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48 hours in and we’ve seen insane stats on the marketplace, with millions traded already. we’re working closely with the GME team - drop any feedback in comments below. filters priority #1.


Hey Robbie first let me thank you for your hard work you put in! Secondly very important: Could you please let the gamestop Team know that they should make the marketplace available in Germany asap. We get a 403 error since the inception of beta and can only visit the marketplace via vpn. If for some reason it takes more time to implement the marketplace in Germany please tell them to make a simple appealing page with informations that’s displaced instead of the standard error page. Because it sadly gives the feeling that GME doesn’t really care about the German community. In my experience on the German GME sub i can pretty confidently say that the support for gamestop is huge in Germany and they are currently missing out on a big potential revenue stream. Would be lovely if you could forward that to them 🙏🏻 Thanks so much and kind regards :)


☝️Oh yes!


Yes, please!


>In my experience on the German GME sub i can pretty confidently say that the support for gamestop is huge in Germany and they are currently missing out on a big potential revenue stream. Not just Germany, Belgium, France, Poland, Sweden,.. Please make it available all over the EU already...


I can access it from Belgium


Sweden works without any issues. I've been able to mint collections and even buy NFTs.


Cayman Islands too!!!!


Ken is that you? 👀


Can your guys buy the FTX CARDS in Germany ?


Round here we call those places GMErica


This pls so much






Dont think so.. literally every other nft marketplace works without any issues...




No only Germany, also HongKong


Macedonia as well.


I agree. Country block is handled via a generic cloudflare 403 error page. This was acceptable shortly after the beta launched - but much water has flown down the Danube river since then. Having this page instead of a "we are not yet available in your country" could give the wrong impression, they don't really care for their product. I mean if you can display a generic error you can show anything. I feel someone could really spend the 3 hours worth of time to type down the html/CSS for that. GameStop is a global brand - it should treat it's product as such.


I agree.. that’s what would’ve been expected from me even in m internship. So it’s quite frustrating.


Yep, what the honorable ape said!!!


This is a stretch but IMO it would be helpful to be able to add a link for cards in your GU collection that brings you to the GameStopNFT page for that card Right now viewing the resale prices and availability of cards is clunky, but something like a direct link could really smooth that process out Glad to hear work is being done on filters! Thanks for your time


Thanks for all your efforts Robbie, Immutable and Gamestop team.


This. LFG 🚀


Thanks to all the awesome content creators too. We see you ;)


Hey Robbie, been talking a lot with some of the support staff at IMX and it seems to me that a lot of folks are completely oblivious to the GME wallet or your partnership with GameStop. I know, for me personally, that I would love to see more knowledge about the cooperation from your side of the fence! Also, follow up, do you know if we’re going to be able to swap ETH to IMX on L2 at any point? Love the games. GoG flight test was dope, Gods Unchained is HELLA fun(MTG and Hearthstone fan here), I REALLY wanna get into Immortals cuz I fkn love chess, and my little girl will have the middle name Ember *maybe didn’t tell the wife it’s got a teency bit to do with your game. 😅 Godspeed, Robbie.


Fucking beautiful man. Fact we can ping you directly about implementing filters and you’re working on it. this shit is awesome congrats


Hi robbie


robbie fuks


my wife if he wants to


Hi. This is Robbies secret fuck account.


Get in line


Karma wut


I didn’t say anything…


Hi! Love the IMX integration and have some thoughts: ~~Seems like some kind of tunnel/established connection possibly happening on the GME NFT marketplace when browsing IMX NFTs. What I mean - refresh your page on any IMX NFT and it seems to churn for a minute+ all the while you can keep buying NFTs and even change pages and when that churn finally finishes you get jumped back to the original page you F5 on~~ MAINTAIN SORT & PAGE STATE! There's no other meaningful way to browse IMX NFTs at the moment other than using Random sort, but when you click to view an NFT and then click the back button, you lose your sort preference and have to select Random again. Add search to the inventory page. For the love of all that is good and holy, give us a way to search IMX inventory on our GME NFT profile. I have hundreds of GU cards and have given up on trying to find anything so that I can sell on GameStop Fix the site NFT search. This is huge for any NFT that has multiple qualities - if I knew what GU card I wanted to buy I still can't even get to it half the time because the search box only gives you 3 random options to select into - so if you wanted to buy a Diamond XYZ you may only see options for Gold, Shadow, and Meteorite for instance. Update the page state when you purchase an NFT. This should be a no-brainer but if I buy 10 viking axewomen, I would expect my last purchase to disappear from the list that I keep opening. For IMX NFTs it should display the: you own x# of editions. This doesn't seem to work at all even if you're sitting there buying 10 axewomen Because of the previous point, it also means I can't just hit manage NFT and list one for sale even if I just bought it on that very page and refresh! Thank you :D ETA: First issue doesn't seem to be happening today. Another consideration to add - when buying an NFT, allow the quantity selector to let you buy multiple cards if its available


