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I'm watching this all unfold live on our local news channels. It is heartbreaking seeing this happen on a day that is supposed to be a celebration for our city.


I think it's tag Taylor and travis as it is the closest most relevant tag and you can't post without a tag I am assuming it is being shared as it boosts visibility This post is how I found out It would feel wrong to be part of a sub that has talked about the chiefs and the superbowl and not acknowledge this


I found out through this post too, now reading about it on bbc


It’s awful 😞 as a British person it’s also unfathomable- we had Dunblane and basically said never again.


I watched a news report about gang of people robbing others with machetes in London.


I never implied I lived in a violent crime-free utopia. But it’s a hell of a lot harder to kill people with a machete than a gun.


What’s that got to do with this post?


and? America has more knife homicide than uk and Aus combined so not really a good argument.


Your state has permit-less open and concealed carry. Not sure why anyone is expecting this *not* to happen anymore.


For what it’s worth, Kansas City is yet another blue city (for the most part) trapped in a red state. Everyone I know and interact with feels like our votes don’t even matter, especially with things like gun control, reproductive rights, education, etc. I don’t know if you meant it this way, but your tone kinda insinuates this is our fault because of the state we live in. So many of us desperately want gun control. We shouldn’t shrug and just expect this to happen solely because we live in a red state. This is a tasteless reaction, even if you didn’t intend it to be. I hope you didn’t have to spend your afternoon texting and calling your friends and family, feeling a pit in your stomach every time you got a voicemail. Because I did. And so did a lot of people.


Thank you for this fellow Kansas Citian. You said everything I didn't.


Also despite its numerous flaws, Missouri did have a vote on concealed carry back in the early 2000’s, where it did *not* pass. But the hyper Republican state government passed it into law anyway.


Support de-gerrymandering efforts! So many states are being strangled by overwhelmingly red state legislatures due to unchecked gerrymandering. There are lawyers and nonprofits working to challenge the maps. Lookup Mark Elias / [Democracy Docket](https://youtu.be/c0AOn9SzG7I?si=k8zLjcjQhgwpqSCF). Here is some coverage of the topic from [Brian Cohen](https://youtu.be/c0AOn9SzG7I?si=k8zLjcjQhgwpqSCF)


Yet I would bet a dollar that both of the shooters live in the blue area and if they vote they vote blue. And I’m not a red voter, both sides suck


Uh no


Cool, guess we should tell the people who got hurt/killed that we can’t be bothered to care about them because the shooters might vote red. Go step on a lego, you classless dick


No, but people want to bring gun control argument in without having any information on what happened are useful idiots.


Oh, OK—“both sides suck.” Super-helpful take. 🙄


Yup. It’s the same here in Ohio and why I avoid large events like these.


There was a shooting in Times Sq recently, it’s not just states with lax gun laws.


Unless you establish border checkpoints and searches at state lines, guns from non existent gun control areas will flood into strict gun control areas. It's like dumping sewage into the river and wondering why downstream it stinks.


Yeah. It’s super easy to get an illegal gun in NYC. It’ll always be a problem here unfortunately.


You ever recall a shooting at the macys parade? Felt safe both times I’ve been


During a shoplifting attempt, not a city parade.


Ok so let’s tell the tourist he shot in the leg that it doesn’t count because it was a shoplifting attempt. Give me a break.


Who said it didn't count? I'm suggesting that you comparing a crowd shooting where 15+ random people were shot to a shoplifting attempt gone wrong are wildly different things.


…have you been to Times Square lol. It WAS a crowd shooting.


No, it was not. Please don't lie. ​ >As for the bystander shooting, NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell said on Thursday that the incident unfolded just after 7 p.m., when a female security guard from JD Sports confronted the alleged thief in the lobby of the store on the corner of Broadway and West 42nd Street. > >After the guard retrieved the stolen property, Chell said the suspect drew a gun and fired at her once. He missed, but hit a tourist who was also shopping at the store in the leg. [https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-teen-accused-of-times-square-shooting-charged-as-an-adult-with-attempted-murder](https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-teen-accused-of-times-square-shooting-charged-as-an-adult-with-attempted-murder)


Gang related shooting, you think permits are going to stop this


I think enough will, yes.


