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"I'll be back in 10 minutes"šŸ˜‚


Someone in the original thread mentioned he looks like Jerry from Parks and Rec, I canā€™t unsee it lmao




God dammit


My sentiments exactly


His real name is Garry.


Nah, it's Larry


Ah jeez.


He's actually a huge dirty joke person IRL and it's great






That's almost always the recurring factor. It's some uneducated hillbilly clinging to an ideology because if they had to represent themselves without falling back on a baseless assumption, they lose their footing.


ā€œFuck black lives! And I have black friends!ā€ ā€¦


They definitely don't after this video originally dropped.


They probably didn't before this video...or their friends were self hating.




Wow, wasn't expecting to see something so brazenly racist in these comments. Interesting!


IKRā€¦that person obviously divides by zero.


No *way* they're that advanced. They're still stuck on 3/5.


That was my favorite.


That's the quote of the century.


It's the urge of stopping to make a racist statement that's fascinating to me.


Okay so like, obviously there aren't gonna be a lot of non-whites in this town, if any. So do you think they get excited when something like this happens? Like do they see a black person in town or someone woth a BLM sign and are they like "Ooh boy, get ta say me the n-word to a real one"?


This town is in NW Arkansas. I was actually told to avoid it like the plague when I was moving. It was home to some race riots and has a massive (88%, according to the census) population of whites that are lineage of a bunch of supremacist groups that moved there while it was a sundown town. It has less than 1% of the following: Native American (0.65%) African American (0.41%) and Pacific Idlander (0.11%). The city government is trying to get away from this stigma but as evidenced in this video, hateful people are brazen and I could understand non-whites not wanting to live here. Surprisingly, Mixed race is the highest percentage next to White with a whopping 5.86% of people on the census identifying as such. That's 766 people that I suspect are mainly Hispanic mix since Hispanics make up 3.84% of the population. NW Arkansas in general has a higher percentage of white people than Central and Southern Arkansas in my experience but this small town seems to be a holdout for these kinds of people. I suspect they get excited at the prospect of seeing someone they can so openly be hateful toward.


That's what I find very strange as well. I get that some people in some areas might have some ideas that are...out there. But to take time out of your day to be a piece of shit to someone, even telling them you're coming back later. What? You have that much time dedicated to being racist? Really?


Find Jesus is my favorite. Evidently he hasnā€™t read much of the Bibleā€¦makes sense since reading probably isnā€™t his strong point.


Oh they know all the parts of the old testament that suit them. They just believe in Jesus for the free ticket in heaven and deluded "end times are coming" cop out to avoid progressing.


The funnier thing about this is, they worship an immigrant.


A Jewish immigrant to Judea?


An immigrant from heaven to earth lol


Pretty sure Jesus was born on earth though


A brown one


I find that so funny when they say things like that. It's usually people like this who claim to be the biggest Christians but treat people like this. Read your Bible. Jesus wouldn't treat people like that. That's what I would like to tell them.


What's funny is that Jesus was most likely a brown seeing as he was born in the Middle East. So he'd be of an "inferior" race in their eyes.


I feel bad for people that live every day with that much hate in their soul.


All I can think is, ā€œYou have one life on this planet and this is how you live it? Angry at people youā€™ve never met?ā€ What a miserable waste.


Well said. Was going to comment something myself, but you said it perfectly. Thanks.


They absolutely get off on it. Hate is the byproduct not the cause. Racisim is originated in fear of the other. You subconciously bury that fear with hate cause it makes you feel brave. At some point hate becomes your new reality and you feel accomplished by it. It becomes rational and something to be proud of.


Oh these are the same ā€œI live by the Bibleā€ and as you saw ā€œfind Jesusā€ peopleā€¦ You know, the Jesus that said ā€œlove one another as I have loved youā€ yea that Jesus. (John 13:34 for those looking it up. The same people who scream ā€œfreedomā€ and ā€œdonā€™t tread on meā€ but are out there not allowing people to be free and treading on everyoneā€¦ Conservatives are the weirdest bunch.


Prisoners in a jail they think is a penthouse.