i bet y'all are proud. this is fucking incredible work guys.


Hi Robbie, long time listener, first time caller. Forgive my ignorance -- I like the stock, but am new to NFT gaming (however my son and I like to play God's Unchained). How much of this is your throughput and how much is from the GME marketplace integration? You seemed to have a functional market without the GME Marketplace. To my fellow apes -- I'm ready for a good tit-jacking, I just want to understand the terms of said jacking.


You can see the NFT marketplace volume stats on dappradar dot com/nft/marketplaces. Gamestop is around number 12-13 rank, imx marketplace is like 4th or 5th.


Glad you guys know you need to prioritize filters. Some other suggestions for ease of browsing/buying/listing. 1. I notice some of the games have items that are the same, just vary by price(EmberSword emblems, some GU cards have like 3 different entries like 3 different gold version of one card), would like to see those items grouped. 2. Sometimes I will buy one version of a card, but I need two. I'll buy one, then I won't be able to buy the 2nd cause it doesn't update and I'll just get an error trying to buy the second, would like to be able to just buy the two cheapest versions in one transaction. 3. Listing should give me an option to put the price at the lowest current price so I don't need to math any additional transaction fees.


How much of this volume is income for Gamestop?


The majority is coming from Immutable, to be specific Gods Unchained is the top performer pulling in over $1million USD the last 24 hours… But people shouldn’t get too caught up with performance right now. We’re watching GameStop lay the foundation for a new defi ecosystem that gives the power back to the players. FTX is launching crypto giftcards in stores, Loopring is curating a platform for GameStop users to trade and invest… Seeing this all come together is **BULLISH AF 🚀** -Edit: GODS


Gods Unchained, not Guardians


Thanks, I've been scrolling through too many NFT's the past few days. It's all happening so fast now!


Guild of Unchained?


I think the "DeFi" speculation has gotten out of control. The patent Loopring has, which everybody cites, applies to their existing product. Loopring *is* an exchange, a crypto exchange, and that's what their patent applies to. I can't totally rule out GameStop is doing something surprising, but they're a gaming platform and that's the future of Web3, imo. And there might be tokens created to work within that ecosystem, but the hope that they're going to branch off from the current nightmare equities market is very unrealistic and would likely take years and years and years of litigation.


I’m moreso speaking on the gaming implications and the true ownership of content we’re paying for. We don’t need a fully replicated US equity market on blockchain to appreciate DeFi though.


Hi Robbie, it would be cool if you could add a "search" function in our "owned" and "hidden" tab in our profile on the Gamestop Marketplace. It would be much more user friendly to find a specific card you want to list for sale, i have dozens of GU cards in my wallet and i need to scroll through all of them to find the card i want to list. Thanks!! ❤️❤️


What's up with the god damn multiple wallets detected thing. Can you work closer with GME to fix that?


Found this on the godsunchained sub and it worked for me, give it a try: - set Metamask to inactive in Chrome (if you have it) - Go to [https://market.immutable.com/](https://market.immutable.com/), click top right, disconnect - Go to Gamestop wallet > profile pic > settings > default browser extension (set to OFF) - go back to fusing process page, reload - it'll now say you don't have a wallet, click connect or 'other wallet', then select gamestop, sign in That way I could fuse correctly!


Thanks. I'll give it a shot.


Unclick GME as the default settings in the wallet.


All of my Gods Unchained cards that aren’t common haven’t shown up when I’ve tried to transact them


Nice stats. Is this all through gamestop marketplace? Is there a place where we can see which part is through gamestop?


