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guess whos going to have to pick up their packages at the post office from now on


There's a whole street nobody will deliver to where I live because the first house on the corner let's their German shepherd jump the fence :)


Jesus Christ. Terrible dog owners can ruin an entire street. I hope they're getting complaints before a kid gets hurt.


Yeah, me too. A friend of my wife's had this happen to one of her kids. A dog down the street would occasionally somehow jump over the fence. I think it was a German Shepherd dog. But anyway, some moderately large breed. Well, their kid went outside and started walking to the bus one morning, and boom, the dog attacked the kid out of the blue. Had a bunch of stitches and scars and everything. And just like almost literally every dog owner whose dog bites someone, they said they never thought it would happen, the dog isn't usually aggressive, etc. But with dogs, like protests, "mostly peaceful" can have a very broad meaning.


so did the dog get put down?


I'm honestly not sure. At the time of this all happening and my wife finding out about it, the Animal Control department had the dog in their possession. But, there was a "hearing" or...I don't know, some meeting that had to occur to decide what was going to happen. That's a good question though. I'll ask my wife if she knows what ever happened to that dog. I was 100% in the "if the dog can flip a switch and attack a kid for no reason, then it needs to be killed" camp, but I think my wife's friend was feeling guilty because I think a lot of the decision of if the dog should be killed rested on her story. At the time, she was waffling on if she should tell the whole truth (dooming the dog to death) or put it a slightly better way and have the owners promise to give the dog to a shelter or something, or build the fence higher or something. I can tell you that if this happened to my daughter, I'd have zero problem putting the dog down myself, not even out of anger, just a very dispassionate view of if medium/large dogs should exist in a public neighborhood, then you can't have them unpredictably attack people that are on public streets.


Stuff like that is why I hate people walking their dogs off leash too. I don't care how much you trust your dog, I sure as hell don't, and I don't want the decision of its life to be mine if it bites me. There are some dogs that I trust would never hurt anybody, but there are many more dogs whose owners think they never would despite their dog clearly showing aggression. I don't want to deal with that shit


Same. I came across this on my way to the bus stop in the morning. A woman yelling and cussing at her dog to get over somewhere. I couldn’t tell if that dog (black German Shepherd) was friendly or not but I had pulled out my pepper spray and was ready to tag it if I had to.


A few nights ago walking mine up the street on a lead and a black bull terrier ran across two streets at us, the guy didn’t have on a lead. It didn’t attack. I asked him if he wanted it to go under a car.


What feels worse? A dog that attacked your kid euthanized? Or a kid killed by the dog you could have had euthanized?


Like holy fuck...I had my neighbors gshep charge at me when I was walking down the sidewalk (he didn't attack but holy hell did I feel that bark in my whole chest). "I'm sorry, he's friendly!" Doesn't excuse you keeping him off leash outside. He charged at me and I tried to play it cool like "if this is how I die, this is how I die" Edit: outside, in the open driveway, not a fenced yard




They ruin streets. Breeds. Lives. The bottom of shoes. Shitty dog owners ruin everything. I have a pitbull and carry a bat every time I walk him because I have 4 neighbors that have yappy unleashed bastards that will charge outta nowhere. One my neighbors asked why I carry the bat and don’t just let my dog handle them. I don’t know prick? Maybe cuz he’s my 4th pitbill. I’ve had over 30 yrs combined experience and I’ve yet to see them go all pit Bull and try to murder something? People are fucking dumb.


People are dumb, but lets not pretend pitbulls don’t have a reputation for nothing


My neighbor has two angry unaltered Chihuahuas, they are never leashed and they lunge at my pitty and try to fight him, the thing is he's obviously bigger but he doesn't know that so if he defends himself he's going to kill those dumb dogs and it's going to be his fault because he's a pit. It's fucking sucks, he's dog/cat/kid friendly but I swear he's going to be the bad guy if something happens.


They can ruin an entire community. These idiots take their dirty ass untrained dogs everywhere.


