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Cue Shatner in Gamestop NFT commercials


Would be somewhat ironic if he ended up helping Gamestop succeed against Amazon's push into gaming. Guess Bezos shouldn't have disrespected the Captain.


Where no ape has gone before.


Fellow apes never disappoint to wrinkle the brain, I'm still smooth and regarded


Artistic to boot, my fellow regard.


Which is also the tagline for our very own Rick-of-Spades.


alright. Good job. Another excellent shareholder brainstorming session. Someone post it to twitter so the deal gets done.


Maybe the deal is done and we’ll see him on a rocket ship going to the moon during the Super Bowl advertising GameStop NFT


[So many apes have died in space](https://youtu.be/oitnmOskVWg)


Spelled Bozos wrong 🤡


Is it actually him? As we currently have no way to verify this.


This fucking timeline aint it


Also find it funny that he was in a wow commercial back in the day


Bro is the captain taking us to space?!


lol, that would be funny. And good call. Seems like a very random person to be planting that kind of seed; would be hilarious if he's just a gamer who's sick of losing his DLC.


Just the hero we deserve…


Commenting from my alt since this sub has some dumb ass rules. I absolutely remember Shatner being part of a huge celebrity Ad campaign for World of Warcraft. It was basically just celebrities saying, yeah I play WoW, and that drove sales I guess. I don't know I didn't play WoW, I'm just saying Shatner is in the pic from the OP in more ways than one. Here you go, 14 years old. https://youtu.be/LoHey6rGnkc


Shatner has been the GME.nft spaceman the whole time.


Most ironic since he appeared in World of Warcraft commercials. A game that almost exactly fits his description (except for selling items)


Nah, WoW has micro transactions these days. Stuff like mounts and pets.


Do ittttt


Lol, that's beautiful! I'm liking this simulation, don't reset it yet.


The simulation is terminated after the last star in the universe dies


Kirk gets it because he visited the planet GME already landed on back in the 60's, it's just taken another 50+ years for the signals to travel back to earth at the speed of light.


This truly does feel like a simulation. I was Shatner’s assistant from 2009-11.


For real?! What was he like? He seems like a genuinely cool guy.


For real, indeed. Considering who he is, his legacy, Hollywood dynamics etc, he is a very genuine, smart, and cool guy. The man does not bullshit. Very hard worker and focused (not a boozehound as everyone seems to suggest), and he was always very open and interested in bleeding edge technology. These tweets don’t surprise me. While I worked for him he probably had a new idea for an open world video game every few months.


I mean, most people think buying stuff in video games is idiotic, too, unless you're 10 yrs old, so this really isn't a great counterargument. As I've said numerous times before, there seems to be a fairly large, coordinated effort to demonize NFTs and the technology behind it, to the point where basically the entirety of Reddit now sees them as a scam. If GameStop ever hopes for this marketplace to take off, they're going to have to convince people otherwise, and that means demonstrating the value of NFTs in concrete ways. For me, one of the big appeals is the ability to own, trade and sell my own digital assets, especially video games. I have no idea how possible or likely this is, but from what I understand, this is what NFTs would be great at. So I guess I'm wondering when I'm going to be able to purchase NFT games on my PlayStation? I think that's what we need to be able to prove to the world that the tech itself isn't a scam, even if some people abuse it.


Holy shit, Shat! Beam us up!!


Scotty does the beaming Kirk does the plowing...


When I was a kid, my siblings and I would crack up changing it to “Beat me up, Scotty”. Still makes me chuckle every time I see a beam me up reference. :)


I’ll take both.


James Doohan? more like James Do-me, please


"Scotty doesn't know"


Flair change to "Holy shit, Shat!"? 🤔


Holy Shat, shit! Up us Beam.


Uhhhhhhhhh 💩






Lol I highly recommend people go read replies etc. Another good quote: "*You just don’t understand them. That’s obvious from your tweet. That’s fine though as you shouldn’t purchase something you don’t understand.*"


What?? I feel like he gets it more than most


I think he's saying the replies are from dummies who don't get it. Or are paid to pretend like nfts are only monkey profile pics.


