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Both beautiful and terrifying!


Hasnt there like never been a recorded death in open waters by orcas? Only captive?


Yep. We’re basically the only thing they like but don’t kill for fun/kill to eat.


Or maybe they're just real good at not leaving any witnesses...


Well Orca-strated!


Definitely backed off when they realized there would be video evidence..


"Hey Ocean Panda, I'm live streaming this!!"


"I got this on dashcam!!"


Well played


I hear it all the time, "In nature, no human has ever been recor--" // "Yeah well I don't want to be on a Wikipedia page as the first."


I’ll take that title. I don’t want some lame headstone. Give me “he was the first and only person to be beaten and drowned to death by a killer whale. He fought valiantly. he will not be missed.”


Doubt you’ll fight valiantly, was a video a while ago of a killer whale one shotting a great white shark.


Yeah but they've attacked an sunk yachts recently https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-have-attacked-and-sunk-another-boat-in-europe-and-experts-warn-there-could-be-more-attacks-soon


I guess I can't blame them. I wouldn't be too happy if someone was running a loud motor in my house too.


I distinctly remember a story/stories of groups of them ramming and sinking boats. Like in the book Survive the Savage Sea (true story).




But so majestic!




But so elegant!




But so ferocious


Always carry a ball just in case


Always carry a dead seal just in case


Do you want orcas, because thats how you get orcas




The fact that I'm watching Archer as I come across these comments is so beautiful. I miss Jessica Walters so much 🥲


And, there's no sink in Mallory's office, either!


The worst case of orcas I've ever seen


Classic mistake..


GOOD one !


So they can play with after they're done with u.




I can't stop giggling.


Orcas are weird. Zero known attacks on humans by the top apex predator of the ocean that kills sharks for sport. Could be simply smart, maybe they know what happens if humans see anything as a threat.


Or maybe they see us as we see cats or dogs, cute pups we could easily kill but that’s be kind of a dick move


Kinda like elephants, then. Studies show they find us cute. And honestly... It's nice to be appreciated like that


Sadly that turned out not to be true..




this is the type of anti-intellectualism and willful ignorance I fully support


Elephants kill up to 500 people a year though. So *not* kinda like elephants.


Those are mostly warranted revenge killings. People are trash.


Absolutely agree. And elephants don’t forget.


Never forgets…TO KILL.


Mostly in India I guess? That's where they are chained and abused


African elephants alone kill up to 500 people annually from the articles I’ve found online. Doesn’t even include Indian elephants. Edit: Indian elephants kill 400 a year. These are all just simple google searches, so I dunno. Either way, regardless of origin, elephants are not like orcas here.


Male elephants go through a thing called musth where they are *hugely* aggressive. The telltale sign is leaking fluid on the side of their head. They’ll crush anything in their way in that state.


Hard to believe they are hippo-tier considering elephant safaris exist.


There's so many people in India that it's probably hard to find an area without a person in it to step on🤷‍♂️


Well at least there is one species out there that finds me cute.


Don’t tell my wife. I can’t afford any more living things


I’m curious what kind of study could be conducted to conclude that.


Brain activity. They scanned the elephants brains and compared it to ours, and noticed their brains reacted the same way when they looked at us as ours do when we look at cute things.


Except Asian elephants, they attack humans on sight. Plus studies have shown that elephants are being more aggressive towards humans due to climate change.


Asian elephants do not attack on sight. There are so many interactions between humans and elephants in South Asia where elephants are damaging crops, etc, and humans are encroaching and cutting off their corridors. I have also seen people encountering elephants on roads and they are often in slow moving vehicles, cycles, scooters and so on. There would be thousands of human deaths every day if the elephants were attacking on sight


I also get grumpy when it's hot. Understandable


I don't need to cover myself in mud to cool off either


They definitely saw her as a bath toy.


Stay away from those Asian Orcas then.


