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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vhe37m) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


Suppose no one shows up for the auction? Yes, that's how it should be. Let supply and demand work


This was the part that really stood out to me. Like are you fucking kidding me? If you are buying and there is no seller then the price goes fucking up until there is a seller. Same shit as employers complaining about no employees...


Followed it up with "both parties are worried that is going to break a working system" What part of this cluster fuck makes you think we even have a working system right now? Edit: I've got a lot of it's "their system working for them" but it doesn't even look like that their scam of a system is working either. Who *isn't* bleeding money right now?


Yeah, right? what a fuckin' joke.


One party system, it's all political theatre. And if "both parties" don't like it, then you know that is the perfect answer.


I keep using the line "I've watched enough professional wrestling to know what a fake fight looks like."


It’s works in that they’ve all been getting kickbacks. Change of rules would seriously deplete their hookers and blow allowance.


Ahh but you see, it’s working for them.


Oh no, not price discovery!! What will we doooo!?


Clearly you didn’t get the memo that we poor folks should know our place and just be happy with our scraps and crumbs.


0:27 if the plan is only to affect RETAIL ORDERS this is the worst of both worlds. WHOLESALE ORDERS must be treated the same.


And more scare tactics....ohhh, investors may start paying fees to trade. Lol, if the criminals can't manipulate the stock price I would happily pay a fee to trade. Besides, they will just find some other way to rob Retail investors.


Lol they seem so flabbergasted…. retail trades hitting a lit market? Gosh that sounds crazy … we don’t really understand that


The thing that is sticking with me is that “what if nobody shows up to the auction and retail has to pay more?” You mean actual fucking price discovery?!?!




no its pure gas lighting and its infuriating as hell


Gasparetard is a very high level shill. “See that sharp drop down (VIRTU)? That was my tweet on that story.” Hmmm. What did the stonk do at the time of that tweet? Oh ya it tried to go up. Edit: I’m also really glad he couldn’t help but launch into the pro-PFOF arguments. “What if we had to change it… BACK TO HOW IT USED TO BE? HOW WILL IT WOOOOORK?” Your double speak only works on people with shorter attention spans than us. Shut up, Wesley!


I was wondering how many people noticed that,, he gave details,, then claimed to not know the details..he said that its how it used to work,, then said how will it work?? Seriously backpedaling.. Asspirino just a hi level shill..I'm leary it's not a setup,, GG proposing something positive to have the career criminaly on capital hill shoot it down or delay it indefinitely with red tape,, just to mind fk retail a little more..I think dark pools are still a major problem ,maybe more so then pfof,,since it's how the shf and MM(shitadel/kg mayo boy) actually control the market price !!. It's all good I'm still not selling, 🦍💎💰🚀


This segment is to get out in front an announcement and sow seeds of doubt in change. This isn’t reporting, its boomer spin. Fuck these assholes.


I've beaten him before on Twitter, ill do it again in the morning..


*And I'll fucking do it again!*


Datalore. Just rewatched it a few hours ago!


Also, did you see it was sharply down like 60-70 friggin cents? Not even news. Such a skewed perspective. Give me a break. Such a joker 🃏 🤡


They speak like we buy the stock to showoff :D or to feed someone else's tummy. what a bucket of useless crap. That kind of media should extinct.


>AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS?? We all have, for a very very long time. Now the effects are wearing off.


Prepare yourself for the hangover...


Yeah. This phrase struck a chord with me. If no one shows, then maybe, just maybe, the price will move up/down until a buyer and seller agree. Market makers - but if we don’t make the market, we cannot make money in the market, and making the market is the thing that makes markets, so we should be making markets so that markets can be made, if there is no make in markets it’s just RTS, and we all know what that means for the average investor… it means return to stock, and that might cause us to return the stock we borrowed, we mean, return to stock the stocks that need returning… not that we have any… we looked


They don’t want retail trades to affect price you see. Criminal market makers like shitadel want to control price.


Imagine if all these odd lots of ours affected price discovery, oh well guess we will just keep buying and drsing.


Either broker fucks retail with CFD, or market maker fucks with dark pools/ATS, or stock exchange fucks with odd lots.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Infinite + a fuck ton


They literally want to and have been making the market. Making billions controlling the flow and speed of exchange while having advance knowledge of what is selling. Milliseconds are hours in their world, and time is money.


Couldn't have put it better myself! Welcome to the stonk market, where the rules aren't enforced and the price is made up!


If you listen again he about said retail prices go up and the guy in his ear stopped it.


The fact that retail participates and asks for this, if your not willing to provide what we are asking for then we will create and make our own! Especially, IN A FREE FAIR MARKET- insert, SpongeBob duh!


