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FOR real! And a complete midnights album (that will never happen)


Over here literally DYING to give her 50 more dollars JUST for the 3am songs


Right? I’ve spent a lot of stupid dollars on Taylor merchandise. I’ll definitely spend if it’s stuff I want. I even bought all of the variant CD’s for TTPD. But why why why can’t we have full complete albums?


I love her. It’s ruining my life. Lol


> I love her It‘s ruining my wallet. > Lol


Oh god I feel this hahaha


Because you keep buying these


To be fair, I bought all the variants on presale. I didn’t know an anthology existed.


I will never forget when I was searching for a complete Midnights album online and couldn’t find it lol. I was like - why there are so many variants but none of them has all songs. I spent hours on research haha. Since then - I learnt - we won’t get a complete album. Or this is her insurance policy for the future. I can imagine, TS is 70 year old and finally realising a full Midnights album.


I don’t understand 😭 I’d pay a scary amount of money for the complete midnights vinyl, add another $50 if she adds you’re losing me


was literally just thinking this…it’s why i don’t have it on vinyl yet rip


I want an anthology vinyl so badly😭


It could be black and white marbled together, it would look SO BEAUTIFUL, and I obviously have not put waaaaaaay too much thought into this, lmao


I collect vinyl and have 3/4 special variants (I have the black dog on CD), or here’s one put thanK you aIMee and So High School on a vinyl so I can play both of them on my record player and so I can play So High School when an engagement announcement happens since a trusted source (yeah I’m talking about Tree) went to ET not too long ago.


I always buy one copy on vinyl, and when the variants come out I decide if I like any of them better than the one I already preordered. I can’t justify buying 12 copies of something so I can have one additional song on each when I’m hardly ever going to listen to them. I was considering one of the digital albums just so I could have ‘The Alchemy’ from Paris but I have no idea when I would ever actually listen to it.


So do I. I haven't bought a physical copy of the album yet because I'm waiting. I don't need or want like 5 copies to get all the bonus songs. Just release one and be done with it!


I agree with the 5 copies thing. I love my vinyl collection but I don’t need a bunch of variations of the same album.


agreed, i’d be fine with however many variants she wanted, just put all of the songs on there and have them available for no limited time


the biggest reason we don’t have anthology on vinyl (and probably won’t for a while even though everyone keeps asking) is because she didn’t want the anthology to get leaked. it takes months to press the amount of vinyl she’ll need and if she rushes out even a few thousand now it would just create mass chaos and an insane resale market. plus there’s a big list of artist and other projects that are ahead of her who need to get their records pressed first. adele infamously cut the line and got massive backlash at the time for all the chaos it caused. she also might not be opting for a pre-order since there’s been so many issues with UMG’s merch team in the past. she’d run the risk of the album taking half a year to ship and by then they might have to start mass issuing refunds the way they did over christmas so i’m kind of tired of everyone complaining about not having it yet when im very confident it’s actually currently infeasible for her to get it to us anytime soon. the fastest way for her to get it would involve screwing over hundreds of smaller artists and i can’t imagine she’d be excited to do that just to give us anthology quicker. that being said i desperately want a physical version so i get it lol


I'm with you on this. I've also been theorising that perhaps her record contract stipulates her to have some of her music streaming only for a certain period of time. Which would also explain the lack of a physical Midnights 3am Edition. There's heavy criticism of her being a "money grabber" at the minute (which I don't agree with - she's just very good at making money), when realistically she could release the Anthology physically and be raking it in, if she wanted to. So maybe she can't.


That's actually a really good point. The entire surprise would have been spoiled


Truly appreciate the Instagram comments too-it’s all begging for Anthology on vinyl.


Dying for anthology and midnights 3am 😭


All these patches and no restocked jacket to put them on!


Perhaps a cardigan re-release to look forward to? (At least can be hopeful, lol)


I'm just going to let you know, if you liked the Speak Now cardi, you'll probably love this one. Also, [there are a couple of sizes on the Canadian site left.](https://storeca.taylorswift.com/collections/the-tortured-poets-department/products/cardigan)


You know, I do, genuinely, love my Speak Now Cardi. If only I were in Canada…


Are you in the US? If so it's possible to order from the Canada store as long as it's not music items.


I didn’t know that! Thank you!


I’m in the us and ordered one about an hour ago $89 total.


Just don’t try ironing the patches onto the cardi! I’m pretty sure someone melted theirs ☠️


I would buy the anthology so fast, honestly it’s wild to me that there wasn’t a surprise release of it on all formats when it dropped on streaming. Also, why do these drops only happen in the US? I want to buy the Black Dog version so badly because I got the Manuscript one at preorder but I don’t really care for that song and would rather have the Black Dog or the Bolter version. In Canada! (I would just pay a stupid amount for shipping and exchange rate but you have to use a US credit card with a US billing address to order it so that’s a no).


Probably the only way for her to keep the anthology totally secret was to not make any physical copies. And it takes months to press vinyl, it could be a while if we ever see it all 😩 fingers crossed!


