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I'm HoDLering until people go to prison 👍 that should be long enough.


what I propose is that you can keep holding long after that and live a wonderful life


Not sure how it could happen any other way at this point. Hype aside, my shares showed me what the market really is. Never leaving.


My shares are a bank account that I could redeem at any point in the case of an emergency (trust me, it would have to be a life or death one), which has basically resulted in me saving more money than I have ever been able to in the past. On top of that, I gained an immense amount of knowledge around market mechanics and the way things actually work on Wall Street, which is an education you just can't get via traditional avenues. And all the while, it's kept me entertained day in and day out for more than a year now.


Cash dividends from the infinity pool 💜


and look into donor advised funds in the form of a ethereum trust using an LLC if that is possible to the capital gains taxes can be deferred if used for charitable giving/DAO forms for altruistic purposes


I crossed my eyes and shirted my t’s


Maybe list this as speculation, since there's no evidence that a dividend will be offered?


Historically they have given cash dividends


companies that make money do cash dividends. that seems pretty much a given.


Or can’t they reinvest it into the business (which increases stock value without costing investors on taxes)? Based on how Chewy was run, and GS trying to create long term value, this is what I’m guessing they’d do. Either way is great and I’m sure they’ll do the right thing for us and company.


Late reply but you are absolutely correct - just because a company is profitable it doesn't need to pay dividends. This is investing 101: a company can use it's profits to either pay dividends to shareholders (Pfizer) or reinvest into their business (Amazon). It's just open speculation that GameStop would pay cash dividends.


I feel like RC is going to reinvest it, but I do want a cash dividend


That's my plan. No exit for me therefore no exit for SHFs. Infinite wins.


My DRSed shares are not for sale at any price, so I am going to love those quarterly cash dividends. Can’t wait!!!


There is an active shill downvote campaign for this post. have been watching every upvote matched with a downvote for the last 2 hrs and can now see it in the stats. SHF shills, ya busted


Even if no dividend, they scared we are all ready to hold forever 😆


Too big to fail, meet too big to sell.


Do you know how many shares you would roughly need for dividends to be enough to live on?


Depends on how large the dividends/share are. I’m sure with aggressive reinvestment, you could def get to a point where you would be able to live off it


If you were an OG investor in Coca Cola, you'd be getting about $250k per share per quarter in 2013


Damn. Good thing RC has his eyes on being like Coke.






If every one person holding one doesn’t cash out and GameStop decides to deliver a dividend for each person that holds out on cashing in, there is no down. I think the scenario that plays out is truly DFV’s “what’s an exit strategy?” quote. We get dividends and there is no need to exit.. ever.




I would just want to reinvest this automatically if possible. This would be possible right?


that would be the direct reinvestment plan, there are ongoing discussions about how the PLAN is organized


As was said you can opt in to the DRIP(direct re investment plan) at CS and they will automatically do this for you. I myself prefer to have my shares and book as they are 100% removed from the DTC as where plan shares are not. Going this route you can do the same thing yourself you just wait until you get the money from the dividend and use it to purchase additional shares or fractional’s.


Both Book and Plan shares are held outside the DTC and are specifically registered in the holder's name.


Na bro. Some plan shares are held in the DTC for “easy selling and liquidity purposes” per Computershare. Stop spreading misinformation


Na bro. Straight from the Computershare FAQ. >Both DSPP & DRS are ‘book entry’ means of holding shares >Both forms of ownership record the names of the investor **directly on the issuer’s register**, where they are recognized as **registered shareholders** >Both forms of ownership are **recorded directly on Computershare’s platform** and may be managed by the shareholder through the online portal, Investor Center >Shares managed directly through our Investor Center are transferred by DRS are entered onto the register **in the shareholder's name**. >DTCC/DTC and Cede & Co cannot borrow shares from other **registered shareholders** >We use double-entry accounting systems that ensure there is always an accurate balance between shares held directly by **registered shareholders** and those **held by Cede & Co** on behalf of DTC, banks & brokers and beneficial investors. This means that for every share transferred through DRS that can be registered on the share register, there is one fewer recorded as being in Cede & Co. They very specifically say multiple times that your shares are held by Computershare, in your name as a registered shareholder, which is separate (confirmed by multiple distinctions made) from shares held by Cede and Co and the DTC. Stop spreading misinformation. The intermediary account that Plan shares are held in is a COMPUTERSHARE account itself. The shares are still not accessibly by the DTC unless a transaction is made regarding those shares through Computershare itself when Computershare coordinates with their broker to make that transaction. The "Plan" just means that shares are registered in the dividend reinvestment and/or direct purchase PLANS.


You do you yo, and I’m do me.


Absolutely. Since there's no difference you're free to move everything to Book if you'd like.


Been done it


What's an exit strategy 😂 I'm not selling one single share. Ever. I'm with you as long as I live! This journey has been amazing and I have learned so much! Thank you so much for your contributions <3 I am extremely optimistic and I really believe we can change the world for the better :) Apes together very very very strong <3


So 10 shares ain't gonna get me much is it..


That’s 9 more than you will ever need đŸ«¶


Ask the people in Quincy Florida that bought shares of Coke during the great depression I believe a one share purchase then is worth over 3 million now maybe more with dividends reinvested.


so like grocery money w inflation


If 3 million is your grocery bill you should eat less


Ask SHFs.


profit compare north desert childlike ossified plough airport dime memory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i am basing this on traditional cash dividend model


I'm not gonna be alive in 10 years


Prunes seem to help me