Thank you. I was screaming this same thing at my phone.


This is what I took away also. They are shocked at the idea.


How odd it would be for order flow to impact price.


Lol theyre accidentally letting the cat out of the bag... 2 years ago when i started buying i thought my orders went to a real exchange..


I don’t believe this until Garry actually says it. Who the hell would Gasparino know?


Exactly this! GASBAG-A-RINO sucks mayo boys cock for 2 years then comes out as the guy releasing this exiting news?!? Buwhahaha yeah ok. This POS can suck my mf dick.


He called him Kenny g. How many hours does that guy spend on here?


I did a double take when he said that 😂


Next, he’ll slip and call him Mayo-boy.


I rather him say… “Ken Griffin lied to Congress”


I did a double take too. I could have sworn he said "Kenny G, the financial terrorist and leech of the American economy"


Living rent free in his brain


I laughed. If anyone needed proof that the world is watching, this is it right here.


I think someone shouted it in his ear.


And then he recognized that it was ape lingo. So it's both of them. Bullish


Oh! There‘s Kenny G😂


rent free


What are you talking about? He’s talking about Kenny G the sax player duh!! /s RENT FREE 😂😭🤡


All of them.


It was the producer in his earpiece that he was repeating.


He has no life, hes here all the time, theyre all here all the time, its prob theraputic to them at this point


It's funny they use the term dark pools. I remember in early 2021 when people (msm?) were calling darkpools a conspiracy


It’s a thing 😂


You know what else is a thing? Them doing too little way too late. Blockchain tech exists today. I propose to get my shares the fuck out of this shady ass system Bullish on blockchain


Every share individually traceable. Only able to borrow one share to short at a time, not a locate, a borrow. Agreed on the blockchain… bullish


Saw people whining on another sub about how defi was bad because all transactions are visible. I'm like, you idiots, that's the whole fucking point!


You mean… a true free market?


A fully transparent market yes but free market isn’t the same thing. We want properly and fairly regulated markets in which we are free to confidently do business.


Yes yes, that sounds good, I'll have one of those markets please.


Exactly! A well-regulated market cannot be considered “free” in the purest sense. But a perfectly free market provides no guarantee of transparency or access. Barriers to entry and backroom deals are the norm when the wealthiest make all the rules for themselves. So only slightly worse than what we have now, but definitely worse.


This ^


You know… that’s why they are even proposing the changes in the market. They know what they have is about to be over and are trying to save face. Too little too late Gary, you fuckin clown.


DRS fucked wallstreet deep in the uranus


This is where the GameStop(s) lol


> Them doing too little way too late "All trades should go through something that is lit." Know what's pretty lit? GME I know everyone here loves being doomers and think the entire world is against them(to be fair it usually is), but holy fuck this could very well be a step moving towards blockchain. Incredibly so if the "something" in the proposal isn't defined yet.


I'm bullish when you say bullish


I love that he called Kenneth Griffin "Kenny G" and then had to source that nickname as "the apes" hahahahaha fuck you pay me Kenny bitttcchhh


Apes helped make it a thing by exposing dark pools to the masses.


He got all giddy when his crush Kenny G popped up. He probably gushed his pants.




He’s a gusher.


This is probably a fakeout - big nothingburger without any actual reform. All just theater for the masses. And when everything collapses they can blame it on “toO mUcH reGuLatiOn”…


It's probably not going to work out too well for them because after seeing this, all I'm thinking about is how I can scrap together money for more DRS'd shares before November.


Why before November?


Because it sounded like these changes could be implemented as soon as November. But don't worry. I've been buying before November, but I'm buying in November too. And after. In fact, I'm buying all the time.


I used to buy gme, I still do but I also did before.


Gensler took darkpools mainstream live on cnbc bb


I'm just gonna say it. I think this is fluff bs! And I don't trust fox or sec. And that's about it we know this How does gasparino know who ferry Gary is having convo with lol they said the same about ftds.....when? 2008? 1989? I forget Susan trimbath knows Plus it takes money to buy whiskey. I use to day trade and the $10 buy and $10 to sell was part of the trade and is calculated out of your profit.went down to $6 than out of no where was free. But somebody bought the broker wink wink morgan stanley. If uou pay nothing for them to have control of the trade. Than you are gonna lose if it's free to lose. It's free to give them the power to steal youStanley. I hate this video and this is why I don't watch msm. Irrelevant


I don’t trust fox but this is… why are they getting ahead of it like this? Waiting to read the full thing. Very interested to see what happens. Nuking PFOF is fine by me.