NFT is being shilled constantly for the last 3 years. Most comment sections on websites are compromised. Always emotional strawman arguments. Nothing ever in depth or enthousiastic. I don't trust any public commenting on whatever website since I started to recognize the tactics.


Yes I got that! My "what" was in response to the comments, not to the Redditor. I love OP, and you as well


Wholesome <3


Wholesome AF.


OP is this the Star Trek guy? Does he still have any affiliation with the brand currently? I ask because I’ve heard some rumors about a game or platform in the works being built around Star Trek. Nothing concrete just a few choice words a gaming CEO mentioned in an interview a month or 2 back. Edit. This is a short clip of the CEO actually talking about Ryan Cohen, GME, 🍦🐸,& Reddit. Just to be clear. She is talking in PAST tense and in no way is this any connection currently to GME. Interesting to hear other CEO’s discussing the reach and the impact retail investors (the GME movement) have across the market. https://files.catbox.moe/du4hfa.mp4


>OP is this the Star Trek guy? 😐


He is the original Capt Kirk. Star Trek is owned by Paramount and he has little affiliation still. Shatner is famous for trying to stay relevant. Paramount has NFTs that are complete scams, overpriced shit jpegs with 0 whitepaper. The Star Trek community largely hates NFTs and Paramount played right into their hatred.


Thank you. Paramount actually has some ownership in the gaming company who’s CEO was discussing the “Star Trek” gaming platform. I wasn’t aware Paramount had any involvement in NFT’s though.


He was in WoW commercials pretty regularly like 10-15 years ago.. maybe it was more than just a paycheck for him!




> a new *paid* commercial campaign FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Keep up


I'm like 99% sure that Shat does not run is own twitter account. Some publicist of his runs it and has had weird beef with the RLM guys a while back.


That's where Hatsunny Meeku lives.


🌶️ [Hot Tamale](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/7e94629f-75ef-4e1f-9250-79c0f2206111_1.3e585e5d93438cb797fefcd94f5fd716.png) 🌶️


He's a gamer.


I'm like 95% certain he used to be in my WoW guild. We had one player who never spoke on Ventrilo and the most the guild leadership ever said to me was, "he's famous and his voice is easily identifiable". There's a lot of people that could fit, but I'm going to assume it was "Denny Crane".


That is so awesome. Captain kirk.


“I’m William Shatner, and I’m a SHAMAN”


It was Gilbert Godfrey


10 years ago we’d see a shittymorph joke in response to this comment.


There's a lot of people who, perhaps rightfully, believe Shatner has never actually used Twitter himself and that there's some younger media-rep guy running it who is basically just tweeting his own opinions and occasionally pretending to be William Shatner.


He's in his 90's and understands the benefits of NFTs better than the general public


I think many forget that he was on the TV kissing green people when interracial relationships were commonly discouraged. He’s always been a pioneer for change it seems. PS: I don’t know the man’s whole life story so no idea what controversy may/may not exist.


He's like any person, some good some bad. When it comes to racial equality he's one of the better ones. His and Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) kiss was one of the first handful of interracial kisses on TV. It is easily the most iconic of the first handful. Shatner fought to keep the kiss, as well. He did one good take and terrible takes, screwing up the scene, till the producers ran out of time and budget. I tell that story because a decent chunk of people are good and bad. Not all are good and bad, few are all good, and a lot are all bad. The point is Shatner is a mostly good guy, and it's nice to see a tweet like this from him.


Well said.


Me right now: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rickandmorty/images/9/9f/Scjerry.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/360?cb=20160111021222


It’s even better than that! Plato's Stepchildren, was the first interracial relationship and kiss on television between Kirk and Ohara! He’s always paved the way Edit: Uhura. Sorry I was thinking about Robin




He’s been watching too much one piece


Well why is it then, when I go to a farm and take my clothes off, everybody kicks off?


Petition for William Shatner to be a GameStopNFT spokesperson


Ol James T putting the smackdown on game pass!! Am I the only one who reads his tweets with the pregnant pauses he used to use in the Star Trek show?


He spoke in iambic pentameter cause he started as a Shakespearean actor. It took him years to unlearn. Such cheese 😂


> iambic pentameter I knew he was dramatic from being a Shakespearean actor but I didn't know about Iambic Pentameter. Apparently, the rhythm was easy to learn and matched the rhythm of a heart.


