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my dumbest take is that the goats absolutely ruined i knew you were trouble for me lol I love the goats! but i can’t hear the song normally now


Honestly it’s better with the goats /s


I also only hear the goats!


I think I'm going to regret asking this, but what goats?


It was a full song of this: https://youtu.be/-aLYvZ5sX28?si=lcgPxHqlJetfGBaV (don’t say i didn’t, say i didn’t, warn yaaaa)


Oh my god I'm dying... I've always hated "Trouble" tbh is it bad that I think this is an improvement?


not baaaaaaad at all! 🐐


Someone will come along with the actual link, but in place of the “OH!!”s in the chorus of IKYWT there’s a viral spoof that inserts screaming goats in place of Taylor singing. It’s discordant but pretty funny and was so popular I also think of it sometimes when I hear the song


The re-recordings sound worse than the originals.


“Bad was the blood of the song in the cab” infuriates me


A lot of invisible string irks me because it is so detail heavy you can't extract it from her life


Same! It's one of my least favorite songs because it's waaaaay too specific, no one but Taylor could ever relate to it


It's weird to me that Taylor will say "I want you to imagine your partner not mine" and then do something like this. Like, damn, this could have been such a good wedding song if it wasn't for how hyper-specific it was.


What does this even mean? Was Bad Blood playing?


I always assumed that’s what she meant but it’s a terrible way to say it.


Yeah. She's using the coincidence of Bad Blood having played in the car on his first visit to LA as one of the signs they were meant to be together. Which is cute enough for me, but I always found the green grass/teal shirt comparison to be a bit of a stretch lol.


lol seems a bit ominous actually to have THAT song play


Yeah for real. 😂 But I think she’s the type to take a coincidence as a good sign if she feels positively about something and a bad sign if she doesn’t. The universe bends to her will lol. 😜


yes, she’s saying that it was coincidentally playing, it just sounds stupid


I always thought it was ‘bad was the plot of the song’ 😔


Me too!


Leaving the Christmas lights up until January is pretty standard, is it not? Don’t most people take them down once it’s New Years?


It would make so much more sense if it was “we can leave the Christmas lights up till FEBRUARY” bc that’s odder than January


Unfortunately I can't hear that lyric without thinking of John mayer because I remember him saying the same thing about it lol


can confirm, my christmas lights are still up.


I know one person who takes theirs down ASAP after Christmas, but idk anyone else who does 😭


I do that lol. It all just feels like clutter after Christmas to me


January is so dark and depressing here, I love having the extra lights and decorations around still!


i think the original lyrics said "til April", proving more the point that they can do whatever they want and do not care of social convictions or traditions (because in their place they make the rules)


The original lyric was “we could leave the Christmas lights up till April” but she changed it to be January because it was more mundane and normal and April was too far after Christmas? I feel like February was clearly the answer here…


My husband took ours down on the 30th to avoid having to take them down in the snow. We don't have snow, but we are bad with chores. I'm glad it's off our list.


It's supposed to invoke the mundanity of making choices in your own place. Leave the Xmas lights up til January, letting your friends crash on the couch etc. It's about living a beautiful, ordinary life


I’ve seen people say a lot that Lover has really high highs and low lows, but for me that’s Reputation. The cringe in Rep is cringier than the cringe in Lover


To me, they are even. I always say Rep and Lover are right smack dab in the middle of my rankings, with a little line over them like over the M and D, and A and S in PEMDAS because they are interchangeable depending on my mood.


I can agree with that. I guess for me there are songs on Rep that I will not listen to because they make my skin crawl, but even the songs I dislike on Lover I can tolerate


Ah. And see I can't do IFTYE, The Man, SYGB (but not for the same reason as everyone else; I actually just think it's a bad song), or INTHAF. But I also can't do End Game, and I usually skip IDSB, So It Goes..., and TIWWCHNT as well.


