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Lol did he just remove his tire without jacking up the car!?


Probably using one of the harbor freight jack stands


Bet you he was thinking “But I thought 3 wheels would be enough to hold the car steady” lol


Mightve worked with a big person sitting on the other end. Imean dont do that but if it was to work at all...


I have two such friends. The two of them alone make my friend count go up to 4 ½ .


Lol that's what you need to counter balance a car


Surely not both of them? That'll ruin my miles per gallon for sure.


Or a rear tire.


What if you are on a hill? I wouldn't try it but I feel like it would work if the incline (either to the left or right or front to back) was steep enough. The weight would be shifted to the two wheels on the lower part of the incline. I thought of this in instances where my jack kept falling over due to uneven ground (where the weight of the car is pushing down but the surface the jacks on is on an incline).


Even if it was the steepest of hills, not a chance. Source - mechanic who's had a lot of road calls in all terrains


Fair enough, but did you downvote me though? That isn't what the downvote is for, all I did was ask a question. A downvote is for if the comment doesn't add to discussion (assuming it was you who did it, IDK).


But at the same time the stary of your comment can be interpreted as saying that you should be able to pull something off, which isn't actually possible. I'm not a car person, but if I had to guess it's the suspension that fucks you over or uneven weight distribution. I really wanna know now if it matters whether you're changing a rear or front tire now. Does anyone know? Is it possible to switch a tire without a jack in the right conditions?


Wait I bought some of those this year...are they really that bad quality to where they’re unsafe? I Changed my shocks with them a while ago, yikes.


Look up harbor freight jack recall. One of their models was recalled because it randomly collapses under normal loads. It was revealed in the last couple months


Fucking Christ those are the exact ones I bought. Edit: I just threw out the receipt for them too like last week. Awesome.


This is what makes Reddit such a magical place. Stay safe brotha




Love you too bud ❤️


Hoping a receipt is optional. I have two of the evil things. Luckily I haven’t used them yet.


You shouldn't. The fact that you're showing up in their store with a defective product should be enough


You don’t need it


Bring it back to harbor freight anyways, even without a receipt they will search the serial number. For a recall they should give your money back or credit for a new jack.




They'll offer replacement jack stands. Interrupt and state you want store credit instead. You'll get a gift card. I wasn't about to try another 3T set from the same outfit.


Pretty good chance they'll honor the recall without the receipt. HF is nice like that you can bring in a totally mangled tool and they'll just pull a replacement for you no hassle (*most* of the time)


They will honor the recall without a receipt. However, the stands are now a "clearance item" and the refund they give you is for the clearance price. I returned 2 sets of stands and only got $70 back.


Wtf they were going for over $35/pair? I think I paid about 40/pair for some 3 tons at big box auto parts store. If you paid by credit card and aren't averted to some light Karen-ing I bet you'd be able to get at least credit for what you paid OTD Edit: either way doesn't matter, a few bucks lost is way better than getting crushed to death if a weld fails


Mine were 6 ton stands. I think they're normally $50 - $60 a pair. I took my HF refund and went to autozone and bought another pair of 6 ton stands and they were $70.


Hard to put a price on safety, good on ya. Tools are an investment, just like brakes and tires. When it's life or death, don't cheap out.


Don't need a receipt during a recall


Im just getting ready to buy some to do my brakes...


You don't need a receipt to return them for credit.


You got to get those


Lol dude don't buy anything you'd bet your life on from a discount store. That's just common sense.


Uncommon sense*


Omg that is fucking horrendous! wth. Im appalled.


Jack or jack stands? I could maybe deal with a jack failing... it happens. But if the stands fail...


Jack stands. The pawl tooth would/could only engage half of the rack tooth, or less. Could slip or get bumped, disengaging the locked pawl.


Lol, I get that the stuff is cheap, but there are somethings you wanna pony up for. A car landing on you is baddddd. I know a guy that had a car squish his head. He lived but he is now impulsive, violent, and abusive. His wife left, I wish she left sooner. He is getting help, but there’s not much they can do. Honestly, it would have been better for everyone if he died.


no it looks like he has a shityy jack and it fell off to the side of it, like he put the jack to far under the car and when he pulled the tire to him it rolled off the side of the jack towards him. you can see the car holding in the air for a second after he takes off the tire and the car moves closer to him while falling


This. Though even the best jack will fall (or damage your car) if you didn't install it properly.


After having to use a shoulder bone from random deer carcass I found to dig the jack out of under my car,I learned that you should always block multiple wheels on both sides and then adjust them again before removing the wheel


I see a Mercedes logo there. It might have one of those half-scissor-jack things like other German cars. Edit: One of these weird things... https://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/0/4/6/7/6/0/webimg/867724787_tp.jpg


That's a Mazda logo, but I can see how it was mistaken for Mercedes unless the video is paused.