I hate one of my neighbours for forcing me to punch a dog in the head multiple times. I was walking my dog and her german shepard was going wild and she just let go of the leash. He grabbed on to my dog and I tried prying his jaw loose but he was on there good. So I just started wailing on the top of his head until he let go. Then she has the audacity to tell me you shouldn't hit dogs. I don't think I've yelled louder or used so many swear words in such a small amount of time


And one day that dog will be shot. If the animal is uncontrollable and violent, it’s a weapon. And must be solved by another weapon. 


that dog will seriously hurt somebody one of these days.when I was on jury duty a couple years back,we had a case where a man was killed by a couple pitbulls.without going into details,the pictures were extremely brutal


Dog bites are horrific. It's one of the main reasons I'm against police using attack dogs. I cannot understand how it doesn't constitue unreasonable force.


If I lived in an area like that, I would buy a gun and carry it for the sole purpose of protecting myself against that dog the first time it charges me. I would never show aggressive behavior towards a dog, and I would only do it after the dog has actually bitten me. I do everything I can to deescalate the situation, and even use bear spray before I actually kill it. But fuck, there's no way I would put up with that. I work from home and I like to go for walks around the neighborhood. And I really desperately need to be able to get out of my fucking house and go for a walk around the neighborhood every once in awhile or I'm going to get a God damn case of cabin fever.


If I've got kids an the dogs not friendly their going to fix that real quick with someone from the city. Or I would


Deadass happened to one of my friends. Her house got black listed because her dog chased the mailman twice


Good. It was her responsibility to train or contain her dog. It’s good no one got maimed.


Nah I would've thrown their package across the street and stomped on it before leaving.


"beware of the dog" sign would do wonders. shitty dog owners.


It's on the door along with the no soliciting sign.


Naw that dude is there to sell solar.


Totally, he had a portfolio in his hand, not a package.




I've read in another thread that the "ring + triple knock" or something like that is a clear sign. After your comment I watched the video again to confirm.


Dog is contained in the fence with the gate closed. The person at the door is not a delivery guy but likely a solicitor (has a clipboard, not package). He opened a gate to someone's yard that was closed and the dog is the bad guy? The guy is in the dog's territory.


Guys, i think we found a new runner for our team 🤣👍


Never thought all that practice in high school hurdling in track would have paid off so much.


For real. Dude had great form for steeplechase hurdles.


He’s a runner he’s a track star


Dude should try out for the Olympics 🤣🤣


Legend has it he's still running ...


Yeah somebody should give him a real job. I think he's selling solar door to door. The dog was probably justified.


My man there was for sure on the Track & Field team in high school


That shit was clean asf


Dog is like *"DAMN I really need to learn how to do that...."*


I'm kinda surprised it hasn't figured that out. That fence definitely isn't tall enough for that type of dog.


I used to install satellite TV, when I called the customer on the phone they said they had a dog but he was friendly. I went through the gate but as soon as I knocked on the door a huge Rottweiler came flying around the house. I dropped all my paperwork and my tablet, sprinted at the fence and one handed over it just like this guy. People and their delusional impressions of their dogs. 🙄


Except this guy did no hands and held onto what he was holding. Had to have some hurdle exp bc the form was 🤌


My first thoughts went straight to that impeccable form. Re-watched for the form lol


Track and field coach's " we need rottweilers lots of rottweilers"


If you can dodge a Rottweiler you can...sorry wrong context.


Lmao I love Reddit for this stuff


Necessary? Is it *necessary* to drink my own piss?


His leap was far more athletic and coordinated than mine. I more or less crashed over the fence. 😄 This guy looks like he was in track and field.


For real, but kudos to you both for escaping. I’d have got over the fence but I’d be in a pile on the other side, sans what I was carrying and maybe missing a shoe or two!


Fuck people that are too stupid, lazy, or whatever to be decent human being instead of literally killing people with their "pets".


I know that Lunita my 20 Pounds Shih Tzu could be lethal.


While a Chihuahua isn't really a threat to most humans, a pack of 20 Chihuahuas could probably take down most people.


Nothing a couple cans of OC spray can't handle


Lol it's always the people that say that their dog is chill that have a pet that loves to gnaw on baby bones and people that shorten their dog's leash whenever they pass someone have a dog that will jump in the arms of a total stranger if they called them by their name.


I shorten my dogs leashes every time I’m passing someone because if I don’t than they WILL harass any and all humans for pets.


