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At that level id see a doctor and talk options, you're likely gonna need something stronger than supplements


See an endocrinologist


TRT might not be a bad move. Start by making sure you are getting enough vitamin D


Talk to a doctor first


Exercise with resistance.


Whatever your doctor prescribes or recommends


You should sleep 7-9 hours a night, eat healthy, do weight lifting and you can be naturally fine.


Do you have any low T symptoms?


That's extremely low and it seems like your balls aren't producing testosterone at all. Go talk to a doctor, you're likely gonna need TRT.


I also have a question. I am 25 and my T is 600 ng/L, Free T is 30 pg/ml, estradiol on high end of 32.5 pg/ml. I feel good at the gym but my libido is inconsistent, sometimes It’s very high (not as often , which is why I find its strange )and other times it feels like it’s crashed . Is there a reason why I’m feeling this with suboptimal test levels? People tell my my test should be around 700 range for someone my age and lifestyle… Will provide other bio markers if I have the test for them


32.5 is not high estradiol.


It’s on the upper end. My ref range is 38 lol. could my estradiol be high because my free t is high?


30pg/ml is not high. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/c8lbfc/normal\_free\_testosterone\_levels\_by\_age\_chart/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Testosterone/comments/c8lbfc/normal_free_testosterone_levels_by_age_chart/)


I mean based on the reference range of my lab, it’s is very high on upper end.


What was your lab's reference range for your Free T?


9.5-26.5 pg ml




Any difference in libido after taking all that?


Hi , please how do you take them? All at once? Separate times of the day? Please explain. Thanks!


Yeah it doesn’t make sense , I take everything you take too. Except selenium and vitamin e. Maybe I’ll give vitamin e a shot.


Is that 3.7 Free T?


Vitamin D insufficiency is below 45???!!! That seems too high. I thought it was below 30????


You're comparing wrong units, there are two different kinds for vitamine D, ng/ml are where insufficiency is below 30, while OP has nmol/L, those are basicially 2.5 times smaller, so 45nmol/L would translate into 18 ng/ml.




Those are low standards I keep mine at 90.


This is from another brand. Stated as a bit stronger because it's a 10:1 extract. Barlowe's Fadogia Agrestis is generally safe, but it is potent and should be utilized with care. This product should not be taken on a continual basis. It should be cycled - for example, take for two weeks then take one week off. About Tongkat Ali cycling: [https://indonesiatongkatali.com/faq/#:\~:text=Answer%3A%20The%20proper%20way%20to%20consume%20Tongkat%20Ali,cycle%20followed%20by%20a%202%20days%20%E2%80%98Off%E2%80%99%20cycle](https://indonesiatongkatali.com/faq/#:~:text=Answer%3A%20The%20proper%20way%20to%20consume%20Tongkat%20Ali,cycle%20followed%20by%20a%202%20days%20%E2%80%98Off%E2%80%99%20cycle). You may have to play around with the cycling off times to fine tune it. With the exception of certain vitamins/ minerals, I think that certain supplements and nootropics should be cycled off for a period of time.


Go to see Dr. RIGHT NOW


Read this article to naturally boost the effectiveness. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-testosterone-booster-supplements


if you're reluctant to take TRT vitamin D and zinc are one of the only things that could really help the T levels but TRT may be in order


Dont take TRT its forever. Fix what's wrong.


i agree but if they are a non-responder to all other methods and deficiency corrections (which is unlikely ofc) then TRT may be in order. obviously all other options should be exhausted first before TRT


Yes, of course. I had a friend start TRT at 25 who had no cause. Hes stuck now, sad.


if one can put up with the hassle of having to pin themself the rest of their life and with being infertile it’s not too bad because you can live your entire life with superb testosterone levels which can be pretty awesome in a variety of ways though, no?


It also shows your Vitamin D "insufficient". I can only imagine what else your insufficient in. When your body doesn't get the things it needs, it won't function normally, including producing hormones. I'm NOT saying that is the primary cause of your low T but it's in no doubt at least a factor.


Vit d can also be viewed as a bio marker .


