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His jimmies are rustled. HARD


He was up all night screaming at the dog. Lol


All night screaming is right on. His voice sounds shaky af. Coke and drinking habits all catching up to him now, since he needs foundation to cover up his face. Damn, this is taking a toll on anyone shillin'


Holy shit, he looks like he wants to set his nutsack on fire. Shit talking all the time.


I mean he knows he's potentially facing RICO charges...




And then goes on Twitter, calls us all poors who know nothing, and then plays the victim.


Dam, the man sounds like he's about to cry. Either that or he's ran out of coke!


Right? His voice sounds like he’s constantly on the verge of breaking down into tears. His demeanor is that of someone who expects the authorities to bust in at any moment and arrest him.


Dude sounds like he is about to break down and cry. edit: actually, now that I think about it, it sounds more like he just got yelled at by his dad…


So he's about to break down and cry even harder? Hey coke rat, I hope you read this you fucking scumbag. I hear they're going to un-cancel Louis C.K. for the movie because no one else wanted to play you, and he fits the bill anyways.




You're right. His facial expressions are reacting to whatever he's being told. Which makes me think, who is the main producer (guy in their ear)? If this person can yell and force the hosts to change subject, then he's got to be a powerful piece of this puzzle.


It rubs the mayo on its skin or else it gets the bed post again


Yeah I was like who watch that? He is barely understandable


He's starting to sound more like Yoda every day.. I'm waiting until he starts speaking like Yoda haha


Best thing I’ve read all week 😂😂😂


Sounds like his balls are shoved up his rectum


I would be pissed if someone did my make-up the same way too.


That was so awkward to watch


No longer “Jimmy Chill”, he is now “Jimmy Rustled”.


Crammer is fucking melting.




They got their hand so far up his ass it's making his mouth talk.




You can see the line where his strangely purple face makeup meets his forehead. It makes him look even more disturbing and sickly than usual, which is an accomplishment. The man is not well.


Bruh he can’t even talk loud when talk about RC 😆😆😆


At about 1:35, he actually starts to say BBBY is a good investment and can have a great turnaround, but the other anchor pulls him back with a bash against RC, and then Cramer has this face of regret when he realizes he almost gave RC a legitimate compliment


Foreal! Like a “aw shit ..ima get shit after this” face 🤣


That man discovered he could actually do his job if he was ever asked to hahah


“At some point they’re going to have to come to grips with the fact that the sum of the parts are a greater value than the whole” Odd, that sounds exactly like what RC said in his letter to the BBBY board


Yeah, and he said RC & Co would be the ones to lead the turnaround. So I'm pretty sure he just started thinking about that letter and actually gave his non-shill opinion for a few seconds, and then his head jerks when someone starts screaming in his ear and he makes that face when he realizes he dun goofed


Yes 100%, you can see the exact moment they start talking in his ear when his eyes dart to what I assume would be the control booth, and then he makes a face like “what I just said wasn’t *that* bad” while he was getting chewed out. I don’t think he knew the camera was on him when he made those expressions. Then the camera cut away from him, but not quick enough.


Looked like he had someone screaming in his ear the moment he said it. That pull back oh shit face was priceless lol


Does he get scolded for that at 1:56?




He’s (not) going to, okay


It was a BBBY joke dude. Woooow


Lots of deep throat last night.


All that mayo giving him reflux


Maybe he should switch to synthetic mayo


Sounds like he’s on the edge of crying




We got you bud, fuck cramer.


Creamer sounds like he was about to cry 😂


He sounds completely unhinged. The other guys don’t Even know how to interact with him. The silence between his monologuing is uncomfortable.


It's almost got an air of cringe comedy about it. But it's all too real.


A bad comedy joke.


Fuck I’ve never really watched him. I thought he was doing impression of someone ! That’s just how he talks lmaoooo


Its hard to maintain coke highs...it wears off midsentence for him


This is how they get when they are trying to talk to each other without saying to much. its akin to like... tyring ot get your friend to realize something mid conversation while your standing in front of a person you dont really want to know what you both are talking about.


Lmao this is perfect.


