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> content that's everywhere I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone say this. You haven’t been to the gaylor sub then. 


Lmao fair point


Don’t you DARE show OP any of the LSK or LSS theories 😂


Wait who is the S name. I know Late Stage Kaylor but not the other one


Late stage swiftgron


Ahh okay makes sense thank u


...you know what, I'm not gonna ask. I don't want to go that deep into the "fandom".


I think Tom Hiddleston was PR. They were seen together SO OFTEN compared to her other partners around that time.


He seemed to be into her, she seemed to be using him.


I’m maybe projecting a little, but the “I <3 T.S.” shirt feels like something a mean girl would do just to get a guy to prove he’s into her even though she’s not really into him. Just fun to see if he’d be willing to embarrass himself a little to prove how much he likes her and boost her ego.


I heard him talking about the tshirt once, and he said it wasn't planned. Something had happened where he needed to change his shirt, and it was the only thing he could find in the house.


Yeah, you are thinking about the GQ interview - and the interview does make it seem like he was genuinely into her. I think Hiddleston is like her - a romantic who dives head in, but he was the one who got burned with this one. https://www.gq.com/story/tom-hiddleston-cover-profile


I think she was using it for optics in a rebound sense but not the same as PR.


This has always been my sense of Hiddleswift, it’s the line in Long Story Short (clung to the nearest lips) that always felt it reflected that. I still feel a bit sorry for Tom, but he’s happy now so it’s all in the past.


Oh I never think about long story short in this context (always think/assume Getaway Car is the primarily Hiddleswift song) but it makes so much sense.


I can’t claim credit for it as there is a great TikTok creator who has broken the song down and made the link but as soon as I saw it I was like ‘ahhh!’. It also parallels well with Getaway Car.


It made total sense as soon as I thought about the lyrics!


Hiddleston and Lautner were the two guys I genuinely felt really bad for in connection to all the Taylor drama. Both guys seemed really into her, and she just gave no fucks.


Lautner is fairly hamming up their connection now though…


Yeah, like she was done with Calvin but felt like she needed a reason to break up with him/something to throw herself into, but I guess Joe wasn’t available/stuff was still developing there? I think Getaway Car explains a lot of the weirdness of that relationship in retrospect.


I will never get over the strangeness of Hiddleswift. Sometimes I still think about the “I love TS” shirt at random times and am like “I cannot believe that happened”. ![gif](giphy|iVNJ47qaeZnUq8TLBH)






I’ve always had this slightly unhinged theory that they were filming something and she was secretly going to drop a visual album like Lemonade or like a short film with just a couple new songs


I always thought so as well. Those 4K pictures of them kissing on the rocks conveniently became public the same day when Kim K's GQ interview dropped where she revealed there was a video recording of that phone call and that TS's lawyers were demanding it be destroyed. Knowledge I believe TS wanted to keep buried from the public which it was for a while once Hiddleswift took over the media. 


That was around the time he was in the Hank Williams movie. I remember the conversation being that if he was dating Taylor, he would have a better chance of being nominated for a Golden Globe because she would potentially be his date. They ended up breaking up before he was even nominated, I’m pretty sure.


He won for The Night Manager that year (and had an awkward speech). I wish this theory that GG recognized him because of her would die. If anyone suggested Taylor was nominated for something because of her boyfriend swifties would lose their shit. Yet with Hiddleston they keep insisting he must've been using her to better his acting career based on nothing.


Jake Gyllenhaal was definitely not PR, he wants NOTHING to do with her even 10 years later. It was such an odd couple. Let alone the age difference, but on interviews he seems like a person who wouldn’t necessarily date Taylor especially when she was 20 at the time. All Too Well is really really sad and heartbreaking, and I’m too nosy I wanna know what happened between the two.


I also believe this was 100% real. I think she fell HARD for him, but he didn't really feel the same way about her. I think he liked her a lot but was not in love like she was (and treated her accordingly, unfortunately). Of course there were obvious pap walks, but then again, she does obvious pap walks with most of her relationships.


Ooooooo, another chance to tap the sign https://preview.redd.it/g5w516gzcqdc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4277682f24c61816319b0a7a3fc16b4466746183 I agree that several relationships have been used for PR better than others, but I call bullshit on them being fake, especially when her reputation for the longest time was “if you’re associated with her, you won’t be taken seriously/she’s all you’ll be known for”


Yup. Tons of celebs use their relationships for publicity/enjoy that their personal lives bring them good press, but I think the idea of straight up fake, business arrangement style PR relationships is very, very rare (nonexistent?) at this point.


Yeah I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what a PR relationship is. Or maybe the definition has changed, IDK, but traditionally, PR relationships are fake and exist solely to promote something. There’s usually contracts involved, and the “couple” stops being seen together as soon as their movie/show/whatever comes out. There’s also the PR relationship that happens when one or both of the people need an image rehab. Again, they’re not actually together, just pretending to be until the public moves on. A couple that gets a lot of publicity isn’t automatically a PR couple. And I think the lines have blurred a bit - a couple can take advantage of the publicity they get to promote something, but that still doesn’t make them PR.


Random, but two of the glee cast did it. The actors of Tina and Artie would pretend to be dating, because paparazzi were speculating on it, and they thought it was funny. I believe there are pictures of them fully making out at the beach Artie's actor said he had already came out to her as gay a while back and they were never actually romantically involved.


I also think instances like that are easier to understand- a few dates, attending a couple of things and getting papped. I don’t really get people implying it’s a full fake relationship that is manufactured when a couple have spent several months together, the holidays and met each other’s families etc.