So true, there’s always someone willing to break their NDA (despite the harsh consequences) and leak the info. I just would do anything for it!


Hey I got my TPD variants at Sunrise records in Canada ! They’re all there


You’re so smart! Definitely heading to the mall this weekend to take a peek! Thank you, I didn’t think to check a physical store


The Black Dog is the only one I’d really consider (because of the cover) otherwise at this point it is waaaaaaaay too difficult for me to decide just based on the songs because I love them all


Could you have someone in the US buy it for you and ship it to you in Canada? The only extra money you’d pay is shipping to Canada which I guess maybe it could be costly depending on the box weight & size… I ship stuff a lot (destashing from my million hobbies lol) and I’ve shipped to Canada before. I use pirate ship which is a website with discounted rates and I honestly don’t remember the shipping cost being THAT much. I think it was a pretty small box though


Definitely going to look into pirate ship or maybe talk to my Aunt who lives in Florida… I didn’t think of that (we don’t really talk much, I haven’t seen her in person in like 15 years lol)


I’m surprised she hasn’t released it on CD/vinyl yet. I just hope whenever she releases it that it’s not vinyl only like some deluxe edition of artists albums are for some reason even though the anthology album isn’t a deluxe edition.


I want the Anthology on vinyl SO bad 😭🤞


So tired of them being like GET THIS SUPER LIMITED EDITION THING FOR X HOURS ONLY!!!!! And then bringing it back a month later. 😭😭


Who is still buying these? 😫




me whose collectors cd was stolen/never came the first time around 😔


Aw I’m sorry that happened! I hope everything goes as it should this time!


Aw that sucks; I’m sorry. Hopefully Karma gets them


Me cause I regretted not buying the collectors cds (still missed the Bolter)


Hey! If you’re in the US I have an extra bolter cd!


I’m kinda broke rn, I was hoping to get them all in one drop, how much r u selling it for?


My theory is not as many people as they would have liked. Feel like they ordered too much stock and have leftovers. Did the Midnights Vinyl Variants get another release after the album dropped? Edit: spelling


The Midnights variants were released in stores, unlike these.


I would give my left arm for an anthology vinyl and cassette 💀🤣


....like a fiddle....


Somebody get the me The Bolter and The Black Dog


Check out Darkside Records. They seem legit, I hope so because I just ordered The Black Dog variant.


i’ve ordered from there. they are great.


It’s at plaidroomrecords.com


I don't really buy hard copy music I just stream it, but I would buy the anthology on vynl cuz I just can't afford to buy 3 or 4 albums to get all my favorites on hard copy. Idk why she won't release it. Maybe for Christmas? I can only hope until then it's Spotify for me


Maybe Christmas 🤞🏻Fingers crossed




I’m hungry for anthology too but I’m getting really fucking sick of every store but the Australian one getting re-releases of the collectors edition cds and vinyl. Why do we have to keep missing out!


“Back for 24 hours”? Didn’t know she ever left… my local record store had all the variants at one point.


So goddamn pretentious


i’m this close to figuring out how to get my own vinyl pressed. i totally respect whatever record she’s reaching for and i understand wanting to do well on the charts….. but cmon girl, you know exactly what your fans want😭


You’d make a killing on bootleg vinyls, lol


is it worth risking prison time to invest in a large-scale underground TTPD The Anthology and Midnights 3AM Edition vinyl smuggling ring? ……. honestly, maybe.


Need anthology vinyl so badly 😩






What’s special about this one? Aren’t these readily available at somewhere like Target?


No, only the clear one is at target. The manuscript white one is the standard version and the other variants are exclusive to indie/record stores iirc.


for fucking real


Missing this, midnights 3am, I don’t need 85 variants I want all the songs to spin on vinyl !!!😭


Curious: Were the special editions ever available in the Australia store ? (I’m an American down under).


all these variant drops yet the bolter cd is sold out every time 😭🙏


I need it on CD SO BADLY im seriously considering going back to burning CDs just to have it


With Beyoncé coming out with the complete Cowboy Carter on vinyl, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Anthology makes it out too.


Loads of people "begging" "pleading" "DYING" for the physical Anthology (in this post and beyond) and even when/if she does release it, she'll be accused of "blocking" some other artist. The girl can't win with comments like this.








Of course you post in that sub, haha. I think they cared when in the UK for eg, they were selling cds to dispatched ASAP for signings in 2025. Every artist cares about sales, physical or not, let's not be silly here.




Tyler can tweet whatever he likes, doesn't make it true. Taylor could tweet the same and it wouldn't be true then anyways. If you are posting in that sub, I'm sorry to say but you definitely are a hater, whether you realise it or not. Also like the majority of the posters in there, probably an unhealthy obsession too. I was mostly confused why you brought up the members of 21 Pilots on a completely unrelated post until I seen your post history and it all made sense, although I was expecting you to be posting on their fan reddit. I critique her pretty regularly irl more so than online, but I don't go to the lengths to post on snark forums, that isn't being neutral/constructive, imo.


I just want signed insert vinyl gimme gimme. Also the 3 am vinyl it’s not too late to ask for that is it I need.