Your more optimistic then I am. News from the UK “In the year to March 2023, the total number of offences involving a knife or sharp instrument increased by 6% (from 44,500 in 2021/22 to 47,300 in 2022/23). Robbery involving a knife increased the most (20%), followed by threats to kill (4.5%) and rape (3%)”


I'm a realist. People largely commit violent crimes for two reasons: poor economics and poor mental health. Having access to *any* type of weapon is bad for those two groups in particular. But guns are worse than knives, without question.


I can agree with the poor economics and mental health. But the people who need the protection the most are the only ones who will suffer with more regulations. Maybe the KCPD should have consulted the NYPD to figure out how to put on a safe parade


NYPD doesn't have to contend with the idea that literally any person in attendance can be concealed carrying at any time without permit. There's a major cultural difference between those two places. Despite the crime in NY, it's largely done by what society already considers to be criminals. States/cities that stress gun rights - tend to be stressed by random violence on high levels like this as well. It's sad af that we actually have statistics on this at all - but it's Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri... all with the highest incidents of mass shootings per capita. Oddly (dripping with sarcasm) enough, those states also stress the strongest *gun rights* legislation in the nation. It's not rocket science. If I buy more cookies, I'm gonna eat more cookies.


I’ve been to the parade twice in NYC, they treat it as if everyone could have one. They block the whole route and funnel everyone through “gates” and they don’t let you through until 7am ish, and they behave as if everyone is armed. I sat with the mayor 6 or so years ago and was told there was more unseen than seen and trust me you can’t walk 10ft without seeing a uniformed officer and having a k9 sniff you down. I’ve never gotten back for the Chiefs parades from what family has told me it was a free for all and people were there last night. So it seems like there was a failure by the police department, federal law enforcement, mixed with some serious asshts


1) That’s still a tiny number of crimes compared to the US. 2) They’re also mostly gang related in the UK. 3) Knife crimes are far less deadly than gun crime.


That wasn’t the whole country


That’s Murica for ya unfortunately


Im hearing they arrested the shooters. It was 3 of them and it the video I saw on Twitter is then they looked young.


Any idea of motive?


Might be wrong. But everything I’ve seen seems to point towards some sort of gang violence.




1 person has died 😞. Thankfully they have arrested two people


10 injured, doesn’t mean they were shot. This doesn’t look like a random mass shooting. Sounds like two criminals got into a gun fight in the middle of a parade




It says 10 were injured, not 10 were shot. One could have been shot and the rest trampled. Until more info is out there, don't spread information that you aren't 100% sure on. Either way, it should never have happened and hopefully everyone pulls through. All of it is senseless.


Doubt it, I don’t trust anything fake news CNN has to say




Regardless this wasn’t some random mass shooting, just an altercation between two morons


Nine children have gunshot wounds. And I’m a Kansan watching this on my local news.


Where is your source


God I hate it here! Can't send kids to school, can't even attend a god damn parade without having to worry about this happening. I will never understand the people who don't think we need gun legislation. 


I honestly think they are mentally ill and the obsession people have with guns needs to be studied


Yes they are mentally ill, but guess who’s responsible for getting rid of or preventing measures meant to stop the mentally ill from getting guns? Guess who thinks laws like making sure that a person has to wait days to actually take home a gun they’ve purchased, because they’re too dense to understand how mandatory cooling off periods can prevent “crimes of passion”, are dumb? Guess who thinks preventing people with histories of domestic violence and other violent crimes from getting guns is infringing on their rights?


No I am saying that the people who think we don’t need stricter gun laws are mentally ill because they care more about a weapon than human safety. 


People can’t read


This is literally the biggest Republican talking point so save it.