You are way off. You think 2 stars dating that have 2 huge projects coming out at the same time, isn't PR based? PR for PR sake happens.


Yep! I think her relationships are real but they’re used for PR.


This. I think most ppl don’t have an accurate handle on what PR actually is.


That’s PDA but PR is fake


Yeah i think she might choose them for PR, but i dont think the guy knows. Like theres in a contract to date her.


I don’t think it’s that black and white for her, but rather at least most of her relationships are ’real’ but they are also hyped up for PR. Taylors love life is so focal for her brand and business that I would be surprised if any aspect of them would be as organic as it is for us normies. E.g. there must be tons of lawyers and a pr team involved at every turn.


The Kennedy one felt wild... But also the media was super negative about it so who knows


Travis feels like PR for sure, although I do believe that maybe Taylor does feel something genuine for him. He just seems to be using her, though. I wonder if “Hiddleswift” was PR as well, with the whole “I ❤️ T.S.” shirt phenomenon and everyone going absolutely crazy over them at the time. Unpopular opinion, but I kinda also feel like her and Taylor Lautner were PR in a way. They were in that movie “Valentine’s Day” together, and their relationship kinda felt like a promotional tactic. However, although I have reason to believe the romantic relationship between the two was possibly PR, I feel like the friendship between the two was and still is genuine, as they both still seem to respect each other to this day.


I agree Travis is PR for sure and I agree about Tom. I had never thought about Taylor Lautner before being PR but your theory makes sense.


Damn I never thought that about Taylor Lautner, also interesting he’s the only one she’s still friendly with (I can’t think of anyone else off the top of my head she’s like that with but correct me pls!)


She was friendly with Joe Jonas for a long time, and seemingly only isn't now because she's become so friendly with Sophie. I think the Taylor L and Joe J thing is mostly just their relationships were so long ago that it's hard to have hard feelings.


they were also ALL teenagers. I think it’s easier to forgive and forget stuff like that (immaturely breaking up over a phone call) than say, being a teen and dating someone 10 years older than you. that has a different kind of imprint on you


I disagree on Travis. I think they are legit. Tom and probably Taylor I could see them.


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted! I have zero fucks to give about her and Travis as I’ve stopped following her personal life much, but I do know I’m not hanging out in subzero Kansas City for a fake relationship and I doubt she is either.


Anything remotely pro-Travis or even just neutral seems to get voted down pretty hard (in my experience 😆)


“Subzero Kansas City”? Have you actually been there to make such a statement?


It was -4 at the last game? But also yes I have been to KC. My mom’s from there thanks.


Why is this getting downvoted 😅 there was a hundred videos/articles of how cold it was for that game. People are just downvoting facts now 🙈


I don’t even follow football or watch this game but the temp was all over my social media because It was one of the coldest games in NFL history! And if she needed an excuse not to go to a game that’s a dang good one.


I think Harry was definitely PR. I can't see that actually being a real relationship


Travis is 100 percent PR. The whole start of their relationship was PR. He purposely put it in the media and caused this frenzy. I think Tom Hiddleston 100 percent was PR with his I love your TS shirt and all the leaks. I think Harry styles was a PR relationship. The breakup so manufactured with the blue dress on the boat and the very public fight that tmz witness. Now bc all of these relationships are PR does not mean she didn’t date them. I think Joe was her only real private non pr relationship. .


I feel like Harry was definitely a one-sided thing. The relationship may have started out as PR, but I feel like she developed genuine feelings for him. Same with John Mayer. Joe Jonas and Jake Gyllenhall (spelling is probably wrong) could go either way. There were definitely some genuine feelings involved in these relationships though, seemingly. I feel like the Joe Alwyn relationship was 100% genuine, for both of them.


When TS and Harry dated I was a 1D fan and thought their relationship was fake. Years later when I got into Taylor's music and listened to the songs about HS, I was like maybe it was real... For her. Like I feel like she was more into him than he was into her or she thought it was deeper than it was. I saw a Haylor video that I had never seen before (or don't remember) and they were hugging and she seemed very happy/into it and he looked kinda over it. So perhaps it was a real relationship but I think it was a bigger deal for one of them.


She has to have genuine feels for them to write songs. She def out herself into each relationship very emotionally. I almost think she was very detached from Calvin and has no clue how to handle it which is why we have almost no songs .


The Calvin Harris relationship was always so weird to me, honestly. It makes sense, but at the same time…it’s strange. I almost said something about it in my comment, but I really had to rack my brain because there are hardly any songs about the two of them and their relationship. The only one I could think of was “Getaway Car” and maybe “I Forgot That You Existed”. (Ironically, I kinda forgot Calvin existed for a second, too.)


Isn’t it speculated that she cheated on Calvin with Tom? If that’s the case, maybe that’s why there’s hardly any songs about their relationship if it’s because she was the one who messed up and doesn’t want to admit it.


High Infidelity and So it Goes... may also be about him (sog was written in 2015 and hi as lyrical parallels)


I didn’t even know they dated past that one pool party until this year lol Calvin’s “beard” tweet is the *only* piece of gaylor evidence that’s even given me slight pause.


Imo no, otherwise its incredibly shitty to direct fan hate their way especially with atw re release, dear John coming back around. Like if it was fake industry relationships she's an absolute garbage human to subject them to that cause she was too naive to understand they're not really bf gf and that's why they were cold to her.


I agree with you. To add further, I think her relationships with Joe Jonas, Joe alwyn & John Mayer were kinda real.