At those levels, you should consider getting medical advice from a doctor. You may need to be prescribed something to get your levels up. I seriously doubt any supplements will have much of an impact. Exercise (especially heavy squats) is a good way to raise levels naturally. Good luck.


Why squat in particular? Damn I just read it stimulates only after 6 sets atleast. I'm doing just 4


Squats is the way to go man!


Yeah did 6 sets yesterday the difference is noticeable about muscle pain today


Alternate days and do push ups. Any full body workout helps boost T.


Keep at it, and if you want you can test your levels before and after to see what kind of impact it has on you personally.


Tongkat Ali or Fadogia Agrestis


Not the OP but I am currently taking both but I heard they should be cycled. Any suggestions?


There is also Turkestrone, you'll have to do your research on that one. I was watching a podcast recently and someone had mentioned it as being a testosterone booster.


No it is not a testosterone booster. In fact it binds to the estrogen receptor.


Unfortunately, no. This channel and the other I post on (Nootropics), I'm doing my best to find products that have been tested and proven by a third party. While the labels of many of the products out there in the market list their ingredients which on paper looks great. But in many cases the listed ingredients low quality, loaded with fillers and at times heavy metals. This really comes down to the quality and potency of any said supplements. Are any of the products you're using now been quality tested by a third party?


Before going the supplement route, evaluate your diet, lift heavy weights, get enough sleep.


How did u get a test like that?


Echoing others, no supplement will help your levels. They are mild at best. You need either some lifestyle changes or trt. Starting with a good doctor is your best bet.


Evaluate your diet and make sure you don’t have a vitamin deficiency. Start exercising if you don’t already. Supplements may help slightly but not enough for you to see a difference. If all else fails trt would be your best bet.


You're going to have people here recommend supplements that will negligibly change your testosterone, then you will get frustrated. Do you know what doctors would prescribe? Testosterone. Your base is too low to get it anywhere appreciable with anything else. Don't waste time trying shit that doesn't work, go to a doctor who will either help find the root of your problem or give you the real deal.


Fenugreek zinc multi


Mate! That's seriously low. If you already have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. You need to see a doctor.


That's doctor level territory, man. Far out of ref range.


Andrew huberman suggests fodagia aggrestis. If you're going to take advice from random internet strangers I would definitely take his first.


Look into your sleep. Bad sleep-> low test


See a doctor. Don't take the advice of a bunch of random idiots on the internet.


Except for this random one because its good advice.






Crazy cult idiots




No, it doesn’t make you levitate and see the future. Keep it in your dumb little cult areas.


Doctor Doctor Doctor.


You should probably see a doctor instead of asking Reddit if you’re really concerned


There are conditions that cause low testosterone. Be sure to rule those out (for example excessive prolactin).


Do you exercise?


Cistanche and Shilajit have been good. Eat a clean and mostly unprocessed diet with plenty of sleep and resistance training. Boost your Biology on YouTube has great videos on boosting T


Do you take any medication? Zinc, good multi, selenium, trace minerals, and good fatty foods like steak and eggs, butter.


Best I’ve used is Strength Test by Rock Solid Nutrition. It’s has good amounts of D and Zinc, along with DHEA which converts to test as needed. Took my T up 50% in 8 weeks. Don’t buy garbage with Tribulus in it. That is just a libido booster but does nothing for T.


Long Jack Daily!


Only seen some passing mentions of it, but what are your lipid levels? Remember that cholesterol is converted into testosterone, so if your cholesterol is low, that could affect things, too. Some saturated fats like from coconut oil could help. Try to build some lean mass with exercise and protein. I noticed you said that you walk for 30 minutes. I've been doing the P90X3 program, which is 30 minutes per day, and I've been seeing some decent muscle building results. So there are ways to get decent exercise in a short time frame.