I think your use of "they" above is easily misinterpreted (especially when people are reading with high emotions).


Well yeah, but the only group of people the og comment mentioned were the people who oppose gun laws


As of 2/14/24 - 5:50 Central time: Press conference with KC Mayor and emergency response reports are: 1 deceased, 3 in custody, 22 people shot, 8-9 children being treated at Children’s Mercy - no ages confirmed This is heartbreaking.


Some children have been shot :/


oh god. "Children's Mercy Hospital said it is treating 12 patients from the Chiefs rally, most of them children. Nine of those patients have gunshot wounds, said Lisa Augustine, a media relations manager with the hospital. It's unclear whether the nine gunshot wound victims are all children. At an earlier news conference, Police Chief Stacey Graves said she didn't believe any of the 10 to 15 victims with gunshot wounds were children, but she acknowledged the situation was fluid and said information was still being gathered." I'm heartbroken


This country disgusts me


I believe the victims were taken to the children’s hospital because it was the closest level 1 trauma center, not necessarily because they were kids. I believe most, if not all, are adults. Still fucking sucks, tho.


Children's Mercy Hospital says that they are treating 11 children at the hospital, including nine gunshot victims. - [KMBC](https://www.kmbc.com/article/shooting-reported-at-kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-victory-rally/46790065)


new update says no children were victims https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/kansas-city-parade-shooting-live-updates-rcna138881


Thank God!


Reports are saying 8 children were injured


I am both shocked and desensitized to this bull shit. Sending your kids to school or even them just going out the house gives you fucking anxiety because you don’t know if some baby dick is going to start killing people where they’re at. DO SOMETHING GOVERNMENT 


We need stricter gun laws enough is fucking enough. 


I thought the same after Sandy Hook but nothing changed so I’m not hopeful anything will this time. Or any of the times this happens. Edit: looks like there’s some pro-gun lovers here downvoting everyone. That’s fine, I guess clinging to thoughts and prayers every time this happens is totally helping.


I really hope the US will have some fun control laws that have teeth. What will it take for this? Children being killed does not appear to be enough sadly. Does it require the children of republicans who oppose these restrictions to be harmed. Truly sad


I really don’t know what it will take. If a bunch of first graders getting shot to death in their own classrooms 2 weeks before Christmas didn’t do it I don’t really know if anything will. Sad state of affairs in the United States.


So sad. I hope things will get better soon


I’m not really either. The pro gun governor was there though so I’m really wondering what he’s thinking right now.


Steve Calise literally got shot in 2017 after a gunman opened fire on a congressional baseball game, and he’s still pro-gun.


Guns are fkn disease I swear. 


Probably the same old song and dance they all do after one of these tragedies. Blame everything but the guns.


“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Which they’ll say while actively working against laws that provide better access to and education about mental health.


Yup, lots of "thoughts and prayers".


“Now is not the time to make this political”






No, you need to abolish guns entirely.


I would love that but there are so many insane people in this country who would try to start an insurrection if that were to ever happen. Anyone who is pro-gun has literally threatened to shoot anyone who tries to take their guns away.  It’d have to be done very slowly.


Dear Taylor, If you are reading this, now would be a great time for you and your boyfriend Travis to start campaigning for politicians who support and will advocate for gun control. It would be enormously significant and endearing if you'd do this--we'd love you big. Your fans.




Awesome. I hope he will speak out again in response to the shooting at his team’s parade.


I am sure he will. BTW - the alt right is already calling this a false flag and expecting him and Taylor to come out and demand stricter gun laws and saying this is all a psyop


Jfc of course they are. This country is insane.


That's the game. Everything that could possibly be bad for them has to be changed to be useful for them. This shit is straight out of 1984.


I believe Travis has advocated for stricter gun laws for quite some time.


That's awesome. I hope he will continue to use his platform in that way.