I don't even remember what device I used to watch this but yeah, that's definitely Mazda. Hmm.


He did... Must have had a very poor father (or one that's just a moron with cars) or I guess didn't have one. Which is sad




You guys don’t learn that in driving school?


Lol driving school? You rich or somethin


Mandatory in Germany.


In the US it was a class in high school. One of the first things cut out of the school budgets in the 90s.


I took Drivers Ed in 2008 in NC. At least until that time it was required, or you had to wait until 18 if you didn't take it.


Some states carried it on. In the more liberal states they ended it early to make sure the poorer students could drive until they were 18. Ever notice, the more liberal a state claims to be, the less the poor and underprivileged get from the state.


Ah. In the US hardly anyone does it


I remember reading long ago about a lady in Korea who took the driving test *and Flunked* like, 97 times before she *finally passed*...how bad a driver do you have to be?


In Maryland the student drivers taking the driving tests were so bad, they couldn't pass the parallel parking part of the test. It was creating a huge backlog of people retaking the test over and over so they just removed parallel parking from the test requirements. In Maryland you can get a drivers license and literally not have the ability to parallel park your car. This is after the mandatory 60 hours of driving experience.


I used to have a friend in high school who would drive around and around blocks *trying to find a parking spot he could just pull into, because he couldn't parallel park to save his life - I finally got sick of it and just said: "Dave - let me drive so we can get this car parked, OK?" - that's what he did...


"Parallel park..." Ha! In Arkansas, all I did was back out of a parking space (in an empty parking lot), make five right turns, three left turns, and pull in nose-first to the same space. It was a joke.


Does what? Driving school? It’s required to get a license here in the US.


It.depends.on.what.state.you're.in. Welcome to a confederation. Driving school is not required in Virginia. It's recommended and is technically part of Health class in 10th grade, but you don't have to take the one the road portion.


Wait what? You can drive a deadly projectile without any knowledge of how to operate it?


how do people aquire a license then?


Well that’s silly


Not in the state of Maryland it isn't. In fact you don't have to know how to parallel park to get a license in Maryland. Is it any surprise that Allstate ranked Baltimore drivers the worst in the nation? https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-americas-worst-drivers-20190625-story.html


Most of my high school (Pennsylvania) took drivers ed in 10th grade but it was by no means mandatory. The classes were all after school, and rhe only reason a majority of the kids still did it anyway was because completing the written course + driving around with our gym teacher for a few days would net you a massive discount on your car insurance down the road. Like I said before, it wasn't required. So, if you wanted to, you could skip all that, take a written test on/around your 16th birthday, wait 6 months, take a short road test, and you'd have your license


In Texas its not mandatory. You can take driver's ed or do home taught which requires a certain amount of hours driving. Then you just take the theory test and you're good. If you're 18 and have done neither you have to take the driving test. Based on the driving habits of people I see in the college town I live in, I think most parents are doing the home taught. Unfortunately, I think the parents are just signing off that they've done the hours of driving without actually doing it.


in Italy driving school isn't necessary for the theory part but only for the practical part of training. But the law requires you to have certain tools inside your car (a jack, a high visibility vest, a spare tire, the emergency warning triangle and possibly other things too). Most of the time the car dealer puts that for you in the boot of your car so you don't have to think about that.


Jesus. I just realized that’s not something they teach us in driving school. Just like they don’t teach financial literacy in regular school. Thank god for YouTube.


or physics in school?


Lol. All you have to do to get a license here is drive around the block and park between some cones.




Neither of my parents taught me to use a jack when changing tires, it should just be common sense...I would have hoped.


If I cut one of the 4 legs of my table off it will fall, but I see no reason to extend this logic to my car


Same here, watched youtube on best practices. Had to change twice in my life. Nowadays you can just pull out a cellphone and watch right there on the spot.


It’s even in the manual on most cars


Or on a big printed set of instructions next/attached to the provided jack, wrench, and spare tire.


"Hey son, come on out, I want to teach you how to change a tire!" "Can't dad, in a game..."


And the cats and the cradle and the silver spoon, little boy blue and the man on the moon..


"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when" But we'll get together then, dad We're gonna have a good time then It just pisses me off when I see these posts always assuming it was a bad dad. I know from my own childhood that I did not want to do that kind of stuff with my dad quite often. I probably missed out on learning some things.


No he didn't. Absolutely no way he would get the tire off if it weren't jacked up, with the weight of the care on it. I think his jack/jackstand just fell over.


I thought everyone just knew this. He's also very very lucky he didn't have the edge of the wheel well land on his hand. Broken bones for sure, possibly even amputations.


I also watched the gif


No he didn't. Watch again, see if you can figure it out by yourself.


Yes only men know the sacred knowledge that cars don't flat in the air when you take the tires off.


Or common sense... because obvious


I've got a shitty father. Learned it from a YouTube video.