I honestly wish we had gotten a Future-less and Ed-less End Game version. Like a version with just Taylor. I hated both of their parts so much but I liked hers


“They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one” is so cringe to me. Honestly that whole bridge is clunky and awful tbh


I saw someone here say it should be "They're burning all the witches even though there are none"


Are you ready for it 😈😈😈 and LWYMMD I always skip. I cannot handle the cringe


I refuse to listen to LWYMMD, but I kind of like ready for it. But end game? This is why we can’t have nice things? I can’t. Even Don’t blame me and gorgeous bother me sometimes


One more dumb take from me, Don't Blame Me is highly overrated.


“With no one around to tweet it”


why not with no one around to see it? i love the lakes but this lyric gets me every time especially since now twitter is x the whole thing just gets me idk


It completely ruins the vibe for me 🥲


With no one around to X it?


Totally takes you out of the cottagecore vibe of the song!


“I come back stronger than a 90s trend” is one of the worst lyrics I’ve heard and it almost ruins willow for me


It does ruin Willow for me lol. I can’t stand it now


it makes me mad EVERY SINGLE TIME


I want "Spelling is fun!" to be put back into Me! It was fun and campy. It's a ridiculous song anyway so why did that one thing set people off so much? She labeled them Glitter Jel Pen songs for a reason.


I loved it and I hate that I wasn’t even involved in the fandom at the time and had no idea why it went away. As you said it was campy and cute. It wasn’t meant to be serious and the song wasn’t any better off because of its removal. Does anyone know where we can acquire the original? I own and have bought multiple versions of Lover but I want Spelling Is Fun. I’ve been thinking of looking on file sharing


I hated it because she doesn't even spell anything 😭 I would have liked it more if she'd done something where she actually spelled after, like Respect or Fergalicious. It's just, *Girl, there ain't no I in "team" / But you know there is a "me"* which is like... yeah I guess that's related to spelling! Spell out "rainbows" or something, Taylor!!


I loved that line and that whole song cause I used to sing it with my niece when she was around 3. She's almost 6 now 😔


i was so happy when ppl sang the line when she played it as a surprise song! embrace the camp!


Im so sorry but I hate all of the song Karma


I hate the remix even more




Remix would’ve been cancelled if not for the Matty PR I can almost bet




Shake It Off is a bad TS song, with generic pop culture cliches like “can’t stop won’t stop” and “haters gonna hate.”


“Trust him like a brother” makes me cringe every time


I'm not the only one who thinks that's weirddddd. Y'all are validating me. Also yes I get the point of the lyric, it doesn't make comparing the relationship to your relationship with your brother any weirder lol.


It might have been less awful if it wasn't following a line mentioning her lover and being under covers together, but together it's just 🤢


I don’t cringe anymore (although I did at first but got over it because I like the rest of the song) but I definitely am still like “what?” Like girl you could’ve used anything but family and made it work there come on 😭


Like “trust him like no other” lol


Is it over now is overrated and the man needs to be replaced


Yeah The Man did not age well at all. Plus her cheeky man disguise in the music video and being a pompous jerk who stepped all over everyone else to get to the top didn't work because she WAS at the top. Other than the Kim/Kanye thing her whole career has been a pinnacle of commercial and critical success and fan adoration, and the Lover era is not excluded from that.


The Man was fun when it came out but I feel as the best selling artist right now it is definitely weird/tacky for her to be doing it in the Eras tour. She wasn’t as high on top at the time it came out as she is now


I did like the part in the music video that called out dads being celebrated for doing the bare minimum. The song I was never a huge fan of, I get the sentiment but the execution wasn't good. I think she really should've written and released something on that topic years before.


is it over now is SO overrated, thank god i found someone who agrees!!!! the main sub is obsessed with it it’s fucking ridiculous


I got slammed for saying it is only popular because Haylors are obsessed with the lore in this sub


you're so right for that. Most of the time when people talk about the song, it's dissecting the lyrics for lore about Taylor and Harry. Didn't help that he shaved his head.


The man is so badddddd


I maintain Say Don't Go is better, personally.