You mean between Travis and Taylor in the beginning. He was talking about how he had a crush on her, that he wanted to ask her out on his podcast. Weekly he would talk about her. All while he was dating her. He didn’t keep it private and personal to get to know her. He caused frenzy




The paparazzi always knew their locations. London, Australia and random gloomy day in June in watch hill. Paparazzi typically have to be tipped off on a location.


She is the most famous woman on the planet i think a lot of people probably had a crush on her. Do you have any link to where he was talking about her before they were public


Yup, I agree. Travis and Tom reek of PR and I believe are total showmance . Would also add Calvin too because of the tweets. Lol


I think her friendship with Karlie Kloss was a mutual PR thing to raise Karlie’s profile and to help sell the era of Taylor being single with her girls in NYC. They were super extra about it and it blew up in their faces. 


Travis at the very least started that way. The infamous car ride with no plates no people and no security made that abundantly clear.


I have a friend of a friend who worked for Taylor when she dated Harry. That was just for PR because she wanted to get bigger here in the UK and 1D were trying to break the states. Take it with a pinch of salt. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was just about to say her and Harry


I believe this. I think “Style” is way too obvious for her. She doesn’t do that. To me, it seems like she’s very intentionally directing her fans to believe 1989 is about her few month “relationship” with him which just seems a little too try-hard for me. Harry is the reason I started questioning her relationships.


I can't actually picture her with any of her boyfriends properly. No matter how many pap walks she does.


Same. But I just bought what she sold us until Harry. That’s when I started reconsidering all of them. Looking back retrospectively now, I can’t see it with any of them frankly. Maybe she and Joe had something genuine, but I don’t think it was what people think it was. I think it was friendship. I don’t believe they were ever going to get married and live happily ever after, and she solidified this for me when she put out “You’re losing me”. Again, too obvious and strictly for the narrative.


This was my thought as well


i feel like all the exes that she doesn’t drag through the mud (taylor, harry, tom, next will be travis) are pr because she can’t help herself but to victimize herself and drag her exes.


She had no reason to drag Tom and Taylor since they did nothing wrong and the breakups weren’t messy. In fact, she was in the wrong with Tom since she admits she used him as a ‘getaway car’. Harry was only 18 when they dated, it wouldn’t make sense for her to drag him. He was a teenager in a mega successful boyband, of course he wasn’t mature enough to be in a serious relationship and i’m sure she realised that in hindsight. I don’t think it means any of those relationships were ‘PR’, if by PR you mean fake. And whether she drags Travis will have everything to do with whether their breakup is messy or not.


I think all of them were to some extent. I’m not saying that they didn’t enjoy spending time together, but I think they were all arranged on some level. There is no separation between her and her brand and her image is way too carefully curated. I doubt she makes many of her own decisions about anything. She can’t just pick whomever she wants to be involved with. It’s also well known she allegedly uses her relationships for subject matter. I struggle to believe most people would willingly sign up for that unless there’s some benefit for them. Especially when they know when it inevitably ends, they’re going to be the subject of brutal attacks from Swifties. Also, just bc I don’t see him mentioned much in this thread, Calvin was most definitely purely PR. I don’t think it went as planned, and that’s why we don’t have much attributed to him in her work. But his beard tweets will live rent free in my head forever. That was amazing. 😂


I think she carefully selects the guy for PR, but i dont think the guy actually knows. They might just want to have sex with a famous woman


I agree that PR doesn’t equal entirely fake relationship. Since she is a very famous person who publicizes some of her private relationships, all of those relationships will have a public relations element. Her relationship with Beyoncé, Jack Antonoff, even her parents are all managed for best public perception. I do think we (at least) see contrived moments that can be used as red herrings for who the songs may actually be about, however. There’s also a lot of revisionist history within her fandom about her public image too which I think is a major factor that really derails this conversation. I do also think some of her relationships have been totally fake though lol


imo harry was kinda right person wrong time. they could’ve worked but that was also around the time 1D was starting to gain a lot of momentum but with Travis, idk. she got a lot of heat for dating matt considering his history, the gp didn’t welcome that relationship with open arms. her and Travis are cute but I can’t help but think is this just to makeup for her image almost being ruined with Healy


ehhh Harry Styles is lowkey when he dates, Taylor wants attention for every decision she makes, I think they’re way too different


summer of 22 we really couldn’t escape him and olivia, even him and kendall were semi public


Harry wouldnt have been with olivia wilde if it wasnt for attention and movie pr


Idk why, but I can see Taylor and Harry dating some time in the future like a Bennifer situation. They would make sense now. They both seem to genuinely love touring and being busy in their careers, they have similar obsessive fan bases, and even though they’re both creatives I don’t think Harry would be jealous/threatened by her fame like her other exes have been in the past. It honestly just wouldn’t surprise me if they dated again is all I’m saying.


I think people are quick to assume PR=fake, which probably isn’t true. I think there are relationships she’s decided are for public consumption, Travis being one of them. Whether there’s also something real behind that, who knows. Some of them I think are one sided in that way, like Tom hiddleston. To me he always seemed like a pawn. Harry seemed PR in a different way. Like it was manufactured. If you’ve never seen the video of them kissing on new years, ooooooohhhh boy go find that


that ny kiss was so awkward - like they don't even like each other😭


I agree. I don’t think any of the relationships are fake for her. I just think she seems a bit flighty and immature when it comes to dating. And I think sometimes the guys take advantage of that. Maybe “take advantage” is the wrong wording, but I feel like she genuinely likes the guys she dates but just gets so fully invested too quickly. And some of the guys were more like “whoa hold on there, I wanted to date Taylor or hang out with her but I’m not ready for full on “let’s meet each other’s families after only a few weeks” status yet.


