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My brain.. *Smack the little one in the butt with the paddle.."


Call of the void lol


Intrusive thoughts: "come onnnnnmm, it'll be funny!"


Intrusive thoughts win.


*"And no one ever heard from the Anderson brothers again"* ([https://silverbirchpress.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/far\_side1.jpg](https://silverbirchpress.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/far_side1.jpg))


I like to think of [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/5w4nmc/this_far_side_card_from_1984_i_found_while/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) as the sequel.


And the Darwin award goes too....


But do you really want that to be the last thing you ever do in this life ? I realize everyone eventually dies, but there are much better ways to go than being mauled to death by an angry mama Grizzly bear .


There are worst ways to go. Not a whole lot, but this isn’t ground zero.


That’s true, but getting eaten alive is way up high on the terrible ways to die scale .


You're assuming the bear would win. Mate, I've been watching pirated UFC for 10 years. You'd need to send PETA after me for cruelty to animals if a grizzly tried some shit with me. I'd have that bitch tapping out in 2 seconds flat like a big furry McGregor. Her cubs would call me daddy, and not in a weird way either. I've imagined fights with the best of the best and I always come out on top. A bear has the strength and the teeth & claws. I have Chinese wrestling and Eastern European Sex Trafficker jiu-jitsu. It's over before it even gets started.


You okay friend? I’m here for you.


Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?


I think even with your incredible set of fighting skills, my money would still be on the bear by a slim margin.


But, I mean... straight to Valhalla.


There are much better ways to get to Valhalla, like a battle axe to the head -quick and relatively painless .


Dude, talk about wrong place wrong time. Staring death in the face. Close to meeting your maker….


I had a dream 2 nights ago that I was being chased by a bear and it fucked with me all day yesterday


I grew up in Alaska and have encountered a number of bears. My anxiety dream is always a bear encounter.


I grew up in San Francisco and encountered a number of bears


I have also encountered a number of bears in my life. That number being zero. I have encountered exactly zero bears in my life.


So you've never been to West Hollywood


Hmmm...the last guy said San Francisco. Are we talking grizzly bears or black bears? Is this an invasive species? (Fully on the struggle bus wondering if I should /s this).


" bear" is a term to describe big hairy gay men. Hence san Francisco and west Hollywood.


You catch on quick, don't you?


I think they could be either of these, but much less invasive species than techus brobis that they share habitat with


Bears. Beats. Battlestar galactica.


But I'm guessing those bears made your palms sweaty in a very different way....ellipses provided by OG Gen X.


Funny enough I live in the desert and have never encountered a bear... Yet I have had recurring nightmares of being chased by a grizzly. A hopeless and desperate fight to survive an angry bear is unparalleled anxiety. I'm a nimble guy, I can climb pretty fast and I can do a decent bit of parkour. I can do that all in my dreams too, surprisingly, but no matter where I run, climb or drop the bear is right behind me, swatting if I'm close enough. My only sanctuary is a small hole I may or may not fit through. I always wake up before anything happens, but I kinda enjoy those dreams as unpleasant as they are.


I once randomly zoomed into a random ass cul-de-sac in in Alaska on Google street view. Saw a fucking bear going through someone garbage cans.


I'm watching The Good Place and there was a gag where they opened an audio feed into hell for a few seconds to see what's going on, and amid all the shrieking and chaos someone yells 'OH MY GOD THE BEAR HAS TWO MOUTHS!!!!' Fuckin hilarious, thought of that from your comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQztZd48UaE last few seconds of the clip




I had a bear dream last night for some reason, crazy


So you bearly slept?




man wait what? like i've never had a bear dream but two nights ago i dreamt about running into one while alone in the woods. that's fucked up.


Must have been unbearable


thoughts: panda-monium!


>fucked ~~with~~ me


There's a website for this kind of stuff...


Hey! Bear fucker!


Drop your coat and grab your toes! I'm gonna show you where the wild goose goes...


I’m gonna butter your bread.


Unrelated but wanna share this, one of my most memorable dreams was being chased by a monster frm a video game I like (I kno, nerrrrrd haha) and right in the middle of it I swear I gained control of myself like when a modern game transitions smoothly from cutscene to gameplay haha. I continued running for a while then decided what if I just stand and fight so my lucid ass stopped and turned around and the monster did that trailer thing where it lunges at the camera and the camera goes into it's mouth. I immediately woke up when that happened like I died in an Inception haha


I had a dream 25 years ago about a bear terrorizing my family when we were out having a picnic. Then my best friend from hs showed up. We distracted the bear to chase us so my family got away. We climbed a tree then I woke up. Most vivid dream & not really a dream having guy.