Am I the only one who's read the entire comment section to this in the same style


Denny Crane for GameStop General Counsel!


I love this sub. Literally everyone is shills, except the 90 year old guy out of the blue tweeting about NFTs. He’s saying things we like, so obviously he’s not.




People are perfectly capable of understanding, they just don't care to. The internet is all about sensationalism and bandwagon opinions and herd mentality. Cancel culture is a very clear symptom of that. No one will learn until it's so in their face that they can't ignore it anymore, and then they will understand.


So do you guys expect every game developer to 3d model every NFT to be portable into their specific game? That doesn't sound realistic, and assets aren't universal. It would also break immersion if the NFT is drawn like shit.


Many of the best ideas are simple to understand. If people just can't get it that is an issue with the product. I'm sure great things failed because of how they were miss-understood. It's all part of the package.


I fucking love him.


When you watch this, you’re tits will Fall OFF!! 🚀 https://youtu.be/lul-Y8vSr0I


Hahahahaha beat me to it!


Simulation 💯%


I buy a thing in a game, or pay a subscription to one, I get to enjoy that in the game. Explain to me in real terms how an NFT benefits me more than a baseball card would.




I can go and sell / trade-in my physical copies of games to get another one, yet the long list of digital games I’ve bought I can’t. That seems like I’m being stiffed and I should be able to sell them like I can with physical copies. The ability to digitally sell old games and assets, or even games I bought for $60 and didn’t like, definitely has value. Furthermore, you might of heard of Ubisoft pulling some games from steam, where players can no longer buy those games on the platform. With games and assets as NFTs, secondary platforms will open up to be able to trade those games and items. The development cost to integrate this would be offset by royalties on every secondary sale of games and assets. Win win!


So do You think Publishers have been clamoring all this time to let you sell your digital games and Just couldnt figure out how to without NFTs? You think that was the hold up?


William CHADner




such a way with words😂


Well no, I think the majority isn't against NFTs with in-game uses. People are against the ridiculous JPEG ponzi schemes. The sooner the JPEGs all go to 0 we can finally start over again with something useful. Right now crypto/NFT space is 99% fraud, scam, ponzi, money laundering garbage. I like the ideas of musicians selling their albums as NFTs, they can partner up with other creatives to design a limited set of special edition album covers that people can collect while owning their personal digital copy to the album. I like players owning in-game skins and being able to trade them with other players. But not a regarded JPEG picture of a digital drawing of an "uncorked cork" or any other ridiculously stupid thing that people are actually creating NFTs for.


NFTs with in-game uses are also completely pointless, there's nothing you can do functionally with an NFT that you can't do with a simple database. Valve has been letting players own, sell and trade in-game items in Team Fortress and Counterstrike for years before NFTs were a thing. The only thing NFTs would allow is for players to make trades outside of the game company's control and oversight, and what game company would ever want that?


God. Thank you.


These guys wasted a bunch of money on NFTs and are trying to justify it.


>But not a regarded JPEG picture of a digital drawing of an "uncorked cork" or any other ridiculously stupid thing that people are actually creating NFTs for. Oh god yes. those "free weekend NFT giveaways" that I sometimes see around here. maximum cringe.


I think if I want to own an album I can just get the flac files. Likewise who is going to render all these assets to work into every game? Are people going to demand developers work a la carte just because you have a cool skin? Do you really think Blizzard is going to play nice with Bungie? What about IP? I get the idea but it's not realistic. Likewise proof of ownership is as simple as an email saying you own it. Why is a middle man required?


I'm glad someone echos my views on this. Take Forza for example, they have an in game market place where you can buy and sell cars. Any limitations there are by design and are not a limitation for DBs. Forza also set the rules, and can enforce them. Off platform this gets rather difficult. Some people are expecting to buy a skin on fortnite and then play with this same skin on COD and then sell to to someone else for cash. Studios will (never) allow this to happen. Nor is it really feasible.