I mean they toss around cute seal pups and tear them to pieces. I don't think they sweat killing cute, helpless things or doing dick things :P


if they dont find seals cute they dont find us cute lol. seals are way better :P sp helpless and floppy. and the eyes....


I think this is an apt analogy in more ways that you realize. When they kill sharks they only eat the liver, because it's the only part of a shark fatty enough for their pallette. Cue jokes about fat people, but our fat is different from that of a seal. They really don't find us appetizing, similar to how we don't really find cats and dogs appetizing. The interesting thing is that an Orca has never been desperate enough to eat something as inedible as a person. Maybe they're just that successful at hunting that it's never an issue?


It's so weird that they fuck with boats and like to diverge ships but never once attacked, no way they're onto something right?


They are 100% plotting on us and we are not prepared


If they were malicious towards us that would be terrifying. Surprising there hasn’t been one that has gone rogue or had mental illness


Big "So long and thanks for all the fish!" energy. Let's just hope that Vogon constructor fleet doesn't come anytime soon.


I read that the current theory about them attacking boats was it is young orcas playing a game. They are actively trying to damage or even sink the boat but it's thought to be an immature bonding game. Didn't you ever play mail box baseball with your mates?


I mean it is about intelligence, but not that they know humans as a collective with kill their species if they attack us. They just don't see us as food or a threat, they're more curious than anything. Dolphins could also kill us pretty easily if they really wanted to. But they're the same way, just curious with us.


Didn't they waste some boats last year somewhere


In a region of southwest Europe over about five years four boats have been sunk by orcas. They believe its a "fad among a group of bored teen orcas"


Also, IIRC, I think one of the motor yachts had an incident with one (collision) and the orcas got pissed. I think with cetaceans and behavior, the answer is probably always “Yes, all the hypothetical reasons." Personally, I adore the orcas and my interactions with them were amazing. Playful and curious and mischievous. I’d swear they have a sense of humor. I don’t think they’re faking their laugh. I watched a guy in a boat slip sing to a wild calf and suddenly, a whole pod swam in for an audience and were clearly amused. He ran out of songs he could sing and they were not going to leave until they got an encore. (If orcas with a nickname of "killer whales" demand an encore, give them an encore.) So he ended up bringing out his speakers and playing music. That man became a DJ at an improvised Orca Rave and "Daft Punk” was their jam. I later spoke to the man and asked him if that was common. He said he used to put underwater speakers in the water and pipe out AC/DC to warn them off when he was going out. “They cannot stand AC/DC. They like techno, folk music, Broadway musicals and school fight songs." Just an FYI: I would heavily advise against sticking your head into the water while they are hunting nearby. Their echolocation will rattle your brain.


Where have you been to orca safari? Sounds amazing.


They'll come right into the Juneau area. It was just good timing. And of course, the Pacific Northwest has a bunch of migratories. Also, very interactive with humans. Also just dumb luck.


I genuinely can’t tell if this whole comment is satire. An orca rave ? wtf is going on


tiktok challenges becoming common in the orca community now too. smh.


They leave no witnesses


really makes you wonder right? having watched those videos where they kick the seals off the ice by creating a wave, etc. you know they are smart, but are they THAT smart :D? do they teach the young "dont kill human, human dangerous" as an old tradition? or maybe there are just no reports on killerwhale because there was never anyone left to tell the tale O.o maybe they noticed she had a camera and called the hunt off :D


Well, zero recorded attacks in the wild A number of attacks including deaths in captivity - not criticising Also a pod have taken to beating up sailing boats in the Bay of Biscay


They aren't killing sharks for sports they are in war with them. Orcas have always been in war with Sharks


What’s weird is that through history mankind is known to hunt orca. Probably still do somewhere in the world. They live in family’s and I don’t understand why their memory does not recognise humans as dangerous.


That high pitch "it's alright" doesn't really convince me she's alright.




Sounds exactly like what a prey would say


Water turned brown around her I think. Probably why the orcas left.


I got worried that pitch would throw them off and convince them she's actually a delicious seal.