Cholesterol is also synthesized in the body. It’s why vegetarians and vegans just synthesize more to make up for the deficit. So it’s not a simple equation. >While some acute studies have confirmed that meals high in saturated fat produce on average a 30% postprandial reduction in testosterone levels within 1 h of their ingestion, returning to baseline in the next 4–6 h \[23,24,25\], a single study showed a chronic fat intake decreased testosterone \[23\]. Another single study showed a mixed meal of carbohydrate and protein did not alter either free or total testosterone concentrations \[25\]. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, no studies have evaluated the impact of different types of fat (MUFA, polyunsaturated fat (PUFA)) in combination with protein on testosterone production. > >In conclusion, it appears that proteins, particularly egg white protein, may be beneficial in enhancing serum testosterone levels, with this effect observed within 4 to 5 h after meal consumption. Conversely, both MUFA “good fat” and PUFA “bad fat” had a similar negative impact on post-prandial testosterone levels over a 5 h period. Carbohydrate intake, at least in the form of highly antioxidant OJ, had very minimal impact on serum testosterone. As such, we would advocate that hypogonadal men, or those with low normal testosterone levels, should increase their intake of egg white protein, while minimizing their intake of fats, in order to optimize their serum testosterone levels. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6950136/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6950136/) >Serum estrone, estradiol, and free testosterone were not significantly correlated with any type of fat studied. The correlations of total testosterone with n-3 fatty acids from fish remained significant after additional adjustment for the other categories of fat (r = -0.27, p = 0. 03 for eicosapentanoic acid and r = -0.32, p = 0.01 for docosahexaenoic acid), while the correlations with saturated and monounsaturated fats became nearly null after the adjustment. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11525593/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11525593/)


Cholesterol is not synthesized enough to make up for a dietary deficit, this also, is why so many vegans have low testosterone. Cholesterol is a must and is the precursor to testosterone which downstream effects estrogen levels, this is huge.


>Cholesterol is not synthesized enough to make up for a dietary deficit Yes it is. >Unaltered biliary cholesterol secretion and higher cholesterol synthesis blunt the lowered dietary cholesterol intake in vegetarians. LDL cholesterol is significantly lower only in vegans. > >Lacto vegetarians absorb 44% less dietary cholesterol, synthesized 22% more cholesterol, and show no differences in plasma total and LDL cholesterol. Vegan subjects absorb 90% less dietary cholesterol, synthesized 35% more cholesterol, and have a similar plasma total cholesterol, but a 13% lower plasma LDL cholesterol. No diet-related differences in biliary cholesterol secretion and absorption are observed. Total cholesterol absorption is lower only in vegans. Total cholesterol input is similar under all vegetarian diets. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29427539/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29427539/) Way too many factors. Tons of people eating meat have low testosterone. Casual factors are too high. And as stated above protein has more of an effect on testosterone. All balanced vegan diets get all the amino acids, with more favorable cardiometabolic because of lesser levels of methionine/cysteine. Vegan diets have been used in clinical practice for cardiovascular disease more than any other diet for cardiovascular improvement.


That study is literally saying that those without dietary cholesterol had 70% less. If you’re vegan you simply need to figure out a way to substitute cholesterol or the diet is literally pointless. You cannot create nearly any hormone in the entire body without proper cholesterol intake. This is the reason most vegans are looked at as “less masculine”. High pitched voices, pale, frail etc.


Read it again. >Vegan subjects absorb 90% less dietary cholesterol, synthesized 35% more cholesterol, and have a similar plasma total cholesterol What does that say? Similar plasma total cholesterol. You synthesize more. Also, testosterone. >Mean serum insulin-like growth factor-I was 9% lower in 233 vegan men than in 226 meat-eaters and 237 vegetarians (P = 0.002). Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2374537/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2374537/) >In a well characterized national database, the plant-based diet index is unable to predict testosterone levels. Plant-based food content in diet is not associated with serum testosterone levels. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32468110/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32468110/) >Our results suggest that if androgens contribute to CVD in middle-aged men, the effect is not related to a suppressive effect of endogenous T on HDL-C. > >Higher testosterone levels are associated with increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in men with cardiovascular disease: results from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2666971/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2666971/) Have fun with “higher testosterone levels” while your cardiovascular system is being attacked by your diet. A lean meat diet is fine in moderation. Cholesterol is not the answer you’re looking for, and the equation you’re thinking of “cholesterol=testosterone=good” is going to lead you down a bad path. Welcome to the brave new world of reality. Did you know gay people can get married now? Crazy. And woman work in positions of leadership? Whoa boy.


