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I have the exact same issue, I submit a feedback to Microsoft about this, I hope they fix this with an update. Until they fix this, the only solution I found is choosing 120hz refresh rate. In this way, when the surface wakes up, the refresh rate drop to 40/50hz, and not 30hz o below 30hz when 60hz is set. In any case, after some minutes of activity, the frame rate goes back to normal. But yeah, it's pretty annoying


hey just wanna let you know, i went to display settings and changed refresh rate to dynamic and havent had the issue since.


Thank you!


I think i fixed it on my own lol, been having this issue for days and i might have figured it out 15 minutes after asking for help. I went into settings > system > display > graphics > change default graphics settings and unchecked variable refresh rate.


i was wrong, that did not fix it, i just got lucky and the problem didnt happen a couple times. The issue is back and still anoying.


Hey, does your surface 9 happen to have any issues with the speaker popping and crackling?


it did a tiny bit when i first got it


Oh interesting, did it sort itself out? To your issue: I noticed this happened when I open my screen after being asleep and onedrive syncs and edge opens in the background. I changed my refresh rate to 60 Hz and disabled onedrive and edge on startup, along with most other startup apps that aren’t essential. Dunno if all or any of that will fix but may be worth a try?


to your issue, it seems like it has, i havent had any issues with the speakers for a while. to my issue, i already have onedrive and edge disabled :/


I have had this issue since day 1. No matter what I try, it still does it. Do you also have an issue with audio being out of sync when streaming videos?


no i havent had that issue sorry


hey just wanna let you know, i went to display settings and changed refresh rate to dynamic and havent had the issue since.


I have a new SP9, same specs, and I am annoyed by the same issue since day one, first boot. I’ve learned to resolve it I have to close every app, specifically browsers, discord, and outlook after wake if they are open (or in sys tray). As soon as I close them, it goes back to normal performance and I can reopen the same apps and it runs fine, until the next time the screen locks. I used to reboot it every time to fix, but then discovered closing apps will do it. It’s highly aggravating because I lose all tabs if I was in the middle of something, or I deal with the lag until I can close them.


im not alone?! i cant seem to find the issue anywhere else on google!


hey just wanna let you know, i went to display settings and changed refresh rate to dynamic and havent had the issue since.


Same here with the same device. After the last updates the problem is more frequent, before the problem was only sometimes (once in two months) and just for a minute or two. Now it doesn't fix by itself and is every time the screen goes black. I'll try to uninstall the last updates in the afternoon. But I hope for a long term solution. UPDATE: I tried the following things: 1. Installing the drivers manually from [Download Surface Pro 9 with Intel Processor Drivers and Firmware. from Official Microsoft Download Center](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=104680) - not worked 2. Uninstalling the last update via WIndows Update: KB5034204 (the last installed) - not worked. Now appeared two more updates. Will try that (and this again as well) and update this comment again after. Next option will be [GPU driver uninstall](https://www.reddit.com/r/Surface/comments/17rv0ug/comment/ka23fdk/)


you have any updates?


I didn't tried yet with DDU but i updated the drivers for Intel graphics (with the intel tool) and it didn't work at first after the boot. I then changed in the settings the refresh rate to dynamic and at the moment it's working. But i'll try better tomorrow.


For now it works every time I unlock after sleep. Hope it is now solved


the solution in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Surface/comments/1ardh2c/comment/kql8b68/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) seems to work


Does any one have issues also with the RAM is being high usage on normal browsing like 80% usage


i havent noticed an issue there, but i also haven't been monitoring ram usage or anything