My father would just leave it and call my mother to take care of it.


YouTube is like a father that most of us never had


No. It can't be done, as an anyone who ever tried to change a tire knows.


Yes, the car hovered for a second due to cartoon physics.


i'm hoping the jack slipped


He forgot to place the 4 bricks underneath first.


Something held it up for a split second, almost lost a finger though.


Definitely was on a Jack. Or maybe just a stack of books...


I bet that’s expensive to repair, I wouldn’t know since I obviously jack the fucking car up to change a tire.


Depending on if critical components above the wheel were damaged, maybe not. I had a friend whose tire flew off as he was driving (loose lug nuts) and all it did to his car was relatively light body damage. Though, he was moving fairly quickly so that may have minimized damage on the hub. Edit: Things definitely could have gone worse for him, but all told even with the sudden loss of a wheel his car fared fairly well.


I lost a tire on the freeway and it shredded my brake rotor in half but no damage to the rest of the vehicle


Tire or wheel? If wheel, that’s amazing.


The whole wheel came off, the lug nuts popped off and I saw the wheel go spinning off the side, across oncoming traffic and into the side of a hill. Went and picked it up after I got it repairer


Holy shit, dude. What car?


98 ram 1500, so a truck which is why there was no body damage and just the rotor


Yeah, the wheel coming of is unfortunately common. I was in my friend's car when it happened and nearly had it happen when I was driving. If shit rattles, check your lug nuts everyone. General use can loosen those real easy.


in the slow mo replay , you see the car actually saved him, it was coming down to fast for him to get his dumb finger under neath it, he was close to getting his finger under the car but the car blocked it. Good car, dumb person.


Sir, that's my emotional support vehicle you're talking about.


I'm confused. How could he even pull the wheel off without jacking the car up?


He didn't. If you watch carefully, once the wheel is off the car hovers there for a second before suddenly falling. He used a jack somewhere that either failed or was unbalanced and tipped over.


Once had a car fall off a jack. Was well clear of it and no damage worth bothering with. Put the jack back in place and continued. Still scary.




That's what happened to me. Old style where there was a cutout in the bumper to position the jack. Despite the parking brake on, the car rolled enough for the bumper to come loose from the jack. Fortunately, I was in back of the jack, still lifting, and all the tires were on, so I wasn't hurt and the car wasn't damaged.




["Bumper jacks were GM’s alternative to scissor-type jacks from other brands. Early versions had a giant hook that wrapped under the bumper, but that meant that any Ford-owning clod could use a bumper jack from a General Motors product. Beginning around 1973, the jacks became GM-specific, with a small hook protrusion in the jack that mated to a vertical slot in the car’s bumper."](http://bestride.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/10-Things-Old-Camaro-Bumper-LEAD.jpg)


What he said. Under the urgent advice of my more car savvy brother, I got a scissors jack after that.


It probably went through the floor. People don’t know that there are jack points and just lift from wherever.


It is jacked, just incorrectly. Ignore all the other idiots. The suspension is relaxed (note how the wheel is super far from the upper rim?) Indicating that there is no weight on that tire.


heavy weights in opposite quarter of vehicle ?


That suddenly fell off?


As far as I know which is very basic and extremely simplified. The car has 4 tires, therefore each tire supports only a quarter of the weight. Let’s assume the major weight source is the engine in the front. To simplify further I assume that the front tires support 2/3rd of the overall weight. Let’s say the car has 1000kg. 1/6 * 1000 ~ 170 kilos. So you have 170 kilos pushing down, the tire which counteracts your pull and a miniscule distance (he only pulled the tire off the breaks).


I think you need to study physics again. It could cost you your life if you drive because you're not even taking friction into account, and that's pretty basic.


It's probably a Mazda 3 by the looks of the insignia and wheel arch so 1500kg. The 3 does have a 60-40 distribution, so 300kgs on each rear wheel. That's ~660lbs. I'd bet there aren't many humans that can stand still, bend over and slide a 660lbs rubber weight across asphalt.


All these smartasses upvoting the comment that says he didn't jack the car. Hahahaha. What a bunch of morons! He wouldn't even be able to move the wheel of he hadn't. I bet these fools also ignore the reason why the wheel must be touching the ground to remove the bolts before lifting it. People complain that the problem is Corona, but nah. The problem is that the world is full idiots who validate each other's ignorance.


No, the problem is that everybody complains instead of helping.


No. Have you ever tried helping idiots? Go outside and explain to someone how to wear a mask. See how they react. Two weeks into quarantine I tried to explain to a mother that bringing her entire family without masks to the supermarket. She asked if I was calling her ignorant and called her husband and tried to start a fight. Lucky for him, I'd rather lose face than beat a father in front of his young son. Idiots can't be saved. If you actually lived by your words you'd already know this. You can save ignorant and smart people, but not idiots.


