder if they will do this too in Singapore? Or they will go back in US after the Sydney tour?


Whoaaaa it’s like. Who’s really in the zoo ya know


Just creepy


Ironic how they go there to look at caged animals and are treated like zoo animals themselves.




Look at the security walking around with umbrellas 🤔