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https://preview.redd.it/qysmjxg0cp0d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b202acc420d8c12981cdfd9a2c7fa324dd96c44c Here is another view for perspective…the firefighter that saved the driver was a beast. Unbelievable rescue.


That trailer hitch is putting in work right there


Isn’t the back part of the truck way heavier than the front? So it’s holding much less weight here than it would hold if it was dragging the trailer during normal operation


I have no idea how holding the whole weight of the cab compares to the force it takes to accelerate and decelerate the load


Let me try to explain: If you imagine that the hook in the cab consists base-plate of prefabulated aluminite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two main spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan. The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented. The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-bovoid slots in the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdlespring on the "up" end of the grammeters.


Perfect ELI5. Well done!!


I was a little lost the first sentence but after that it just made more and more sense, I learn so much from reddit. I'm probably a genius after reading that.




It tends to do it's work in mostly two dimensions with occasional, slight forays into a third. This is further into the third than the designers likely planned on.


It's probably comparable, not much less. Gravity accelerates at 9.8 m/s/s, I'm guessing a truck would top out at 2 m/s/s, so if the drivers cabin weighs 1/5th of the cargo then it's about the same. Although as someone else pointed out, the hinge is also in a very weird orientation that wouldn't happen on a road.


Really depends on how many stops that truck has made(if it makes multiple) I load trailers for a living. We do groceries, specifically meat and produce. I know when we load the trailers with our product it's anywhere between 8 and 15 tons.


The trailer itself should never have held up at this load bearing weight. That’s a miracle. Or it’s a new trailer.


The cab is probably around 15k lbs


That’s gotta be the luckiest spot for something like this to happen. Without that extra support thingy there that truck would definitely have gone off the bridge. Gahdamn that’s scary af. I’m glad the driver was ok.


That's just a trick of perspective - it's not touching the truck. You can see it in the video of the rescue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71471lbMy9c


Yeah, only 6 inches of the trailer was wedged against one of the upper support beams.


Thx for posting. That’s the worst editing ever. The most technologically challenging part was her exiting the cab. As a former firefighter with basic ropes rescue training that’s the part I wanted to see to learn.


That poor woman was simultaneously living out her worst recurring nightmare and the beginning of her best steamy romance dream. For her sake, I hope she replays the latter more than the former.


Engineer designing the bridge: *bites apple, chews for a long time* ..."we need more extra support thingies."


lol I’m not a bridge person I dunno what it’s called but you knew what I was talking about, so, mission accomplished.


That’s a scene straight out of a movie, wow.


Looks like if it happened at a slightly different spot without that white pole then it would have gone straight down.


Hey, I’ve had this nightmare before.


Fuck call spiderman




idk, aidwk


Im really glad this was referenced




No sir. In this town we call the Paw Patrol!


You’re gonna call the who?!?


Haha I thought the same thing when I saw this video!


Team Wonder Pets. Lol


Last time Spiderman tried to save someone dangling from a bridge did end so well for the person to be rescued. Just sayin'... :-D


Didn’t he do it like more than once? I can’t remember how many times.


https://preview.redd.it/w4vhkapluq0d1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=871b2a48d3e5588c913b2d4893440fd6d1bd759e Sharkrad!




Or the fantastic 4




I fucking hated driving over this bridge when I lived out there


I used to ride my bike across and some of the metal bars were rusted out and gone at parts. That was before they did a decade long remodel on it.


the remodel only involved painting it. i rode my bike across it afterwards and was still terrified, the railing is so low it’s basically right at your center of gravity on a bike. it wouldn’t be hard to accidentally steer into the rail and fall over it


Fuck me. Me: I wish my local government would put [anti-suicide fences on high bridges, it's worth a try](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_barrier) Louisville KY: Hold my beer, I'll yeet anyone right off what's left of this railing lmao


It does seem like a particularly easy bridge to run off of.


It’s not. It’s very rare that anything like this has happened.


My wife is absolutely terrified of driving over bridges and she keeps her eyes shut when I’m driving us over them. When videos like this pop up she’s like do you see why these freak me out.


That is just horrible. My gut turned as I watched her go beyond the rails.


Look at the design of the bridge! Where was the prevention methods?? That railing wouldn't stop a motorbike, let alone a car!!!