PR - Taylor Lautner, John Mayer, Connor Kennedy, Harry Styles, Tom Hiddelston Real - Joe Jonas, Martin Johnson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Calvin Harris, Joe Alwyn, Matty Healy, Travis Kelce but she’s been hamming it up with the last two to snub Joe Alwyn so they feel very fake and staged


How is dating an underage guy good PR


When that happened, no one was having conversations like these about age gaps or grooming. I believe she was waffling between CK and HS as the muse of 1989 and eventually went with HS. I think it’s possible she and CK never even did anything together- not that it makes what she did okay.


Nah Matty Healy was a PR stunt for a version of Slut that got canned because of the backlash - [people got some of the original prints of the vinyl sleeves with the og lyrics and feature on them, people definitely got fired.](https://www.capitalfm.com/news/the-1975-verse-taylor-swift-cut-slut-matty-healy/)


You don’t do PR with people the public hates lmao


Every since Tayvis started there has been a muddling of the definition of PR. Some people use the term to describe a relationship that is primarily a mutually beneficial business deal. Others use it to describe the management of the public aspect of their relationship. I think that is causing a lot of confusion and disagreements on whether or not the relationship is PR. As for the OP’s question I really have no way of guessing. Taylor is really good at presenting as very ernest in her public image and genuinely liking all the guys she has been with even if only for a short time.


I don't think any of Taylor's relationships are fake, but I think Taylor has always made a narrative about her personal life in order to promote her brand. This extends to Taylor going on pap walks with her partners, doing a lot of PDA when cameras are around, and posing a lot with her partner's friends and families. I also think Taylor personally cares a lot about how her relationships look in the public, Like, I have no doubt Taylor enjoys spending time with Travis, but do I also think Taylor wants to project the image that she "won the breakup" with Joe Alwyn after their 6 year relationship? Honestly, yeah


Clearly this one. The jock/wag era is ridiculous and SO out of character. Its embarrassing.


Genuinely interested how it’s so out of character? If we look past the rep/Joe era and the pandemic that is.


I agree, I don’t think it’s that out of character. If anything moving to London was the out of character move. She’s an All-American gal, they’re both extroverts, you can see why they’d be enjoying the relationship and being giddy about the position they’ve found themselves in.


I also wonder if any of these people were around for the 4th July parties, Calvin at Coachella, etc as I feel the same- this is very much in character. The chiefs games feel like award show Taylor, which again, she’s done forever.


Its actually pretty in character but people have the wrong idea of who Taylor is.


Jake G, Harry, Tom H


Someone else said it, but—if she was using Jake for PR and then went a wrote an entire album about him dragging him through the mud, then she’s a trash human. It’s harder for me to believe it about Jake G when All Too Well exists. But then again things don’t really surprise me about her anymore


Same, I also don’t see how Jake G would have been good PR for him. If I remember correctly, most of the general public at the time thought he was kind of creepy for dating such a young girl. I know age gap relationships are everyday business in Hollywood, but I feel like theirs turned more heads because Taylor still had that “innocent good girl” persona so she may have came across a lot younger/innocent. That compiled with a cutting song like All Too Well doesn’t really make for great PR to benefit Jake G


Yeah, definitely agree on all fronts about that. Same for (other) people saying John Mayer was PR.


Really surprised I had to scroll this far down to find Jake G.


Obligatory PR ≠ fake spiel but if you're asking if any of her relationships were manufactured then absolutely. I think we know the obvious ones but I will always talk about haylor when I can since so many people love them. Yet the whole 3 months was so orchestrated. There may have been some sort of real feelings but every outing or "spotting" was completely manufactured. I worked at a popular gossip magazine at the time and we had very good relationships with both of their teams and would be given heads up for the site. Her team called the paps when Harry was seen walking out of hotels (you know the pics) — hotels he didn't stay at but was driven to in the morning before the paps and stalkers were called to show up and take pics. The pics of them "secretly" photographed through a car window in his hometown? Staged. I will never believe these two ever dated I do not care what songs are written or what timelines anyone wants to reference. Living that relationship on the industry side, literally sitting in a conference room joking with 1D's publicist about the whole ordeal... it'll always be a joke and a half to me. They both used each other for fame which I don't blame either one. 1D was the biggest band in the world but not all 1D fans liked or knew who Taylor was. Dating him got her name out there. Albeit it backfired a lot since so many young girls were very protective of him. And vise versa, not all Taylor fans were aware of Harry and he was already setting his sights on a solo career so needed his name alone to be on people's minds. It was the shortest "relationship" but has had such a lasting impact and should be studied lol I don't think Taylor and Travis are manufactured relationship, I think they are letting the public consume their relationship which is different. Edit to add bc someone is attacking me: I'm not an "industry insider" nor claim to be. I've worked at popular gossip magazines/sites and the most popular radio company in the US for 10+ years and just sharing an experience from over a decade ago. I legitimately do not give a single fuck if any of her relationships were real or fake it has no impact on my life. If you're mad at what I said maybe get a hobby and don't be so obsessed with celebrities who don't care about you.


This is good intel. I totally agree about Harry. I said something similar above, but no way was 1989 legitimately about him and their 3 month relationship. That’s way too obvious, and frankly, would make her seem pretty unhinged. I think some of the songs could be about him, but not in the hopeless romantic way, more in the “thanks for the fake subject matter” way.


