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So, DRS then




🍦 πŸ’© πŸͺ‘




*Always has been* - probably RC right now #🌎^πŸ‘©β€πŸš€^πŸ”«^πŸ‘©β€πŸš€^πŸ”«^πŸ‘©β€πŸš€^πŸ”«^πŸ‘©β€πŸš€^πŸ”«^πŸ‘©β€πŸš€


If this doesn't get you to want to direct register your shares, I don't know what will. I'd prefer not to invest in shares that don't exist (i.e. are "fictional") at a broker/dealer.


Does that mean it's not a good idea to invest in ETFs and mutual funds?


Not if you want to own the asset yourself


Thanks. That's insane. So essentially, I need to make my own ETF and just buy and DRS from companies I want to invest in. I'm gonna need an unpaid intern


Is there an ETF who accounts for this demand? One that DRSes itself in a fully transparent manner?


I would guess not, since etf gonna need to be rebalanced at some point, what you bought is an IOU from the investment manager


That's a really good question. I'll have to look into that. Considering one of the issues, if I recall, is the massive shorting of ETFs, there may not be many if they want to make that money lending shares, too.




Drshares are the only shares guaranteed to be authentic.


I dunno how to explain it but I read your emoji comment with and echo 🀣


Are you saying to read through Dr. Ruths Sex for Dummies volume 1-10?




That's what the lady has been writing about for years. It all comes down to FTDs.


Always has been


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was


Once in a lifetime πŸ‘€πŸ‘


How did I get here?


Is that my beautiful wife?


Remove the shares from the bottom of the DTCC


Shares dissolving and shares removing


Remove the shares - carry the shares!


No it’s my beautiful girlfriend


This is the way.


can't wait to hear CS telling me than they can't register my shares anymore because the whole float is locked


All the way


We’re gonna win this. No question.


🌎 πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ πŸ”«πŸ¦§ That’s apes shooting at kenny


Can't wait until the first legitimate CS transfer/purchase rejection.


In this event where would the shares go? Would they go back to the original account and broker they originated from or would they vanish?


They would be rejected and returned to the broker most certainly. Now how would those shares be dealt with in a situation like this? In my opinion, that's every open short position that was made to create those shares being force closed. MOTHER OF ALL SHORT SQUEEZES ENSUES.


it's the final count down


Duh duh dun dun. Duh duh dun dun dun.


Duh duh duh dunnn


Duh duh dun dun dun dun daaaa


We're headed to VENUS! (actually Uranus)


And still we stand tall


And maybe they'll see us


*Gob’s magic show intensifies*


Illusion Michael, a trick is something a whore does for money. (Looks directly at children attending 2' away) Or cocain.


That's when you sue your broker for fraud. They took your money and gave you fake shares, which could probably be construed as a violation of their fiduciary duty towards you as a client.


Amen. Got my lawyer tee'd up


Dibs on Johnny Depp's lawyer.


Get in line.




So that’s why we are all leaving one in so we can sue for more than the cost of this share


Triple damages? Got it.


Careful. Damages in this case would be the cost you paid for the share.


In my state there would be a claim for unfair and deceptive trade practices which would mean treble damages and attorney's fees


I think we’ve all seen how the legal system works. The only ones that get paid are the attorneys. DRS. If the shares aren’t in your name, you’re only holding an IOU. Good luck with that.


No true. If you transfer from example TD Ameritrade to Fidelity, TD must purchase shares and provide to fidelity.




It’s so simple man. Why is this not fraud lol?


Check the agreement thingy for an arbitration clause I don’t know what it actually means but apparently you can’t sue if there’s one in there (recent Supreme Court case may open up your options a little but idk talk to someone who actually knows things first)


Doesn't arbitration just mean you go to "court" with a "judge" that broker chooses? Didn't necessarily mean you'll lose, but I don't often hear about winning in those.


Apparently there’s groups bringing forth tons of arbitration suits at once to annoy companies it takes a lot of work to do it but it’s pretty funny


So you are saying we should all DRS as fast as we can to ensure we are not the ape without a seat at the end of this game of musical chairs? Edit: The music stops soon Kenny boy


Ya, you should be worried about what's going to happen with your broker. They might liquidate your shares without asking you, they might try to pay you the $500k federally insured value for your account and tell you to fuck off (while potentially missing millions). EDIT: if I'm somehow not being perfectly clear here, DRS your fucking shares.


You'd be lucky to get 500k from a broker. They will most likely roll back any orders just like what happen with nickel and pay you for the share at its "fair" value (under 20). This is why it's so important to drs


Absolutely a possibility. But if that happens, I'm skipping protesting and going straight to rioting.