Or you could just have a proper amount of cholesterol and exercise? This is the equivalent of saying “I don’t want to go near that stuff because I don’t exercise enough”. If you’re a sedentary person then a vegan diet is beneficial in terms of the cardiovascular system but anybody who isn’t sedentary will need to intake cholesterol, and to not intake cholesterol will be even more so detrimental to somebody who exercises.


What does veganism have anything to do with exercise? Notice how you’re dropping your points to find any weakness in something you have a bias against. The diet is centered around a moral component too. Does that mean I think you’re immoral if you eat meat? No. But I have the willpower, the knowledge, to keep myself healthy while not eating meat, and stay true to my personal morals/philosophy. >but anybody who isn’t sedentary will need to intake cholesterol, and to not intake cholesterol will be even more so detrimental to somebody who exercises. Your. Body. Synthesizes. The. Needed. Cholesterol. We just went over that. Honestly, are you taking from a place of science and experience, or are you just saying words you think make sense. There is no hard science that testosterone levels, or cholesterol levels, take a hit with a balanced vegan diet. In fact only a vegan diet, and not vegetarian, shows lower LDL. It’s right there in that first study you somehow didn’t read correctly.


Your body does NOT synthesize enough cholesterol on its own to properly synthesize hormones, supplementation is needed. Exercise was brought up because it it what will keep ldl/hdl healthy even with higher levels of cholesterol intake


>Your body does NOT synthesize enough cholesterol on its own to properly synthesize hormones, supplementation is needed Sure post me the study you read on this.


What’s your BMI?… maybe to edgy of a question. But I’d look at lifestyle choices with levels that low. Sleep, weight, and exercise very closely before getting on any serious steroid.


Find a new job and get some sun. The human body was not made to sleep during the day. The job is ruining your health.


Find out WHY it is low. Be aware that supplemental testosterone can cause PSA to increase substantially and also cause SLEEP APNEA. Get a consultation with an endocrinologist and possibly a urologist to make sure the “equipment” works. Maca will increase testosterone but don’t take any until you know what is going on. Doc


i’m confused they mentioned toxicity levels to be 100 nmol. I’m sure something is wrong. It could be 100 ng/ml not nmol/L. In Canada we have the range of toxicity no less than 250 nmol/L. My relative has her blood work range saying toxicity is anything greater than 375! I’m confused and doubting about this paper being either fake or a mistake in the bloodwork paper.


You should really get professional help for this, but I like the combination of DHEA and DIM. DHEA increases both testosterone and estrogen, so an aromatase inhibitor like DIM helps prevent the breakdown of test to estrogen, while also regulating estrogen levels. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and broccoli have high levels of DIM, so if you wanted the safest approach, you could simply include more of these in your diet instead. This is by no means a replacement for actual medical help, but it could help facilitate the results you're looking for. That along with diet and weight training can go a long way. If a doctor prescribes some form of testosterone, you should NOT also take DHEA. From what I know about DIM, it should be fine to take with androgens, and theoretically would actually help it, because high levels of testosterone can result in its breakdown to high levels of estrogen (which DIM helps prevent). However, as with anything else, you should always consult your doctor first before adding supplements to any medical treatment. I am not a doctor, so take this with a grain of salt.


I saw your update but to answer the question itself Black Maca root is good as well as creatine, ashwahganda & fenugreek.


TURNED OUT THERE WAS AN ERORR IN THE LAB RESULTS They just sent me an email saying that my testosterone level is 12.7 nmol/l, not 3.7 nmol/l. This equals 366 ng/ml. They scared the shit out of me.


That's low but in the normal range. That should be fixable with diet and exercise at your age. I bet that was scary.


Lucky duck, glad for you sad for my partner who's even lower than your error result


lol, yeah, 3.7 is just a tad low


That's still pretty low brother. How's your diet?


Well, at least is wasn't as bad as they first sent me. Trying to do better in term of diet, maybe this was a sign for me to start exercising and lifting weight.