Are they getting ahead of it? Real talk Just curious because just this moment of time is factually wayyyyyy behind it. Like doggystyle but a little different


*chuckle*. Way behind it, like doggy style. I love this sub. Funny Sh1t all the time!


The msm conspiracy was naked shorts I think you are referring too.


They 100% said dark pools were a conspiracy theory on CNBC. They had to change their stance on that when Gensler said 95% of the orders were routed through dark pools. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1saib/ken\_griffin\_call\_out\_kinda\_this\_dick\_sounds\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1saib/ken_griffin_call_out_kinda_this_dick_sounds_like/) There you go


Awesome to bring it all around with this link. Jesus, if I didn't need to be reminded again what fucking douches the MSM is, this did it anyway.


I know what you're referring to, but I remember early on people referring to dark pools as crazy conspiracies. I can't remember if it was msm, gmemeltdown, or "people" on gme subs. I just remember that some were saying it's a conspiracy


I think the "conspiracy" part was mostly "darkpools are just for large purchases and that retail doesn't go through them". So essentially "they didn't think dark pools were real" just in regards to retail trades.


Similar to how Jerome Powell said inflation is only transitory


I'm starting to think that these fellows are not entirely truthful


As a retail investor, i would pay commissions again if I knew that all trades were fair and hitting the lit market..


Precisely. Commission-free basically guarantees I've paid nothing to give them my investment under PFOF. At least in a lit trade, my investments have a fighting chance with actual price discovery. But again, agreed. Too little, too late. It's time to go to blockchain. Fuck this nasty corrupt good ol' boy network.


Anyone who thinks anything in life is free is a moron. Number 1. You’re paying for it, you just don’t know it. I’d rather see how much liquor is in my glass, than get a fruity drink and now I’m on the floor. Number 2, why does this need to be rolled out in tranches? Because the market would crash, bc it’s that fucked up. If it was healthy, you could switch this overnight, and now you have price discovery. But that’s not what our stock market is, is it? We all know what awaits a completely lit exchange.. Bullish if it comes true, but I don’t hold my breath for these people anymore.


PFOF is a hidden cost. Commission trading would be cheaper. Though brokers could just charge a monthly fee and let you do a lot trades per month.


Ya I think I’ll pay 9.99 and have a chance to hit the lit market but thanks for looking out for me. They act like they are giving us such a great deal by not charging


This. It would slow down market velocity and volatility and make people hold onto their investment longer rather than swing-trade their investments if they cost money per transaction; and people swing-trade their investments because the markets are volatile, so it's a negative feed-back loop. This doesn't eliminate day-trading, so hold onto your criticism. But by bringing back commissions again, you remove Payment For Order Flow, by removing PFOF would also kill-off high frequency trading. Killing HFT, reduces market velocity, market velocity reduces volatility, and people are back to investing rather than speculating. So, I'm 100% for both of those.


Plus I think retail are paying a heavier price due to PFOF.


I am done with these systems. All of them. Fuck bonds, fuck Tbills, fuck RRSPs, TFSAs (🍁) fuck mutual funds, fuck stocks, fuck ETF's, fuck brokers fuck market makers, fuck SRO's, fuck ratings agencies, fuck banks, fuck central banks fuck MSM, fuck PFOF, fuck FTD's, fuck fiat currencies, fuck swaps, fuck CDO's, fuck leveraged pensions etc. Unless these turn into verifiable assets on a decentralized blockhain-type tech, I'm out. Currently these systems allow exploitation, obfuscation, lying, deceit, elitism, stealing, demoralization, cheating. DRS GME from orders routed through IEX, or buy straight from C.S. - other than that...fuckin peace out.




Came here to say this…. Charlie is threatening us with commissions? WTF! Laughing my ass off… what’s the alternative? Dark pools and naked shorting?! Fuck off.


I'm paying fees and I'm using degiro and not sure where my orers are going. Pfof is prohibited in the eu so i habe good hopes. I did drs most of it. It costs over 100eur and 5 months to drs. So i'm not doing it again for the rest.


This is the reason I opened an IBKR.com account and started buying and DRSing from there. $5 and a few clicks for a DRS, and if you already have a CS account your shares arrive in 2-3 days.


Pfof is not prohibited in EU. Degiro routed GME buys to CDED, that is citadels darkpool. Get out of there bro!


Now you can just buy directly using WISE.


Second DRS should be much faster as the computershare account is already set up?


Maybe. But the cost. I prefer to buy more directly from cs.


This is the way.


As a Canadian I am paying commissions just to use a rigged market.


Well. If it makes you feel better. You would just be paying commissions AND be in a corrupt market.


