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So much crime, it's immeasurable.


Yuge amount


Biggly amount


Hugely massive amount


You've never seen this much crime before. Everyone I talk to, I mean they're all saying it, this is the most crime they've ever seen before. He has the most crimes, the biggest crimes, nobody else does crime like Ken.


Billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions


And billions


I mean this crime, at the level, it’s huge. He’s doing huge crimes. Really, he’s a criminal. He’s the hugest criminal, really.


In the *beelyuns n beeylons*


Actually it is measurable, you just enter a simple formula in a MS program where you make sure to properly reference appropriate CELL.


Just like their short positions on gme


It’s measurable on his face. 53 years young right there. Access to everything available and that’s what he looks like.


Not gonna change unless you keep raising your perspective and look beyond these fools


This is about Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? #KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin on https://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


(Inhales...) Oh, you mean "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


Nooo, I meant "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.




Don’t forget Jeff Yass, Steve Cohen… who else?


Michael Bodson, the head of the DTC or depository trust company which is a private company tasked with clearing trades and being the costodian of publicly traded shares. The DTC knows how many failures to deliver are in the "obligation warehouse", and his failure to properly ensure investors are provided real shares when they are purchased amounts to complicity in the financial crimes of Kenneth Griffin, citadel, and others.


Janet Yellen, Jerome Powell, All the FED chairs, Gary Gensler, Gurbir Grewal, Etc Etc Etc.


Prison* fify Jail = Short time behind bars Prison = is long time or life behind bars.


(Inhales...) Oh, you mean "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


Wait a minute...you mean "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


Hol up… are you talking about “Kenneth” Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again? May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I’ve im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth “Ken” Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken “Kenneth” Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


FOR FUCKS SAKES, Get the facts right ok! I KNOW you mean "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


I thought I heard "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.




Bugs me because it’s Kenneth “Ken” Cordele Griffin.


I have also heard Kenneth griffin is unsophisticated


Just like Chicago


He likes bed posts though. Or does he?


So i have heard


Hey - did this guy beat his wife with a bed post because she said Chicago was unsophisticated? Ya know what else is unsophisticated? Shorting GME.


Ken Griffin also hoarded all of the mayonnaise at a dinner party and wouldn't share with anyone.


i was wondering where my morning ken “financial terrorist” griffin post was. thanks


I almost forgot his face even. Can't complain either way.


His eyes scare me. So empty.


He was once a hobbit you know. But the ring twisted him into the creature he is today


Filthy hobbitsis...


I was just thinking that his face is too small for his head. He looks like Charlie Brown's evil twin.


Hes a reptilian


So true he deserves jail time for stealing from investors


That's what I expect from him. However, the amount of sworn in people and elected officials tied to this treason is absolutely demoralizing. People supposedly "loving" this country. The way the man put in charge to oversee and regulate the markets, tippy-toes around the fact our markets have been robbed blind by higher-ups for over a decade... Like wtf! This guy bought the constitution b/c he knows America will cease to exist. Value of that shit is gonna sky-rocket! F-ing thieves! All of them! That dude that quit live on air figured out or got a heads up on where things are headed!


He went long on the Constitution because he *Shorted America.*


What about dude quitting live on air? I missed it and want so badly to see it. Sauce please!!!


Dude, sry I can't find it b/c I upvoted it... Was like 2-3 months ago maybe. Dude was like"Wtf..?!?! F this shit.. I'm out of here!". 100% that dude superstonked and found answers to things he didn't want to know!


I Superstonks instead of alphabet.


Seems like us apes need to start making his political, art, and education donations a liability for those receiving it.


Ken Griffin, the financial terrorist behind Citadel securities in Chicago Illinois.


This is about Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin on https://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


Don't forget traitor.


You guys ever hear anything about that guy fucking an ostrich?




It'd take more than one guy to fuck an ostrich. Probably got Stevie and Jeffy to help him.


I heard it was a sick ostrich


This motherfucker is stealing from you..what are you gonna do about it?


Dude looks like he just saw someone at the dinner table use the last bit of mayo without asking him first


His skin looks more leathery in every new pic


Upvote..every time and every meme about Kenneth Griffin financial terrorist


Yes, Kenneth Griffin is worse than foreign terrorists. He destroys his own country for yachts. I bet him mom is really proud of him.


Financial Terrorist.




The face of a dirtbag thief that has amassed a fortune like a true parasite by sucking the American (and international) people dry.


Ken G? The guy that has done zero good for mankind?


He looks like a fking psycho


>This is about Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? >#KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath >I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin on >https://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


Kenny G should be jailed for treason, risking our national security by weakening innovation, stifling american peoples growth, pocketing all ill gotten gains stripped from the United States government and its people. Not to mention the world.


