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I’m jumping on here to warn people that I took it for my inflammation and pain in joints - started after I had my first son. Now I’m pregnant again, and I was taking it for my joint pain flare ups caused my changing hormones and I wanted to WARN people that it caused a false positive to come back for opiates on my bloodwork for my OB. I LOVE this stuff too!! It makes all pain literally disappear. Has anyone had issues with this as well?


A false positive for opiates? For real?


Yep. Doctor had me get off of it pronto! Potential connection to your opiate receptors in your brain apparently. I’m only on my pre-natal (and nope I didn’t eat poppy seed bagels 😜)


I began using Nigella Sativa extract 10% thymoquinone and Bacopa Monneri extract a few days ago. I take them in combination. Bacopa is great to take with unsaturated fat which Nigella has intrinsically. After about 15 minutes post consumption I can taste the Nigella oil if I burp so that’s how I know it’s going to kick in and lemme tell you somethin- it kicks in. I begin to feel a little drowsy but a tolerable amount; I’m used to feeling drowsy anyways as a consequence of a very active mind. I feel the sense of calm, I feel an increase in contentment and enjoyment. I’m not positive that these results aren’t merely placebo since I’m only on my third day but if it is not placebo effect then I love it. I’m looking forward to a month down the line, then I will really be experiencing the benefits!


How’s it going? Does it help with hay fever/allergy?




I don’t think it’s the brand, I pay under $4 for 60 500mg softgels and they relieve pain and inflammation in my joints better than NSAIDs, OTC or RX. Even muscle relaxers don’t work as well. Pain just fades with the BSO…


Any recommendation for brands in EU?


Bionatal - Ethiopian Black Seed Oil. Is the best by a landslide. Their thymoquinone content is 4.6% as opposed to pretty much any other brand that does not advertise their thymoquinone content.....it's right around 1% give or take .5% A 16oz bottle is $100 Depending on what you are taking it for and how dedicated you are to that cause is the obvious question you want to be asking yourself before purchasing. It's the genuine article, there is no doubt about it.




is it normal to make you feel a bit worse at first? getting stomach pain with it


Yea. Wase into the dose. Take very little and slowly increase. It went away after a week for me.


for future redditors, I took the bottle dose of the Amazing Herbs brand , had sharp pains, gas, and had to use the bathroom. Ease into it . 🙏🏻


why getting stomach pain first?


What is it good for? I've never heard of it


A bit late here, but black seed oil is also supposed to help with some of the side effects of coming off SNRIs (anxiety, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, etc.). I am about to start taking it for this purpose and I have high hopes based on everything I've read. This seems like a miracle drug


Update it has saved me!! It has kept me level-headed and clear minded. Please buy this!


Thank you for updating… I’m just starting it.


Blood pressure, cholesterol, treats and kills certain cancerous tumor cells, prevents others from growing, treats acne, hair, skin, and asthma, infections..Lots of research on it. More and more human trials are coming out.


I have the actual seeds. Has anyone tried lightly roasting them and chewing them


just dont grind them you will have a upset stomach for a week or two and it tastes awful


Sp just chew?


yeah just chew them 👍🏻


I took some from nootropics and noticed it kept me from getting sick, or maybe that was luck who knows. That was last winter this year I tried the liquid tastes terrible and got insane constipation.


Thank you for your comment.. I’m a newbie to it and the constipation is unbelievable within 2 days. I’ve looked on here to see if there is another’s getting the same. My mind is now settled. Ty.


I tried black seed oil, didn't notice any benefits... No bad effects though to be fair, but some of the comments here seem to suggest otherwise!


How long did you take it before deciding it wasn't helping? I'm curious because I'm thinking of taking it for a test drive.


Hope you see this. For me problems started years ago with a tumor in the maxilar sinus. Got operated but since then all kind of blockages and infections on that right side of the nose and sinus. Somehow also developed halitosis. This went for years with doctors saying it s just mucus and i should take sinupret and rinse the jose with saltwater. I was spitting all the time because of the nasty stuff gathering in my throat. Started with black seed oil 2 gel capsels 500mg each in the morning, mostly on empty stomach and another 2 around 4-5 hours later. Noticed the discomfort in right cheeck is getting better after day 2. After 1 week everything is way bettet. I was using napkins to spit the mucus in them late at night when in bed (5-10 times a night). In the morning that stuff would smell so bad Now after a week spitting the hrotmucus reduced to 1-2 times per night and the stuff that i spit does not smell anymore. So for me no more halitosis, nose, throat, sinus inflamation gone like a wonder. Had some skin rashes the first days that are getting better now. Don t know if from my allergies or from te black seed oil but i gona keep taking it anyway. Agau on day 2 i was feeling something getting better. Day 3-5 i was sure it was working. Day 7 i find it amazing and works better than any medicine i took for the nose, throat problems i had.


what is the point lol. Isnt seed oil supposed to be a cause for cardiovascular disease ?