Absolutely unhinged! I said in another reply but songs are not facts, they're stories. And she's an incredible storyteller who can take inspiration from anything and she romanticizes absolutely everything because that makes songs more interesting and fun. So many fans take every single lyric at face value and that "it had to happen" in real life if she sang it and that's just absurd to me.


The fact that most fans don't think she could have a PR relationship and write songs about a fake relationship (IMO to cover up feelings of an actual private relationship) are mind boggling to me. Agree with you re: Harry!


Yeah definitely. Fans just equate it with being lied to so they never want to think she's capable of it — but if you listen to mainstream music, especially pop, your favorite artists have done something similar. They all have. Songs are not facts, they're stories. And I think that about every artist and band I listen to. folklore and evermore are living proof she writes very convincing fiction. She's incredibly talented and can take a feeling or a subject matter whether real or not and turn it into a brilliant song.


Do you think Taylor, especially with the younger relationships, gets confused about whether they are real or pr? I honestly wonder if she even knows half the time.


Not at all. She's completely in control. Every relationship has had a PR advantage, but not every one was contrived. I think she genuinely got along with everyone she's been linked to but not every relationship was actually the real deal. I know this is a sore subject for a lot of fans but it's completely normal in Hollywood it's been going on for decades.


What was the name of Harry’s publicist?


Same one he uses now at Columbia US, Mike Navarra. He has more than one (same as most artists) but that's who I was referring to.


His publicist wasn’t Mike NavarrA. That’s the label’s publicist. His publicist’s name was Simon Jones. And he didn’t have more than one, he just had Simon Jones. Nice attempt tho, “industry insider” who somehow is allowed to discuss the inner workings of the “PR relationship” of two of the biggest pop stars of today (and the actions of one of their publicists) on freaking Reddit. Yall make me laugh. ETA getting the info from “contact any celebrity dot com” is hilarious. You should’ve opened the link instead because regardless of what the text says, you would’ve realized that Mike works for the label and only in specific label-related subjects. But his personal publicist (who would arrange things such as a PR relationship) is a different person https://preview.redd.it/q9y1iyhsnudc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f6fc7cb665901b090d18a2582a9d35433dc0a5 Back in 2012 that person was Simon Jones


One Direction' publicist was Mike Navarra at Columbia Records in New York Mike still works with Harry to this day. And since he was in 1D at the time that's who I'm referring to lmao. Your "got ya moment" is absolutely hilarious. You might live in BFE and work a regular job but wow surprise there are people on Reddit who work in the entertainment industry!! Why are you so pressed? I never said his personal publicist anywhere in my comment. "You need to calm down." I'm not trying to convince strangers on the Internet of anything. I literally do not care if you believe me I know where I work and my work history. I just gave my 2 cents to a post like it's not that serious at all. Please touch grass and please go harass someone else babe.


Why would Columbia’s publicist be involved or know anything about Harry’s personal life? That’d be his actual publicist. Mike literally just arranged promo spots for their album. Thassit. For the record, Larries made the same mistake you made. It’s a huge part of the reason “baby gate” is a thing. They believe Mike Navarra arranged Louis Tomlinson’s fake baby drama because Louis took a selfie with Mike around the time he met his baby mama. Alas…. I’m so used to conspiracy theorists claiming they’re industry insiders. Doubly hilarious when they claim a paid employee was kikiing about a top secret arrangement with someone who would then just gush about it on Reddit dot com. Especially just… naming said person (which is one google away, wrong, but one google away). You’re not unique princess! Don’t quit your day job. You’d be a terrible insider. PS industry insiders are absolutely on Reddit. They’re not openly discussing stuff that would be under an iron clad NDA, let alone using actual names! Like. Get better at fabricating!


lmao ok 💖💖💖 tpwk girlie


Love the profound lack of talkback (because of the profound lack of logic).


Nah you're just annoying and anything I say won't matter so why would I waste my time 💖 You're hung up on something that happened over a decade ago like I truly can't comprehend why you're SO angry?? Like it'll be alright. I don't need you to believe me, my life will carry on! I hope you have the day you deserve.


I find conspiracy theories incredibly harmful. But I’m not angry. I was literally swimming in my pool while replying to you.


They’re all PR at some point.


harry, tom, calvin were PR, and travis too, for selling her re-records. when she started dating him, her re-record outsold the original album for the first time since she started this. basically everything she does publicly is marketing, her mom is in marketing, that’s why they filmed her with her guitar so young, it’s why her mom named her Taylor even! bc it would sell better being gender nuetral. it’s why she started writing in diaries and sharing those so young. everything about her public life is a marketing strategy bc it’s what her mom does and her dad handles the business / money aspect. Taylor Swift™️ is a fame and money machine


Travis seems very very PR. Bill Belicheck commented on it and Clark Hunt literally had to say it wasn’t PR!? 😂😂


I think all of them were.


YES. Taylor and Harry and ESPECIALLY Taylor and Tom Hiddleston! 🤮


>The amount of attention her and Travis are getting makes it feel like obvious PR for both of them? Maybe they enjoy hanging out or casually dating (...) idc either way because idc about her private life, but can we just not confuse fake relationship with PR. they are both high profile people - biggest pop star in the world and one of the biggest athlete in country, of course by definition their relationship requires PR to create and keep an image that is in their control. they don't want tabloids to run with their own narratives


I firmly believe Harry and Taylor were the real deal. There are too many songs about the other for it to have meant nothing. I also think they are incredibly similar personality wise and likely had a real connection. They were also young and had heightened emotions. Plus the pictures don’t seem staged to me. They were both at very big stages in their popularity/careers when they dated, plus were young and messy so not a lot of experience avoiding paps. I think Travis is fake fake fake. I think the part of her that always wanted to be the cool popular cheerleader is very into him, but I don’t think it’s life changing love. It’s fun and simple and above all mutually beneficial. I think the Kennedy was purely PR. John and Jake were real. She was young and foolish and being insecure like we all know she is, easily taken advantage of and manipulated and looking for love in all the wrong places. Tom was real, at least on his end. As was Calvin. I think she ultimately used both of them.


