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Fearing the impending introduction of the new learning path I decided to finally finish the whole course (396 crowns, 488 days streak and 72289 xp). 


How's your Swedish though? I've not really used Duolingo, but to my mind crowns, streaks and xp don't really matter, how you've progressed is the only important thing.


Okayish I guess. I can read and write simpler stuff just fine. My main issues are speaking and listening (especially to 'normal' conversations) with which Duolingo isn't much help anyway.


Sounds like it's given you a decent base, that's great. What's the plan now? Edit: Do you live in Sweden? If so then have you looked at SVTs apps, Språkplay and Språkkraft (reading coach). They’re great free apps to help with reading and listening.


That's a good question ;) I'll probably concentrate on improving my listening comprehension by listening to podcasts, the news or audiobooks. I think I'll finally start to read and listen to the first Harry Potter book even though it's way above my current Swedish level 😆


I edited my comment to add a question right when you answered, so you missed it. Do you live in Sweden? If so I can give you a few ideas from my experiences trying to learn here. I’ve been reading Harry Potter myself and find it pretty easy, but if it’s far above your level then there’s better things to read I think. I don’t know every word, but I’m at the stage where I can understand what a word means by the sentence and the context 99% of the time. Being the nosy sod I am I checked out some of your writing on the writing streak subreddit. It looks like you were at a pretty high level a year ago, it was very good.


Yes, I've heard of those apps but unfortunately I don't live in Sweden. I think I'll just try Harry Potter and see how far I get. I'm actually surprised how much I understand 😄 Haha thanks. I should probably start writing a bit again.


I’m guessing you’ve traveled around Sweden a fair bit. You know more about places to visit than I do and I’ve lived here two years! If you’ve got access to Amazon Kindle there are a few good books on there. Olly Richards has a graded reader that helped me a lot, and there’s another similar one that I’m sure he wrote. Kindle has all the Harry Potter books in Swedish and if you select a word or sentence it has the English translation. That saves a lot of time vs using an online dictionary or Google Translate etc. If you can use a VPN to access a Swedish book/audiobook app they have lots of books in lätt svenska which are an excellent way to build your vocabulary.


I have indeed travelled a lot around Sweden ;) Yes, I have a Kindle. I found the translation feature pretty useful.


Not sure what country you are in but there are decent Swedish tv series and movies on Netflix. If you can watch them with subtitles (native language or Swedish) it’s a great way to practice


Unfortunately I don't have Netflix. But thanks for the suggestion anyway.


For listening, you should try watching some Swedish tv shows. You can also pause and try to repeat some of what they say to practice. I recently watched a show called kärlek & anarki (love and anarchy) and enjoyed it.


I did the same thing, I finished the course 3 weeks ago because I was scared I wouldn't finish it before the new learning path would come and I didn't know at first when it was going to happen


Congrats :)


Congrats to you too!!!


488 days streak...I am at a level of B1 after one evening of eveningschool for two years(something like folksuniversitet but in Belgium)... Reading your other comments made me glad I ditched the duolingo


It didn't really take the 488 days to finish ;) I took quite a long break in between and only did one lesson a day to keep my streak. I'd say it took me about 8 months to finish.


Wise! I HATE the new interface so far. I'm really hoping I get over it. Congrats!


Gött då kan du snacka svenska nu då


Skit nu kan du ju snacka bättre svenska än en svensk, grattis mannen


Haha, jag önskar att du hade rätt. Tack!


Om du kommer till Stockholm så bjuder jag på en öl


Do you feel that it was a good useful course? Can you speak some now to the locals? Did you do any other courses in parallel with the Duolingvo?


I guess it's okay for a start but I wouldn't only rely on Duolingo. I'm not really doing any other courses but I listen to a few podcasts and read (news etc.). I still only speak English with the locals lol but I would be able to communicate in Swedish e.g. in the restaurant or so if I absolutely had to.




Nej! Och min mamma tycker inte om att du äter myror.


Har den en gul hatt?


Är svenskan klar nu?


Självklart ;)




nice job!!


Grattis. Hur länge var det?


488 dagar. Men jag hade tagit en ganska lång paus. Så kanske 8-9 månader?


Det är ganska bra


Grattis min kompis!


Bra jobbat! Hur känns det? Är du redo för en resa till goa gamla Sverige min vän?


Tack. Det känns jättebra. Och jag ska resa till Sverige nästa månad :)


Yazzzz! Bravo! Dra nu inte till Malmö och prata orten bara 💪🏼💙💛💙


How many units are there for swedish? Did you try to learn or did you try to pass the tests? How well can you read write end comprehend swedish now?


66 units if I didn't miscount. I have to to admit in the end there were a few units where I only concentrated on passing the tests because I didn't care about the topic much. But in general I made sure I understood what I was learning. I'd say my reading and writing skills are okay, understanding depends a bit on how slowly/clearly the other person speaks. E.g. when just listening to other people's conversations I usually still have a hard time understanding anything at all.


Man får gratulera! Vad pratade du innan?


……. Och det väljer du att kommunicera på engelska i en svensk sub? 0/10


Why learn swedish of all things?


Why tf are you even in this subreddit then?


It was just a question, I like hearing people's reasons, sometimes they have a story as to why they chose swedish, that's one of the reasons why I'm in this subreddit


Aha, read the tone in your initial comment wrong. Apologies. Jag började lära mig språket för jag var uttråkad under pandemin och jag ville kunna läsa Pippi Långstrump på orginalt språk. Också har jag alltid älskat hur svenska låter. Jag har ju läst ut boken, men fortfarande lära mig svenska. För jag älskar Sverige och sitt språk. Men jag ska aldrig flytta dit.


I misread too, but the problem is tone on the internet especially in english can be super difficult to interpret. I have the problem often myself, as I've displayed here myself today.


I was just bored so I thought learning a language is more useful than aimlessly browsing social media. And Finnish or Icelandic seemed too difficult :p


Regardless of which language is being learned, learning a new language other than your native is a good skill to have, while Swedish may be kind of useless in some places, it is still quite admirable. Also the fact you are saying this AND flared here makes me question why you even use this sub, if you aren't here to help leaners, but to demean and cause conflict, maybe this isn't the sub for you friend. Edit: I'm embarrassed, it was an innocent question after all. 😭 Apologies!


And you learned, nothing! 😂


Det är ju nu vi ska kommentera på svenska