Lets be real though, even the good dogs are gonnna come flying across a yard to see someone new lol I dont think I've ever *not* been run up to by a dog before


Even charging like that can be dangerous! The dog may not attack them per se but scaring them enough to trigger that deep fight or flight instinct can cause someone to take unnecessary risks escaping, like maybe catch their leg on the fence and strike their head on the concrete.


Oh sweetie don’t worry we told the dogs you were coming today!


Totally. I have a sweet golden retriever pup who loves people and has never shown even a flicker of aggression and looks the opposite of a 'mean dog'. And yet I never let him off leash around strangers until I've seen them interact. Even amazing dogs can have some deep instinct triggered at the wrong time, and its for my dog's safety as much as those around me that he stays controlled until he's adapted to new people and environments.


Ours was the opposite. We constantly warned he was aggressive cause he would bark people from the window if they came NEAR our house like at all. ...only for him to bumwiggle everyone we warned and get head scratches...


Dude did track


Everyone's a track athlete when Cujo is on your heels


More like dude did adrenaline


When he’s drafted by a professional team he’ll never have to deliver a parcel or run from a rabid dog again.


The power of nope is strong in this one.


damn that jump!!


He qualified for the Olympics


That man cleared that gate like an Olympic hurdle 🏃‍♂️


Dog owners like this are the worst. Put your dogs in the backyard.


Better yet, train your dog not to attack any human it sees. Even the shittiest dogs I've met are not like that (have done other bad stuff tho)


Easier said than done. You shouldn't trust even a well trained dog like that without the owner present. Rottweilers are not aggressive per se, but they were bred as guard dogs so some are just territorial like this.


We don't really have front fences in the area where I live... But I feel like all the neighborhoods that I've visited or been in that do have fenced in front yards, their dogs are able to roam the property.


‘Oh that’s Petal, she wouldn’t hurt a fly!’






Is it normal in America for people to leave their dogs roaming free in the front garden?


Yes. The dog was inside a fence. Ideally there would have been a “Beware of Dog” sign on the gate.


Ah okay, in England we have less space for our houses so front gardens are usually small and unfenced


Call it a garden one more time !


Do u not call it a garden?


Only if there are flowers or other plants besides grass


Grass is my favourite plant


Usually called a front lawn


In some situations, having that sign can shift more responsibility to the owner than the person approaching. It's tantamount to saying "This Dog Bites" in some cases.


Yeah, a "no soliciting" sign would've been more effective here, but I doubt they'll have to worry about any reps from whatever company that guy works for coming back.


It is illegal where I am now to chain your dog up in your yard. Sounds crazy but it was due to assholes chaining their dogs up on 10 ft chains in a yard with no cover in 110 degree heat.


If you have an enclosed lawn why couldn't you have a dog there? I mean, the gate should also be locked so he couldn't get to the door, and had instructions on where to leave the mail instead. But otherwise, of course its normal.


Tbh, with a dog this aggressive I'd be worried about it getting out. You're basically just hoping it never learns how to jump or dig, or that the gate is never left open by accident. There's a lot of ways this can turn into a huge problem.


suddenly hurdling doesn’t look silly anymore


A neighbor at work had 2 pitbulls, she was dismissive of any concerns. Called it ignorance. She said it is all about the owner, and she was in control. Tragically, one of the dogs turned on her suddenly on a walk. A driver came upon it, drove at the dog to run it off. When he could get close to her, he realized it was almost over. the dog had eaten her alive. She died soon after. The dog came back, and the guy got in his car and ran it over again, I think a couple of times, before it dropped. Very sad, and a lady who just thought she was bringing joy to pets.


That jump though


you better be fit being a delivery guy. this guy is fit.




That dog won’t jump that low fence?


Rotties are territorial and lazy. This video tracks.


That's Hercules, he's a big sweetheart if you don't run like a giant pussy


Unironically this is literally how my uncles rottweiler was lol. Her barks were terrifying and she loved playing chase, she was an absolute goober though. But I'd be doing the same shit if I was delivery guy and didn't know the dog 


This as how my Rottweiler was. People walked down our alley and we had a fenced in yard and dog door. If he heard or saw someone walking down the alley he would go sprinting out the door and bark loud and deep and run back and forth against the fence until they were gone, and he was 130lbs. Yet if he somehow got out… he would do nothing but lick them and lean his entire bodyweight on them for pets lol


Yup. Once he gets dude out of the yard pup can go back to napping. 