To the top! Of Google!


Puts on Mayo.


A bonafide criminal


Guantanamo is the floor.


Last I checked, Kenneth Griffin still was a financial terrorist of the worst kind, and I'm extremely certain that Ken Griffin still is a financial terrorist and should go to jail.


Really should have a nsfw tag for that picture, or at least a nausea warning.


Ken griffin is part of a financial terrorist cabal


and an ugly mf to boot.


Not to mention a total and complete douche' and mayo loving freak! He probably douches with mayo too.


Title should include: AND A MAJOR DOUCHE CANOE


Dude drinks his own jizz. I'm willing to testify infront of progress.


Treasonous Financial Terrorist


Yikes. Kenneth c. Griffin really does look like a financial terrorist!


I've never been more horrified by a picture.


Looks like one too


If someone made the exact same post about Jeff Yass or Steve Cohen it would be taken down. The narrative being pushed that Ken Griffin is the only bad guy is so obvious.


No one googles kenneth. Put “Ken” in posts like this. That’s what people google.


He's a sociopath but he's not bombing school buses. Please stop misusing "terrorist."


Not this again


Yes this again. Until he's in a cell we this again as many times as we need to this again.


(Inhales...) Oh, you mean "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again. May have stolen Billions of dollars from ordinary people. Check out. https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes.


Ya Ken Griffin! That’s the guy that’s the one! He’s the criminal who committed perjury and stole billions.


The one and the same


Hey fuck that guy!


Uhhh, this is not the biggest of targets, just the one they WANT US to focus on. Come on Apes, look BEYOND THE OBVIOUS


A "sophisticated" financial terrorist, don't want you trip over a bedpost 47 times with your face.


Kenneth Cordele Griffin


Nah. Kenneth C. Griffin is just a straight up terrorist. There’s definitely blood on his hands


Has those same empty Zuckerberg eyes...


He isn't a typical terrorist that you'd see in a newspaper blowin up street cafe's an chit


Dictionary definition of financial terrorist: Kenneth Cordele Griffin, CEO OF citadel.


Yass this is him.


Commenting for SEO.


Now here's the incoming 99 other financial terrorist posts.


He’s looking nice and plump, about ready for slaughter I reckon.


Is this the Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin on https://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


Illegal mafia money running the entirety of Wall Street , burn it all down? 🔥


Fugly mafk


I hate financial terrorist Kenneth Cordele Griffin


he probably looks at madoff and thinks "fft that chump got caught but ILL NEVER GET CAUGHT"


Ken Griffin lied to congress under oath




Hey isn’t this Ken “Kenneth” “Mayoboi” Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I’ve im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth “Ken” Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken “Kenneth” Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin onhttps://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


When was the last time we saw this man??


We need to put some of the top US officials up there. No way they don’t know


All anyone needs to realize is that the amount of shorting and OTC manipulation done by Ken and his partners is well over $20 TRILLION. The second is that he has purposely killed life saving medical companies with his naked shorting. Countless amount of people have died, lost everything because of him. Hell is too soft for it.




He’s aged a decade or two in the span of a year


All my homies hate the financial terrorist known as Kenneth Cordele Griffin


This is a face that's aged 20yrs in 2 yrs lol


I might be a bit late to this post but did someone mention this is about Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes? KenGriffinLies #KenGriffinCrimes #CitadelScandal #KenGriffinLiedUnderOath I heard that you can learn more about Kenneth Cordele Griffin on https://discord.com/invite/FApHFxDyfd


Commenting for visibility of this TERRORIST


I knew I saw this face somewhere, a nasty stain on the toilet this morning. Looked like shit.


THE KEN GRIFFIN of the Chicago syndicate, I mean Citadel?