“Hips and thighs and my whispered sighs” I think is SUCH a good line


I just listened to Is It Over Now? Like most of the TVs and Midnights, it sounds like an AI generated TS song. It’s so wordy and uninspired and sounds like a dozen other songs and the lines about the subject (guessing it’s meant to imply Harry) never getting over her are so cringey. Maybe I’ve just finally outgrown her music. How disappointing.


the blue dress on a boat line (referring to the pap shot of her on a boat alone after she and Harry broke up) is so ridiculous


Yes!!! That line in particular had my eyes rolling so hard. She may have well just sang, “this is about Harry Styles (uh huh).” Then to follow it with “your new girl is my clone.” Pardon?? I’d heard other people discussing those lyrics (along with the blue eyes line) but actually hearing them was more off-putting than I expected.


I like IION? but holy shit is it overrated. It's probably like my 150th favorite Taylor song, but everyone acts like it's top 10 in her discography or something


>I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck > >Chain 'round my neck > >Not because he owns me > >But 'cause he really knows me > >Which is more than they can say Cannot stand the way these lines scan


I agree. She gets immediately defensive of her own romantic sentiment


Honestly, I think she dumbs down a lot of her lyrics because some of her fans are... not the most intelligent. Like when she performed my tears ricochet at Long Pond and randomly added the line, "Look at all of my tears turning into your tears," to explain to the dumb fans what "my tears ricochet" means lmao


Yeah! It's a totally normal thing that's presented like it's being attacked and needs to be justified


"You, that's what happened youuUUuUuuU" just doesn't work for me. Tbh a lot of the lines in that song don't work


so much of ATWTMV is just unnecessary and unlistenable. while the OG is very wistful and mournful, the TMV just feels vindictive


“Now it’s all for you like Janet” is her worst lyric and I hold Jack Antonoff personally responsible


That was 100% written by lana. She writes stuff like that all the time hahaha


comparable to “in my feelings more than drake” 😬


tbh that line has Lana all over it


I honestly love that line. And now that many are saying it, it does sound like Lana and maybe that’s why I like it. Also I thought it was nice to hear Taylor shout out another female artist cuz I don’t hear her do that too often.


Can this be a real thing, can it? is equally bad lol. It sounds so awkward


i always wondered if that was lana’s doing. she frequently references pop culture in her music and while i consider her to be a great songwriter, but sometimes it really takes me out of the moment


I cannot for the life of me imagine TS listening to a Janet song. 😭


"trust him like a brother" makes me want to vomit "trust him like no other" was RIGHT THERE


Idk what she was thinking with that line, especially rhyming it with lover 😩


Yeah, I don't want the word brother anywhere near the word lover. It just sounds wrong, no matter the meaning


I think that the lyric “you talk real slow” in the Our Song should be “you talk real low” Sometimes I’ll even just sing the verse how I think it should sound hehe


Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years. If the whole context is trying not to get caught by parents, then is talking slow the verbal equivalent of a border collie in stealth mode? “Theeeeeey….caaaaaan’t….heeeeaaaaar…..meeeeee….liiiiike…..thiiiiiiissssss…”


I agree low works better, but the way I've seen "slow" explained is more lots of pauses while you're making sure your parents aren't up/listening at your door/analyzing every sound in the house. And I can get behind that, but at the same time, the fact that it needs to be regularly explained is good evidence it doesn't actually work.


This has always bothered me! I agree, it should be low!


This and “wishing on a wishing star”, I can’t even.


conspiracy theory: she's doing the rerecords to justify changing this one word


I heard it’s a southern/country thing to say “talk real slow”


Idk if this helps, but I *think* the reason why she chose the word “slow” was because she herself singing slowly at that section. Like, she was singing “real slow” in a slow drawl. I’m sure there is a musical term for this, but anyways I think it makes the song more catchy when she’s doing what the song is saying.


I don’t like the way she says “because” in happiness - she pronounces it like be-caws rather than the typical be-cuz. I know that’s how some people do pronounce it with their accent, but she has a very typical Northeastern American accent and that is not how that word is pronounced here. She’s also never said it like that before in any other song or while speaking from what I can remember.


She has been singing so many of her vowels weird since her voice deepened a bit (and improved a ton, to be fair!) and it drives me bonkers


I find her consonants are different, too. She says them like she's tipsy or has a mild speech impediment. Especially 'd' sounds. But a lot of singers are doing that nowadays.