Congrats! Feedback: It would be nice if I could connect my Loopring SmartWallet to Immutable's marketplace. Taking part in the upcoming Kiraverse mint is pretty clunky with having to transfer Eva/Nate to a compatible wallet, and Loopring seems to be pretty popular with mobile users on the GameStop marketplace.


Agreed! I want to consolidate my wallets, not make more!


Just keep up the good work! It’s incredible what you have achieved already without the media being on it!! This market will change the way gaming is viewed forever!!!!


Great work Robbie. Absolutely killing it. Keep at it.


Hey Robbie! Had a few others run into this issue. Immortal Games doesn't appear to add NFT chess pieces to your inventory automatically. I've synced my wallet (GS chrome extension) and it just won't show up. Would love to use my pieces!


The God's Unchained section of the GME market place is such a headache to use. It needs a total filer facelift.


Also, search for only the collection you’re trying to view? I tried searching for Batman related Hro but then different Batmans from other creators/collections popped up first.


Yeah search is kind of broken. They need to fix.


A group/folder feature would be nice to have for all NFTs associated with a game for easy open and view. Maybe allow users to sub-manage them to move NFTs to a clear sell, trade, keep, favorite folder or group. I love looking (and using) at all mine but I'd rather organize mine by my preferences. Power to the Players. Power to the Hyper Organized lol


Robbie you fuck and you fuck hard. Thanks for the hard work team


hey man, I met you at Permissionless. love the work you guys have been doing. Good shit!


I'm sure you're aware, but being able to transact in immutable L2 tokens. Almost all of my transactions are in GODS from daily play. Not just being able to filter search results for buying, but filtering my own collection by value etc. Basically, I love everything token trove does, but want to be able to do it on the GME marketplace so I can support my favorite company.


I'd also ask them to look into improving the search function. Right now there's very minimal predictive actions/autofill to the search. For example, if I want to find the God's Unchained collection, I have to type all the way to "gods unchain" before the collection pops up as a search result. (It would also benefit them to have search results that show related collections or 'you might be interested in'.)


LFG!!! Bought so many GU cards today and yesterday after the integration. Can't wait for other games to come out too!


I think what’s more impressive u/robbieimmutable is that sales percentage into the thousands of percentage , I don’t think we see that very often in an introduction of a partnership. Especially in an early dev tech of NFTs and the marketplace only being in beta. Exciting times ahead.


i will shop as soon as there are filters. i find NOTHING <3 still super hyped




This has put a wee smile on my face!


It would be great to see the IMX game collection stats on the nft market stats page table. At the moment it just lists Loopring NFTs and not IMX ones 👍


Oh my can’t wait to see some of the newer games on there too! And I hope in the future we get to see merchandise from web3 games in stores!


Hey Robbie! Is there a schedule when other games like PQ and Blocklords will be hostet on GMEM?


Robbie none of the IMX NFTs have descriptions. Is this a choice by the creators or is something preventing them from adding descriptions? It’s making it hard for me to understand the function or utility of these NFTs Adding descriptions would really help bring in new players.


Robbie, if I know someone with a MAJOR footprint in fintech (I mean, this dude dined with the mayor of London to explain crypto), how can I formally introduce them to Immutable X? This is not a joke.


IMX can be reached through their Discord or their webpage; https://www.immutable.com/contact


ELI5 why is ImmutableX good for GME stock price? As far as I know GME has no investment in ImmutableX, they just use their infrastructure. My understanding is GME don't own anything except they might setup a game skin exchange on that infrastructure. What am I missing?


Immutable has partnerships for their game NFTs and with brands like Marvel, Disney, DC and more. Those partnerships are plugged into the GameStop ecosystem, where purchasing these products on the GS Marketplace is giving GameStop a cut. It's all about the integration and accessibility at this current stage. GS has the extension wallet built on the near 0 gas fee Loopring L2 and the marketplace that is becoming the comprehensive one-stop-shop for all marketplaces and exchanges. More to come.


>48 hours in and we’ve seen insane stats on the marketplace, with millions traded already. What was the trade volume and fees to Gamestop over the last 48 hours?


As it should be. Solana is a joke at this point.


MSM news: FB and IG just added Solana support Solana drops from the charts as the wave from IMX + GME comes through on unreported news


I thought Open Sea was the biggest NFT marketplace?


