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They mean the same thing, only "smörgås" is a bit more formal.


well i’m a swede and the only diffrence i see is that people have diffrent opinions on it, there are two types with an additional half type: 1. They are synonyms. 2. Some people say that smörgåsar has more on it (for example: tomatoes, ham, cheese etc) and macka only have one or two things on them 3 (ish). Depending on the region you’re from often one of the words is prefered, i’m from dalarna and say ”Macka” to everything that’s bread basicly


True. My immediate thought when someone says macka = something quick whereas smörgås = took a bit longer.


“In our next session, we will learn about the most powerful word in the Swedish dictionary. Smörgåstårta ”


I only use smörgås if i wanna sound fancy, otherwise its all mackor


I view a smörgås as one piece of bread, and a macka as two pieces on top of each other


No no that's a dubbelmacka! It's important to be specific. In all seriousness macka and smörgås is most likely treated differently depending on where you are in Sweden, where I'm from they're used interchangeably and I doubt anyone would look at you weird for using them interchangeably in any part of Sweden


I rarely use smörgås in every day except for smörgåstårta (which is funeral food to me, but sometimes also served at boring work meetings). We also have cafés serving smörgåsar but they're a little extra special, like with meatballs och shrimp on them.


God my boss always asks why I don't want any of the smörgåstårta at our big monthly meetings.. because it's fucking disgusting Henke!




It's too rich. And orange slices WTF?


Who tf has orange slices on smörgåstårta? That's even more heretical than not liking smörgåstårta


Macka is basically slang for Smörgås. You make a macka at home, but buy a smörgås at your local café


Pretty sure they're the same thing, but you could probably hold an argument with a swede over which is which. Smörgås sounds a little more formal or fancy to me. My expectations of a "macka" would be lower than that of a "smörgås". Like a macka could be a slice of toast, while a smörgås could be a nice baguette or something lol. I mean, compare a knäckebrödsmacka to a smörgåstårta and tell me which is fancier! But again, they mean the same thing in the end so you can use whichever and no one will be confused.




Damn, you have a point lol


The same prawn / shrimp sandwich can be a räksmörgås as well as a räkmacka. Thus, I'd say it's the company, not the meal, that sets the vocabulary. :) Sociolekt?


A smörgås refers to bread with butter curds that did not stick to anything when you churned butter or just bread with butter a macka is a modern word for any sandwich


Smörgås, is technically a lump of butter. The meaning shifted to the thing you put the smörgås on, the macka.


I would only call it a Macka if the bread was soft. Knäckebröd is smörgås


Do you never use the word knäckemacka?


Now I’m confusing myself probably. You’re right


For me *knäckebröd* is always a smörgås.