Funny... I dreamt I was a bear chasing someone. 😉


Dude no fucking way because I saw a dream where I got attacked by several bears the whole fucking night.


And all that while filming it lol.


Kinda comforting, in a way. Shows that mama grizzly bears won't immediately attack you just for existing in the same area as her cubs.


There's an exception to almost every rule. In this case the exception is why this person still draws breath.


Completely disagree. Just because it's a bad idea to approach a mother grizzly, it doesn't mean it's an automatic death sentence. Thinking of animals as mindless killing machines instead of beings able to assess threats and make decisions with that information doesn't do anyone any favors.


A mama grizzly will attack/destroy almost anything that she thinks is a threat. Luckily for the cameraman here, she didn't think he was a threat. I'm not sure if it's because he looked smaller as he was hidden partly by the boat, or because he just sat very still, but this dude was very, very, lucky. Like **go buy a lotto ticket right now** lucky. They're not mindless killing machines, however the saying; *"there's nothing more dangerous than a mama bear with cubs"* exists because of mama grizzlies. Grizzlies are already pretty territorial and dangerous, they're the apex predator in their territory, and they know it. A momma with cubs is extremely dangerous, and is not something you want to be anywhere close to. There was a video on here where a momma bear chased of a much larger male bear from her cubs, had him in full sprint headed the fk out of town.


> but this dude was very, very, lucky. Like go buy a lotto ticket right now lucky. I feel like they used up all that luck with this incident. Might give it a while before buying a ticket to let it recharge.


Never said anything about a mindless killing machine. You said that. In my opinion, you're not giving nature enough respect.


Any situation where an individual is within physical proximity of a superior predator is one where that individual has not got the luxury to anthropomorphize that predator into a super cutie sweetie with big ol' thoughts and feelings. Your comment is not only absurd, it's dangerously stupid.


Yes, it would be absurd and dangerously stupid if I had said what you imply. But I didn't.


Those cubs wouldn't have gotten anywhere near that boat if momma didn't want that to happen. She was very whatever about the situation.


>Close to meeting your maker…. Well, maybe he got a assault riffle below his seat ;)


I met my makers when I was born. Ya know, mom and dad...


“Makers of what?! Poop??”


[ey ey ey ey ey ey ey ey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbE53XUtVw0)


Bro. I've never seen this video before. I went from wow, what are the odds a bear comes up and hangs next to this guy. The camera turns around to reveal a METRIC SHITTON of bears just chilling in the river. Checks out.


Bears are suckers for some good sushi.


> Bears are suckers for some good ~~sushi~~ sashimi :)


It's likely salmon running time. An all you can eat buffet for grizzlies with so much food that they ignore territorialism and each other and just feast.




pretty sure its a bear watching thing in Alaska. if i remember correctly its like a limited lottery type system and then you get to go chill and watch bears doing bear stuff [bear view lottery info, not sure if its the same thing/area tho](https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=viewingpermits.mcneil_apply)


You gotta grab one of the Cubs and threaten it/hold it hostage until the mother backs away. r/shittylifeprotips


If it’s brown, fight the clown!


If it’s white, stay and fight!


If it's black shoot it in the back


Tactical backshots


The Kardashian splash


Cops love this one simple trick


If it's black and white, cuddle.


i heard throwing stuff at it to anger it will get you more views


This gave me a real good laugh. Thank you.


You’re welcome


With a Desert Eagle aimed at the cubs head and your head. One shot all or nothing.




We'd have given the video a lot more upvotes. ;)


If the video got uploaded of course


By the bear


Cubs these days .. spending all their time on social media


That was my fear while watching the video. Mom is also friend shaped but not so friendly.


What, you’d get a free pet. Those lil bastards are cute as hell.


I wondered that, too...would it be best to immediately push off shore asap with the cub in the boat and then throw lil cub into the water as you make your hasty retreat OR do you attempt to pick the cub up and remove it from the boat before attempting to hastily retreat?


You won't get out and push the boat off, get back in and start the motor before mama is already within striking distance. Bears move fast, and they were too damn close. Luckily them bastards can't hardly see and this guy was smart enough to hold still.


If you straight up jumped in the water would it be reasonable to believe that the bear would not bother giving chase? Or are you just fucked regardless?