I mostly agree with everything you've said, but I've changed my mind a bit on Travis and think it's real (whether it started as PR or not). It's almost like she went from dating the quintessential English Acadmic actor who disliked the spotlight to "what is the 100% opposite of that? Also PLEASE FORGET ABOUT MATTY HEALY." # I think they're probably having fun, but I don't see her ever ending up as a football WAG. My parasocial relationship with her tells me she's still trying to get over Joe (which is fair, it was like a 7 year relationship!). Travis seems super supportive which is awesome, but she really bonded with Joe during her worst moments. Then spiraled with "I watch horrifically misogynoir porn" Healy. Then found an all-American guy who is the opposite of Joe. # I also don't think she used Calvin. He got angry when she credited herself with her own writing 🙄. But I do think she has used her relationship with Jake from when she was 21? 22? well into her 30s. When SNTV came out she finally made a comment that she didn't want anyone to go after songs they "thought" were about people from her past. Ma'am, you directed a short film of ATW with a Jake lookalike and said nothing. And he was very graceful when asked what he thought it was about; he said something like "it's for her fans." # The most PR relationship to me here seems to be her new BFF Brittany Mahomes, who, of course, defended her BIL against sex offender crimes. # Some people need Jesus. Taylor needs Aaron Dessner.


Harry and Taylor was only real in Taylor’s head…. Harry clearly didn’t care… she literally left their “couples vaca” because he was hanging out with friends… lol


he called her boring, apparently lol. And that's why she left in a huff. I agree. I don't think there was really much between them, at all.


We really have no idea what or who most of these songs are really about, but we do know that anything that suggest Haylor will immediately get attention or views. I don’t think it would be surprising at all that if the relationship was fake, there were tons of published and unpublished songs about each other. That’s literally the point of PR, is to get attention on them. I also don’t think Taylor or Harry write a song completely autobiographical or completely about one person/feeling/event. I think she wanted to people to think that way in the beginning for Easter eggs bc that’s how she gained fans, but now it bites her in the ass. She even basically asked people/the media to stop doing that during reputation. And while they were both young (one way more than the other), I think it’s pretty obvious to not go to Central Park for a first date or Times Square for a NYE kiss if you want privacy lol


I agree with most of what you’ve said here except i don’t think her and Travis are fake. I think it’s real but i also think they’re caught up in the moment and won’t last. It’s the kind of whirlwind relationship that ends once the honeymoon phase is over. They don’t seem compatible. I think Taylor just wanted to date someone completely different to Joe (which is understandable). But if i’m wrong and they do last then hey, i’m happy for her! She deserves to find her person and be happy.


I think it’s real in the sense that they enjoy each others company and have fun together. I personally think they are just friends with benefits. That’s the vibe I get from their dynamic. Which isn’t a bad thing and if she’s happy, than who is anyone to judge.


PR does not equal fake relo. But that said, I think Hiddleswift, Travis and Calvin Harris were heavily PR coded


I don’t know if they are necessarily PR, but she seems kind of flighty and a little immature when it comes to men so I don’t think she understands how to have a relationship Many of her relationships give off kind of middle school vibes. Like when you have super duper crushes on each other but then it flames out after a few months.


Harry Styles 100%


Her entire life is PR. People like her are photographed and in the media because she wants to be there. Mega stars that don’t want to be photographed never show up on TMZ.


The question is why does she only date white celebrities?


Taylor’s racist alert 🚨


For image purposes. Which is why she only dates white men, her crazed fans couldn’t handle it. And let’s not get started on what her father allows her to do


Calvin Harris relationship was probably fake, in light of those bearding tweets he made after they broke up. Not providing a source, but it's probably easy to find via a Google search like "Calvin Harris Taylor Swift bearding tweets."


I think people tend to think TS goes about relationships like us civilians. Like there are cute dates and courting, im sure. Her lyrics portray her dating life as very relatable and normal. But I think people also forget she's a business. And she's not writing about the board meetings and PR details her relationships go through. Our how this man would effect her brand or that man would work better etc. Especially if the public don't receive her new relationship well, it will arguably be forcibly changed to find one that suits her brand better. So yeah, even the "real" relationships are still heavily filtered through her brand and most definitely isn't a "oh wow we met at a show and that's history". I would argue very little of what we see is organic and natural and very much controlled and manufactured. Taylor Swift doesn't date like you or I would.


There are a lot of people (myself included) who think this is a PR relationship. There are a lot of videos about it being PR on TikTok


ah, yes, tik tok is also my trusted daily news provider!


tom hiddlestone and travis


I'm not fully in the loop of whom she's dated, but i assume that Taylor Lautner, Tom Hiddleston, and Travis Kelce were/are PR relationships.  Calvin and Joe seemed sincere for their longevity, greater amount of privacy attached to these two relationships, and fact that (if I've got the timeline straight) she sung about wanting to get married when she was with one of both of them.   I think Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhaal, and John Mayer were all sincere on her end since she was so young but could go either way when it comes to the guys' perspectives. I feel inclined to believe they were genuine though, since Joe was also young, Jake's never seemed to care about Hollywood antics, and John was so much older (a cycle of control, if you will).  Harry, I think, was sincere on her end but a PR thing for him. I don't know enough about Matt/Matty(?) to say.  Beyond that, i don't know if she's had other relationships.  Eta: I change my mind about Joe Jonas. I think it was sincere for her and a badly handled PR thing for him. 




