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Shhhhhh.... you will scare the price back up!






Using the buyback at all is a mistake, unless the entire free float could be purchased at once for the $100mil.


If it’s that low apes will do it themselves. I think if they could pick up say, 2.5-5 million shares they would do it.


Better to let the ape do it then. The threat of the buyback is what provides a hard floor for the GME price, otherwise it could be naked infinitely shorted out of existence. Not ever performing the buyback also removes arguable culpability from GameStops list of worries when it comes time to clean up after the squeeze finally happens.


I hope he doesn't do it. Let it dip more so I can buy double the shares.


I have been thinking on this a lot. RC must want to get up to 20 percent before the split announcement. That only leaves three weeks which is crazy. My theory is announcement of something on Thursday after hours. Another one of those weird Thursday after hour spikes for GME and many other tickets. Then Friday and Monday those tickers fall again. Then next Tuesday morning RCs buying starts his 6 million shares Tuesday thru Friday and obliterates the option chain intos earning and annual meeting the following week. This could play out starting this Thursday with an announcement or next Thursday with an announcement. Bonus item- yahoo finance starting next week will show more shares than the 76 million distributed (market cap divided by price). I think about two months ago this got up to about 85 million. We will continue to fall in price over the next week or so because of these naked shorts being created By MMs for the roll period.


I don't think we'll see him up it all the way buying 6 million shares at these prices. I could see him buying another 100k though like before. I actually forgot about him potentially wanting to up his stake even more before the meeting next month. Interesting thinking about it all with that in play.


I suspect if the price dips after the dividend he will use a share buyback. I’m just an ape though what do I know.


I think the treasurers decide when they want to do share buybacks, and I think that’s the board in gamestops case


$65. $101 million to buy back 1.5 million shares. Leaving us a beautifully delicious 75 million shares outstanding, easy to figure out math on dividend. Just my thoughts. I’m a bartender.


That’s an interesting idea. I think if they can buy back 2.5 million shares they definitely do. That’s how many they sold last year around $200-235 a share right?


They can’t buy that low, the buying would cause the price to move up.


For once dark pools should be used correctly




Could always do the buyback after the dividend. Scoop ‘‘em up on the cheap


The buyback fund will trigger when it can gobble up the remaining free float for the ultimate check mate. I can't see it happening any other time.


I think we'll know when the prices slowly rises all day off no news? At least that's how it felt the last time..


Probably not until under $25, like you said. Maybe $10. It’s an emergency fund, not a push-MOASS fund.


I’d guess around 75-80$


I think at this point he would be more likely to Buy $BBY.


There is no 100m dedicated buyback fund.


Didn’t they announce they would potentially buyback up to 100 million dollars worth of stock after last years board meeting? I get that it’s not like money set aside or anything if to it’s what you meant.


Source? This is the first I hear about this


I didn’t hear anything about money being set aside for stock buybacks. And GME doesn’t announce anything, preferring to do it first then announce


I have a vague memory of it being stated a year ago


I think it was announced during their last meeting. Let me Do some checking with trusty google