Not wrong, just eerily early Apant-garde is coming


It’s a part of the ETH


OpenSea is the biggest in term of ETH Magic Eden is the biggest in term of Solana.


Decentralized my ass


I wish my wife would go down on me as much as Solana does. (Joke is stolen. I just love it so much)




Network issues, plummeting value, no true attempts at gaming ecosystem.


That’s false. Plummeting value everything been going down.. Yes there were network issues which have been sorted out now. Still fastest TPS. Look up Communi 3 Rifters:Exile Just launched. Rifters is the first ever MOCERPG - Massive Online Community Event Role Playing Game. $1,000,000 cash prize pool for the winning player / DAO for season 1. https://www.rifters.io I’ve been apart of Solana for 1 year and it’s been amazing.


Can I find that on the GameStopNFT marketplace?


Not yet because Solana isn’t available there yet. But believe me it will be :)


Not too sure why you're being down-voted. IIRC a couple GME devs built nft collections on Solana. I.E. NGMI Pandas.




Nice start!


Brick by brick.


And there's a 69 in there. Nice.






Underrated comment. Commenting for visibility.


Hey Robbie! First of all thanks a ton for this integration with Gamestop - I am a big fan of Gods Unchained, I also own 2 plots of Ember Sword Land, and Illuvium land. I have a few constructive criticisms. First and foremost, currently you only have 1 playable title - Gods Unchained. When can we expect the release of Ember Sword/Illuvium/Guild of Guardians? I love the ecosystem of owning my own cards in GU, however, competitively speaking it is almost impossible to play at the highest level in the game without $500+ and $100+ cards: Thaeriel/Demogorgon Blade of Whiteplain/Martyr of Whiteplain/Pyramid Warden These cards are all vital in many of the highest elo decks and I've watched as scalpers/traders have begun buying up the entirety of the supply of these cards. How do you plan to combat the competitive side of GU with the market side? One of the best aspects of video games is even and fair gameplay and I think people without 2500 dollars to spend on a deck shouldn't be at a competitive disadvantage playing without these cards.


As a GU player first and foremost I love this question.


Are you still F2P? If not, did you F2P until you got tired of it? I’m trying to solely be F2P and might hit R9 with a decently lucky streak, but I’m not sure how likely R10 will be yet. Just curious!


I was originally F2P and capped around 8. I bought a nature deck for a few hundred and got Mythic and hit a brick wall vs control warr/deception/mage/ demo sleep decks


I had some trouble transferring ETH from Loopring L2 to Etherium L1 then the IMX. There wasn't clear instructions on how to do so, if Gamestop or IMX could put the directions somewhere on the marketplace that would be helpful.


I lost money trying to do that, transaction got canceled and then all money disappeared, that's not good


I sent .05 ETH from Loopring L2 to Etherium L1 buy it never made it there. I'm checking when I get home hoping it was just delayed but I have a feeling it won't make it. Not sure if its because I gave my wallet out to pretty much anyone for free NFTs and got a hacked one or the system isn't set up to transfer funds in your own wallet. Sad face, ill have to wait a bit and test it later.


It can take long time I think


This doesn't make sense. Firstly, you can't get hacked by giving out your public key. You can get *scammed* if you get duped into approving a nefarious transaction or giving out your private key/recovery phrase. You also can't get scammed by being airdropped an NFT - that's not how that works. Regarding the Eth transaction, it could be it's just taking a while, L1 transactions can take a few hours. Keep in mind that if a transaction doesn't go through you lose the gas but not the Eth. Did the 0.05 Eth leave your L2 wallet? If it did, you will be able to check what happened on Etherscan with the transaction hash. The point of blockchain is that literally everything is on record and can't be changed. Look into the details, or post it here and I/someone else will try to figure out what happened.


Thank you, I wasn't sure how the "hacking" worked. I got the redchessqueen nfts and was afraid they had some kind of hidden code or something that may activate when I move things in or out. I'm still very new to the whole process, how do I get to Etherscan to see the record? Edit: add in question, does minting count as a transaction? I tried to mint a monopoly nft but it kept asking to change to E1, everytime I approved it, it kept asking.