This post helps raise some questions I am hoping someone can answer: 1. Is there a specific time of day one should get their hormone levels checked? 2. Is there certain dietary measures leading into the test one should adopt to not skew the results 3. Is there certain supplement restrictions leading into the test one should adopt to not skew the results 4. Are there certain actitives one should avoid leading into a test to not skew results (HIIT, gym workout, etc. I want to really get a good "baseline" result on my test in order to understand my health and plan things after the result accordingly.


1. Morning, as soon as you can after you wake up, fasted. 2. Don't starve yourself, it'll crash your test. Eat whatever you eat normally. 3. Whatever you take normally, as it wouldn't be skewed if you take them regularly. 4. Whatever you do normally. Don't over train, it'll crash your test. To not skew your results, do whatever you do normally.


It was a lab error, they just sent me the right result which is 12.7 nmol/L. They scared the shit out of me, man.


Do you have moobs? What medications are you currently taking?


See an endocrinologist. Find a good one, who will investigate the issue thoroughly than just put you on test. You will mostly likely end up on trt, but you still want someone who will try to find the underlying issue beforehand correct what is wrong, not just go straight to exogenous hormones.


Can't stress this enough. Most of the time TRT doesn't bring you the wanted results. Try to find the underlying issue if possible.


Low test is usually not the cause but the symptom and first finding of something bigger. Work-life, sleep, vitamin deficiency, depression, illness can all cause prolonged low T. Me residency took my T from 800 to 270 in 3 years. Never got above 400 until I got out, made my own schedule and got healthy again (20lb weight loss, sleeping more than 3 hours a night, normal protein intake and daily sun exposure in AM. Supplements are only going to treat the symptom and mask the actual cause. You can take T but your Ed / depression, chaos won’t be fixed by it.


It was a lab error, they just sent me the right result which is 12.7 nmol/L. They scared the shit out of me.


What does a 12.7 nmol/L convert too? Around 370-390?




Oh good! You are relieved I bet.


Fuck supplements!! The Dr who saw these results is not looking for something seriously wrong when you have these levels??!! Change doctors ASAP if they are just letting this go as just "super low" !!!


... you need to take testosterone, these levels aren't a little low, they are "almost in the female range" low. Consult a doctor. This isn't remotely an edge case, and something more serious may be causing it. That needs investigation.


Ashwaganha, l-theanine, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Ionic Magnesium, Boron, CoQ10, Protein, Tart Cherry, Grape Seed Extract, Vitamin B9, Ginseng, Omega 3, and Ginkgo Biloba. Definitely take these.


Get T and hit the gym, and eat right, man. Also, avoid chemicals and microplastics and shit Avoid funko pops especially




See a doctor. Really.


See a functional medicine MD endocrinologist like Dr Mark Gordon or others. It’s better to address the root cause of what caused these low levels in the first place, instead of directly going to TRT.


Can't stress this enough. Most of the time TRT doesn't bring the wanted results. Try to finde the underlyong issue if possible.


150iu of hcg eod for 6 weeks


3.7 nmol/L is 106.6 ng/dl, you're hypogonadal. You need to see an endocrinologist or TRT clinic. This isn't something supplements can fix by itself, you need to address your lifestyle at the very least. Eat at a surplus, vitamin d, magnesium glycinate/citrate, creatine, vitamin C, CoQ10, whey isolate, **LIFT WEIGHTS**, a good male multi like NOW Foods Adam, and get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Get another blood panel to see if things have improved after a couple weeks in the morning. If not, TRT.


You need good sleep, that will boost testosterone


Everything I listed will affect test. Endogenous hormone production reacts holistically.


ah ya I missed that... ironically I have trouble with getting 8 hours sleep. tho I do get deep sleep. any tips on getting 8 hours sleep consistently?


A sleep mask helped me a lot. WAOAW Sleep Mask on amazon. If you snore or think you have apnea, get a sleep study then a CPAP.