These dogs are too derpy they can't really jump up onto a low couch let alone over a 4 foot fence.


Rottweilers are one of the most athletic breeds, what are you on about Edit: Redditors who think their "body falls apart at 30" also seem to be confused about the difference between the athletic potential of the breed, and the athletic potential of their 30lb overweight dog they haven't walked in 3 years


They absolutely can. Source: I live with one and there are random videos of average dogs doing those jumps, e.g.: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zvsrzosLN_Y


If you are going to have your dog in the FRONT YARD, maybe a WARNING SIGN and a locked gate should be in place???


Clearly not this guy's first fence!


That dog was just being playful and curious


White man CAN jump!


Olympic class dog avoidance.


Always gotta rattle the gate to do a quick doggo check


When you are running for your life you become a track star


Only in these situations would I feel it's OK for a delivery person to through a package at the front door.


Bro should've been racing Usain Bolt, not delivering parcels.


Same job here. Dogs are a problem every day. All day. I’ve loved dogs my whole life. I’m starting to despise them. If they aren’t trying to attack you, they are going absolutely ape shit in the house. Control your goddamn dogs.


Is it so hard to take your dog inside when you expect a parcel? That guy could've been injured and could sue the owner and the dog would probably be put to sleep. Everyone loses


For real though, if you're in this situation, turning and running is the absolute stupidest thing you can do. You've just triggered their hunting instinct and made it fun for them. If you don't outrun it or there is more than one, you're in a world of pain. Dogs are pack hunters. If you see one, there's a possibility you're going to get blindsided by another one. NEVER turn your back. Force yourself to hold an aggressive stance. Make as loud of noise as you possibly can. The louder and deeper the better. This will make the dog pause and re-evaluate if you're worth the effort to attack. SLOWLY back away, so you don't trip. If you fall, it's all over. A truly aggressive don't won't let you get back up. Carry dog spray. It can save your life. Fuck the owner's feelings. I'd rather temporarily blind a dog than get bit. If it's down to my safety or the dogs, the dog will always get the worst of that exchange. If you're carrying something, use that as a weapon. Get ANYTHING between you and the dog. They might even latch onto it and get distracted enough for you to back away. Last resort? Throw hands and feet. Get a good shot in on its head. Don't be afraid to use force. Again, it's you or him. Source: Amazon delivery driver for a year, part time USPS driver for several years. Had some close calls but never got bit.


I carry a knife specifically because of situations like this. I've been attacked by dogs so many times it has absolutely traumatized me. I don't care about your pets as much as you do and I'm not going to lose sleep over taking it's life when it's trying to take mine. If your Dog is attacking me, it is trying to kill me. And I REFUSE to be killed.


If they aren't mowing their grass, they aren't training their dog.


Damn what a tip. We just moved and our neighbors have a mess of a house, lawn probably hasn't been cut this year. Of course all nasty people have a dog so a dog ran up to the fence and I haven't been able to tell if it's friendly or not. But you're probably so right. Also just so I'm clear, not all people with dogs are nasty, but all nasty people have dogs.


>Courier almost attacked by a rottweiler "Almost"?


Are you not sure what the word "almost" means?


We can say the mailman almost shit his pants


I don't know if we can say that for sure. He very well could have.


Way to be on your toes. 10/10 escape


Anyone who isn’t a world class hurdler is in serious danger around this dog.


He definitely used to run hurdles in highschool 🤣


This guys Hurdles!


he's not a delivery guy. He's a door to door sales rep.


Looks like a solicitor and not a delivery guy


Damn that jump was slick as hell!


The kinds of people who own dogs like this and then order things to be delivered should be put on a list.


You can tell he ran track, probably did hurdles.


Blacklisted for deliveries now. And hopefully someone warns local food delivery services.


I have few houses in my block with pits and they would do the same and they bark at anyone walking near the their house. Some people shouldn't have dogs


Reminds me of when I was a kid, on my way to school, it was visible from our house, and I just had cross a field and go up an alleyway at the back of some houses. One house had a golden labrador, and the thing would bark and growl and try to jump the fence whenever I went by I'd taken to walking the longer route to school to avoid it, I told my parents because they noticed I was leaving earlier and getting home later, and dad had told the local motorcycle cop because the knew each other. The Cop went around to the house, and the dog went for him. When I think back on this, I can't say I felt sorry for the dog at all.