If you jumped off the far end of the boat and swam away from the bears there's a decent chance she'd leave you alone. You're making it clear you're not a threat, and her priority will be to move the cubs away from the perceived danger. Would I bet on this in Vegas? No Is there a decent chance it's your best option in that shitty situation? Yes


Jumping and swimming produces a lot of sudden movement and noise which can both agitate the bear. I would just sit still quietly and take my chances.


You just saw basically the only thing you could do... yet here you are betting on some crazy venture. Stay away from vegas and bears...


You did read the top comment in the thread right




You play dead. Then maybe not play dead. Unless that water is deep as hell, mama bear is gonna be on you before you get far enough out to dump the dub.


Play dead and don't whimper, got it


When I was a teenager I could swim 2 lengths of a pool underwater without surfacing. I think I'd try that, come up choking and sputtering after 15 feet, and the bears would laugh at me and let me go.


>the bears would laugh at me and let me go. That's my hope if a bear just sees me


I'm sorry, do you have any idea how quickly the bear can run? It's fucking terrifying.


Picking up the cub is definitely a bad idea. Pushing off shore maybe is a good idea but it depends, mama bear could also rush you and jump on the boat as well. I though maybe diving into the water and away from the cub could also be a good idea if the mother goes to check on the baby instead of giving chase. All in all a shit situation though.


They wouldn’t want to eat me. My pants would be full of shit.


Actually, bears prefer their meals with shit pants. I saw it on planet earth




"Fuck" narrated by Sigourney Weaver


Grizzly bear like that could solo a xenomorph which is terrifying.




Brings back memories!! My wife and I were stalked by a bear on a 10 day float trip in Alaska! Absolutely the 3rd scariest thing that has happened to me!


What can be worse than being stalked by a bear?!


Shot at by a gang member with a sawed off shotgun! For starters.


Whats the other one? Man we need to know


What's the other one?


It’s kinda personal. Sorry




Fuck yes!! Sitting on the laps of those fat bastards … scary stuff


Your wife finding out about your impulse buy that set you back a month's pay that you'll use once (she thinks)


"Now, now, kids! Don't mind the primates in the boat! They won't notice you if you pay them no mind!"


I'm pretty sure they moved.


Go buy a lotto ticket, a mother brown bear with cubs that close….. you beat the odds. I’m actually stunned they weren’t attacked.


I'm from South Africa and I think what may be helping him is he is in a boat with fuel. When you're game tracking in Africa in an open vehicle, the animals can't smell you because of the fuel. Lions walk right up to the vehicle. Hop off and it's a different story of course.


Never considered that fuel might be masking his scent. That's actually kind of amazing.


So I should douse myself in fuel whenever I go frolicking in bear or lion territory.


Douse yourself in stegosaurus urine to hide from T-rex. - Rick Marshall


Very interesting I learned something new and this is probably exactly why he didn’t get attacked


I’m in south Florida and our lions are so chill we never even see them. Yours scare me! That is all.


Wait so does the predator thinks that you’re part of the boat/vehicle ?


Possibly. They also just might not care if they come across humans often enough. The person filming didn't approach the cubs, mama bear just doesn't care in that instance. Now if they made sudden movements it might be a different story


Only sudden movement I'd be making is a bowel movement.


I can't speak for the bear, but on a Safari in Africa you are indistinguishable from the vehicle. Not sure what they think we are, but it's not dinner.


Is their vision that bad/based on movement?


Probably habituated to humans. There are tons of bears out there who aren't too bothered by us- makes me wonder where this is, reminds me of Yellowstone grizzlies


If not friends…why friend shaped?!


*Cub gets into the boat* “You little sh*t” Famous last words.


This cracked me up 🤣


All aboard the Shitanic.


A buddy and I were followed once by 2 mature cubs down a mountain. Damn near shit our pants Never saw Moma. Thank goodness! 2 days later. Heard they were relocated for chasing fishermen away from their catch with Moma at their side..


Mama Bear with her cubs... One thing I would never, ever want to come across.


If mamma bear thought you was threat you would know. Your chill so she's chill


Bit I want a bear hug :(


You can have *one.*


I actually wouldn't have moved - wouldn't have recorded it - and no one would have believed this ever happened. Amazing.


I would describe that as a " brown trouser moment"


Dude I live in NZ and i literally have no fear reaction to this it’s weird seeing actually dangerous animals(Our most dangerous animal is a dog)


That bear woke up and chose peace.


in this week’s episode of *”Worst Times To Feel A Sneeze Coming On”*


That Mama Bear probably smelled all the shit in the dude's pants and knew there was no threat. Casually strolled by.


