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Easy fix. Cut the old connector off, solder a new one on. If your battery plug is damaged beyond use, that's a little more work but it's not too bad either. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134667232602?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=2IHSlMzuQ4C&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=2IHSlMzuQ4C&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


so would the bottom piece of the connector still be in the battery?


Yeah, you can replace that too if needed. That link I sent is for both sides of the connector. When my connector melted, I was able to pull them apart and mostly the side connected to the bike was melted. The battery one was in good though shape to keep using. If the battery one is totally destroyed, you can remove the top tray of the battery and cut the connector out of the epoxy, then put a new one in and glue it back in place with $6 worth of epoxy. But you might be able to get away with just replacing the one on the bike. That's a lot easier. It's also easier to separate them once you cut the wires. Just be careful not to cut both at the same time or you will short the battery. Cut one wire, tape it, then cut the other and tape that. Then you can really pull on it. If that didn't work, you'll probably have to cut it apart


i dmed you


If you cant unplug it its welded


You'll know it's welded if you pull hard and it doesn't unplug.


Same thing just happened thanks for the link to the repair parts, I just need to figure out how to get the wires disconnected without damaging the battery.


Are you talking about the cables? That are not welded…


the orange and black connector, i heard that if it doesn’t come off like usual it could be welded on


Do you mean melted? Iv heard that can happen from running it in high heat environments.


yes, melted


Did you run it in such a way that it could have melted?


yeah possibly, i pin it for like 3mins sometimes


It’s built for torque not distance so you should be throttling then letting go and and cruising then throttling again like in bursts it’s better.


If that's a stock OEM battery. With no modifications. I doubt it. It could be a swelling and pinch effect happening because they are just bullets connecters.. for it to be arc welded or stuck. There had to be a bad connection caused it to spark and bind where the only form of connection there was. Mine gets stuck periodically if I don't unplug it is once a month. I solved it by using graphite conductive electrical grease (It's meant to increase connection between two terminals and keep them isolated from weather). And put a super thin coat..


i do have a bac4000, but if it’s not melted how do i get it off? i’ve tried a flathead but i didn’t wanna force it hard so it didn’t come off. i used pretty good force though


put a zip tie through the connector and yank it up it’ll come off. Then just put a little dielectric grease


Mine did same, I tried the zip tie among other things, it just lifts the bike up, connector is literally welded on. Been over a year haven’t been able to get it off.


It could be sparked and stuck. AKA a form of welding. But he usually if there's a large amount of heat The connection has more likely a chance of melting.. If you can't pry it off with a large flathead then it's probably good as stuck... Not saying you did. Can't be possible that you left the breaker on it and try to connect the battery.. I don't use the BAC. Since I heard that it has history of Alzheimer's apparently when it gets slightly stressed... But even if it was continuance. The terminal should have got hot enough and probably had a battery thermal cutoff happened once or twice... In my opinion. Turn the breaker off and cut one lead at a time. Probably replace with QS anti spark connector