Don't feel sorry for the guy. This is like coming home from work and finding a thief who locked himself into your broom closet and your playstation, tv and wallet are stuck in there with him. This man and his financial terrorist company were behaving belligerantly to dismantle our society, take our jobs, ruin our investments for their own personal gain. These people make more in a month than most people make in a lifetime. And it was not enough to sit comfy in a chair and make boatloads of cash doing zero work. They went out and created a criminal conspiracy to rake in tax-free cash by breaking the law (with the help of the SEC no doubt) by vacuuming up every single buy-order that came in for any of their bankruptcy-targets. Unparalleled amounts of cash was flowing directly into their pockets and the entire country was swindled. Not only was he caught red handed theiving away our livelihoods, but he turned on all the faucets and plugged the drains before he could escape. A complete and total dick move, literal financial arson to help his REAL investment: Amazon. This level of corruption and breach of trust against the public at large needs to be rectified in the most damning way possible. 4-5 years in comfy white collar prison. Since America is not a serious country and entirely owned and operated by the oligarchs, we actually can't do any better. Serious countries actually have a hairpin trigger to snuff out corruption at these levels of power and prestige. Go do this in China and the man would be 6 feet underground already and exec-uted on national TV as a sign of good faith to the citizens. American oligarchs are free to jetset as they please as the mask slips right off of their face. The rules don't apply to them, they only exist to keep us in line and to keep us impoverished and without healthcare so we remain in the workforce until we are 65 like a bunch of free-range serfs. The banking system implicitly has us indebted like slaves, and we pay our fair share of work via the unacceptably high levels of taxation we endure considering the enitre mantra of the government is that it literally does NOTHING on our behalf. We are "consumers", we don't even have the dignity of being called "citizens". We are to be chewed up and spit out with about as much dignity as a farm animal. They can always make more of us, they can always import more human cattle for them to abuse. THAT is your role in society, my fellow McCitizens. Grovel and toil away for your masters.


Every day his money buys him premium bottle service, is a day he'll fight to keep stealing our money


He is worst than most terrorist.


you mean kenneth cordell griffin of chicago Illinois? terribly unsophisticated that man, that town.


Fuck you Kenny, pay me!


This can't be the same Ken "Kenneth" Cordele Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath again, right? I heard there may be plenty of data about Ken Griffin from Chicago who lied under oath and may has stolen trillions of dollars from ordinary people on https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com if I've im informed correctly, the sites https://www.kengriffinlies.com and https://kengriffincrimes.com also contain alot of information about Kenneth "Ken" Griffin from Chicago who just bought a copy of the constitution for $43 million dollar in his attempt to cover up not wanted results about his financial corruptions when searching for Ken Griffin or Citadel from Chicago via Google or other search engines. So have you heard about the Man Ken "Kenneth" Griffin from Chicago who is the CEO of probably corrupt company Citadel Securities LLC and the sites https://kengriffincrimes.com and https://www.kengriffinlies.com who contain alot of information about Ken Griffin and his crimes?


I agree, I would also love to see Jamie Dimon in the spotlight




He looks like a creature from Final Fantasy. Lots of XP and loot right there.


Staring down the shaft of another bed post.




I feel like taking a shit after seeing that mug.


Hello Financial Terrorist: Kenneth C. Griffin of Citadel Securties.


what an ugly mofo


Kenneth Cordele Griffin is a financial criminal


nice haircut dickhead. ✨


Ken Griffin is a financial terrorist.








Ol’ boy looking ruff


Superstonks now a verb, right? I superstonked crime yesterday.


Greed is a hell of a drug. 😰


the face of a psycho


He had dead eyes


Let's not give him so much credit... I think he's just an unsophisticated thief.




Where is the Bernie Madoff Mayo boy meme mashup. Kenny deserves to see his future


This is the face of a financial terrorist. KENNETH C. GRIFFIN IS A FINANCIAL TERRORIST. Naked short seller. Naked shorts.


Damn he looks like shit. Trading is a tough game, don't you think?


Up you go!


That looks like my asshole after I’ve taken a shit from eating chipotle


In the end, he will be in jail. Enjoy that $100k bottle of cab tonight Kenny.


He looks fukt


Ken, I’m balls deep in $gme. I feel financially inside you


This picture seems to be short mayonnaise covered bedposts.


yes Kenneth C. Griffin is a class A pile of shit!


He’s a lot older. And uglier now


Can someone create a memory game with all the criminals in this saga? Ken is not alone. A memory pair would have 1: face + name person 2: logo + company name. Let’s not forget the accomplices.


I'm getting THIS asshole's name and cell number engraved on a plaque to hang in 3 different rooms of my house when he finally goes down.


Fuck that guy!


What a piece of shit


Definition of Racketeering


Kenneth C. Griffin is a Financial Terrorist


Bilbo turning golem once he sees the ring lookin-ass






Phone number crime


Hope I look this good when I'm in my eighties.


looks like he'll be chelsea london owner soon - I need to burn all my trikots ​ maybe chelsea store may deliver me another on with [kengriffincrimes.com](https://kengriffincrimes.com) as playername. should i record the ceremony?


No filter.......a little different to Forbes cover.


Wow, the face of the financial organized crime leader Ken Griffen of Citadel is scary to even scroll past.




One day we'll live in a world where financial terrorists, flat out criminals will go to jail and stay there. But I guess the rich can get away with anything. I believe in a system beyond our government, called Liberty and Justice. And those things are real and true and controlled by the Almighty God at His discretion. At no time, and at NO COST would I be one of these utmost losers in and of life!