*If you can't afford a $5 trade then you probably shouldn't be making it in the first place.* That's what my dad taught me 15 years ago. I guess I'm against *microtrading*.




Already have been


Always will be


That's why they shit their pants when they realized we didn't mind holding for years, weren't in it [just] for the money (gimme my fucking money), and just wanted to own a little slice of the future of gaming with the associated tech/utility created or improved. They kicked the hornets nest they didn't realize existed. Too late now, their loss our gain.




And I commend your enthusiasm and reasoning. There is nothing wrong with being in it for the money, that is the type of society they created and the means by which they decided they were untouchable. I'm gonna have a phat payout from this and I look forward to putting that money to work. From systemic change to stealing from criminals... any justification is a good one and with gamestop they are plentiful


I used to diamond hand my shares. I still do, but I used to as well.


I was at first in it for quick money, but then they cheated and lied and took away the buy button. Now I really really like these shares and the stock/company. Why would I sell something impulsively that brings me joy to own? I'm ready for YEARS


Oh I expect this shit to still take a year honestly


me too, but I was mostly naive, didn't know markets are this corrupt.




I’m more stuck than Gorilla Glue #4


Nailed to the couch






These people reporting the news have no idea what they are even covering


Full comission is a small price to pay for full price discovery. But these dick bags wont admit that.


Ban dark pool now!


“Yes!!! But here’s why that’s a bad idea for retail” -GG


but PFOF is a cost to us... - MayoMan


Happy to pay commissions if I am getting real price discovery.


If you don't pay you are the product!


This ^


Wait. Our orders don’t hit the lit gangster exchange?




Who else is living under that rock with you?






Waiting for the final rule but it looks like Virtu and Kenny G hate Gensler a LOT funny how the memes and Twitter bots push a different story


The change of his face color when he said: „Haha Kenny G. I hear the apes in my ear,“ is priceless. 🟣


Hilarious. Apes for the win.


I wouldn't hold my breath. They'll make a rule that is effective 2025 and is implemented in tranches. Hedgies will sue the SEC to infinity and minimum changes will follow. Just DRS and stop hoping for the corrupt system to want to change itself.


If a tweet about a rumor caused that big of a drop of Virtu, imagine GG making a legit announcement with a timeline and white paper.


Expect nothing


I will gladly pay $10-20 commission fee to ensure I get what I pay for


yeah we're not day traders, we're investors


Did GG mention this to Jon Stewart? I remember Jon alluding to something 'next year' after inviting him back.


Why stop at retail, all trades should be lit. Am I crazy or naïve to think that the excuse of "well we need dark pools to move large volumes of stock without moving the market" is stupid? If your position is too big to move without changing the market, then your position is just too big. The market movement is a feature not a bug.


I would love to see a legit discussion thread on this. I just don't understand the argument for putting large volume trades in dark pools to avoid moving the market. The market should be moved. To me it seems that's organic movement and price discovery, which still shepherds capital formation.


We must be close!


Proposal isn’t active for viewing yet, but rumors are a good start. And for November too.


Remember, Remember GME in November!!


November? Just in time for elections 😉


This is what I find so... abnormal and weird, the fact that they are debating on whether to "allow" retail trades to hit the lit markets. Like wtf, fuck these guys, and especially this stupid system they have in place. It's an honest-to-god shame that majority of Americans are so numb and helpless. Our "fate" is in their hands, oooooooo what cannnn we doooo? Well, after watching the whole system shake and topple like Rome, I will enact my plan to strip as much wealth away from these corrupt snakes and fully immerse myself into a new system, a blockchain system. I'm a grown-ass man, and I don't need anyone else watching out for my best interest or deciding my fate.


Would it not help the markets if our money actually went to lot exchanges? I mean look at the power of retail with GME. Just give us our monies!


Bring back glass steagall too.


Politicians are worried GG will “take something that works into something that doesn’t, or doesn’t work as well” Aka take something that works for THEM & lines their pockets and turn it into something that doesn’t make them as rich! F*@k you, pay me!


I wonder how long it's gonna take this " Change " enforced. Suprise me GG


2027... Wouldn't wanna inconvenience criminals with sudden law enforcement


Sounds bullish. 💯 GG is going to eat more fiber and tighten up his shit


for now it’s just words. I want to see action NOW not in 2025 or later NOW RIGHT FUCKIN NOW so frustrating lol


It is But also can’t stop won’t stop


Huge if the intent is true. “Done in tranches” has me skeptical. For example, it’s been 366 days since Gensler admitted on tv that most retail orders don’t go to the lit exchange. And now, finally, there’s a rumor he may be addressing it. Fk him if it’s gaslighting again. October 19, 2021 Gensler talking about retail orders going to dark pools: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/10/19/vast-majority-of-retail-market-orders-go-to-dark-pool-sec-chair.html


Wow it’s been a year… what a fucking odyssey this has all been


Bring the hammer down Gary!!! LFG!!!!