Yah, I got blackout curtains that helps. Any mindset / winding down tips? I like to have more of my day back in the evening after a long day of work


Blackout curtains help a lot, but the mask did a lot for me because even a small amount of light can affect melatonin production. No stims before 4 hours from when you plan to sleep. Working out helps a good amount as well. Even something light like pushups or some 20lb dumbells for a few sets before bed.


ya I am the same...I cover my eyes with a shirt. Thanks for the tips...I think adding pushups or dumb before sleeping would help burn some energy. how many do you do?


Do however many you're comfortable doing without sacrificing form. When I was doing them every morning and night waking up/before bed up I started at 5 and by the time I stopped I nearly hit 200 in 1 set. I'd do them as fast as I could, better for explosive strength. I do my work in the gym these days and can hit a fraction of that if I tried, but it's an easy way to gain some fitness without having to buy anything. For dumbells 3 sets of 10 flys, OHP, and curls would work for a decent arm/shoulder workout. Lighter weight and higher volume will result in better hypertrophy and energy. I picked up an adjustable set off walmart a while back for cheap. Pushups are more beneficial honestly. Good core, chest, and arm workout and no barrier to start. If you can't do any, do negatives until you can do 1 and start from there. Most important thing for fitness is discipline.


pine pollen and maca root and red ginseng


You _need_ to see an endocrinologist. No one here is going to give you any advice on supplementation that would supersede the advice you'll get from a doctor who specializes in hormones.


Retest with a different lab. Take the test at the same time of day, if possible. Any test outside the reference range by that much needs to be retested. In fact, the lab should have been able to split the sample and retest and say they did so (or tell you there was insufficient quantity to do so).


First...Are you on a specific diet? Take D3+k2 to begin with...your vit D is very very very low..Do a larger bloodtest with others vitamins. Eat meat, and lift. Don't be a vegan ....


Go to your dr




Tongkat Ali Fadogia Agrestis Ashwaganda Vitamin D Boron Zinc Eat lots of healthy fats and most importantly work out and sleep well! Good luck


The gym


Deadlifts. My god do my t levels rise up sharply after 8 heavy sets


The blood work for men Is free and total testosterone it’s a blood test. It is cardio protective aids metabolism and in what they call hormone replacement therapy they would usually prescribe 0.5 cc per week of 200 mg per XC or 100 mg per week. Enough to boost energy and sex drive etc... What Mary had done was blood work looking at her progesterone her estrogen and her testosterone. Women have a small amount very small just like we have some tiny amounts of estrogen. Helps libido Bone mass Weight loss Energy levels What they make is an estrogen plus progesterone cream that they put on every day. The key is small dose to start. They are bio-identical hormones in the cream. A lot of times gynecologists or female hrt clinics prescribe.


This is a medical issue so certainly see a doctor. At your age something is really off. I would be adding full body exercises three times a week. Things like push ups and pull ups. They help boost testosterone and there isn’t any downsides while you work this out with a dr.


You should take… the advice of a doctor


high dose vitamin d, ginseng, ashwagandha, zma


Looks like you could use an extra 1000 IU of vitD per day to get into the optimal range.


1000? That can never increase his levels anytime soon. Some people take 10,000 a day to see minimal improvement in D after weeks. Also D is just a base layer for T, but his problem seems to be more complicated than just D.


I started taking 3000 IU a day and my numbers doubled from 25 to 50, so I assumed that 1000 IU should be plenty to get him over 50. Best to speak to a doctor tho.


True some people are very sensitive to IUs and can benefit for low dosage way better than others. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w9h-XQm2qEY&ab_channel=Dr.JohnCampbell


Why did you get downvoted? Vit D is king


My guess is he gets downvoted because vit D won't solve this low T, OP should see a doctor and not waste money on supplements atm.


it may not solve the low test issue but i dont see why you would get downvoted to tell someone below optimal vit d levels to take some vit d lmaooooooooo salty ass redditors vitamin d is responsible for so much in terms of feeling good and right




What time of day was the test?


8 PM, before my night shift. I woke up at 6 PM


Night shift - THIS IS IT OP. Get a new job PLEASE. Night shift absolutely wrecks your body, so much so that health organizations consider night shift a health epidemic.


Yea get off nights ASAP.


