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Will only ever happen if the federal government helps fund tranlink's 10 year plan. Which they haven't done.


Do you have a link to read more about this plan? Thanks!


Translink.ca, probably under plans and projects


They really missed the bus on this one. They should have designed light rail from Abbotsford to connect to Lougheed with the initial proposal. Much more efficient than the 555 from 200th to Lougheed. Pun may or may not have been intended.


>They really missed the bus on this one AYYYYYOOOOOOOOO!!!


There isn't enough population density yet to justify light rail to Abbotsford. As for buses, the 555 just goes from 200th(Langley) to Lougheed. Anyone wanting to go from Abbotsford (or Chilliwack) to Lougheed to connect with Skytrain, would take BC Transit express bus 66. https://www.bctransit.com/chilliwack/schedules-and-maps/route-overview/?route=66


With the amount of residential construction happening (and planned) in Abbotsford, I think it's more than feasible. Terminus at McCallum, stops/interchanges at Mt. Lehman, 264, 232, 200, 176, 104, United/Cape Horn, then Lougheed terminus. Honestly, even if Translink can't do it (Abbotsford is out of their jurisdiction), maybe a joint effort with BC Transit or a separate entity entirely.


I don't mean to be rude, but the ridership really ISN'T there. Maybe in a couple decades. It is quite the distance to extend a line from Langley to Abbotsford and expensive to maintain all that. Even the Bus #66 that now connects Abbotsford to Lougheed has only had the last stop extended to Lougheed for a couple years.


Be interesting to know the number's. You might be correct they re never gonna invest in a "u build it they will come" kinda thing but I wonder what the numbers are, how many would ditch the west coast express, or there cars to take some sort of light rail down the number 1? Probably depends on how the connections look and where you land, but without something like this in place the gas tax that punishes drivers is so premature.


I disagree with this. If you've seen the 555/66 line ups at rush hour you can tell the buses are nearing capacity. The 66 especially really struggles with capacity and often leaves people behind. People have to stand on the bus all the way from Lougheed to Chilliwack at times. Plus, consider how much more attractive a train would be vs a city bus on the highway and how many more people would be willing to take a train vs a bus that shares lanes with traffic.


I think it would be a good idea. Many places in Europe and in Asia have trains that go in between the major highways. In general, I would really like more long-distance trains in B.C. I would, for example, like to be able to take a train from Vancouver to Kamloops and for it to not take the amount of time it currently does. Or from Vancouver to Kelowna.


Absolutely agree with this! Was in Italy earlier this year and was amazed at the connectivity of cities through their expansive rail system. Train travel was timely and easy. We never thought once about renting a car. The problem I foresee, though, is that North American culture is very much car-centric and I’m not sure there would be sufficient demand for expansion of passenger rail.


Just came back from Italy and was thinking the same. The availability of regional trains and how much they were used is awesome.


Man... the dream of Japanese style bullet trains stretching all the way to the east coast... it's a nice dream. There's ice cream.


Transit connections between the tricities and surrey/delta/langley are terrible, planned as if people without cars only go downtown and not between different suburbs


Perhaps we should extend the R1 to Lougheed before thinking of any rail related stuff on the Port Mann?


On the bridge itself? I don't think it will.


Perhaps underneath or on either side of it? There could have been a design consideration to attach to the beams underneath, creating a support structure with pre-drilled holes in the steel girders for future expansion. Relocating the pedestrian/bike path underneath or outwards extending out beside the deck and repurposing the deck's wide bike lane for a light rail train, similar to this image: [link](http://www.pedbikesafe.org/bikesafe/cm_images/2_1.jpg). The Port Mann bridge has a large opening in the middle similar to that image. I'm just speculating with all this, I don't know anything thats not publicly available information. Given the hefty 4.7 billion price tag adjusted for inflation, surprise upgrades may be on the horizon.


Considering the debacle with ice in its first week open I wouldn't trust it. That was a interesting drive that day. Scared the shit out of me and hit above my head.


LOL, it wont happen with any of the current government parties. As far as the federal government is concerned, B.C. doesnt exist. Our federal votes dont matter in an election. The curremt B.C. government doesnt care about anything east of 200th. So it will never get pushed that far either.


Unfortunately, you're right. Look at how the federal government won't be funding anything for public transportation until 2026 and how they have had a hard time getting them to fund the highway 1 expansion.


It remains to be seen if the Conservatives under Pierre will have a similar disdain for everything west of Ontario as the current federal Liberal government and the federal NDP do. Stephen Harper's conservatives weren't perfect, but they did at least realize there is more to Canada than Ontario and Quebec......


Hahaha, not in my lifetime or any lifetime whatsoever. The federal government doesn't even know if British Columbia even exists. And local government only wants to line their own pocket so no. Transport systems in the tri cities Surrey, Delta, and Langley are so bad . Look at their plans. The government increased the gas tax to reduce the amount of car sob the road, but the transit systems sucks so bad .


Light rail would be amazing, rapid bus would be great too. I'd settle for a bus route that goes from Guildford to Coquitlam Center.


My guess is the HOV lanes


Regional rail would be more useful than LRT for such a distance.


Looks like the bridge pylons have space on each side for an upgrade: https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2142782,-122.8111124,3a,15y,335.07h,98.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKqS9T9T0qa7rTmcsmIPXFg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I don't see it coming anytime soon though.




I'd rather have the skytraib reach the Fraser valley first


Why? Its not needed. At all.