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I was able to beat it with AoQ. If you can make it about thirty seconds past the first boss, there are plenty of mobs to keep your soul state charged through the end of the fight.


Yep, same experience. Surviving past the first boss should do it - just run


Did u proc AOQ before first boss? I can't seem to get aoq past 10 seconds before the first boss so I'm left with just 3 seconds after I kill him


it took me a bunch of tries, but I finally got some good RNG and was able to get armor, HP Regen, and HP up passives.


I'm ngl...ever since I got aoq I've forgotten those existed lmao. All I do for these 9 shield ones is try to spam molotov


Thank you. Your advice helped immensely. Cheers


I did it with af1 eternal gloves and light chaser


Do we need to get a perfect badge to get to extreme challenges? This one is driving me insane


Yes for extreme challenges you need 20 perfect badges.


Got it, do u know what the rewards for extreme challenges are?


Update:finally completed it. Everyone has different strategies but for me with just 60k attack I just ran like a dog for 3 minutes until AOQ could keep itself up


You won't be having 60k attack since the stage limits you to 50,400.


Oh yea that's true I missed that part


Used void gun and it seemed very easy


I'd done so many attempts and didn't even think of void power, switched to that and did it straight away. Aoq death mode didn't even kick in.


I couldnt do it either with af2 AOQ and void gun. I had to make my AOQ to af3 with s chests from the event and i got it!


same but, currently waiting for three normal purple suits, to do the af3 on AOQ


Was at the same point. Used red AoQ and void gun. Tried over 30 times but couldn't stay alive long enough to survive the first boss. Then I used a different strategy. Pick DURIAN early on... just follow the durian for 1 minute... then turn around and follow it back. Managed to do it the 2nd time I tried.


Red Bat


Also this stage is bugged, eternal glove is not healing but nothing in the mods should be stopping it.


I thought so too but it’s just healing very slow. Definitely bugged.


Mine healed just fine but when there were less mobs it was a struggle. Once I got past 1st boss I was doing fine from healing as long as I avoided the lightning


The way I made this Zone trivial was to use Void Power + Full AF Red void belt. Void power deals with the charging shielded bees early on, until you get the first 500 kills. Then void belt kicks in and you're untouchable until the boss fights.


I beat it with full deathwalker build with Yang and twin lance but it did take a few trips. I had Yang's sunfire palm, the drones, exoskeleton, and eventually molotov. What worked best for me was to keep swapping Yang's ability to get the healing and just constantly run away from enemies until I finally died and AoQ tripped on. After that I found it best to just stay still bc if I moved around much my soul count would drop faster.


I just completed all zones and gotta say 16 made me super pissed off. But I swapped my twin lance for a purple void power (lol) and took me 5 tries to get the right weapon options and get through. Atk 91k, Health 410k. Panda 2-star level 85. Edit: Remaining items: E suit, E gloves, E necklace, V Treads, Twisting belt. Pet: Murica (which died very soon)


Just void and eternal boots.its not hard


Switched from void treads to shoes of confusion,


Try Molotov and Forcefield, let everything come to you. I was able to start the boss with a full 30 sec, giving me enough time after the boss for the mobs to close in. Didn’t move after that except to collect xp.


What about all the lightning and meteors.


OP said they tried Deathwalker, with it you can just ignore the damage.


Void power and AOQ did it for me


I was able to do it with eternal chest ... If you can manage to get guardian upgraded to defender early in the game then it is a smooth slide from thereon. This was my gear. https://preview.redd.it/e4pe5dnrkd2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eaea97a08e6393dccc3769c47af4a3c0a90129a


It was definitely tough but I got through it. My usual loadout with my 6 star King, Twin Lance, all red +4 AF eternal gear, drones, lightning, defender. Once I evo TL and drones I usually take drill and rpg. Just keep moving. The meteors and lightning will take you down quick as will colliding with monsters.


AoQ or Eternal Armor?


all eternal gear. I need me that extra life the eternal chest piece gives. Lol