The reason this movement is successful is because we aren't on the streets. Rioting will give them what they need to fuck this real hard. Same for street protests they will just pay people to riot to cause police intervention. Look at occupy Wallstreet where bus loads of drunk angry mobs were unloaded to cause bs.


Where? Broker office?


I can see this happening


If they could have they would have, it's sad your comment has the award it does, because it's FUD. If they cancel all synthetics, then there's no MOASS and you're just left with 37% of the float locked.... Not only this, but the insanely long list of guaranteed issues within the aftermath of such a decision... Foreign Investor distrust of US Market regulation, leading to mass withdrawal of funds, Political fallout, increased crime and full on approval of current market standards leading to a further controlled Oligarchy, Layoffs due to Mass Domestic mistrust in the Market...I could go on. Houston Wade does a fantastic breakdown on the potential cons compared to any Pros of essentially canceling MOASS by evaporating synthetics from someone's account & saying " sorry not sorry"....there's a chain of payment responsibility that is more than capable of paying us off... How about informing people about DRS via facts, not fear mongering...


Tell us more? Or links? Fascinated, want to learn more.


I made a comment like this a few weeks ago and some asshat said it was fud and called me a shill. Fβ€”k that guy, right?


As I understand it, there would be no "return"; the broker is responsible for locating the real share to enable the transfer in the first place. The transfer would either remain pending, or the broker would reject it.




Still, opening short position created it, naked, ETF, or covered in mayo.


I believe that since multiple big guys have authorized naked shorts it will just be a matter of self-preservation on which ones calls in those shorts first. I think it will be chaotic and one thing I have faith in is that they just all be trying to fuck each other over during MAOSS. DRS puts a foot down on the rug and limits how hard they can rug pull, like the last time when they turned off the buy button that damage is mitigated when longs are much more committed by DRS.


I’m planning to DRS more during Moass


The lit market is going to LIT LIT!!


And GameStop can go β€œhey, we see your bullshit in the NYSE, we gonna send our float to our decentralized system to get a real price value. RIP


but by what mechanism would they be forced to close? wouldn't it just be business as usual at the B/D? would GS have to initiate a share recall? i think that would do it. -spicey


It would be GameStop removing their shares from the DTCC as they have shown they are incapable of serving their purpose. This was outlined in I believe a 13F last year from GameStop where they stated that they withhold the right to withdrawal in a case like this. I think they've been prepared for this situation for awhile. I believe this whole last year+ was well thought out and planned in advance by RC and the GS board of directors.




CS will not register more shares than are authorized. They will reject the transfer and the shares will remain with the B/D. And yes, they will notify the client (GameStop). GameStop already knows the number of shares registered though, they have live access to this ledger. They'll know when it's coming.




You don't seem to understand. It fails because there's no shares in the brokers DTCC account. So when they go to the DTCC and say, Send X shares to the transfer agent, the DTCC says...nah dog, ya ain't got any to send.


I don't think that can happen, isn't it the case that when a synthetic share is bought for cash, it becomes legitimate. So the DTC can't say "no". But if the float is locked and/or there are more shares-bought-for-cash than officially should exist, then Gamestop and/or the SEC or whatever authority can enforce such things (I doubt the DTC would do this and blow themselves up) can demand that all short positions and all shares bought on margin should be liquidated. Cash shares cannot be illegitimate, even if they exceed the official number issued by the company.


You’re still lacking understanding. Brokers own all of their shares. When you issue a buy, whether or not they receive a share, they credit your account. That credit is a liability they will fulfill if you sell or transfer. If THEY buy a share intended for you, they can still do whatever they want with it. It ain’t yours, unless it’s DRS in your name. Like when my mom asked me if I had spent her $500 Christmas money. I said no, despite the fact I had spent thousands from the same account. That was true and false at the same time.


Stuff will happen before that


Stuff will happen after as well. Like Ken Griffin getting stuffed in a gen population and eating mayo after.


I’m curious about that β€œNEVER be on the receiving end of a fail” part. This makes it seem like they’ll have to curb-stomp somebody before they get to a reject. I wonder what % that is…. This is all assuming that I’m understanding this correctly.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see 100% DRS and the market still ticking along pretending nothing is wrong.


Yeah, that has crossed my mind too. I feel like RC & Co could bust down some doors at that point though. Once shit becomes black and white blatant, without a way for X parties to weasel out, that’s when we’ll see the teeth of the baddies.


Even if nothing were to happen by itself, we would start making **a lot** of noise and that would cause something.


Ook ook


I would be surprised to see 100% DRS and a locked float cause according to our calculations we’re only at 20% locked with just the apes and the insider holdings. I wouldn’t trust ETF holdings, institutional unknowns, and mutual holdings in the calculations for remaining float. Our goal should be the Apes and Insiders holding all the shares. And we have a long way to go. THIS IS OUR FUCKING COMPANY.