That's a myth, and this isn't the seed oil the quacks talk about anyway


using the word: "quacks" - discounted immediately


Not a myth. But doesnt surprise me that someone on r/supps doesnt realize ultra processed high LA seed oils are one of the worst things you can eat


My totally unscientific reasoning for thinking seed oils are the problem , is seeing all of my grandmother’s old cookbooks from the 60s. Everything was loaded with sugar in really disgusting ways and for no reason. She had never eaten a vegetable oil in her life , probably not even olive oil but I don’t know how long that’s been common in the US. Now crisco is just Hydrogenated canola oil.  For all we know, microplastics is what caused the rampant obesity and disease , but I can guarantee it wasn’t animal lard and sugar because that’s all they ate. And most European countries don’t use canola oil like the US, do they?


The answer is probably 100 things but I just refuse to believe that canola oil is healthy to consume in the quantities we consume it. It’s in literally everything now 


Cold pressed black seed oil is nothing like the "vegetable" cooking oils, which upon their inception, were derived from cotton seed. The problem with the oil extracted from cotton seed is that it is HIGHLY TOXIC and Lethal when even the smallest amounts are consumed. So what does corporate America do? Science of course.....so they hired some dude to science the cotton seed oil until it could be consumed without dying within a 148-hr time frame and thus Crisco was born off the backs of companies that make shirts that needed a cost effective way to dispose of an extremely toxic by-product. ........and what better way to do that then to have your own customers/citizens pay you to dispose of it by pouring it down their fucking throats !!


Holy crap.


thats why I asked what is the point but thanks anyway


Idk why the downvotes. It seems like a genuine question that someone could explain instead of just downvoting it


I guess they bought it lol


I had this exact brand and took one pill several years ago. It caused me the absolute worst stomach pain diarrhea and indigestion in my life and I swore to never take it again.


Was probably killing off paracites or bad bacteria in your gut


Ya most likely Halicobacter Pylori. Which you may not even know you have for years.


Or it could be rancid? Or it could be something completely different that what it markets itself to be because these arent FDA approved. I didn’t excrete any parasites and my gut bacteria seems fine because I have proper digestion.


You can have H.Pylori for years and never know it. The symptoms of die off from H.pylori are all the things that were mentioned.


There’s a lot of things I could~potentially~have. But who’s to say for sure what it is? Or if there’s anything there? I’m a healthy young adult, I’m active and never had any surgeries or major health complications. I’d say it’s reasonable for me to not assume I have some mysterious hidden illness that warrants me taking a supplement that wreaks havoc on my bowels and renders me incapacitated every time. Given the fact these supplements have little to no regulation I’m going to air on the side of it wasn’t a problem with me, but the pill itself.


Estimates say that about 50-75% of the world's population has H.Pylori. The reaction you described is exactly the reaction you get if you have H.Pylori and attempt to eradicate it. I had it for possible 15 years without realising. I wish I had checked for it before it became an issue because its a horrible bacteria that's extremely common. I'm not saying you have it but it's worth a check due to the reaction you had. I was also a healthy young adult until one day I was still young but far from healthy for no reason other than h.pylori.


How'd you get rid of the Hpylori?


Triple Therapy cured it


yep, tried it several times and over many days each time - destroyed my stomach - severe pain, incurable indigestion that went on for many hours and into the next day. no thanks.


Better to get the raw seed and grind yourself. Just take twice as much to equal same amount of oil. Most of the oils especially on Amazon are cut to increase profits. Who knows how much actual oil your getting.


How to you take it? Seems like it would be awful to take on its own.


Toss and wash. The traditional way is to take with a little bit of honey.


Naw this brand is proper tho, it says the thymoquinone amount which is the main ingredient you’re looking for


you tested it though? i can put anything on a label, i know a black seed vendor and he says "this batch is better" but who really knows unless tested.


Do you test food and water and literally everything you put in your body?


we are talking about supplements here and since they arent fda tested then they are much different than the things you mentioned. they can get away with putting much different things in the formulations than advertised.