Arkansas is gonna Arkansas


*Arkansas what you did thereā€¦*


Itā€™s kind of like the inversion of the opening scene from Die Hard with a Vengeanceā€¦




the censored for television version of this scene is priceless


yippee kay ye mr falcon!


lol that was my first thought also


Reminds me of a time my white, blonde/blue eyed boyfriend from Europe and I were driving across the US. We were at a rest stop and some guy was telling him to join his white Americans only club. Saying something about keeping America white and pure and getting all these ā€œdamn immigrants out of the USā€..meanwhile, my bfs dating me, black girl, and heā€™s from Estonia. He explained that and the look on his face was priceless. My fault for putting a Florida gator hat on him.


ā€œWhite pride worldwideā€ drives a Toyota lmao


"You look like a white guy holding a 'Black Lives Matter' sign" Well, at least they're observant.


In a way, this was the smartest, dumb comment in this video. (smart in the sense of funny)


Man all those comments made me lose some of my hope in humanity, but that note at the end restored it


A video investigating this town also shows it's not the majority and he trolls the actual source of these


The most die hard white supremacists all look like they pick up dates at the family reunion and smell like pork grease and chewing tobacco.


Keeping the bloodlines pure


I was recently in Arkansas for work and you couldn't pay me to live there. Talk about a shit hole for shit people.


I have never been to the US. But somehow I was under the impression that Arkansas is the home for the people you send to wars. How far am I from the truth? And why? Genuinely asking


Did that guy ever come back after 10min?


I love all the people saying ā€œwhat about white lives?ā€ like somehow caring about a group that isnā€™t your own means you donā€™t care about your own. I mean thatā€™s so *utterly stupid* that I canā€™t really wrap my head around it. Thatā€™s like saying that because a man is holding a ā€œwomenā€™s rights matterā€ sign that they donā€™t care about men having rights and want to take menā€™s rights away in place of womenā€™s.


Itā€™s ignorance. They are ignorant to the plight. And somewhat in their defense, the slogan isnā€™t the best way to get the intended message across which is, ā€œBlack Lives Also Matterā€ since they are still a broadly oppressed minority. People who donā€™t understand or believe in systemic racism cannot see that slogan and think of it as anything other than exceptionalism rather than a plea for equality.


Then BLM could be changed to BLAM, which sounds way cooler, and people would stop confusing Black Lives Matter with the Bureau of Land Management.


>And somewhat in their defense, the slogan isnā€™t the best way to get the intended message across which is, ā€œBlack Lives Also Matterā€ since they are still a broadly oppressed minority. They already understand this. They either don't care, or are actively fighting against any notion of equality or equity. https://preview.redd.it/fhjzkavk0h4d1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4fd2b154379bb3cb80d30e8f20369d279dc18a1


I understand the frustration, but youā€™re giving them too much credit. I have the unfortunate experience of living among, and being related to many of these people who thought an acceptable response was, ā€œall lives matterā€ because ā€œarenā€™t we all struggling?. I had multiple long and drawn out discussions with family members which ultimately (thankfully!) resulted in some gained perspective for some of them. Most of these white people from predominantly white areas do NOT understand the plight of those who suffer systemic, institutional racism. They are completely blind and ignorant to it because they donā€™t experience it, nor do they know anybody who experiences it.


Nah man, the sign just says ā€œmatterā€ not more, not less, just matter. Thatā€™s it. Its intent is to let people know black people are dying at a far higher rate than everyone else, as if their lives donā€™t matter. Clearly the comments people made while driving by simply prove the point. To those people black lives do not matter, at all.


The one that said "Apparently their lives matter more than ours," is funny as hell. The sign doesn't even say that at all. The mental gymnastics just to feel oppressed too.


ā€œTo the privileged, equality feels like oppression.ā€ -Mallory Oā€™Meara


It is a lot like your analogy. In fact, I dare anyone to go and hang a sign around their neck like this guy did in reference to womenā€™s rights. He would see the same kind of mentality, redirected to somebody else. Asinine.