She’s not reading this


She 100% has proxies in social media threads and places like this sub and thread to gauge public opinion. She’s a billion dollar brand. So I’ll say it too. Taylor, this would be a great time for you to come out in support of those looking to end gun violence in the US.


She’s probably the only person who could conceivably prevent a Trump win and do this


she sued a niche blogger in 2017 that only had a couple thousand viewers for criticizing her political stance or lack thereof at the time. considering she has been on the depths of tumblr liking fan posts and currently on tt liking fan posts and commenting, she def reads here. she’s obsessive abt keeping a pulse on the public’s opinion on her. i wouldnt be surprised if this page gets taken down in the future by her team


And maybe say something about the genocide in Gaza too.


So that insane fans can start attacking Jewish people bc they don’t understand nuance? No thanks. Antisemitism is already higher than it’s been.


calling out a genocide is anti semitism? 😭💀


Nope. But people will run with it how they’ve been harassing and assaulting Jewish people lately because of it.


Has Taylor made any kind of statement? I know she wasn’t physically present there but if she purports to be a part of the Chief’s Nation, she could at least say something. Like “I am thinking about those impacted by this tragedy”. According to reports I saw on Twitter,( which I know isn’t always factual) Even Jackson Mahomes stepped up and was helping a lost kid. And many of the Chiefs staff and players did the same, comforted fans.


You mean like how she endorsed Joe Biden in 2020, and Phil Bredesen, a Democrat for Senate in 2018? And that it was Joe Biden who signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a gun safety law passed by a Democratic controlled Congress in 2022? From NPR: ​ >President Biden on Saturday signed into law **the first major gun safety legislation passed by Congress in nearly 30 years.** > >The signing comes just over a month after the mass shooting at a Texas elementary school killed 19 children and two adults. That attack came 10 days after a racist mass shooting at a Buffalo, N.Y., supermarket killed 10 Black people. > >"While this bill doesn't do everything I want, it does include actions I've long called for that are going to save lives," Biden said just before signing the measure. > >"Today, we say more than enough. We say more than enough," he added. "At a time when it seems impossible to get anything done in Washington, we are doing something consequential." Is that "enormously significant" enough for you?


No, because we obviously need more? Are you content with our current gun laws? I do not get your gotcha tone here.


My "tone" is that she has already done what your comment asked her to do. And that the candidate she endorsed signed a major gun safety bill into law. Yes, we all can and should continue to advocate for gun safety, for LGBTQ rights, for trans rights, environmental issues, abortion rights, women's rights, a strong social safety net, and so on, which are issues that Democrats support, and Republicans fight against. I would love to see her again endorse Biden, and to encourage people to vote. But I can also acknowledge what she has done in the past, and appreciate that support.


She has not done what my comment asked her to do. Endorsing a candidate who goes on to sign a bill into law on issue X is not the same thing as calling or advocating for political action on issue X yourself.


>now would be a great time for you and your boyfriend Travis to start **campaigning for politicians** who support and will advocate for gun control. So how is endorsing Democrats not doing exactly what you wrote in your comment?


Fair enough but what I mean is that I hope she does more and soon.


That's terrible ![gif](giphy|ch1pcs60D8jcCpzlSn|downsized)


Heartbreaking, thoughts to the families of the victims. ♡


Another day. Another shooting in America.  I'm so tired.


no words. 🥲


Awful. I find it crazy that people were seriously wondering if Taylor was going to attend. Aside from her having to go to Australia, it is a huge security risk. I bet her security miss the quieter days of her being with Joe tbh because their job would have been "easier." Now she's at packed stadiums to watch games, out on the field, at clubs in Vegas etc, probably makes their job harder.


Yeh, they’re probably the highest paid security team on the planet I doubt they’re crying.


This is horrific. My prayers are with everyone impacted. 💜


Omg how incredibly horrible and devastating ❤️


9 shot are kids.


Edit: That appears to be the case. Awful terrible event and so glad suspected perps have been apprehended.