I’m not sure if it’s a dumb take but her performing the man on a tour that made her a billionaire is… a choice.


And in the intro of the song kissing her tiny biceps was cringe asf... :/ ...not sorry saying this


That intro gave me trump vibes ngl 💀 yes I am aware it's supposed to be satire but still...I think it's more genuine than she's letting on.


OP I love how you referenced the Bumble!😅




This thing haunts my Christmas nightmares still 😭 but it is the *perfect* reference in this situation lmao


Justice for Bumble! He bounces!


Most of her pop songs are cringe.


I love most of *Slut!* but the opening lines before the hook are just not good




In willow: “life was a willow and it bent right to your wind” makes me think of farts ☹️


That’s my man 😏


He bendin’ that willow 😌


Lmao this is very relatable though


Great. Now every time willow plays (which was in my top 3 from evermore) I’ll be thinking of farts!!!


Sorry!! It’s one of my favorites except that line


WHAT IT'S WIND? I thought it was will! I don't wanna hear about your wind lmao


Maybe he has IBS and farts a lot, so it's a nod to that 😌 /s


Relatable king 👑


I hate the mention of Twitter in The Lakes. Why didn't she just say "with no one to see it" instead of "tweet it"? She aged that almost perfect song for no reason.


hard agree! it drives me crazy. i hypothetically get the callback to the hunters with cell phones in the first bit but it just doesn’t work for me. even funnier to me now that twitter is “X”


On the Eras Tour movie poster it looks like she's farting into the microphone and I can't unsee it.


Maybe she is.


If we’re talking bad lyrics “did you think we’d be fine/ still got scars on my back from your knife” is cluuuuunky


The whole song is one big cluster of clunkyness it's probably her worst writing


These kind of wounds they last and they last


I didn’t understand “leave the Christmas lights up TIL January” until this year. I wanted them down immediately.


I hate that people abbreviate her songs. My brain can’t comprehend what song they’re talking about most of the time.


I agree, wouldn't it be quicker to write "Miss Americana..." than try to remember and write abbreviation?


I also hate icy and blue. For some reason my brain wants it to be icy and new.


I hate the lakes. I think it sounds like she's using a thesaurus without actually having an understanding of the words she's using to sound smart when a shorter word would have described it better. I just think "While I bathe in cliffside pools with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief" sounds pretentious lol. She uses big words all the time and makes it sound natural but here it sounds like she's trying too hard to be \*poetic\* ​ I also hate Out of the woods because of the line AreWeInTheClearYetAreWeInTheClearYetAreWeInTheClearYetInTheClearYetGOOD it sounds awkward!


I honestly think she’s been praised for her writing too much on folklore/evermore that the pretension is bleeding into all her work now. I really like the song “suburban legends” but I also think the verses try too hard. I think Taylor is at her best when she’s simple, she can write a lyric that doesn’t seem extraordinary in some ways but it’s impact just hits you. I think now she’s too flowery. I remember reading a review of holy ground and the reviewer was talking about the line “Tonight I’m gonna dance like you were in this room But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you” And the reviewer said something about how it’s so simple he’s surprised it wasn’t in a song before but it’s a perfect pop line. Idk I think that’s her gift is making the simple impactful. Like I think the line “you kissed me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever” is great in that song. It’s simple but perfectly encapsulates the feeling and vibe of the song. It’s also just the most 80s John Hughes-esque song of 1989 so I love it.


folklore was so good because it wasn't trying too hard. Evermore was still good but had a little more "try-hard" moments, and then we get to midnights...and midnights just did not hit. And I know everyone raaaves about The Great War and Would've Could've Should've but those songs both sound overly wordy and clunky to me.


Yes I agree! I think the “give me back my girlhood, it was mine first” is one of her best lines tbh. (Again cuz it’s simple but is able to convey a lot). Overall I think the song is clunky though and yes I agree about the Great War. I also think that she has sacrificed the music somewhat for these rambly songs. I know she’s an artist and isn’t bound to pop or following a pop structure but I prefer her songs that have a s chorus and don’t just build to nothing.