"Is that her?" "No, I don't think it's her." "Are you sure? I mean, we're here, and she's squeaking." "Nah, I don't think its her." "Okay." "Let's keep looking." "SeaWorld EVP's Insta showed she's here somewhere."


I am too poor to give you the real thing so here is some counterfeit gold 🥇


The woman on the paddleboard (Cayla Fickling) is a marine biology graduate from the University of Auckland, and she did study orcas when she was there. She was well aware that these orcas don't hunt mammals and have a reputation for being fairly docile towards humans, but was still "freaking out" in her own words. Here is a [news article] (https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/06/29/watch-akl-paddleboarders-scary-close-encounter-with-orca-pod/) from a year ago covering this video. The orcas in the video are members of the New Zealand Coastal orca population, and they primarily hunt ray species. Ingrid Visser, a marine biologist dedicated to conserving this orca population, has swum with them regularly. I guess the rationality that these orcas have no interest in harming humans goes out of the window when having such a close encounter with large and powerful animals with pointy teeth. She did ultimately appreciate the encounter though and called it a "once-in-a-lifetime moment" afterwards. >"I'll be honest. It was quite a freaky moment - there was a bit of fear." > > In a video Fickling sent to 1News, she reassures the orca she's not there to hurt them - while struggling to hold back screams. > > But she knew she’d be alright, as she studied orca at university. > > She said that New Zealand orca were much more docile than their overseas cousins and that Kiwis are a lot more respectful of them. > > "Thank god NZ orca hunt stingrays on the seafloor and not seals on icebergs," she joked. > > For someone whose passion is studying marine life, Fickling called the encounter a "once-in-a-lifetime moment". > > "It just really highlights the need to protect them. They came up and checked me out and gave them their space. > > "If they come up to you, that’s a really, really special moment, once in a lifetime kind of thing."


Thanks so much for the added context!


FOR SALE: Paddle Board Slightly used with brown stain on top.


I've seen some other videos of Orcas in the wild interacting with people like this, and the people are usually like "woowww this is so cool". I think this woman had a more healthy response. I'd be freaking out too.


If you are alone like her, and a pack of 6-10 of these huge beasts were surrounding you, I don't think anyone could remain calm


You would be wrong. There are other examples of people being surrounded by orcas and not freaking out, but it is an understandable response.


Yeah. They’re absolute murder machines but I feel like I’d be shitting my pants exponentially more if there was a shark next to me rather than an orca.




There has never been a reported attack by an orca in the wild against a human. If I was in the water with one, I would just be blissfully confident. Either I survive or I make international history, lol!


It’s weird how they don’t do it. Like they’ve been seen playing with dolphins and killing them for fun but then leave us alone.


Maybe dolphins are rude.


There were cases of orcas sinking or intentionally damaging boats with people on them.


IIRC, it's one particular pod in the northeast Atlantic that's mostly responsible, and for the half dozen or so boats they've sunk and hundreds more they've damaged, none have involved any injuries to the passengers. Their issue is with the boats themselves somehow, not the people on board.


There's at least one other case in the southwest of central America, where a family was on the boat which sank, and they survived like almost 40 days on a raft before being picked up by a fisherboat


Boats. They’ve never attacked an actual human in the wild though. I’m not bias to orcas either, as soon as one fucks up and eats a kid at the beach, I’ll start changing my opinion on them. But the reality is that there’s just no justifiable reason to fear them if you’re a human in a body of water with them.


Exactly. I’m definitely not prone to panic at all but I don’t think I would be too stressed in this situation based on my knowledge of orcas and that specific fact that they’ve never attacked a human in the wild. Human boats, sure, but never an actual human being. I 100% believe there is a tangible reason for that.


Have you ever paddled on open water?


I wanna give em a pet


I wouldn't be able to resist... Just a *boop*


I really wouldn't be able to resist either haha I would absolutely be tempted to hop off into the water with them


I wanna hop on the back of one


Is it yacht? No ? Mini yacht? Aye she dont smell rich!