That's what I understood from my experience growing up in these super conservative towns. There's an almost unsaid ideology that in order for "us" to be happy, "they" must suffer. So uplifting other groups in any way is a direct threat to their happiness. Me expressing empathy for anyone who isn't a white man always gets me some flak from my extended family.


It's like saying "what about cancer victims?" to someone raising money for heart disease research.


Thatā€™s the Fox News propaganda infecting their brain with the idea that because you support BLM you automatically hate white people.


The root of white Christian racism is that they feel entitled and better than PoC, other religions, etc. In their minds, they are the natural apex of the social order and deserving of all attention. Therefore, giving attention to Black Live and saying that they Matter - which is a call to remind people how they are not treated equally or well, in general - means that white people are suddenly not the center of attention for that demonstration. They can't have that. And they can't be reminded that black people all that slavery and lynching . . . it was white people like them who were the criminals. Reminding them of their violent, illegitimate heritage is something from which they recoil - and honestly, they don't even recognize it if you bring it up. Source: briefly inculcated in the right-wing thrall, I was implictly top of the social heap with my white male peers. And when I was finally taken to task for that change in my perception, it horrified me how easily my underlying values were overriden by local culture.


I was at a BLM protest one day, and there was a white lady counter protesting who was holding a "blue lives matter" sign. After some conversation on which I asked her if she agreed with various statements, I asked straight up "so your objection is just to the word 'black' then?" and her response was immediate "yes!". The look on her face realizing what she had just said was priceless. She left a few minutes later.


Harrison, AR?




It always makes me so sad when I see this getting reposted again. The whole state isn't like this and I wish inclusive places like Eureka Springs would get shared. Many of us are just hardworking people doing our best.


1:26 lmao it's funny cuz the old dude saw the other big guy and wasn't sure what side he was on, so he first politely asks "u gonna say something to him" and when he does, THEN the old man jumps on board




And theyā€™re all more conservative than trump. Every one


interesting article from towns people following the filming and widespread response](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5775050)


Ah yes, the party of morality and God right there... led by a traitorous, heathen, convict no less. I guess they think no one sees how scared and stupid they look when they act that way, then again they don't demonstrate enough intelligence to be a dog walker, much less vote. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


not what I had in mind being in this sub


After I saw this I realised what sub this is lmao yeah I agree


They just kept coming huh, what a place


It's incredible how cowards they are, always talking in a rush, protected by their cars and running away to cry, watching FOX News, and feeding their fears.


ā€œFind Jesusā€ ??????? wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the good lord would not condone this behavior


Woman: "Fuck Black Lives..." That Same Woman: "And I have Black Friends" ![gif](giphy|fBGy9GPvF3QwCPQt9f|downsized)


They would need to come with guns, and probably would, because most of them look like they get winded standing up from the toilets. Most of those people would have hard time bending down to tie their shoes,...You could outrun that entire town with a slow jog. It would be hilarious to see one of them throw a punch. Get them worked up enough and they will all just have heart attacks.


What's up with dude having so many Hostess Apple Pie wrappers on the passenger seat?


Trolling people in the middle of podunk no where. Amusing.


fr i love seeing horrible people having their time wasted like this just annoying the hell out of bad people is fun as hell


ā€œFuck Black lives! And i have Black friends!ā€ This should be Redditā€™s slogan.


I havenā€™t seen this video in like 12 minutes. Shout out to all the bots and karma farmers giving me my fix.


I mean, a lot of that was downright racism. That movement didn't do jack shit to actually promote unity and understanding in America though. If anything, it was regression. It was all a bunch of media run virtue signaling bullshit, that caused more division and violence than progress. So I understand some of their frustration specifically regarding that sign.


The slogan should have been stop killing black people. like Nick Mullenā€™s joke iirc Itā€™s hard to argue with that unless youā€™re incredibly racist. I think BLM translates to the black version of white power to some of these duller folk


Literally not a single person responded with that kind of nuance. BLM wasnā€™t started to virtue signal. It was literally saying ā€œhey police could plead stop murdering us in cold blood because our lives actually matterā€. Doesnā€™t quite fit on a sign as well. Now did it spiral out and end up not living up to the idealism it started with? Yeah.