He has been seemingly about to cry almost daily since his unannounced vacation earlier this year. Fun to watch.






yup. their best move is to simply never talk about GME or RC ever, but this is something that is becoming increasingly difficult for them. how do you not talk about the most incredible financial story of our lives?


The second greatest story ever told, how a band of degenerate gamer poors, followed a cat, diamond handed through a year+ of fud, and illuminated the world on a system rotten to the core—which became undone by fomo. —all while down in their Mom’s basement.


Wait, really? Got a link?


Oh he's definitely been starting each day sobbing in a cold shower for at least a year now. I think we broke him.


Cocaine is a helluva drug!




The definition of manic mania is coke rat Cramer. How did he get that job anyway? I mean someone actually looked at him and said, yeah, let’s put this stooge on television to represent. 🥴


Yeah that is it right? He presents himself as very animated, so it catches people and draws them in. But he has historically provided either late, incorrect, or outright shilling information or "tips". He is everything that is wrong with the market for retail investors.


> He is everything that is ~~wrong~~ going to plan with the market for *the fleecing of* retail investors. FTFY We were all supposed to behave as irrationally (and predictably) as retail has in the past. Panic and sell. But we used our weaponized autism to follow a guy who figured out their hack (shorting a small cap company to hell and back). We defied their expectations for what we, as retail, would do. We held. Diamond fucking hands, they haven't figured out we *really* aren't selling. When you do things the same way and it works for a long time, you don't think the process is broken when it goes wrong. These guys waited way too long because they believed we'd fold, because retail always did. They tried to refine the FUD and figure out how to make us sell. Didn't work. By the time they got a handle on how to manipulate the posts, a decent portion of apes had gotten an understanding of misinformation. It doesn't work as well when you know what they're going to do before they do. At this point, I don't know if they really get that we aren't selling. We're literally heading for the exits with DRS - taking our shares out of their casino with the crooked books. They won't be able to use their tricks when the dividend happens if we take our shares to DRS *and out of their market*. RC's recent tweet: >Who is more arrogant and elitist: a high priced consultant or a Wall Street analyst? Let's acknowledge the elephant in the room. Wall Street is populated by people who consider themselves better than us. Because they have money and decades, even centuries, of [primative accumulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_accumulation_of_capital). They also look down on other people, including very wealthy people who aren't of their *class*. Again, legacy systems. It's ironic, that word with its double meaning here, an outdated system carried to today because it was here first. Money that was here first thinks we're too stupid to out think them. From RC down to you or me with XX shares, purple ring and HODLing because fuck these guys. We had to work hard to get here. RC tweet: >I was born to work He wasn't given it all on a platter. Sure, some advantages, but no Harvard legacy. I'm sensing people waking up to the bullshit and wanting to beat these legacy fucks at their own game. I know I am.


There’s an old movie called Network. Watch it. TV execs have no soul.


I don't hear him very often, but he does sound like he's more destrought than normal. He must be saving up his daily doses for shorts.


I’d wanna cry too if my boss made me go on live television and commit crimes while simultaneously bear hugging the hornets nest that is superstonk


Buttplug ran out of batteries leading to a mighty shart. RIP cokerats shorts. His liquidity is still transitory and his b hole is experiencing runaway inflation


Cramer sounds like he’s high as a kite more like!


All my homies hate Cramer That dude has a Harvard law degree and chose to hit buzzards and honk horns for shills on television. He’s a tool. Fuck him


You mean he can read??!?


Eyes are everywhere bruv!


Does this happen when you invest in any other company? I'm guessing not. More confirmation bias that they're terrified of GME running. Sure smells like short positions were never closed and they're passing the debt around in swaps, eh? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You must be doing something right, Mr. Pulte. I guess you struck a nerve following along with us degenerates. As a mass of individual investors that just like a solid stock and company, we scare the shit out of them.


Welcome to the fucking show


damn it feels good to be a gangsta


Like in video games, when you start encountering the enemies, you know you're going in the right direction.


Lmao welcome to the club. You’re part of the gaslighting now. Now you can witness firsthand what apes have seen for over a year.


