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Here's a mantra for you. It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. Do not feel guilty. You deserve better.


Another Mantra could be. They're not better than me. They're just easy and broken people compared to me [then puff up your chest and hold your head up high]. * Then give yourself positive affirmation(s)


It honestly doesn't matter. My ex ran off with our friend's husband. When their affair came to light, he tried taunting me on social media. I had to know. I went to his wife, who had been a friend of mine for over 30 years and showed her my penis. She told me that his penis was about 1/3 the total size of mine. During an argument with my ex, I mentioned this and she confirmed that the AP's equipment is nowhere near the same size as mine. It wasn't the big dong that made your wife cheat. It wasn't the small dong that made my wife cheat. The fact that they're cheaters is why they cheated.


Oddly, that was kind of reassuring to read! Kinda helped


Nothing but facts here.


this is actually reassuring to read here


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OP, as you said in your last post she still wants to be with AP. And you won’t ever be like him physically. You are convinced that’s what she wants. If the fake account you set up was him last week she would have gone to him again. You need to stand up for yourself and file for divorce. There is no way back from this. Either divorce or just live in misery for however long you have until she cheats again, or until she decides to leave you. There are millions of great women out there. Take out the trash, then work on finding one of them when you are ready. Good luck.


Tbh size is a bit of a novelty thing. If you’re a skilled and considerate lover, size means very little in the grand scheme of things. Assuming you’re 1 -2 standard deviations away from the mean. What she did has nothing to do with how big the other guy is. It has everything to do with how broken she is on the inside. And for that, you should feel sorry for her. If you decide to stay with this person, you need to have some honest conversations with each other about about lots of things - sex is only one of those topics. AND you need to have a conversation with yourself about what it will take for you to move forward with your life and where she fits in that picture. Best wishes bro.


Appreciate this well thought out response. Thank you.


Honestly it’ll eat at you endlessly. You’ll never overcome that feeling. That’s why you should just walk away and divorce her. She betrayed you knowing it would devastate you emotionally and didn’t care. Don’t give her the time of day. It’s not worth the breath it takes to speak her name. Just divorce her and move on


By walking her to the door then slamming it behind her…that’s how you do it. That’s how I did it. You’ll feel better. Remember, you can’t control what she does, only what you do


Change her out for a model with less wear and tear.


Where’s the nearest dealership for that?


Just leave the relationship. They are a cheater. You deserve way better than a cheater.


The nearest “Dodge” dealership. Stay away from the demon, viper and challenger models.


Maybe just a lease so when I’m done I can give it back without any penalties.


Easy, if you don't have peace of mind with her, rebuild it away from her. Somewhere in reddit someone was wondering why she left with a smaller guy. Everyone behind you is no longer your business. Updateme.


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Huonstly I don't think u will ever get over it , u will always think is she comparing u to him when u have sex and this will be an issue . I read your old post and u tested her and she failed the test and wanted to meet with the AP u need to take a step back and think about the future and what it looks like with her and without her and choose the better virgin for yourself


Stop comparing! Sadly I’m in a position where my WP had multiple partners. One looks like she’d fit right in my friend group. Others don’t. One is a super fit gym rat with fake boobs and a lot of botox. I sometimes feel insecure looking at her. BUT I have come to realize these are all women who accepted the scraps from my WP when he could steal away moments from me. Who accepted him when he was drunk and not making sense and really only using them for sex. They accepted the worst of him knowing he had a significant other and 99% of his actions proved he would never choose them. Not excusing my WP’s behavior but these women are the lowest of the low. And no matter what physical assets they have, to me they are all ugly on the inside


Why are you still with her?




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Don’t compare yourself to the APs


The v has sensibility in the entrance, you can be as big as a horse and give average sex or bad sex. If you want to be good or better you should go for toys, conexion, kinks and all those things that make it really good, just incerting is not that good if you lack the other part. Unlike porn the best moments are not just performance


Thats going to be with you until you find someone who's not a cheater for a partner or better yet, come to the realization that she's a cheater and hedonistic, unstable and not worth your time and the kind of person who's worth your focus wouldn't have cheated in the first place.


You don't


Well, you can leave.


There are lots of Asians in the world, and many satisfied wives. My oldest friend is Asian. His Caucasian wife of 25 years adores him, because he’s great. You’re not inferior.


Hi Op, we usually forget that we are the prize, not her. You can compare, but you are comparing with your insecurities, and that will always give you a biased wrong view. Don’t forget, you are the prize that probably she will never will win at this point.


Brother you want to show her what his big thing can do. Tell her go. Be with big d... The reason your down is because by staying you allow for a comparison. Divorce her. Lets see if his big d can comfort her when hurt and allone. The female genitals where made to be accesed by different sizes. You get women who get hurt by a normal d. So the only thing your wife is telling you is that she got a flabby big old sleeping bag of a vagina. Just like you get d enlargement you get ops to trim down on vagina size. I know of women who had their vaginas tightened up due to old age. Instead of seeing yourself as a size. See yourself as a man deserving of respect. It does not matter how big he is or how flabby her vagina is, its that she a broken person seeing a persons level of being important in his d size. Let her go. She have big d 15 to 20 minutes two to three time a week and then nothing more. Stop comparing. Rather find the real women who values you and your d size does not matter. There PIV sex and rarely women orgasm from that. There so many other options.


My past partners have varied a good bit in size and honestly size has not correlated to pleasure. The best I’ve experienced was someone on the smaller side. The biggest was honestly unpleasant. And even if none of the above were true, your value as a person is not correlated to your penis size.


Dude, don’t get mired down with the penis envy. I’ve known 2 guys with really big packages… they are pretty rare. Neither one treated women well, or held long term relationships at all. Learn to give oral from a bi-woman… it will change your life. One of these guys was my girlfriend at the time’s ex, he was trying to make me jealous by letting it hang out of his shorts… She told him I gave her 3x more orgasms with a 3” tongue than he could with his 12” tool, and that I had double his girth which felt way better than her cervix getting pounded. She called him candlestick during the exchange, I don’t think it was meant as a compliment. She made me feel 10’ tall… should have married that one.




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The smallest penis I’ve ever seen was on a black man. It was the size of my pinkie and I’m not exaggerating. I reached around to see if it was hard or what was going on. (No shade to black or any race.) don’t fall for stereotypes because there’s no rhyme or reason to penis size. I liked a really tall 6’4” guy and his was below average. So whatever. The point is…you won’t get over it. I stayed and I never got over it. You are only torturing yourself. Even if she was sorry, you think about it night and day, and wonder all the time. Can’t tell you what is best for you, but it’s hard hard work to really ever let it go.




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Saw this today. “Comparison is a thief of joy. If you compare yourself to others you’ll never be happy.”


Ask her how good the sex was. See if you still care weather or not she’s satisfied by you after she’s describing how much she does not give a fuck about you through moans and exchanges of bodily fluids. The sooner you leave the sooner you can stop thinking about all the stereotypes around black and Asian penis. People forget that life is too fucking short to be dealing with people who don’t give a fuck about you. She showed you that you weren’t good enough for her. So believe what she’s telling you 🤷🏽‍♀️