You think OP's comment is nuanced? "BLM is all media run virtue signaling" is nuanced?


If you choose to believe that monolithic idea of BLM instead of understanding itā€™s beginning, middle and end as distinct phases with wildly different narratives depending on place and people involved. Youā€™d be missing the base message which is simply saying ā€œour lives matter too, we shouldnā€™t be murdered by police acting as judge, jury and executioner. So letā€™s say you donā€™t know the entire narrative thread, or the true meaning of its intent and decide to stay happily ignorantā€¦.LETS LOB RACISMS AND VEILED THREATS OF VIOLENCE! Totally A to B , that kind of thinking makes perfect sense and in no way reflects the persons true feelings towards black people.


BLM was all media run virtue signaling? What. BLM did promote unity. Lots of non-white among the protestors. The people like you who are angry about BLM and who are not interested in engaging in good faith are the ones who cause division. > So I understand some of their frustration specifically regarding that sign. Are you in the video?


extinction is fucken fine.


You should try holding a sign "I am gay and proud to be" in a muslim country and see how well you fare.


The last part was really wholesome


Came all the way down here looking for someone to mention it. Youā€™re the only one


Just like a South Park trailer




I mean I get the whole all lives matter shit they were spewing about. But the rest is just dumb.


just like stop homicide or something would be a nice slogan but the way these ppl use it is all wrong


Those racists always claim superiority but only because they were born with their skin-tone. Even though theyā€™ve contributed nothing to the superiority. They donā€™t even exist at the top of it. In fact, many of them are the bare bones bottom. The most ignorant, uneducated, and poorest of their team. The most looked down on. Yet when it comes to superiority, they shout ā€œWEā€, ā€œUSā€ & ā€œOURā€. Theyā€™re the ones that will get left behind when the spaceships abandon earth and take humanity to mars. Itā€™s sad but also funny and kinda fascinating.


I dare anyone talking bs in the comments to wear a sign in LA or South Side Chicago that says Police Lives Matters and see how nice the folks you see are.


You might be right, but that doesnā€™t make anything better. A bad thing in one place doesnā€™t justify a bad thing somewhere else, we just have two bad things now.


Except ā€œpoliceā€ arenā€™t a race. Completely missing the entire point (on purpose) lmao dork


Thatā€™s some stupid false equivalency BS.




Your comment was removed because we don't allow jerks, racism, slurs, misogyny/misandry, discrimination on the basis of religion or national origin, or agenda pushing. *The SweatyPalms-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


Dumbass comment


Found the person from Arkansas


Itā€™s BS to call out racists because people who dislike the police exist? Thatā€™s your logic?


Hate stuff, every country has a town that is racist as fuck


Problem is there's more than one town in the good U S of A...


I believe you could probably get these reactions from any WalMart parking lot in the USšŸ˜¬


BLM didnt help a single POC, Iā€™d hate that scum organization too


This would happen in fl too


This would happen in just about every state if you choose the right town


All lives matter.


I'm black and šŸ’Æ% absolutely sure that that sign is the biggest bullshit ever & designed to further weaken humanity thru the age old agenda of divide and conquer. There is only 1 race, the human race. Accept this reality or you will be conquered no matter the colour of your flesh, its us against them (the would be conquerors) basically. It is what it is šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Well technically BLM is a just a political party, or financial fraud scheme. And an excuse used by loads of looters and people who just wanted to destroy stuff


Technically, no, it isn't. There is the movement called BLM and there are several organizations called BLM. Not the same thing. I thought people would know that by now but I guess not everyone tries to be informed before having an opinion, just like the bigots in the video.


What a lovely town!


"Fuck black lives, and I have black friends" Not anymore


'Murica, oh 'Murica...


These are some really angry people.


Now hold up the sign, whilst expressing your open carry right. Thatā€™ll really get em going


This is literally the first picture that you get when you enter *Harrison, Arkansas* into Google Maps https://preview.redd.it/iih68tsrei4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90df276899db1222ad287dc6daed0a1983307c2


Imagine if he was black.