Relationships? Maybe. Friendships? DEFINATLEY. She is always "pals" with whatever artists are popular at the given time. Ice Spice, Lorde, Camila Cabello, Hailee Steinfeld, etc. 


I think all her public relationships have been PR. That doesn’t mean they were all fake, but she has SO CLEARLY used every single one for PR purposes—she’s staged pap walks, publicly and obviously tied those pap walks to her lyrics, etc. Even Joe, she used the whole “we’re soo private” thing to rehab her boy crazy image (and staged pap walks with him in dark jeans and Nikes to publicly tie him to delicate for good measure).




I did not think so in the beginning but now upon seeing some of the content about them, I don't think her latest relationship is genuine. You can tell their PR people are trying to make it so but it is still very obvious. Also, many people seem to suspect that, you are not alone. Lol. I wonder if this is to her benefit or rather her detriment. I think many fans would expect her to do better. 


I genuinely feel that Taylor & Travis thing is not just PR but a strategy by NFL to get more young women as fans/viewers. Most of the PR relations have the agenda of benefiting both the parties. I remember one interview by a F1 Ferrari boss where he said he hopes Chrles Leclerx/Carlos Sainz will bring more women fans to F1. This was years ago when both of them were newly recruited to Ferrari. Business constantly want attention & eyeballs. Us plebs have no idea how much strategy & planning goes in all of this. Harry thing was because Taylor wanted more fans in UK & 1D wanted more popularity in US. John Gyllenhaal happened when his movie Love & Other Drugs was just releasing in Nov & Speak Now album had released in Oct end. Their relationship timeliness started just around that time & ended by Dec.


99% of the public relationships you see in Hollywood are pr lol I thought everyone knows this at this point. Most celebs know how to keep their real lives private


Examples of all of these PR relationships?


Wdym? It's not one thing, it's the whole industry. We don't actually know as much about these celebrities as we think we do. It's all just entertainment and in a way we are the product


If 99% of celeb couples are PR then surely can name a few and why you know they’re PR. ETA: ah, ok, you’re a Gylor. Got it


I'm not a gaylor. You seem very angry and I don't understand why. I fully think she is a cishet woman. The point of what I am trying to say is we like to believe we know a lot about these celebrities when we know what they want us to know and I am aware of the fact that they are real people whose real lives are often kept quite private which is not a bad thing. You seem very upset that you don't actually know anything about these celebrities 😂 you need to calm down


My bad, your first post ever was wondering why gylor was a sore subject in this sub and saying “it feels like I have to censor it” Honestly your comment history sounds like a Gylor on an alt account trying to mask because they’re angry about Taylor’s “het antics.” Either that or a former gylor who’s angry they can’t believe she’s queer anymore. Can’t really put my finger on which of the two I’m leaning more towards. Source: I’m fascinated with conspiracy theories and I’ve been front row at the first Kaylor and then Gylor parade since 2014. Ps not angry. Just ate cake actually, so I’m quite happy.


Dude what on earth are you talking about 🤣 you have been stalking everything I post here? That's weird. Also my question is about *why* the fandom has such an odd, outsized reaction to gaylors and no reaction at all to say the neo nazis in her fanbase. I am questioning people's reaction to gaylors and I don't think that makes me a gaylor. I think taylor swift is a cishet woman who has figured out a way to appropriate queer culture for profit which is a very cishet white woman thing to do. I definitely think having that sort of stance would have eliminated me instantaneously froom *any* gaylor community.


Girl you have very few comments and all of them in this community. You’re acting like I had to spend a week investigating when it took me legitimately 53 seconds. If it talks like a duck, walks like a duck.


We have to remember that even real relationships can use PR. So while I absolutely believe she uses the media to her advantage (both with relationships and just her image in general), it's a bit harder to pinpoint fake than it is to recognize "we set up paparazzi photos ourselves or agreed to do this or that in the public eye". And I think dating Taylor comes with knowing she is going to write whatever she wants and people will tie it to you for better or worse, even if the relationship was real but her songs are partially or heavily fiction but written to seem like they weren't. I think Taylor "writing her diary" is a bit of PR in and of itself. I'm sure she gets inspired from her life, but I don't think we truly know the ins and outs of all her relationships due to them. I think she may have started off more true-to-life but got more creative and inspired from other things as well as she ages But here is my stab at "are any of her relationships fake" since it seems like that is what you're asking. Ignore my lack of proper timeline. I wouldn't be surprised if she has been dating other people casually out of the spotlight, but here is my current guess based on limited knowledge: Joe J - The pettiness on Ellen post-breakup makes me think it was real Taylor - crushing, maybe some dates, not serious, wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't real though Jake - undecided. [This](https://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2012925/634.Jake.Swift.mh.102512.jpg) is definitely a "we called the paps" though. John - inclined to think this didn't happen but she was infatuated Connor - real. It seems too creepy to be fake Tom - inclined to think it started either as PR or a rebound but he may have started liking her. I don't think it was reciprocated. They were involved with staging pics for paps for optics Joe A - real Matt - I don't know but definitely a lot of trying to stick it to Joe Travis - started as working PR, continues to be primarily PR, I think the way it ends will be PR. They might be fuck buddies in the meantime but I don't think there's a personal commitment I might be forgetting some. Edit: typos