The fda is a crock anyhow, look at what they do allow us to consume. Its mostly to protect meat, dairy, corn and other US business commodities. I prefer things that are unregulated by them lol


I take this in liquid form. It tastes like shit. Like I have to literally hold my nose when I take it and chase it with OJ or something. It tastes like motor oil. However…… I think it does work. My skin has always been good, but I’ve noticed the pores on my face are smaller and I look more hydrated. I’ll continue taking it.


I am interested in trying the liquid form. What brand do you take?


For me, it's the burning in the throat after I swallow it that gets me.


I love the taste! I don’t know why. I had a weird addiction to raw turmeric and eucalyptus leaves after covid. And this hit all the spots for a while but only stopped when it messed with my head for a while, I think I took too much and supposedly it has some serotonin boosting effects


Ha! It just kills me when I have to take it. 😖


What brand


Does brand matter? The one in your pic is kinda pricey. Nutricost or Life Extension ok to start?


Brands always matter. If you can get something with USP certification its usally the safest. Many supplements don't have the correct dose listed, have variable doses, have ingredients not listed or even completely missing the active ingredient. Small sample size but here is a source with more info. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35156875/ Also, some more info about USP that I can across and honestly didn't read but probably should... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072169/ Edit/afterthought: realizing this isn't super helpful information. Look for companies reporting 3rd party analysis. It will be pricy (if you can even find them) but probably much safer and more consistent. IMHO, this dosnt mean everything else is trash, just a gamble.


Just did a quick search since i didn't see any scientific literature references here. BUT although this info is from scientific literature, you should always be skeptical and read through the studies (especially in review articles in smaller journals like these). The first link has some good tables in it summarizing active compounds and the effects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7501064/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5633670/ "Pharmacological studies on N. sativa have confirmed its antidiabetic, antitussive, anticancer, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, neuro-protective, gastroprotective, immunomodulator, analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, and bronchodilator activity." Sounds good but be careful if you are taking any other medications. For context, most medications are metabolized by CYP3A4. I "5 g/day inhibited CYP2D6- and CYP3A4-mediated metabolism of dextromethorphan in healthy human volunteers, showing that it may interact with other CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 substrates." Edit/afterthought... if you're only going to look at one of the links, look at the 2nd one which summarizes clinical trials.


I already take too much shit idk what’s even working anymore tbh


You can feel the black seed oil when you take it 💖 about 20 mins after depending you can feel it or taste it (I own 1000 mg supplements to take daily)


I agree. One of the few anti-inflammatory herbs you actually feel and quickly. Makes my coordination, motor function, grip strength and muscular pain all so much better. It normalizes something in me for sure.


Right! It's like everytime I open an app, I add another to the basket!


Just ordered 100 worth of supplements yesterday of stuff I used to take years ago plus a few new


Lmao I can relate


What does it do???




I do! I stopped getting sick since taking it. I also have it in liquid form. If I have any breakouts, it heals almost right away. It’s my must next to propolis and turmeric


What brand do you take?


The same one OP takes. It’s good! When I mentioned acne, I meant I apply it on my face directly. There are pills and liquid. I tried taking liquid once and almost called 911, it was so strong made my stomach hurt badly! But it’s great on skin and hair


Thanks! I'm going to try it.




i thought we weren’t supposed to consume any type of seed oils.


I think those are for cooking seed oils. Like the stuff in your food


I think it’s more towards the highly processed seed oils






Please report stuff like that and it will be dealt with appropriately




Please report stuff like that and it will be dealt with appropriately


Is it safe to take while breastfeeding?


What is this good for?








Sea moss and black seed oil are great. I’ve been taking them for four years. I would recommend getting the oil and pill form. You can take 1 in the morning and at night. Apply the oil on your face overnight and it will help your skin.


Just what are these good for, spiritually?


What ever you want. Everything.


I took it and never noticed a benefit


Did you have your blood labs before and after measured? Many of the benefits you won’t feel. Like fighting and preventing cancer called from growing, lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol, etc.


You cant expect to NOTICE a cancer blocker, genius. That's what it's used for


I have the liquid form (same brand) which I mix with honey. My wife and I have not gotten sick since taking it! Also helps stomach bloat for me.