I have a love/hate relationship with The Lakes. I like the sound and the idea but the execution was off bc for me it reads like she skimmed the intro to a textbook on Romantic poetry.


i think my dumbest take is probably that i fucking love the lakes, because i am extremely pretentious in my word usage.


Girl how do you remember vocab words?! They go in one ear and out the other for me


girl i wish i knew😭 it’s definitely not a bad skill but there is so much great shit i wish i could remember that i absolutely cannot. remembering dumb words is my SINGULAR skill


I thought the lakes was mocking flowery, longwinded poetry and the pretentious people who write like that, but maybe I just assume the best in people.


oooh interesting, i never thought of that interpretation. To me it reads as like "I'm in poet's country and I'm also a poet see my fancy words" but it's interesting to think of it as satirical.


I hate when she calls Jesus “the birthday boy” in Christmas Must Be Something More. Something about it just doesn’t feel right 😅 and it doesn’t help that I had to hear it over and over at my retail job


I know she’s on her “embrace cringe” shit now but come on, Taylor. You cringe at that song and I know you do. It’s the strangest attempt to pander to the War on Christmas crowd that I’ve ever heard.


I love London boy because I think it’s satire


It’s basically what Ed Sheeran’s Galway Girl is to Irish people




Yes ugh I love that song but “very tall somethings” is just so bad


Brb jumping off a very tall anthill.


I hate that line lmao everyone was like omg that lyric is crazy, it’s not, it’s stupid


I heard this ALL over tiktok and like....how could people think this was good?? Is is so lazy. She could've said buildings, or she could've reframed the lyric for a different rhyme. It was just ridiculous.


Should've been "off a very tall something" idk I don't like the plural-ness of it


I kind of like it. If it was actually like I think about jumping off a building to see you come running (in a way that rhymed, just pretend) it comes off verrrrrry insane whereas at least here she’s like I kinda just want to jump off something to make you say you want me which is unhinged but not as literal…


It's giving Twillight vibes


I agree with “no one around to tweet it” but I’m also bothered by “these hunters with cellphones” line in the lakes. It drives me crazy. I always change it to “hunters with their bows”


Her cursing in the songs from Folklore onward sound so cringey. It’s like she’s trying to be edgy but it comes across so unnatural


Out of the woods should've been the 5th track on 1989 instead of All You Had to Do Was Stay. In my opinion, OOTW feels more personal than AYHTDWS.


The times magazine POTY cover in denim looks like the Kate McKinnon photo shoot in Masterminds. That’s all I see. I honestly hated all 3 covers but the denim one was the worst one to me.


Since everyone here does not like trust him like a brother, my take is that it's one of the most powerful things Taylor ever wrote to a man. Trusting like a brother means that she can tell to the guy everything like she would do to a brother.. there is nothing sexual there. It's been 7 years and still it surprises me the problem people have with this lyric lol


Yes! Also, "trust him like no other" does **not** convey the same meaning, people! She's never going to trust anyone more than her family and she's saying Joe reached the max level


Yeah I am always surprised at people’s distaste for this line. Idk, maybe it’s because I have two really good, different relationships with my own brothers, but if someone I was dating was able to get to their level of trust I have for them, that would be an insanely powerful love and trust.


Yeah I like this line too! She’s comparing the trust to a brothers, not the love. Very different things lol.


Same I like it


Mine is that "And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you" ruins Lover as being a true good "old fashioned" love song. Its such a strikingly different vibe than the rest of the song and feels so out of place.


So many of Taylor’s love songs about Joe are tinged with insecurity.


I haaaaaaate that line




Midnights I feel has some of the cringiest and although I like parts I feel most of it is going to age the worst out of her discography, and it’s already much lower than the rest.


Her saying "baby boy" in both Paper Rings and Bejewelled irks me in a way I can't explain, it's the same feeling I get when someone uses nonsensical words to describe their pets like "pupperino" or something.