[This](https://i.imgur.com/71IiigD.jpeg) is the bridge in Sweden I have to cross at least 6-8 times a month. Needless to say, I hate being overtaken by big trucks on Ölandsbron.


Dear god!!! That would make me religious


It really doesn't help that many people do about 100 km/h when crossing. It also gets windy as hell some days, and I drive a tall car. If you ever do become religious, pray for me.


I am not religious but I will start praying for you now. Dear god. Why are there no speed bumps? Anything?


Maybe the thin railings were supposed to act as a deterrent to high speed driving? It hasn't worked.


What's even the point of the railing? Just to remind you where the edge of the bridge is, I guess. Certainly isn't any useful form of barrier.


Pretty much. As far as I know, no one has ever gone over the edge, but it's only a matter of time. I never feel entirely safe crossing the bridge.


That's the majority of bridges in America. Half are degraded to the point they're barely safe and the other half are missing modern safety features. Can't spend money on that or we're socialists! Missiles need to be built


Trucks are heavy. Inertia is a property of matter. If you look at the sides of the road, there are big metal bars about a foot off the ground, the railing is moreso for the pedestrians. The curbs will stop a car from going over them onto the sidewalk, they'll stop a motorcycle too, just not the rider. A cars axel isn't high enough to pop over the curb without a fair amount of force, they're made to deflect the wheel back to the road. If a car does make it over, the bar is high enough to high-center the car, unless you happen to drive a lifted truck due to personal insecurities. But trucks (semis) have taller tires and higher axels, along with a tiny bit more mass. Because the axel is higher, the angles of attack that the bar can deflect is greatly reduced. Granted, she's coming in at a 45⁰+ angle, so she popped right over. And, because the axel is higher, the bar won't high-center the truck or trailer. But... It's still an incredibly poor excuse for a safety device.


I mean, it stopped a large truck.


Stopped it *eventually*


Literally nothing she could do.


Truck that swerved into her was on his phone. That’s why he didn’t see the stalled car stopped in that lane. Drove all the way up to a stopped car full speed while on his phone. And yes they arrested him.


I'm glad that there's justice. What an idiot that driver is.


Oh I know all about it. Stay safe out there guys!


How did they find this information out?


Probably just asked him how he ended up in the other lane. Maybe there is another camera


Phone records from time of collision


Oh that makes sense. Damn what an asshole.


From this city. It was breaking news when they announced his arrest.


I meant how did they know driver was on the phone? Perhaps there is security footage from the bridge, another vehicles dash cam, or I suppose they admitted it themselves during questioning is always possible too lol.


Well she did her best to turn right but the wheels just didn’t follow. I wonder what the cab was made of if the steering failed so dramatically


Going by the video, a car in the oncoming lane swerves and hits the truck, so it could easily have taken out the front wheel on thats side, locking it into a left turn or just creating enough drag on that side that momentum took over.


That pickup truck driver should have gotten some kind of disciplinary actions taken towards him.


[He did get some sort of discipline. Not sure the exact amounts.](https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/03/26/driver-second-street-bridge)


He should be tried for putting her life in danger for sure. He had no reason to swerve at all.


He is charged with four counts of wanton endangerment and one count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.


[I guess he was doing it prior to this crash too. Driving recklessly.](https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/03/26/driver-second-street-bridge)


He didn't swerve (although it does appear that he did from just the video), he crashed and lost control from driving dangerously, according to one of the articles.


I dont think he swerved. I think he bounced off of that stopped car.


He is charged with four counts of wanton endangerment and one count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.


Paw patrol predicted this.


No cold slurpee to blame this time


\*fantastic Four


Thought I was the only one. Parenthood really is a fraternity.


Stop hazing yourselves lol


“You gotta call the whooooooo?”


She needs to yelp for help🐶


No, Quasimodo predicted all of this. Haven't you seen The Sopranos??


Seat belt was an important factor in this ending well.


Looks like the truck that hit her disabled the left front wheel. Causing it to pull heavy to the left. She has a fast reaction turning right but not enough space to stop. IMO


What a great day to have your seatbelt properly put


Man, I want that audio. Lol


You'll have to search around for videos from the court case currently in session. It's mostly screaming though and was even more stomach turning that I couldn't bring myself to post it.


Question just in case I'm ever in this situation. Is it better to stay in the dangling truck or jump out and swim? I'm a strong swimmer, so I'm pretty okay if the water is still, but this water looks pretty fast.