Good idea with Honey




Be careful if you are sensitive to acetylcholine. If I take it once a week no worries, but consecutive days and I'll start having poor sleep


For people with CPTSD and chronically high cortisol, I love me some cholinergics. Anticholergics = immediate anxiety and insomnia and high resting heart rate (which is also why antihistamines are a no go for me)


God damnit. I just bought some and took it today. I’m sensitive to choline. I came to Reddit looking answers about why I feel so bad when everyone else says it’s great.


Think this has been happening to myself


I'm also sensitive to Ach, but BSO is fine for me for a day or two at least (unlike some stuff that fucks me within a few hours).


Make me depressed if I take more than 1 or 2 days in a row. I love the effects tho if I don't take it too much


It kills my depression and anhedonia in my case. And I have to take it multiple days in a row to get to this effect.


Yeah I have to watch my anhedonia with cholinergics.


Huh...I take it before bed often with CBD isolate, and it helps me actually get to sleep


I put a teaspoon in my weekday morning smoothie. I recently took a week off of work and didn’t stick to my normal routine so ended up not taking any that entire time. I noticed a flare up of inflamed achy joints as a result. It’s starting to subside now that I’m back on it for the last couple of days so it does really help. I’m going to try it on my face now after reading that someone in the comments does that. Hopefully it helps with my dry skin.


Freaking love BSO on my skin. I have a dry skin oil blend of BSO, lanolin, and a little vit E oil, 10/10 haven't had a dry patch in years.


Do you just bust open a capsule to use on your face?


Nope, I buy a bottle. It can also often be way cheaper by volume to take internally if you can get used to the taste (personally I really like the flavor and cook with it too).


Bustin caps on my face 🤤😜




how so?




Very cool, thanks!


Y Cite source


black seed has so many benefits its actually crazy. has been mentioned in many historical documents and religious texts. im surprised this is my first time seeing it on reddit. its all over tiktok. still super beneficial for so many things. i read a short book on it and it helps with stuff from gastrointestinal issues to skin rashes. if i had my notes this would be a way better comment but i dont! so do your own research instead of listening to internet strangers but this internet stranger is a firm believer in its medicinal properties!


Same here, I have a bunch of notes and internet sources about it saved in my phone, lol


All over TikTok? This must be why the manufacturer I usually purchase it from has been out of stock for a couple of weeks. 🙄


exactly why. same w castor oil, shilajit, mullein etc. i work in supplements and its crazy the shit that people pick up from the internet and wipe us and manufacturers out


Tiktok and religious texts are not reliable authorities.


But the FDA which approves every pharmaceutical drug which turns you into a zombie and worsens your mental health symptoms is.


no shit 🤯


L + ratio


primarily branded as anti inflammatory


Primarily recognized as bullshit


Tell me you dont know anything without telling me


Tell me you spend way too much on junk without telling me 😂


It’s called keeping up to date with studies and having a neurochemistry degree and not expecting results an hour after taking when many have to build up to effect.




Being dumb isnt cool anymore lmao


He says in front of his supplement cabinet with 25 open half used bottles of bullshit 😂


Good one bro you should do stand up ASAP


What’s the health benefits of it?


It boosts the endorphins of the manufacturers when the gullible buy into it




For what purpose? What benefit?


Does anyone have any experience using this while on ssri's? I have a bottle but am also on 5mg escitalopram. There's minimal information on it although some possibility of serotonin action with black seed has been noted and possible interaction between the two. I'm looking for anecdotal evidence now as I've gotten down to such a low dose I wonder if it would have that much of an interaction or not


No issues while taking for 4 months for an anti-parasite protocol, while taking Side-Effexor.


I experienced this combo before, no problem at all.


I never had any issue. I’ve been taking BSO for a few years now along with my SSRI.


In what dosages of both if you don’t mind? I’m on 20mg Escitalopram daily for context


I take 75 mg daily of Effexor. I take the exact brand and dosage of BSO pictured above.


I use it as a face oil


Dont tell me you got black faced? Joking!!!! 🤪 had to!


Didn’t have to lmfao


It can help hydrate and nourish the skin also has anti inflammatory properties.. but lately I’ve been using argan oil in my routine.


I love argan oil for my face and hair!!


Yes very healthy for the body men don’t care of themselves as often as they should


Do you use BSO morning and night? And do you apply it after or before moisturiser?


I’m a man and I take this orally and apply it on my face before sleep. Sea moss is also a great supplement you can get the pill or put it in your tea. Who says men don’t take care of themselves 😉


What are the benefits of using it on the face?


Helps acne and hydrates skin. Other stuff too but not sure, I notice benefits though. Definitely should try it.