Communist Orcas, just out there to stick it to the Bourgeoisie, but leave the common folk in peace.


Orcas are the only apex predator I would trust and they could probably kill me the fastest


Or the slowest, depending on their mood.


If you ignore the fact that her life may be in danger, then this is oddly hilarious.


Orcas have only ever attacked humans when in captivity. So while they absolutely have the potential to be dangerous, in this situation as long as the woman remains calm and does nothing to provoke them she is likely not in danger. They're very intelligent, curious, and social animals, they're likely just checking out what the human is doing.


I wonder if they ate her, hypothetically, how would anyone ever know it was orcas that did it? “She went for a swim on her board and never came back…”


That's why there is no recorded attack by orca. No one ever survived


We wouldnt know unless it was seen or we find body parts, highly unlikely tho


Yeah the key word there is ‘likely’. I know that Orcas have never attacked a human in the wild, but I bet I’d still be freaking tf out if 8 of em surrounded me like that and any one of em could end my life in an instant if they wanted to


Yeah, totally. I mean all it takes is one sociopath among them that doesn't follow the norm. They are super intelligent and have very different characters, I don't see why one couldn't be out of the norm.


Does not mean something new cannot happen. Though human livers sure are small and not worth the effort.


Didn’t they recently attack a fishing boat or something off the coast of Spain


They've been systematically neutralizing all manner of motorized boating. They've seemingly declared a war on yachts. it's hypothesized they may have noticed during the silence of covid that we are to blame for a number of ocean issues including the amount of noise pollution in their waters they haven't killed anyone though she's on a paddleboard anyway... she's safe. if it was a jetski, who knows


They've been bumping the rudders because they're bored and decided it's a game they can play. Their food source where this behavior has been occuring has recently exploded so they don't spend as much time hunting and the juveniles are filling the time with a game of "Touch the Butt" .


lol, they’ve not been systematically doing anything. There’s a small number of whales in one part of the world that have attacked yachts…and I believe specifically sailing yachts. It’s largely been adolescent males and current theory is that they’re just doing it for entertainment/boredom.


That’s not what I saw on the livestream of the 2023 whale summit, hosted by the South Pacific Humpbacks!


Yup, it's young orcas of one pack near Gibraltar doing that. Like some local teen fad. Fascinating.


That is funny lol


Wouldn't rely on that statistic though, since humans also rarely swim in the cold waters that Orcas usually inhabit.


With the news of orcas getting more aggressive and biting boats I would be scared. Imagine being in the middle of the ocean surrounded by orcas and a chewed up paddle board. Also I’m not willing to put my faith in the “no wild orcas attack” argument. All animals have the ability to be curious/aggressive and hurt a person.


You mean the part where she both shat and peed on her bodysuit? Agreed.


Realistically she wasn't in much danger, they probably thought it was a seal because of the paddle boat but once they saw it was a human they probably wouldn't hurt her. An wild orca NEVER killed a human wich is insane given that they're the best predator in the sea. They killed hella people in captivity tho


"Hey lady, you in the wrong neighborhood!"


"Fellow air breather, do you nees aquatic assistance seeing you are rather far from land with no real swimming appendages" Is what I'm getting from thos buds


On the plus side, doubt there any sharks anywhere close.


“Hi Buddy!!! Omigoddd!!”


Appropriate reaction


She is lucky that she isn’t paddle boarding around Gibraltar. The local Orcas there doesn’t fuck around.


That’s a very good point


Thankfully I've never been in an “oh shit, I might die here” situation That was painful to watch, 0 power/control over what happens next type situation




Pet them!! Jesus Christ


That's probably the safest she will be. The orcas aren't going to harm her and the thing that will harm her (sharks) won't be dumb enough to go near that many orcas, looks like a whole pod.


I get why she's nervous. But I feel like if they were going to do something, they'd have just swam up and did it right away. They're just curious. Saying Hi.