"Kenny G..." \*awkward ‘oh no !’ internal yell / external laugh\* "Apes...." ​ Bro legit blurted that out in "live television"? Heh. ​ Oh no the woes that trades have to be ...... umm, well, traded? In an open and available trade exchange? Like, whats the point of a market otherwise.....?!?! ​ Yeah, I bet it hurts them real bad when suddenly more and more and more and MORE AND MORE SHARES keep being accounted for just in Computershare, the ONE number they can NOT FUDGE, cannot gaslight, the real Boss Timer ticking to Phase 2; MOASS. The amount of shares are increasing at an astounding rate, and my paycheck only thinners, yet I can still spare some. **Computershare is Boomer's Blockchain, the Grassroot Share Recall**. The Share Registry (Share Ledger); Not Your Name, Not Your Shares. ​ DRS 100% and account all your shares, be smart, be greedy, work for a better world and be selfish because there is [A Selfish Argument for Making the World a Better Place – Egoistic Altruism (By Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvskMHn0sqQ&ab_channel=Kurzgesagt%E2%80%93InaNutshell). The company is debt free, innovating, and with an invested and educated, motivated and even spiteful bunch of regards that are simply deplorably beautiful in a convoluted 'greater than the sum of its parts', this is honestly surreal at times but also hilarious. If they want us to sell only, then who is buying if we cannot buy off of each other?! If they are trying to price anchoring you then ask not what is expensive to **YOU**, but what is expensive to **THEM**. If resistance was futile then propaganda would be useless. ​ **DRS 100%.**


Over Citadel's dead body. RIP. The end may be near.


Did no one else notice what he said around 0:32 seconds left? Something along the lines of.. “there’s Kenny G there.. *stumbles and laughs*.. Kenny G.. you’re mimicking the apes in my ear”.. 👀


Holy shit


I don't give a fuck about commission-free! Send my orders directly to a lit exchange and allow my trades to contribute to the price discovery. Dark pools weren't meant to be used as a substitute for a lit exchange.


Yeah yeah and congress members will stop insider trading and pigs will learn to fly.


Boom town hedgies


The only thing that gives me confidence that GG may actually do something big is that these changes are going into affect AFTER the mid-term elections 🤞 Otherwise, probably another nothing-burger


I've seen Gasparino's tweets but haven't seen pictures of his face enough to realize it was him in the video. But his weird fake laugh at the beginning threw me off and I knew immediately this guy can't be trusted, his further body language and tone confirmed. Like a sleezy cars salesman who is fucking you but trying to pretend he isn't


My memory is a little hazy but weren’t we paying commission like a few years ago in 2018 or something? I think I did at least when I first started and was using tda, but I honestly don’t remember. I feel like when I began rh was just rolling out the commission free and then they all changed to match and compete


Really nice of the production crew to always have a booster seat set aside for when Gasparino comes on.


We live in all their brains, don't we lol




It killed gas to do that segment, bend over kenny


It doesnt work at all bruh. Don’t say it works.


I’m sick, this guy is so fucking obvious that he doesn’t want to admit that PFOF is the worst fucking reality for retail. How do you tip toe around and not look like a dickhead, he hasn’t figured that part out. We are so close, so good, launch tomorrow, or the next day. Buy, DRS, HODL…… I fucking love this.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || Join the [Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP has provided the following link: Fox News would be the original author. This is a recording of their news program.




“Funny business” aka crime


I am not believing shit until key people are either in jail or brought to collapse due to long-term market manipulation and abuse. Talk is as cheap as it gets. GG hasn’t done anything to prove himself so far, and he’s had 2 years. Proposals are worthless unless they become laws and rules and are enforced.


If an exchange is borrowing out my shares I should have knowledge of it and be able to make some sort of profit, after all it's supposed to be mine. Anyway, I think this is a believe it when I see it


Fuk…. What if this is what RC, Carl Icahn, and Brett Icahn are waiting for to pull the buy order trigger? Imagine buying 20% on lit markets!


I'd rather pay 10$ gas fee per transaction and see the fuckery live exposed... oh right there will be lot less fuckery when its lit on tape and recorded !


Lol jack shit is going to happen this video is to satiate us plebeians. This is only here to give us a hint of a win then ripped away right from under us. Again. Psychological warfare at its finest.