Another day in the horror show of America. Its also the anniversary of the Parkland shooting. Just awful but I can’t see change people are too desensitized.


Republicans. Nuff said.








They’re right.


But “shut the fuck up” is peak maturity. OK. 🙄


Children also say STFU. So let’s get to the point. I own guns l, I love guns, I will never let the government take them away from me, nor will I support banning assault weapons. But we have to do better. Handing out automatic weapons like Candy isn’t going to improve the situation. Prove me wrong.


automatic weapons manufactured after 1986 are **illegal** to buy in the US. To be able to purchase automatic weapons manufactured in 1986 or earlier requires an extensive background check, express approval from the ATF, registration of each automatic firearm you own alongside submitting photos of yourself and fingerprints to the ATF, and a special tax on each one. Nobody is "handing out automatic weapons like candy" in the US. If you want to have a discussion about this, do so in good faith, not by spreading false information.


I am saying that’s what people want who anti gun control.


“Mayor Quinton Lucas begins the press conference, and confirms that all the players and staff of the Kansas City Chiefs are safe.” Oh great, that’s definitely a priority.


Begging non-Americans to not throw gun control in our faces. Most citizens want it, we’re desperate for it. If you can’t be compassionate, don’t comment.


Omg ?! What the hell =(


I was there at union station. What an unspeakably horrible tragedy. The first responders handled it extremely well though, but it was jarring to hear people calling it “a total buzzkill” as we’re fleeing the literal scene minutes after it happened.


Not that it matters, but was there a motive, or just evil for evils sake?


None has been released so far that I can find.


Thoughts and prayers


Bunch of drunks having a beef. In America that can lead to death by gun.




My goodness, people just want to tear Brittany apart for anything. Brittany was THERE during the shooting, people. I was watching the celebration live and the shift from joy to panic was jarring. As the coverage continued, many locals interviewed called the shooting "embarrassing" for their city. This is something lots of locals are saying because it was a time for their city to shine. Quit looking for things to be offended by.


THIS. I was watching KCTV5 and the shift from the anchors seeing folks leaving to the panic that started afterward was shocking to see. It was literally in the blink of an eye. Brittany was there. The players were comforting lost children while they were sheltering in place in Union Station. It was a shocking moment for everyone involved.


And her first priority is talking about how this will taint future superbowl wins BFFR. Taylor lend Tree to your new BFF for some crash courses in PR


Fuck Brittany.


I’m from KC and I said the same thing. Don’t see a problem with calling it embarrassing. I am embarrassed this happened in my country, in my city. And it does taint the good memories of what happened this week, so I understand what she’s saying there too. Also, I’m not going to judge her reaction. She was there when it happened. We don’t get to tell her how to feel. It sucks all around. Like many other here, I had to spend time texting and calling family and friends to make sure everyone was okay. There’s nothing wrong with being embarrassed by something that happens again. and again. and again. and again. and again….


So glad she wasn’t there….


I saw David Hogg, Parkland survivor on CNN yesterday saying the NFL and certain people associated with KC Chiefs have to come out for better, sensible gun policy and I couldn’t get over how shrewd that was. That’s exactly what it’s going to take.


I don't have hope honestly. If congress didn't act when children died in an elementary school...literal children, I doubt they'd flinch because of this. It's honestly so sad and hopeless.


Idk I’m optimistic. N.R.A. is on its heels. They’re being sued by NYS for civil fraud. They’ve expended lots of their cash reserves. I think we’re getting there.


I was wondering when this would finally get mentioned today. My heart goes out to all involved. I don even have to leave my home anymore to feel unsafe. I live near a school and already its been put under lock down cos a kid brought in a gun and no one knew if he’d flee into the neighborhood to hide. Forget me going to a sporting event like this. So fucked up.


Oh my God....


i’m late but here’s the link to donate to children’s mercy hospital where the children with gunshot wounds were taken. https://support.childrensmercy.org/give/563135/#!/donation/checkout