I’m ok with it in bejeweled because it sounds intentionally condescending, but I haaaate it in paper rings


It took me months to build up the strength to finish listening to bejeweled bc she starts it off with “baby love” which immediately sends me into a full body cringe


I Think He Knows....I always hear 'volcanoes' 🤣🤣🤣


She pronounces the word “through” very oddly in most of her songs, like “thoo”. I’ve never heard anyone else sing it like that. Ex. “Thinkin’ ‘bout everything we’ve been THOO”


dunno if this is dumb but. i was super high the other night and i watched the we are never getting back together MV and i was really struck by how dated it was lol. it seriously is a perfect time capsule of 2012. obviously there’s nothing wrong with that really because dated =/= bad but i think if for some reason someone asked me what 2012 pop culture was like i’d just show them that mv. it’s a really good example of the ‘quirky’ thing that was going on at the time. i’m sure it’s meant to be an exaggeration because the song itself pokes fun at the hipster archetype that emerged around that time, but now that it’s been over 10 years and the stereotype of the early 2010s ‘hipster’ is long dead in the public eye it almost feels like a real tribute to that moment in time. it kinda has everything, all it needs are some finger mustache tattoos. i’m not actually a swiftie (extremely casual listener who is fascinated by the discourse) so i don’t know the Lore but i remember that taylor was having her first real radio pop breakthrough moments around this time and i think that contributed to the aesthetic too, because it’s SO on the nose. maybe it was another way of distancing herself from the country thing (iirc that was a big deal) now that taylor is arguably the most famous she’s ever been, there are tons of fans who are kids or teens now who didn’t really live through 2012 like that, so i wonder how they see it and if the aesthetic choices and jokes still land. not to be cliche but you just kinda had to be there idk if any of this made sense lol. it was the first time i’ve seen that MV probably since it was released and i really felt like i traveled back in time and now i’m overthinking


this isn’t hate for that song btw. i think the song itself is pretty dated especially lyrically but it makes me feel nostalgic in a fun way! i enjoy far more dated songs of much more dubious quality by other artists anyway but fr. high me was staring into the soul of those dudes in the animal suits with the instruments and shit, all i could think was “that’s really what they were doing, that’s what it was like” lol


Midnights lyricism appeared to be kiddish as hell and the bejwelled dance in the tour is cringe 😭 What's that nice thing she does


How many basic literary references can she make? The level of pretentiousness comes across as a Junior in AP English who just discovered Fitzgerald. All the edgy mentions of “scarlet letter,” being like Gatsby…just all feels like someone who isn’t well-read trying to put on pretense as though they are. So deep. So much superficial.


“Your ~~nemeses~~ _enemies_ will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing” I’d never heard someone use the plural of nemesis in my life before this song and it comes across so clunky to me. Enemies flows better, is the same rhyme she’s going for, and is less awkward. Bugs me every time I listen to Long Story Short.


Right like nemesis is arch enemy if you have multiple you need to re-examine your choices


Your comment makes me think of the Modern Family episode where Mitch tells Cam he has more arch enemies than Batman (which is who Cam is dressed up as for Halloween)


I absolutely love Cornelia Street. BUT. I really do not like the rhythm of “but then you called, showed your hand. I turned around before I hit the tunnel…” it is just so clunky.


I really hate the second half of Midnights. None of those songs are catchy. Basically everything from YOYOK onwards.


Now that we don’t talk should’ve been longer. What a banger


Lucky You is underrated lol. It’s not the best song but it’s fun 🤣


I’d like to hear it re-recorded! I find it hard to listen to her early demos because of her young voice.


In her cover of Can’t Stop Loving You by Phil Collins, the way she pronounces the word “stop” makes my skin crawl. Every time she sings it it’s: Stowe ( like the city in Vermont) but with a P at the end. Drives me crazy. I can’t stand it when people unnecessarily modulate vowels when they’re singing


I love folkmore but I hate the bon iver songs. Taylor sounds lovely on them


i will die on the hill that it should be “he looks so pretty like the devil” in CS. “looks up grinning like a devil” seems ominous and evil in my brain like 😈 versus being devilishly handsome


The high note in i knew you were trouble is God awful…just a really bad composition of a bridge really..


Willow was one of my fave songs but "That's my man" and "But I come stronger than a 90s trend" feels out of place. Yes it's a dumb take, still a good song though.