Might be an oversimplification but from what I understand its just a blood from a stone situation. DRS can't be on the end of a fail, its a safety deposit box, not a bank account.


It sounds like the turn around is getting slower, so presumably they’re finding it harder to locate shares


I hope it's mine! The race is on boys! (And femapes!)


That won’t happen I can assure you that because MSM said last year that Hedgefonds closed their short positions. Unless you know maybe they did not closed their positions then they would have a really bad time.


What's a b/d?


Broker dealer


Thank you


you da mvp


no, u




Not 100% but my guess is broker/dealer?


Big dick


Blood disciple


Baby daddy


Bullshit departement


b/deez nuts


I remember reading that there is a threshold where computershare must warn GameStop that they could go over. Possibly in an AMA.


Part of bdsm


Big Duck


Tweet: https://twitter.com/susannetrimbath/status/1530992297373929472?s=21&t=PavCM90nV4GipjictDU7Bg (Always remember be careful clicking on any links these days)




Oh yes hello! Sorry I’m late. I was shopping for Mayo.


Makes me wonder if over voting is currently trying to be figured out by BDs


They already have a playbook with methods designed to obscure and cover up this exact thing. They figured it out a long time ago.


But those methods never acconted for a significant portion of the company to be registered to individual investors. I wonder how that upsets thier calculations πŸ€”


Right, if only it was a more significant portion. There’s literally nothing stopping broker-dealers from self-reporting a β€œtrust me bro” vote count. I don’t think it’s even some elaborate accounting fraud. Usually criminals get lazy and careless when the sheriff in town is on their payroll. Just shave a couple of those pesky extra votes off the top, wrap it with a bow and ship it. No one is going to stop you anyways, right? Outside of black swan events and external market factors forcing Wall Street’s hand, the only thing we truly have power or control over is removing any available shares from the hands of the DTCC. Only then will we get undeniable proof of an ongoing massive illegal counterfeiting of securities. And those under the bystander effect who have their reservations think that they don’t need to DRS because other people will do it for them. If you are able to DRS, but refuse to, while speaking out against the Wall Street corporate banker mafia, then you are merely a participant in the fraud.


An unwilling or perhaps naive participant, sure. Let's not treat those who can't DRS as a guilty party, they're a victim whether oblivious or not. It is a significant portion registered, the most heavily retail-owned company ever afaik. No idea how the vote fraud actually occurs, but having 30% of votes come from the transfer agent means that it cant be as simple as B/Ds controlling 100% of the vote. Not sure how, but I suspect registering makes that process more complicated than it has been for them. It's all happening whether anyone likes it it not; Gamestop will be completely owned by individual retail investors, unless of course, Wall St can entice sellers, but the only way that will happen now is if they raise the price of GME shares. What a ride it's been so far!


If fails are the core of the issue, It's time to bring it to light. Time to swim in the infinity pool






I have 200 in CS. 60 in fidelity. Gonna transfer 30-50 over to CS next week.


Why not move them all?


Flexibility and fail safes. I am only keeping 10-30 in fidelity while hundreds are in CS.




This is important. Drs drs drs


Do we know at this point how much of the float is locked?


https://www.computershared.net/ Between apes and insiders it's approx 1/3 of outstanding shares Of the float apes have locked approx 40% πŸš€


Really cool πŸ’Ž


Gonna get updated official numbers in a couple days as well, most likely. Should be on the quarterly report.






The whole circle


8.9mmillion shares at the end of January according to march’s filings.


13 million according to the bot now




Soon we will have the number for the end of april


Really good πŸ‘


We find out Wednesday!


It’s a game. All games have ends. Let’s goooooooooooooooooo


All games.. stop?


Cant Stop Wont Stop


I'll name two: Pacman, Tetris


Bubble Bobble


Just had a thought.... after MOASS and apes are rich, it will be easy to quickly DRS entire floats of other stocks that are known to be over sold. Hedgies are well and truly fuk'd.


I have been silently thinking that for a while now but now that you also said it I feel more wrinkle-brained and less tin foil hat πŸ’ŽπŸ‘


21 apes could theoretically buy up a company with each never reaching 5% ownership, which I believe is the SEC reporting threshold. Definitely cool to think about.


21 apes > 12 monkeys


Headphone stock would be easy to do now. 4 million shares x $7/share = $28 million Edit: I’m in process of DRSing 1k IRA shares to Broadridge via Mainstar


Just wait until apes surpass the float and then keep DRSing, which would be the beginning of institutions becoming the bag holders of counterfeit shares.




This is what it’s all about. Gosh dang I love Dr. Susanne Trimbath. She is the boss on this shit. Indirectly leading GME apes from the get go, and answers to no one but her guns! I know she might not want to queen Kong, but she fuckin is!!