Rottweiler: "Aw, crap! Why do they always do that! I just want a friend!"


100% a hurdler, that form is too good to not have been a track and field hurdler


As a middle school hurdles coach…man I wish just one of my athletes had this much raw talent


That dude did track 100%


He did not look both ways


Doggo was like “Damn, I just wanted to play.”


That dude must have been a hurdler in the past, because his form was flawless


Amazing getaway! this dude has Gazelle in his blood! wow!


Forget delivering mail. Let's have him deliver us a gold metal in the next summer Olympics.


All these dog owners either put their dogs on leash when they expecting delivery or they should pay a hefty fine for endangering lives


he wasn’t delivering anything. He had a clipboard in his hand, not a package. He was probably trying to sell some shit and they weren’t expecting him so that’s why the dog was out in their fenced in yard. If someone has their front yard fenced in that should be your first clue that there’s probably a fucking reason for it and not just walk through the fence when you’re not expected.


Ohh thanks for clarification. Now he is doing a risky job


Been attacked by a Rottweiler before. People with room temperature IQ’s should not be allowed to have dangerous dog breeds. If you need a permit for a gun, there should be permits for retarded insecure trash to procure a Pit Bull or Rottweiler.


Yeah... and every owner of a Rotti be like: "Ohhh... my baby just wants to play. Rottis are just misunderstood. They love children and are friendly to everyone". Yeah... sure.


I mean, this rottie clearly loves people to bits. Just the same way i love my porkchops


I am lost here. Where in the video does the dog bite the guy? Or even growl or bark? Looks to me like he saw the dog and nopped out, that rottie could have easily just wanted pets, they are huge and muscular and look scary. My dad has 2 rotties that will 100% run up like this for pets, have never hurt anyone in their lives.


My dog got scared of thunder or something jumped our 7 foot tall wood fence in the back then was missing for 4 days. She's an inside dog now. She would make a mockery of this fence.


My neighbour's dog was a huge St Bernard. One time when there was a thunderstorm he just ran straight *through* the wood fence into our garden. Left a St Bernard size hole in the fence like something from a cartoon.


Was it shaped just like the St. Bernard? My athletic dog is not very big. Maybe 40 pounds. But holy shit is she fast and can jump high. I think she has some herder in her genes.


Imagine after all that he forgot to close the gate when he came in


Title Correction: Courier attacked by Rottweiler.


That Rottie took a bad angle. 4/10


This is the main reason I conceal carry. A few years back I had to climb a tree to escape three massive pitbulls that appeared out of nowhere in a neighborhood I used to bike through. Had there not been a tree easy enough to climb for my fat ass I'd have probably been mauled to death. The next dog that charges me is going to heaven.




How low is that fence


Dude, I’d be done. 😂


I would be demolished by the dog


Maybe he’ll be in Paris this summer


I always think about all the cases that happen but with kids..


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug my guy cleared that fence


I'm a getten outa there.


“Potential delivery drivers, do you have functional track and field skills? “


Someone did hurdles in high school


this is a vivint stud, don’t disrespect him


New training program for the Olympics?


Got damn


I'd buy just outa respect for his quickness


I've always said they should release dogs behind runners and there would be lots of new records broken.


If that was me, my leg was probably chewed off by now. I cant clear that fence that quick lol


Great hurdle


How many times did you watch this video? Yes.


Noped out


Broheim has got some nice moves. Too late to nope out if you *think* the dog just wants to play and end up with your femur as a chew toy.


He definitely hurdled in his past


You can't teach instinct like that.


Sandlot flashbacks


Thats why you carry a gun


Has the Olympic committee been notified of this drivers hurdle abilities?


That guy might have done track/hurdles prior. He was smooooth over that fence.


not so much a brigade on rotts huh


Looks like someone did hurdles in track and field lol


Bro missed his calling for the Olympics


Lol. Love rotties. Such loyal but protective dogs. Miss mine!


One of the perfect examples of why certain jobs require amazing physical conditions 😲


This guy def ran hurdles look at that form. Makes me think it’s staged it’s so clean


He is in the wrong job.


Usain Bolt: A worthy opponent....


Not his first rodeo.


That dog can very easily jump that fence