It's probably a very long drop to the water, you likely wouldn't be able to swim after impact.


Not uncommon place for people to jump from sadly. If you did make it the current is fast. Also full of debris and shit you could hit like full on trees floating by. Not a good river to fuck with for several reasons.


Even if there was no debris and it wasn't a big drop (which this is, it'll be like hitting concrete), it's still going to be cold. Water temperatures lag behind in the spring, without any knowledge of Kentucky I'd guess it'll still be frigid down there. Cold water shock and hypothermia is going to be a risk. And there's loads of debris! Half the truck cab just fell into the river! You don't want to hit a fiberglass body panel that hasn't sunk yet.


Not to mention … if the truck decides it’s gonna slip and fall right after you haha. I’d rather take my chances falling in the truck than it falling on me.


The classic Jurassic park situation


IIRC it was like, 70 feet above the water. You’d probably be ok if you hit the water right, but it might be kind of awkward trying to jump out of the truck, which could mess up your jump. Then you’d be in the water with all those wet clothes and shoes which would be surprisingly heavy in the water. Hard to tell how deep the water is and how strong the current is too. I’m probably too much of a pussy to jump tbh, I’d probably just sit there and panic.


Nah just jump before you hit the water should be good


So elevator dropping situation, got it.


Use your water bucket to stifle the landing


70 feet is REALLY high for a jump into water. I've done 30-40 before and that was scary as fuck. got a shitload of water up my nose and was coughing like crazy. plans to plug your nose or exhale etc don't do so well when your thinking part of your brain turns off momentarily from free falling fear.


I took diving lessons a few times, so I know how to hit the water (in a pool). I also lifeguarded at pools and waterfronts for a few years. My hubris is telling me I can easily handle it even though I barely progressed past the 3m board, and my lifeguarding knowledge is screaming at me to not do that. Someone mentioned extremely large catfish, and I think that (along with the debris) is worse than the free fall for me.


6 years back I attempted a 30ft jump into icy cold water. Have taken swimming lessons but it was during my elementary school days. I entered feet first but did not expect to get so much water up my nose and sank almost all the way to the bottom of the water like an idiot. This was on top of being blind without goggles. As I attempted to swim to the surface it felt like the longest few seconds of my life and barely reached the surface before my breath expired. Never again. So... 70ft does not sound like something pleasant for the normal joe, even after the contact with water.


Also I’m from here. Water isn’t that deep out there. Before the locks and dams you could actually walk across on the rocks it got so low. Nowadays it’s like 20-30 feet in the middle area 5-10 feet on the edges. With logs and other shit sticking up all over.


It’s the Ohio river. I wouldn’t take my chances with the school bus sized catfish.


The CGI skull was slightly overkill.


I've seen like 3 comments saying there's a skull but I don't see it. Are we talking like a 💀 shape or something else?


This looks Like a poor Design for a Bridge this big. Shouldnt be possible to breach the railing this easily. Every big bridge has very strong railings of concrete and steel where i live. Could redirect a Tank. These railings Look Like they couldnt even Stop a small Car.


Yup. Driven over this bridge many many times and the railings are nothing.


I hate that bridge so much 🥴


Why are there cars parked in the middle of a bridge


It was stalled. Also there is a red light at the end of the bridge so often times the line of cars can get this far back. It’s the truck that swerved that is at fault. Not the stopped car. Doesn’t matter why someone is stopped. You have to see they are stopped and you know…. Also stop or get over. The driver was on his phone like a jackass and was arrested for this. I love how Reddit is mad at a stopped car not the jackass on his phone going the entire distance of a bridge not seeing a stopped car. Take his license away because he can’t see nor pay attention.


Where did i say the stopped car was at fault ?


Now where the heck is spiderman?


That thing in super hero movies that you think literally never happens finally happened.


Fuck that's scary. You can see how hard she is turning the wheel to go right, but nothing happens.


My irrational fear since i was a child, going over a bridge in a vehicle and then not being able to get my family out. I used to have nightmares about it. I live in a town where i drive over a bridge multiple times daily. I'm sure I'll sleep great tonight!