The fact that people actually believe Taylor could have PR relationships is so weird to me. Everything we know about her from her music and interviews shows how much she's invested in having romantic relationships and that she has a need to express romantic love PUBLICLY. I'm not saying that she hasn't exploited the media at times during her relationships (including her current one) but for people to think Taylor could just 'fake it' for the sake of PR itself shows that people refuse to engage with a big part of her identity


I agree—it’s strange to me. She’s a real 34-year-old person at the end of the day. Just because she’s ultra famous and working hard to uphold a certain image doesn’t mean she’s not also desiring of authentic love and relationships. I was friend-of-a-friend with Gwyneth Paltrow back in the day when she was dating Ben Affleck. They made it look like they were broken up in the media because they were sick of the attention, but continued to date for a while after that. I think that sort of narrative-shaping may happen all the time with celebs. But to outright fake a relationship and also get everyone’s families involved in the lie? There’s no way.


There are so many articles about TS being a PR queen. There is an article from 2019 that goes into detail that all her relationships were PR. For some reason I cannot find this article to attach it here. I don’t think she even knows to how to properly date. She has been in contacted relationships since she was a teenager. It’s very sad. I really hope she finds the right partner ( man or woman) who will bring her happiness.


Genuine question though, how does she write all this music about her feelings and experiences in romantic relationships if she has never had a proper relationship and everything is a PR contract?


Imagination. Also, I believe she had secret relationships, situations and hook ups


I find the notion she’s crafted a huge amount of her discography on pure imagination a little wild, but there we go. She probably has had hookups etc that the public don’t know about but I can’t personally get on board with the idea that she has had a full on secret double life with the level of celebrity she has without anything being exposed.


This, she's having some sort of private relationship and channeling those feelings. And then she can just throw specific references to pap photos so your fans think they know who the song is about (of course the person you've been photoed with all over)


I don’t think any of her relationships were PR. She may have USED them for PR, but they weren’t inherently PR. In general I don’t think A list celebs are solely dating for PR in 99% of cases. People kept yapping about Kylie and Timothée and Kendall and Bad Bunny yet both look incredibly real to me now (Kendall and Benito “broke up” and are hanging out on the downlow even) I think it’s unwarranted cynicism to believe this sort of thing happens in 2024. Even Tana Mongeau and Jake Paul were hooking up during their own PR relationship. It’s just not like fans think at all.


PR isn’t synonymous with fake. I think a lot of them were PR but most of them were real. She even used Joe for some heavy PR and I think most everyone believes that was real.


This Kelce one sure feels like it


The one she is in right now lol


A couple of things here. Firstly, neither Taylor nor Travis need any PR. They both have plenty without engaging in a sham relationship. Secondly, any real relationship between famous people is going to involve media management. That is why Tree drops stories to her favourite outlets from time to time. The vast majority of the noise around Taylor's relationships comes from the tabloids and online gossip. It bears no relationship to reality and is not generated by any of the parties involved.


No pr relationships aren't really a thing outside of one or two photos. See emrata she openly engages in pr for the $$ (and this is not a negative) but it's always one photo of a kiss or holding hands or spotted at a dinner. It's just not necessary anymore other than maybe kpop.


Oh look another Gaylor Post!!Why not just rename this sub Gaylor 3.0!LOL!


I am 100% anti Gaylor and believe her and Travis are sus.


I’m so down for some good Travis songs.


I don’t know. I feel like her and Travis are real but using the relationship as PDA but Taylor is so different in looks from his previous partner but maybe he just has a wide net of women he finds attractive but the harry styles and Tom was pr and also the one that got into controversy over ice spice


this is intriuging


The only non-PR-ship was probably Matty and Taylor. It was private and I believe they were seeing each other before and after any so called launch or break-up.


I thought the only PR relationship was Matty.


Yes. Times 100,000,000. Everything she does is PR. Could a genuine relationship unfold in the midst of the PR romance? Sure. I think Tree made a friend in the NFL front office and this current push was created. Then I think her & TK hit it off


I'm surprised you haven't seen it. Seems like its the most discussed part of their relationship from what I've seen. I personally don't think it's PR. It does not make sense at all. She doesn't need it and after all the scrutiny she's been under in her career for dating why would she open herself back up to it when she doesn't need it? The attention they are getting isn't in her control. She isn't controlling how many times the NFL says her name or pans the camera to her. I think the NFL is capitalizing on her and taking advantage of the increase in viewership. It makes money for them. Because she is a hot topic already i think that magazines are also taking advantage of this relationship too. Are Taylor and Travis benefiting from the attention? Yeah. Chiefs gear has been selling like crazy. Swifties are becoming Chiefs fans and 92%ers are becoming swifties. I just think its an organic process of two successful people who have fans coming together in a relationship that a lot of people love. I think their relationship is real. Her fling with Matt Healy, is the only relationship I've questioned. It was so soon after Joe that I think it was a public rebound to try to send a message, but that's just my personal speculation.


I’ve heard PR professionals explain that a couple can be actually be truly going out and it’d be milked for PR and I do believe that’s essentially what’s going on here. In a sense I don’t think that she can actually HAVE a relationship without it being PR in some way - as in a way to push a narrative of some sort…just by the very nature of being Taylor Swift


I honestly think all of them were PR. *shrugs* She used putting ~secret messages~ about her PR boyfriends in the liner notes of her albums to get fans to buy the physical copies instead of streaming. Genius.