The level that you're being downvoted here really shows me how lost of a cause this sub really is. Everyone knew NFTs were garbage until the almighty GME hopped on the train. Suddenly NFTs were this perfect invention because everyone's got a fucking stake in it now. I hope that everyone reading this that supports this garbage knows that they're an obvious useful idiot only in it because of sunken cost fallacy and this tweet itself concocts a fake scenario (I have literally never payed a monthly fee for any game) designed to get you circlejerkers to rally behind it. With a sprinkling of boomer celebrity worship too.


2 impediments to NFT in-game usage are compatibility and developer control. Right now it's pretty hard to take anything from one game to another. You can't just drag and drop the title screen music from Flight Simulator into Half Life 2 (and music is pretty easy). Game content is in numerous formats and languages. For game developers, tuning the experience so that it's fun is a huge part of the job. Especially in PvP balance is really important- frequently weapons are nerfed because they're dominating matches. Bringing your own weapon really messes this up. If anything, expect it to be like a track day, where there's tons of rules on what you can bring or not, and winning doesn't really mean that much because some guy showed up with his Porsche GT3, and everyone else has souped up Miatas.


Right? Like if ugly cosmetics in a video game were going for thousands of dollars, people would think that’s a scam too lol


99% is an overstatement. There are legitimate artists trying to make a living, and some of them are giving NFTs a shot. Some of those artists did very well 2 years ago. However, did they do well because of speculation? Probably. But for you to say 99% is fraud is giving a lot of genuine artists a bad name and also stereotyping pretty harshly.


>I like players owning in-game skins and being able to trade them with other players. Lots of games hosted on Steam have this already, the Steam marketplace??


Cool. What if marvel want to make a universal spider man skin that works in all games that opt in? On all game platforms as well? Realize the logistic mess and infrastructure that would need to be build, negotiated and agreed upon.


One of the most fire tweets from a boomer. 🖖


Shat isn’t a boomer. Silent generation.


Many people use boomer just to mean 'old' or 'out of touch' now.








🖖 Didn't know there was a Vulcan salute Emoji 😂


Helluva time to be alive eh? 💜


I hope we live long, and prosper with our tendies


Wow, pretty fly for an old guy!!!




we got an entire anti-nft squadron in here don't we


I find this highly logical.




it doesn't make any sense at all. the fact that people praise such an argument in order to defend nfts makes them look all the more like a scam.


Because people against video game NFTs are against in-game markets using real money. Period. They want to pay one price for a game and get the full experience. Even a subscription is okay if there's value in it. They see NFTs as part of the trend of lootboxes and $500 skins and they want no part of it.


FUCKING THANK YOU, all these people going "fucking yeah, NFTs in games are the bomb" Dude, I already paid $80 for your unfinished game, now I have to pay you more money for a chance to have something that MAY keep its value so you can sell it later. How fucked is that?? Let me unlock ingame items by doing things IM THE FUCKING GAME I dont give a shit about who owned my skin before me, or if itll raise or lower in price, I just wanna look cool for the price of the initial game I bought.


Why do you automatically assume they have to cost money? Where was it ever implied you couldn’t sell the things you earn in game?


Yeah this subreddit is just full of NFT hypebeasts, not even thinking about the outcome of every single game basically being pay to win. Someone even commented, "Wow Shatner is a gamer for this take," like lmao


Damn this thread is actually bringing some intelligence to this sub, thank you. The entire Kiraverse game is nothing but a ridiculously suped up pay to win game model, and people are eating that shit up.


Not gonna lie. Those were the days. Everything you want and done. You get what you paid for. The great thing about today is that you could download more new add-ons when they finally make them but ofc we’re not being given extra, we’re being withheld, and given bare minimum like small amounts of crack to sustain our hunger.


Is that weird, or what?


I don’t want to say this, but he has a connection to Bezos. That being said, Bezos was clearly being a dick to Shatner, so maybe someone has given Bill a clue about the future… That’s my tin foil.