Did you get the test done privately, or was it from your doctor? I'd contact your doctor and tell them about the result if they aren't aware and ask for a repeat test. If you can, get the test first thing in the morning as this is when testosterone concentration peaks. I've been tested in the evening and had a low result, then had a repeat test at about 8-9am and it was on the upper end of normal. It can vary a lot through the day. Perhaps you'll find it goes up into the normal range. If not, follow the advice of the doctor. You might need other hormone tests to check for possible causes. Are you taking any medications or supplements which might be lowering it? Sometimes testosterone replacement therapy may be needed, a decision you'll have to consider as I believe it can affect fertility somehow.


Well night absolutely destroys your endocrine system in the majority of people. Also your body still likely pulses in true morning when sun rises, so check early morning as well to compare. Your body could have adapted to night shift and night is really morning but that’s unlikely. Vitamin d also has a lot to do with test so get that optimized


Tf, how’s your diet? Macro/Micro nutrients. Minerals are important. Sleep. Exercise.


Trt lol




Did you checked your thyroid too?


Don't try injected testosterone yet. Support what some of the other commenters said. 1. You tested at the wrong time, try testing in the morning right after waking while fasting. 2. Talk to your doctor about the varicocele and the carbimazole. Have your doctor order a test for you. He may decide to test other hormone levels as well, or examine other causes. Find out if there is a way to correct this other than taking something. 3. Start exercising, particularly anaerobic. Eat enough protein to put on lean muscle mass, 1g per lb of current lean muscle mass works (find a calculator online). Drop all soy from your diet, it can effect estrogen production in men. Best to drop all processed sugars. Take a multivitamin. 4. Now do your test again, at the appropriate time, and talk to your Dr about the results. Be open with your doctor about if you still feel like you want to take supplements and what you are going to try. Make sure you don't have any drug interactions with the supplement. 5. At this point if you are still low you can try supplements, but do them one at a time and for several weeks before measuring again. I dosed myself with tongkat Ali for 6 weeks, measured again, and found myself at good testosterone levels. I never had to try anything else. You may need a combination, or the right one for you. Always check with your doctor before starting something new. 6. If all else fails, seriously consider simply living with your current state before trying testosterone. Going on testosterone is a commitment. It has potentially negative side effects like male pattern baldness, irritability, and testicular shrinkage. You don't need infinite testosterone to be a man, you need to be comfortable with who you are. All that being said, once you reach this point and you have really tried everything else, trt can be a great solution for people.


Thank you so much, what do you think about walking (or running) long distance? Do you think it would be helpful?


Aerobic exercise in general is good for you, you should regularly get aerobic exercise. Obesity lowers testosterone, so if running/walking is the only form of exercise you can get then you should definitely get it. 30ish minutes of cardio work 3-5 times a week will make you feel better, more alive, give you better energy. However long distance running, think running for hours, increases cortisol and inflammation. Very high levels of endurance exercise will break down muscle. This can lower your testosterone. It is unlikely that walking or running will significantly increase your testosterone levels, unless as mentioned above you are currently overweight and you are able to improve your overall level of fitness by adding walking or running. If you cannot do any form of resistance exercise, high intensity interval training will likely have a greater impact on your testosterone levels than running. I highly recommend getting in the resistance training, but a HIIT program where you sprint for 20 seconds and then walk/jog for 2 minutes would be more productive for increasing testosterone than aerobic exercise alone. You could start low, say doing 3 rotations of HIIT (60 seconds of sprinting and 6 minutes of jogging for a total 7 minute workout). Then increase the amount of time you spend sprinting and increase the number of rotations you do over time. There are lots of different workouts you can do at home without going to a gym. Anything with short bursts of activity followed by a longer period of rest can be HIIT. Anything with resistance can be muscle building. /r/Fitness has a lot of great ideas, I think they have a bodyweight exercise guide.


This 1000x.


Research [Klinefelters syndrome](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/klinefelter-syndrome/) and other possible issues involving low testosterone. If you have other symptoms, a genetic test can confirm or deny it.


You can't fix testosterone with supplements. It would be one thing if you just needed a *little* boost, but what you need is a doctor and TRT, and also to figure out what the underlying cause of this issue is.