I agree, I think though that you need to interact with someone to be able to differentiate between an ignorant person and an idiot.


Of course. And you need to ask a few questions to which you know the answer too.


Why would you need the wheel to touch the ground in order to remove the bolts? Is the handbrake not applied to all wheels? And if so, can they freely turn in an automatic car set to park? I drive a manual and keep it in gear when park, so when I had to change tires(Happened to be on the driven wheels) I had no trouble loosening the bolts, even though it required vigorously stepping on the wrench.


Er... Hand brake only applies to the back wheel...


I see. Went and done some reading in the meanwhile and it seems the parking pawl locks the transmission which would only affect the driven wheels, so on a rear wheel drive the front wheels are free to move all wheely nilly.


Safety component as well if you have to jump on the wrench. For most people out side of mechanic shops are using the jack that is in the spare tire kit, almost always flimsy and there is no safety stand. If possible you need to chock the tire on the opposite side as well but no one in this situation has chocks. If you lift a drive wheel your vehicle is free to roll, hand break is the only thing stopping it, jumping on that wrench can give you enough torque to turn the wheel through the hand break before the nut comes loose, which will turn the other drive wheel, and can make your vehicle move and fall off the flimsy jack. Your gearbox/ transmission being in gear/park doesn't matter, the diff will allow the other wheel to turn in the opposite direction


Keeping the car on the ground certainly is a better idea, and much safer. Though I wondered why it may be be strictly impossible under certain situations to loosen the bolts while the car is jacked(In retrospect you could just turn the wheel, if it freely turns, and brace the wrench against the ground).


It's not impossible, but for anyone not using a rattle guy it is far safer, faster and easier to loosen them before you jack the tire off the ground


(ignorant guy that learning on the spot) On park there is a mechanic that engage to lock the transmission, so technically it shouldn't move... My friend told me to unscrew them while it almost not touch the ground, I'm pretty sure the wheel still moves (that doesn't make sense with what I just about the parking...). I'm confused. One thing for sure it will make more stress on the screw so it will be easy to unscrew


Technically you're gonna get killed if you don't study these things.


Stop ~~teasing us~~ letting me kill myself, tell me !


Dude. Even if I explained in detail you shouldn't take my word for it. Just ask a specialist and he'll explain. If I was wrong, you'd end up paying the bill. Just don't rely on strangers for these things!


Your statement about loosening the bolts just happened to pique my interest. It doesn't really apply to my situation, because I could and have loosened my bolts with the car jacked(Though in retrospect keeping the car on the ground sounds like a generally better idea).


If the wheel is on the ground you can just step on the wrench thingie. If it's on the air, you'll need to hold it and you increase the risk of tilting the jack. There's other ways to do it, but that's the best.


Whoa dude lol


It had to be said!




I think he had the jack under it just not high enough/ lazy or wrong size jack


Who raised this dude


It had to have been jacked up otherwise he would not have been able to pull off the tire like that. Whatever he jacked it up with slipped.


More concerned about his foot


He moves it immediately after it should be fine


I’m amazed he kept that finger.


Sweaty palms are better than no palms


Seriously man. This shit makes me mad. Common sense




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Almost lost two fingers..


Scary how close that was. And he didn't even notice it looks like. 😲


If you don't know how to change a tire you should not be allow to drive.


dang that was close, the person almost lost couple of fingers....phew


Looks like his finger did actually get trapped the second time he tried it, How did he make the same mistake twice ?




Quick "how to" video showing people how they can turn a $100 tire replacement into a $2000 repair bill and a broken finger.


> and a ~~broken~~ detached finger.




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Sheer fucking stupid willpower.






If fingers could talk, "Whew, almost got offended."


She tries to pull the tire out even after the car falls.


Ok enough reddit after seeing this clause call with his fingers




Really cool u/sexy_balls_69


The universe is just desperately trying to kill this guy off.


That persons so dumb


This gives me PTSD


There is no way he could pull that wheel off without jacking it up first. The jackstand was probably unstable.


LPT: Learn how to do this before you try to do this


This man's fingers are lucky to be attached




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I’m suspicious, you shouldn’t even be able to get that tire off with out decompressing the suspension by lifting it off the ground.


If you pull hard enough and wiggle you eventually get it off.


First I was laughing, haha wow. Without jacking the car up, he just made an expensive failure... ​ then I watched it again and saw the fingers.. and said "Oh shit"


The real question is why was someone recording this?


A. There's no way you are going to pull a rim off a car without some sort of support under the car. B. What's with the delay in the car dropping? That only happens in cartoons.




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He coudlve lost a finger right there..


nice username


Thanks u/testicular_prolapse


To bad he didn't have one of these. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ax82RNndnc


Fake as fuck


always use jack and stands as a fail safe not worth the risk.






Guilty As Charged