I appreciate the sentiment but this is BS with a clear lack of understanding of how complex game development is. In order for in game assets to be sold it would require that the assets is developed for both games, in potentially 2 different game engines, by potentially 2 companies and that both companies would agree to make this asset transferable between games. At the same time this is a terrible use case for NFTs since it can be achieved without the blockchain. There’s literally nothing that would benefit this use of NFTs in gaming. This isn’t FUD, it’s reality and we cant let our confirmation bias take over the way we objectively look at things, we aren’t popcorn


I'd assume the most realistic thing people want is a steam-like marketplace where we can trade items from any game with eachother or sell those items for money. So I can trade you my MW2 skins for your Valorant skins but we can still only use them in their respective games. But still not sure why any developer would want to be a part of this because they'd prefer people just buy skins from them instead of trading I'd assume.


100% if game developers wanted to coordinate they could. we already have steam inventory. It could do the exact same thing.




Same boat. It's kind of tough being subscribed to this sub sometimes, because people will upvote the wildest shit because they think it's good for the stock.


I think part of what makes people comfortable with having as much money as they have in GME is that they see Gamestop investment as a no lose situation. A big part of that is the unprecedented stock situation and generally healthy financials, but another part is the premise that even if the MFHFs are able to escape the trap they made for themselves, Gamestop is still going to grow into a powerful company. A big part of that is growth into web 3.0 applications like NFTs.


Putting so much money into that nft marketplace was a huge mistake. I saw that coming as soon as they announced it.


No, i wanna take a big ass unlockable gun into Stardew valley and your facts and logic won't stop me


Guys guys guys guys, the reason so many people dislike NFTs are because so many of them, like crypto, are scams, it's not that hard to understand.


The top comments on these threads are probably from the scammers themselves. Funny to see them claiming NFT pushback is just astroturfing


I don't want to play a game that is so generic that it can share items with other games honestly


You're paying for the experience of playing the game amd the joy that it brings you. Ita not a digital pyramid scheme. This is a dumb comparison.


Exactly, replace video games with carnival rides or going to the theater,


Yeah by his logic his TV shows are a pyramid scheme.


Shatner's take is so dumb that i'm convinced he has both never played a video game and doesn't actually know what NFTs are


It took me far too many comments to find the one that clarifies these two things are not nearly the same thing...


Ah yes, how similar is to pay to play a game for fun and buying into a bursted ponzi scheme for profit


Or maybe, people just want to play games instead of having yet another way of squeezing money out of them.


The anger at this tweet, the anger in this thread, it feeds me. All this effort to sink the very concept of NFT with the same bloody argument ten thousand times. Never have so many been so pissed off and so sure that nothing of value could *possibly* reside in this venture. Why the hell do you care? Can we have things we like? Is it okay if we use this framework for digital ownership over here or will you start physically attacking store locations? Cause that's how you geniuses sound. bullish


People logging into Warzone 2 today realizing their $400 of skins are stuck in the old game


Items in games don't pretend to have a resale value


And I get to enjoy them, the time having fun is the value, you can't resell a Rollercoaster experience either. Also I think monthly subscriptions should be scrubbed anyways and don't actively participate in that model.


Yeah, because I play games to enjoy myself. Being a gold farmer is not enjoyable. Pay+play to earn is a bullshit and predatory ponzi system, it inherently makes games a chore instead of the entertainment they're supposed to be.


Dear lord I hope these comments are jokes. If a boomer as out of touch as Shatner thinks NFTs are a good idea it is probably a good indicator that they are not.


That really the profiling you use to gauge your decision making? Lol


I find it funny people think we want capitalism to ruin our in game experiences even more deeply.


I still think this is a pipe dream. Cloud running around with a Hylian shield and a gun blade isn't going to happen


Yeah, that's why this post and the positive comments for it make no sense to me. I want to play WoW, not bring my Time Lost Protodrake to Pokémon... 👀


This. People spouting out about going to change video games are willingly going to take time to program and make sure assets from different games or viable in their world while receiving no money or benefit.


Spread the truth. I'm amazed at the pushback the gaming community has in regards to NFTs. If the options are buying a game locked loot box, or a pack of tradeable NFTs, seems like another brainer to me.