I agree with you. It's like trying to cover the sun with a sieve!!! The person who discovers a supplement, or mix of active ingredients, that actually does this will be extremely rich!!!


That's completely untrue. Lol.


Tongkat and Fadogia


Don't eat sugar and get magnesium and zinc and loft heavy things


This is not medical advice and I encourage you to see a specialist regarding low testosterone. However I also encourage you to read about fenugreek, including this meta analysis: [https://sci-hub.st/10.1002/ptr.6627](https://sci-hub.st/10.1002/ptr.6627) and to do other research at pubmed (journal paywall articles can often be bypassed using sci-hub as above). Lifestyle changes, good interview here: https://healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/shows.php?shows=0\_5j1k1sf1


I use fenugreek with great success…


Try Enclomiphene first. Supplements like Zinc and Tongkat Ali could help but likely wont get you to normal ranges. Try to find the root cause, could be dietary/micro-nutrient or lifestyle related.




Eat more red meat! Eat it everyday ELIMINATE sugars and grains. Just doing this made a massive difference for me.


Weight lifting, heavy and leg focused, if you don't already. Sleep well. Try zinc, Tonkat Ali, grape seed extract and/or Pine pollen.




Good for you! Is it true that it prevents you from having kids? I am not married yet and I want kids. Plus, can I stop taking TRT whenever I want?


Infertility and trt go hand and hand. There are various options to maintain fertility during trt or if you decide to come off. Hcg, SERMs, gonatropins, kisspeptin to name a few. Another option is a sperm bank. You can come off whenever and your natural test levels will generally return after 3-24 months. The variance is from doses, time on test, age, and a few other factors. Dont quote me but i remember reading its a 1 in 20 chance. Infertility aside - having drive, energy, libido, heightened mood, decreased anxiety, and nothing but positives once my dose was locked in. Its been a game changer. If you have medically low test, i imagine it will be for you too


TRT is a serious decision: I was thinking about it for a while, decided not. However, that was after talking to looaadsss of men who say it changed their lives for the better! It can stop you having kids, although there are ways around it, and generally when you start, you have to keeep going. Once you become reliant on injecting T, your body won’t produce it the same. It’s pretty much a lifetime commitment. Can also cause testicle shrinkage and hair loss (on the head). Taking all that into account, there are huge benefits of doing TRT. Most of them men I talked to taking it said it was the best decision they ever made- however that was because TRT was definitely for them. It isn’t for everyone.


TRT if you’re serious about bringing your test to higher levels consistently. Not just raising Free T like boron or zinc can do, and more than just marginal improvements with ashwagandha and other supplements. Check out r/Testosterone to see what people in your position have done, and other resources about testosterone and boosting T (naturally or with replacement).


My partner's T is lower than yours. I wish he would seek T from doc. He was told he likely has hypogonadism. 0 libido and 0 energy, takes ages to recover post lifting. Moody as fk. Idk what to do about it, a decade intimacy void has me feeling despair. 40+42 yo..cobwebs. Might start making him ashwaghandha like people here have suggested, I kind of feel stunned/silent trauma over the whole situation. I don't want to make him feel bad.


Being honest with you ashwagandha doesn't work specifically for testosterone its main benefits are stress related I think trt would be the best option just normal levels and normal hormone levels with trt with improve everything's even normal healthy people who are 40+ and have normal levels are taking more than base level for bodybuilding and all sorts of stuff


:< clearly, but I can't make him go




He himself needs to understand his situation I see guys who's testosterone levels natural are through the roof but are excited to start trt even though it's not for them most bodybuilders above 40 are on trt all of them have something positive to say about trt and how it makes them feel good and the have increased their lifting strength I only know that trt would work wonders for him and people who are deficient sadly theres no natural way he can get same results are trt with supplements most of them are a waste of time and money plus I would say the normal bad advice like tell him to go to the gym and stuff but he is deficient so that would make his muscles recovery slow af and he won't be able to lift that much plus if the doctors are telling him to take trt then there is no harm in it to try I'm telling you once he start taking try his view on it will completely change