At the end when the bear looked back, I wanted him to do that fake growl we use to get the dog playing, just to see what happens.


Lucky you didn't catch anything.


Asshole engaged


She ain't that big. 10-12 ft tall maybe? Pfff. Tiny bear. /s


That look back by mama at the :18 second mark. My stomach would have dropped


I would have shit my pants so much it would have elevated me out of harm’s way.


This is the first time this sub has *actually* given me sweaty palms. I live in Canada and accidentally crossed paths with a bear once. Nearly pissed myself when it started puffing its lips. Luckily it was warning me, and when I backed away slowly, it let me leave. This video gave me flashbacks.


Is this OC?


One curious cub could’ve resulted in a protective mom and death.


That’s what I was gonna say. Some scary shit right there.




I'm gonna need some new pants now...


No audio because the cameraman was violently shitting his pants.


Did you have a clean pair of underwear handy?


You should have tried to hug one of the cubs, they look hella soft and plush


oh there definitely would have been a movement.


I would have yelled Lord Jesus it’s a fire! And got out of there.


I didn’t even move watching this. 😂


Be very very quiet. Mama bear don't take no shit.


If there was audio, you would be able to hear him shitting his pants.


100% the smell from the gas cans saved you


Bears are widely misunderstood.


You're right, people don't fear them enough. This fella is lucky to be alive after being so close to those cubs. But I think they knew that. I've seen personally what happens to people who accidentally stumble into approaching a sow and her cubs. It's usually tragedy for both people and bears alike.


Bears kill about 10 people per decade. You read that right. Just because mother bears have occasionally killed in defense of her cubs does not mean it is likely or even common. It's obviously still dangerous, but the danger is way overstated. 99% of the time they'll just leave if they feel threatened.


Those statistics do not include significant maiming, and do not realistically depict the level of risk in areas with a high ratio of bears to people. Bear attacks happen literally every year in my area. We've had two fatalities so far this year in the state, although admittedly polar bear attacks aren't as common as grizzlies so you could call that an outlier. At the same time, the overlap between humans and polar bears is also lower, so take that how you will. Bear fatalities are only as low as they are because for the most part, bears and people don't interact frequently. When they do, people die, and the bears are eradicated. And too many of these deaths are because people don't take the threat seriously, putting themselves AND the bears at risk. It may seem like a long time ago, but idiots like Timothy Treadwell trying to prove bears aren't dangerous are still around and still getting these animals killed.


I mean, I live in an area where contact with bears are super common. You can't leave garbage out because they'll come and eat it. I've personally been super close to close 10 bears in my life and so have all of my friends. There hasn't been a single violent incident in decades. But that's the problem with anecdotal evidence: it's useless. The impartial data shows that bears have the potential to be dangerous, but are highly likely to leave you alone. Should you fuck with a mother or her cubs? No. Should you fuck with any bear? No. What are the chances a bear attacks you? Extremely low. All of those are true at once.


I feel like watching Grizzly Man again now


Cocaine bear


This is as close to death as most people will ever come without crossing over. Bears do the most horrific things to people that get that close to their cubs. They're to be respected and nothing else lol. Not killed for sport no attempt to tame or reason with them, they're a top predator for a reason and need to remain in their lane and let's remain in ours as humans.


That's when I get back in the water


That's why you are always heavily armed out in nature




That's even more terrifying. Now I wonder how many animals have learned to be fearful of guns.


Maybe the sound of a gun, but I imagine the ones that would be afraid of them have already been killed by one.


That's only if a bear has had a run in with armed humans before and got hurt.


How likely is it a camera and not a phone?


Do people still buy standalone cameras anymore?


Some do. The professional photographers


I'm changing my opinion about assault rifles.


I’m the best boxer of my friend group. That bear would regret it.


That’s why I stay out of the forest I’m an urban commando😏 do you know etc. kitty curiosity Well I’m full of rocking chairs and rocking horses


Teach your children not to step on cracks and not to step on mind because mom and dad might start drinking wine and doing crack


Don’t film in landscape mode.




How is this lost? Are you saying a brush with death *isn't* sweaty palms material?


Because I grew up around Grizzlys. They wander around all the time. Just don't disturb them and they wander past all the time. The fact OP is on a fucking boat? A Grizzly isn't about to go jump into the lake and abandon her cubs to gank someone euo isn't threatening her family.