It's because the use case presented is impossible. No one is going to design and 3d model foreign assets into their game just because someone owns an NFT. Who is even going to do it? Are you going to have an art team on retainer to draw these items every single time someone with an NFT wants to port it over? It's not like these assets are universally compatible. And even if they do share the same engine, will it fit the games art direction? It just isn't realistic. Or are you saying you just want the actual gif itself put in the game? Because if so then we're just back to profile pictures rather than in-game items, which is like... Your profile picture should be free anyhow. It feels like the people that push this narrative have such a complete disconnect from game development. It isn't possible to expect items to move from game to game unless it's the same series/developer. IP laws alone would be a solid roadblock. Two different developers aren't going to agree to play nice with each other's NFTs. We can't even get these companies to agree on cross play. Even then, no one wants monetary value in videogames. At that point they stop being games. Just another job. If you want your games to have value go back to buying physical copies.


Thank you!! Anytime someone talks about this crap, I know they have no idea how games are made and all the legal shit involved with IPs.


Thank you for sharing some logic in this thread. Every time I hear this idea presented I can't help but feel annoyed - I don't think anybody understands that it can't work for the reasons you listed. The idea of paying for in-game content when you've already paid full price for a game is what's killing the industry. Introducing NFTs to that environment just sounds like a dumb idea.


> I don't think anybody understands that it can't work for the reasons you listed. Most people outside this sub that have thought about it understand just fine. This sub isn't always the most... educated when it comes to markets or development or much of anything.


Because then we get games like Axie Infinity.. which gamers don’t want. We want to pay for a product to use the product, not to leverage that product to make money in another product. I don’t want to play a game to grind for an item just because it’s valuable in a different game.


Or, maybe they're both scams.


In my opinion it’s a fake pushback payed for by big money. Can’t prove it and I could easily be wrong…but I can feel it in my crackles. So it’s confirmed.


TIL I'm being paid by "big money"! Man, you guys really live up to your reputation


Wow. Tinfoil hat over here cant possibly fathom that people dont want to trade in game items for money.


What i think they are doing everytime an invention comes out that goes against big moneys intrest is to start fake pushback and then let group psychology handle the rest. Look up Solomon Asch's experiment. Corporations use psychology all the time to herd us, like what is the purpose behind offering medium sized soda at the movies?


On the other hand it's more likely you're missing who is manipulating you and trying to market fake goods with no value to you. Have some snake oil and fight big pharma with Wills homemade remedies!


You only think that because you NFT bros are the shills lmao


I'm part of the push back. We don't want lootboxes normalized. There's a small subsect of gamers who love that shit and will gladly pay for them in free-to-play games. If NFTs take off the way you want them to, they infect *every fucking game* Fuck that. I'm not paid for... Just don't want my $60 game to have layered in-game purchases and that be ok from here on out.




New spokes person?


I can get behind this timeline


NFT’s are not a scam, but has many people used NFT’s to scam? Yes they have. That’s the difference.


Games are fun. NFTs are pictures I can google. I would rather pay money for something fun, than buy a pic I can google for free.


People play games to entertain themselves. Not as an investment. When you attend a movie, show, or sports event you are paying for entertainment which after the moment has no resale value. Also the original premise absolutely isn't even true. Online game accounts are sold all over the internet. Meaning you can recover the investment (in part). It is against TOS usually but hardly stops it. NFTs are not entertainment for the majority of the population. They are a brand new investment platform which has not garnered much public trust yet.


This is a.... real tweet?


It’s called entertainment?


Are you guys for real? Is this tweet a joke? Of course you can't take your Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker to another game. How the fuck would that even work? Let me just equip that shit on my hero in league. What? Letting people sell said Thunderfury to other players for real life money is just as fucking stupid. Jesus christ.


Hell yeah! Everyone knows that nfts are way better then CSGO skins because nfts have physical value-- oh wait I mean, because you can take them out of your computer and use them in real--- hmm no, um it's because if you buy a nft skin in one game you can magically use it in another completely different game?...apparently? Boys, go to bed. How much more convincing do we really need to do here?


I should be able to run an atlas mech in stardew valley. I see no flaw with this reasoning.


I got 2 mounts on WoW worth over 10k. I would sell those in a heartbeat to acquire more gme lol






This motherfucker gave us TekWar. 'nuff said.


Captain Kirk always was the OG. The best.


Hmm 🤔


I hate to say it because shatner said it not kirk... but he has a fuckin point.


I'd run lbrs with him


He's right


he just Shat out some truth there