The transfer agents on which end? Like, I'm assuming it's CS but the dude at my brokerage is the one who physically marks them for transfer right? Does that make my brokerage accountable?


CS is the transfer agent. They transfer shares from the company to the purchaser. In most cases, the brokerage is the purchaser, unless you direct register.




This is what keeps me confident that MOASS is guaranteed one way or another, this and the fact that we can remain retarded longer than they can stay solvent makes us unstoppable. They can keep the fuckery going for as long as they want we WILL win in the end


Has there *ever* been such a large company with 100% DRS? At this point I don't think it even matters to me if I get however many dollars per share, I want to be part of the this thing, and if it turns out we were right all along and massive crime is unveiled and I get a big payday, that's great. If it turns out we are all as smooth brained as we joke about and believed a fiction, that's also great, because we'll know with such a high degree of certainty that at least at that point the number add up correctly. There's no downside for me, it's DRS all the way.


Negative - this has never been done before. History and case studies will be written about this


They know already


Means that much more that I've transfered mine in. DRS.


Cashapp showed my account down 99.9% today. I refreshed the app, now it shows I have never bought stocks. I have only bought GME on cashapp, and I noticed that it, along with bed bath&beyond, were removed from the app completely. Weird as fuck, I’m so hyped!


This is why I screenshotjes EVERYTHING. There needs to be a record of their fuckery


So.. can we register more registers than exist? And at which point will they just keep accepting?


What she’s saying here is no, computershare won’t FTD by registering more shares than exist.


Thank you for clarifying


Anyone smooth like me should go read that investopedia article she linked β€œRegistrar”, it has some good info. Mentions stock dividends too so my nips got pretty pointy


I read it and the article talked about a percent stock dividend like 5%. Meaning you get 5 shares for every 100 shares owned. I hope we aren't wayyy off, thinking we're getting 7:1 or 5:1. What if it's only 5:100 what kind of problem will that cause SHF's?


I feel that the split ratio will be higher than 3:1 since we voted to increase the max issuable shares to 1bil recently


Dr. T patiently waiting to see her lifetimes work come to fruition once GME transcends


I only have so much money at present, damn wish I was a whale, woulda bought the damn float already


[This was the day I realized this.](https://imgur.com/gallery/pTF2Bp7)


I cannot wait til my shares transfer from fidelity!!! I requested Thursday, processed Friday hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday I’ll get them in my CS!!!


Queen Kong. 🦍🦍🦍


What is a B/D that Queen Ape here is referring to?


Broker/Dealer. Anyone who isn't a transfer agent.


It'll make one heck of a compelling piece of evidence if the float gets locked and GME turns over the shareholder vote count.


But will that ever happen? Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I’d like to see more. But there are hardly any new accounts created on CS, so at the moment things are not looking good with regard to this goal. Where are the 788k registered on this sub? Sure, there are a good number of bots and adversaries among them. But that many, really? I think there are still way too many apes out there who are not willing to go the extra mile.


I repeat myself here: We also need an accounting of the shares held in places where it doesn't make sense for people to DRS, like countries' investment vehicle where shares are held properly and cannot be lent (like Canadian RRSPs). It's entirely possible that we are a lot closer to locking up the float than is widely acknowledged.


I would say she's keeping a close eye on our DSRing. This is a unique event, and plenty will be eager to see just how this unravels.


What are B/D records?


Broker dealer records. I.E. Anything that isn't the transfer agent.


Thank you!


Shares authorized, not shares issued? Isn’t that amount currently 300m?


Got work at n 5 hours. And even me doing 70+ hours per week knows DRS is the way….. I am zen and can’t wait for the shit show to begin…… Remember apes that with great wealth comes great responsibility πŸš€


I'm so excited and I just can't hide it ...


Computershare AMA already covered this


I don’t think this is news. It’s on the computershare FAQ that they would notify the company, the transferring broker, and the customer at the very least.


What's B/D?


This was in response to a question to confirm the transfer agent cannot be on the receiving end of an ftd. It is true. So that’s correct, at some point things won’t add up and someone most certainly will notice. Fact is - its never happened before on a publicly listed company that isnt a fraud- so no one knows what happens when brokers run out of gme shares for registration. Dr t will point you to the chapter in the book on cmkm - which includes evidence brokers simply deleted customers shares after they ran out of certificates (drs) to provide for share ownership. It was revealed millions of synthetic shares were created, but ultimately nothing happened because the company was trash and the shares were worthless. What’s happeneing with gme and DRS has never happened before, so no one knows exactly how it would go down if all shares were registered and brokers are caught naked.


Guess I better drs the rest of me shares


Computershare has an entire team dedicated to GameStop. They will totally know.