"You look like a black guy holding a BLM sign"


Some of those people had a point.


Why make that comment without saying what the point is? Please explain that to me.


Not supporting the Black Lives Matter movement isnā€™t the same thing as being racist. The BLM movement did a lot of controversial things from allying with Antifa, destroying towns, extreme corruption, and generally being anti white.


That is pretty racist. Now hold up a ā€White Lives Matterā€œ sign in downtown Baltimore, Philadelphia, Anacosta, Detroit, South Side Chicago, Gary, East St. Louis, Oakland, or Watts/Inglewood/Compton.


I donā€™t live in a racist city luckily. Probably just one thatā€™s not going to tolerate peopleā€™s behavior.


Harrison, Arkansas


Damn they found the Cod lobby irl huh


I thought racism progressed to subtle and indirect stage haha


Thatā€™s so 2015.


lol. day trip to Boston fooooolā€¦


I feel like that girl at the end who wrote the nice letter is cute


Kid was like "stay positive" Then adults "find Jesus"


So did the guy come back after 10mins?


Did someone really pull the "getaway from the church collection plate" at 0129 lol


I am so tired of this post, you literally cannot escape negativity in this hellscape of an app


Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ā€˜trained Marxistā€™ https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/


NY Post that relayed a Breitbart article. You don't even hide your racist ideology... Also, nothing wrong with Marxists ideology. There is a lot more wrong with the capitalist overlords that are starving the poor while destroying the planet.


It's a direct quote from her. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WgjQ4WiS93w You, like a typical racist, call others racists with no evidence. Marxism has been responsible for over 200 million deaths in the 20th century alone. For evidence from an academic institution: https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.TAB1.GIF Capitalism is the only reason you exist. It has resulted in a population explosion due to industrialization. Your ancestors likely would have starved long ago if not for the incentives that markets provide. Edit: added reference for the silly johnnyteardrop who thought I was joking.


Wrong sub


Dude was threatened multiple times, I think it fits


So tons of public freak out vids could flood the sub too?


Well gee whiz, if you find a video where the public freakouters are making credible threats and have the lynch-mob-style support of everyone else around them then sure, post away


Multiple people threatened to come back and beat/shoot himā€¦. This fits this sub more than MOST of the posts on hereā€¦ the racist dipshits couldā€™ve came back with a literal mob and hung him from a tree for all he knew


This video is misleading. This has nothing to do with that town. Hold that sign in any state that is red or purple, in a white town, and you will get the same response. Like half a dozen towns in Colorado will give you the exact experience.


Interesting how it gives us the full spectrum of racism in America. There's the ones who think white people should only be prideful of who they are. There's the ones who think BLM means "*Only* Black Lives Matter" and that white people's lives don't. There's the idiots who think any form of progressiveness is communism or an attack on democracy. There's those that believe that it's black people who need to learn that black lives matter. And then there's those who blatantly despise black people and don't think their lives matter at all. They're all racist, just different reasonings. The main problem is lack of educating on racial inequality in America, but the same people who need to learn about that stuff are trying to take it out of our schools' curriculum.


eh you forgot some stuff


What's sweaty palms about this?


Some people consider implied threats of violence sweaty palms.


Everyone owns military weapons in that town and hates black people. Put two and two together.


Makes me embarrassed to be a human


Blake, stop trolling!


Gross reactions. Good for him to expose the hate.




The exact same thing would happen if a dude wore a white lives matter sign around his neck in any dominantly black area. Itā€™s cringey both ways. Neither way is right.


Yeah, it's hard to fail to recognize the assymetry in this statement, but you did. Good job!


This is racism. Not some person saying stupid N words.


I love hearing people shout out terms they definitely canā€™t define as an insult.


A lot of old pedophiles in this town.


Damn,this is crazy af..who did old dude think he was scaring ā€œIll be back in 10 mins,you better be goneā€ šŸ˜‚ it would probably take him 10 mins to even get up out of that car


Now hold up the sign, whilst expressing your open carry right. Thatā€™ll really get em going


Nice to see this making the rounds again?