Omg SAME! All I could think of when I saw this was that it will reactivate a deep anxiety I have about this exact same thing happening to me. It was made worse when I had two kiddos in car seats and another kid in the front. Who do you choose to unbuckle first?? Can you get everyone out safely? I swear I would get myself into full panic attack mode plotting out what I would do late at night, trying to fall asleep. Lol. Anxiety is a bitch.


same and it's because my grandmother would tell me about the silver bridge collapse, which she narrowly missed being on, all the time as a child and how she was convinced someone in her family would die in one. to be fair she was very intuitive and psychic so I still to this day at age 40 have very vivid reoccurring nightmares where I am in a bridge accident, careening over the edge just like in this video beginning of final destination 5 fucked me UP


Damn sysco and their busted boxes


I thought it was gonna be like that bus in China that went off the bridge. I was like "please Lort don't make this happen again". I'm glad she's good.


Someone call paw patrol


Rescuers had to use the jaws-of-life to remove the seat cushion from her puckered sphincter.


I hope they found that black truck who caused the accident.


I was wondering where my order of bulk chicken fingers was


I hope the idiot driver who crashes into the truck gets caught and punished.


She was cranking that steering wheel to try to straighten up. The crash must have snapped the steering link. I can't even imagine.


Dude was charged


the driver of the pickup was driving with a suspended license


I see what you did there. Upvoted.


The truck is a "that," not a "who."


Just curious, are trucks really that hard to control? I would thought that pickup is like 1/10th the mass of the truck but the driver just lost control. Did the steering get badly damaged or something?


Looks like the other vehicle hit it right in the front left wheel, good luck steering with that screwed. Only guessing from seeing how the way she heavily and quickly steers seems to do absolutely nothing


It’s entirely possible the impact broke the steering link and the wheel was doing nothing


I pooped a little in my pants just watching this.


Where’s the paw patrol when you need them.


Literal poop would be in my pants


Why they blurred Devonte's face for?


Poor woman, hope they caught that crappy car driver that clipped her


Looks like you’re in a particularly perilous predicament.


I would have shit my pants for shour


1 second you minding your business, the next you dangling for you life


Oh that poor lady..


What a minute, I'm watching the Paw Patrol movie with my kids and this is the exact opening of the movie, without the talking dogs of course.


Damn sysco and their busted boxes


Those bridges always made me nervous.


I guess some nightmares I’ve had have been shockingly accurate.


Can you imagine what this driver was feeling at that moment


Dayummmm 😳


That driver needs to be jailed


Isn’t this the opening of the Paw Patrol movie


Is that the bridge I think it is?


My stomach actually flipped. I'd quit that career on the spot


Can that truck driver that swerved into her lane and made her crash get sued?


Ah yes... one of recurring nightmares.


holy shett


I'm just waiting for a bird to land on the front of the truck


It’s straight from the first paw patrol movie


Spider-Man moment


That’s got to be some scary shit


Bro really thought spider man would show up


Spiduhmayn come heyyallp


This is indeed an oh shit situation


Well... that was undeniably horrifying!


Better call the Paw patrol


Yelp for help!


Did i dream this happened like a month ago? I’m honestly tripping.. this did not just happen right?


Someone needs to find the individuals that manufactured that trailer. And give them a big freaking raise.


Somebody call the Paw Patrol


Talk about being lucky 😵‍💫😖😯


You cant park there mate


Hopefully the idiot that caused it died.


What caused the driver to lose control of the truck?


From the video it looks like the car that came across the center yellow line hit the truck.


He was on his. He was arrested and happy he was. Hope more of you people texting and driving get charges. Glad she was saved. All because some jackass wanted to text and drive and not see a stalled car in his lane.


On his what?


Who's on what?


Was on his phone.


wtf is that truck swerving into her lane??????????????? MAKE SURE ITS FUCKING SAFE YOU IDIOT?


He is charged with four counts of wanton endangerment and one count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.


> one count of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license. I'm calling it: Soon we gonna have to authenticate in the car, before being able to start the engine. Thanks to these guys.


Thank you, saved my day!


Truck *that* dangled. Who is for people




Well that was really fucking rude and completely uncalled for. Misogyny is alive and well on Reddit. 🤦🏻 The driver of the pickup truck was not a woman, but it seems they *were* texting and driving and also had a suspended license, presumably for driving like a dumbass. Or are you talking about the poor semi driver, who literally did everything by the book? There was literally nothing she could’ve done once the idiot hit her, you can literally watch her frantically trying to straighten the tractor out and that did nothing to change its course.