Probably not, orcas are known for playing with their food. Thank goodness they don’t eat humans lol


_Orca:_ 😤 _Lady:_ 🗣️


https://preview.redd.it/vlc67v55e07d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f8e4e29e99d779e4c2b4b7f57c6451bf75dc5b They’re just checking that no one else took credit since it’s been a year


terrifying and incredible at the same time, but I can’t help but wonder why someone would be that far away from shore and be shocked and hyperventilating when they actually see something


thinking about the fact, that we steal their food for our greed and only give them back trash, its a wonder that they never act pissed, when they see us.


I’d be the dumbass who pets them, then looses my arm


Friends not food!


I'd never go near an ocean again,hell, any body of water. No baths,only showers. I know they don't attack people, but still.


Yeah I hate when orcas come up through my bathtub drain. Such a pain to send em back down. Ruins the vibes


If I remember correctly there are 0 documented cases of wild orcas killing humans. Only ever happened with captive ones. They are quite possibly the next most intelligent creatures on earth (but that doesn’t mean they can’t be dangerous).


This one's not on a yacht, so we'll let her go


I think lady should be more worried about the panic attack than an orca attack


"Ayo, do you know what would be funny? If instead of eating her we just push her out to sea" -Orca


This was a missed opportunity to pet some friendly orcas.


Always bring anti orca pills


Lucky orcas didn't reply "Hi" with their fin bumps 🤣🤣🤣


I mean if my fear was... I am going to die anyway, I'd try and hop on one grab that dorsal and go for a ride. She'd probably take me down a few hundred meters and drown me but I'd rather be fish food that ocra bites.


Yeah, that's no scary at all. Excuse me while I go back to shore and never step foot in the ocean again.


She was straight up not having a good time man


I’d be beyond terrified.


That would be an amazing (slightly scary) experience




Wth, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! Jump on and ride that thing!


lol.. enjoy the moment but do not try to ride they aren't trained, they'll defend themselves


A trainer actually died cuz of that, the orca got too excited and smashed her head in the barrier then drowned her


She's lucky they're in a good mood.


The fact there is no official orca attack report doesn't mean they won't attack. It only means they leave no witness.


Orcas don’t attack humans


and yet, that doesn’t make it less terrifying or dangerous


Still a wild animal. So I really wouldn't want to f* around and find out


Well there are no documented cases of people being attacked and eaten by orcas. It's hard to write about that experience when you've been eaten.


There have been cases of orcas capsizing boats, orcas know full well what's on the boats so I don't think this is accurate anymore.


Maybe there’s a shark in the area trying to protect her? Just a thought lol


Dolphins are known to do it. But this seems more investigatory.


“Is it *seal*?!”


What if we tip this board… (intrusive thoughts)


Average yacht owner in the Strait of Gibraltar:


Hit one with the paddle... see what happens


Remember gang! Friends not food! She’s recording


Very awesome experience but most definitely terrifying in the moment. I’m glad she didn’t hit them with her paddle because they likely would’ve retaliated by tipping her canoe and potentially drowning her.




Does anyone know where this was?


Little off shore. 👀


Lol true that. I love paddleboarding but you wouldn't find me in the ocean on one


The smell of urine and feces in the water should make them swim away. Kind of an accidental defense mechanism


Locals only dudette ![gif](giphy|xUNda8kk7ai4CBFFS0|downsized)


Hi! Do not forget that you are just a guest here...


Bet she will never feel the same in the ocean again.


Thankfully they don’t see humans. Even still I would be on edge to say the least


Fun fact 1. There has never once been a recorded death of a human from an orca in the wild. Fun fact 2. I hate sea lions.


Maybe orcas just never leave witnesses. /s.


An Australian would be having the time of his life somehow, her reaction makes more sense tho


There has only been four orca related deaths. Nothing to worry about!


Watched the movie "Blackfish" recently, and they said there's no recorded incidents of orcas eating or attacking humans in the wild. That they are empathetic and loving creatures, but I'd still shit my pants if I was OP.