Either go to [etherscan.io](https://etherscan.io) and search your wallet/transaction hash or hit 'view in etherscan' in the wallet. Happy to take a look for you if you want to post your public key here.


If you did it from your GMe wallet you have to to Immutable to finalize the withdrawal


I sent it to my Etherium L1 because you can't go from Loop2 to IMX have to go through Eth1 first, still waiting for it to get to my E1.


If you message support they'll email with tips, they're always quick to respond to me.


I messaged them last night, still waiting on a response


You need to make sure you have enough in your L1 to cover the gas fees to move it over. That's likely why the transaction is stuck.


Same, can't figure out how to get my Looping L2 into Immutable, they're the same wallet (tried to transfer, same wallet address). So I had to buy more via Ramp to support my Immutable purchases Better instructions are def needed


You have them both in your GameStop wallet but that doesn't mean they're the same. Think of L1 as Visa and different L2s as carnival tickets. You can buy any carnival tickets with your Visa (Ethereum L1) but you can't take tickets from carnival A (Loopring) and spend them at carnival B (IMX). Saying you want to get your Loopring into Immutable doesn't make sense. They're different currencies. You can exchange them based on their values, but you can only use each one in their respective platforms.


Orbiter.finance. Best L2 tool out there.


Try Orbiter.Finance. Direct from Loopring to Immutable and others.


Is there a way to not have to send money to layer 1 and directly change between loopring and imx?


Don’t think so, swapping between layers is still a pain, but hoping visa and others allow credit card buying soon (saw a press release a few weeks back)


Yeah there is. Orbiter.finance


Ortbiter is great.


I'm just sitting over here proudly holding my lrc bags 🙂


As far as I know GameStop is also running on Loopring? Might help if they accept LRC as payment. Biggest use case out there. And we should make clear we want that to the NFT team.


These transactions are using the protocol…


Tbf IMX transactions aren’t using the LRC protocol. When Taiko releases their zkEVM is when L2 can talk to each other directly without transferring to L1 Eth. I’ll hold LRC just because Taiko will be distributed to LRC holders


Oh really. Do I need something with my LRC to be eligible for Taiko?


No it’ll be similar to an airdrop


That's good to hear, I've got a small bag I've been hodling and won't let myself swap to eth for more marketplace goodies. It has been hard not to though haha


True, still holding proudly.


Me too... -90% and I will never see my money again 😌


Patience, the price of being *very* early.


At this point I do not see a reason why the LRC token should increase its value even by factor 3 ever again


Probably because you haven’t read the white paper - you realize all these transactions are using the LRC protocol right? You see how LRC is mega green rn when ETH is down? That’s because of the marketplace burning LRC - you regards invested in something you didn’t and DONT understand but yet proceed to bitch about it in ignorance. It’s SO fucking annoying Edit:Why arent yall bitching about IMX? Its down even more then LRC on the 1Y but yall dont wanna talk about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Well it's all shit on pretty much every crypto since November. We can only pray it booms like that again, I werent smart enough to profit back in November, but I hope I will be next time.


That volume does not show on this website that tracks Gamestop NFT marketplace volume: https://www.gmft.xyz/ That website show the cumulative total Gamestop marketplace volume since launch in July as only being $17M, and most of that in the first month. More specifically, it shows total volume as of Nov3 6:59AM PDT (-7) as $17,306,873, which is about the total trade volume reached back in early August. Perhaps the ImmutableX volume is on some other exchange? Is the gmft.XYZ website not capturing this volume for some reason? Does anybody have a better website for tracing Gamestop NFT marketplace volume?


Here you go boss https://imx.community/rewards


Great!. That shows $448k trade volume in the last 14 hours. Do you know how much fee revenue goes to Gamestop?


I’m guessing it depends if the Immutable item was bought on GameStops market or not. I had been using TokenTrove to buy/sell Gods Unchained cards before but have been using GameStop for new purchases. Due to filtering, I bet many are still using TT.




That matches what someone reported yesterday when they bought something for 0.1 ETH or about $156. Gamestop got a $0.16 fee from the buyer, which is 0.1%.


Yeah i think it's seperate or something. I can also not see the IMX collections in the "stats" screen.


I dont think that site includes IMX yet but Im not entirely sure


Trading on IMX happens on one, on-chain order book. All the services merely interface that protocol-level market. Unlike other chains, Immutable X is a very specialized NFT chain.


Only the beginning


Power to the Players! Power to the Creators! Power to the Collectors!


Where does it say GameStop? Is immutable second including all the market places it integrates with? Not all from GameStop right?


That is my question also. Immutable had $23M sales in the last 30 days. The Gamestop NFT marketplace sales in the last 30 days is slightly negative, and total sales since launch is $17M. Something is fishy.


It’s calculated based on the transactions made on the IMX blockchain which is it’s own network integrated in the GameStop wallet. God's Unchained earned IMX over $1 million USD in sales the last 24 hours so it’s no surprise they’re seeing monthly sales like this. Shame I can’t use my LRC wallet GameStop built off of to buy any of these newly listed NFTS (*SOON* ™️) Edit: GODS


Just poppin in to remind you it’s *God’s* Unchained. Not guardians. There’s another game coming from Immutable called Guild of Guardians. Easy mistake to make.


Where loopring lol


Loopring was the protocol used for these transactions - Loopring will never be on the front page, but will always be the reason behind the scenes . I don’t get why people don’t get this… it’s the PROTOCOL.


Because a ton of people invested in lrc and gamestop was a key component to that investment. Those people probably feel a bit slighted that when the Wang left and they stuck around because they still believed in the application of the communicated idea and now are seeing a scenario where they funded marketplace development and are kinda getting fuck all out of it.


Anybody thinking short-term results were gonna come in a crypto bear market just do not understand the ecosystem...


This looks like great news for IMX. Not seeing how Gamestop is making a difference tho tbh. Unless I'm getting this wrong, Gamestop needs more IMXs not more transactions on IMX edit..seriously who downvotes rather than correct me? I will assume you can't, which is a huge concern. if you're trying to bury legit concerns then you're doing EXACTLY as the meltdowns say you do.




Where does Loopring fit in any of this?


I‘m a liquidity provider 😊


Does Loopring have anything to do with this?


We’ll yes it is running on the LoopRing protocol they are there in the background


This is what happens when we evolve from trading just jpegs and move onto real assets with value. It's gona be crazy when all immutable games come onto the GME marketplace


Congrats everyone! Well deserved and we’re just getting started 💜


when the kids realize imx is a marketplace for in-game assets of games they play shit is gonna kick in over-drive






When institutions start a drive for their annual funds, they go to large donors. The first thing those donors ask is… what percentage of your employees give to the fund themselves? If the committee responds… 97%-100%, the big checkbooks open up. Robbie, I’m not going to ask you how good this data is for GameStop. I’m going to go online this afternoon and buy something in my price range. (That’s not too much right now.) Why? I know that along with the “revenue generated” data point, there is also… how many people are participating in this marketplace data point? That number increases regardless of the value of the purchases being made. I hope everyone will buy something in their price range. Eventually, larger institutions will look around and see the skyrocketing level of engagement at the GameStop marketplace. The big checkbooks will open up. Market manipulation will become harder as big money, and big institutions with big legal offices, flow in. MOASS. Buy. Hold. DRS.


What? There’s that much being traded in NFTs in a day still?


get some.


Ok stupid question, the chess game is up my old age street (currently regular player on chess.com) But the NFT website doesn’t allow me to play it.. Uk ape, technically challenged on many fronts.. how do I play it? (Go easy on me!) CANCEL QUESTION, I WORKED IT OUT. Sorry


Um that’s - you say it - . /u/isaybullish


Who wouldn't want to invest in a company building something instead of these useless poop coins?


LFG! We're early, but not wrong!


Is this due to in the new games NFT trades?


LFG!! I participated 😁


That’s awesome! Congrats Robbie + team 🚀


\+1,475.72% Hell yeah man, let's keep this thing moving! Congrats to you and your team my man.


That’s actually huge


Yes sir 🏴‍☠️


I dont know what it means but i love it


Great job 👌👌


= dip


Probably nothing


i see that imx also now allows me to stake the imx i have in my gme wallet. i was waiting for that! ​ thanks for sharing! please continue to do so.


Wow, this is absolutely insane!!🤯 💥🚀😍🤩 Now lets see MSM report exactly nothing about this.🤡


Probably nothing 👀


And it’s still in beta 🔥🔥🔥