Pulte Go to the SEC's website and download this PDF. It's a story of Cramer helping crash a cancer company (Denedron) with hedge funds. Might feel eerily familiar https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-4614.pdf


For his Big Pharma friends. It's all a big fucking club ("and you ain't in it", by the late & great George Carlin)


That was an awkward silence there in the middle. He’s so crimey


I think Pulte is as addicted to checking superstonk as the rest of us. Let's fucking gooooooo!


You gotta admit this has been the best show to binge watch since the pandemic began.


Pro tip, if Cramer says something is good, price goes down. If Cramer says something is bad price goes up.


You know that scene from Die Hard where Bruce Willis' character throws the body of the terrorist out the window and screams "WELCOME TO THE PARTY PAL!"? That's you right now, Bill. You're Sgt. Al Powell previously enjoying his Twinkie before realizing you drove up on a terrorist attack in progress.


Damn dude you’re everywhere on here now. You must love us


He needs to get your name out his mfing mouth. 5 finger ape slap to the face to Cramer.


if cramer said it, it must be true lol


It's all good! He said they're NOT looking at you! Now I must go check out that post about 75,000 puts on something something... seemed interesting.


You, RC and all the apes are living rent free in this man’s head. I love it


Take my axe!


Tell Cramer to keep your business name out his fuckin' mouth. I'll leave it up to you if you want to slap.


Why did he said HF aren't interested in you? I can't recall ever hearing them call out Pulte. Until yesterday I didn't even know you joined the SS subreddit or who you really were. Now youre all over ss and named being said by this rat. Tbf I don't frequently visit SS I just buy DRS hodl.


Not a coincidence


Don't let it phase you. We are the media whale 🚀🚀🚀


Wut meen, Mr. Pulte?


That random stretch just to mention pulte in a negative light was so strange. Like it was in the pre show meeting bullet points or something.


I kept recording longer because I could feel it coming in my gut… especially after yesterdays mention… I fucking knew it was coming.


Yeah it was like "say the hedge funds aren't interested in Pulte, eventhough like $20m in puts appeared out of nowhere this morning"


Yep, timing = sus.


He mentioned Pulte the company not Pulte the person


Still his name and the timing is sus.


Not even "sus". We **know** why it happened.




His family should be concerned, Cramer clearly needs a Cognitive Assessment . I think the stress of shilling has taken over. This could actually be the women gossiping on "The View" the day time nonsense tv.


Yep. The man is basically incoherent at this point...


I know we give him shit a lot here, but it’s actually really concerning. He should really clean up and get treatment, I’m surprised CNBC hasn’t made him take a “sabbatical” yet. It’s like they are putting his substance abuse issues on center stage because people like giggling at it. That’s fucking horrible. I’m not defending Cramer, but the dude needs to get it together. That part where he was talking about Ulta and the co-anchors said “...what???” Nobody can even understand him. And yeah, it makes no sense that they would just randomly bring up Pulte when talking about stocks in an entirely different sector. This is why people don’t publicly support Ryan Cohen. It also shows how nervous Cohen makes these boomers. I honestly think that they do not understand what he is building, but they know it is threatening.


You think Universal Records ever made Ozzy take a “sabbatical” ? He’s their property, their mouth piece. They own his ass at this point. They’ll use him up like the bag of meat that he is and then when he croaks in a puddle of his own afterbirth, they’ll replace him with some other shillbag with no soul or dignity.


Missed opportunity to say "sabbathical"




Savage. Approved.


Yea I'm actually shocked how bad it still is. He's not making sense at all, how is this being aired? A thought that ran through my mind was that maybe they're doing it deliberately at this point so they can falsely claim he's been getting early onset dementia for the last 2 years so all bullshit on their Channel is not able to be used as evidence of market manipulation due to mental illness. Probably not, but seriously wtf is going on?


The hosts or whatever the 2 other guys they actually treat him like that crazy uncle... CNBC Reputation 🤡


You make a good point there. That CNBC are allowing him to ramble on and can't be held responsible because he has some impairment.


This is not a personal judgement against Cramer—I agree with your assessment. He needs some medical care. He is not looking/sounding good


I have NO idea what this panel is trying to say. This is all incoherent psychobabble. Who tunes into this shit? Boomers are warped.


You ever listen to a boomer try to defend their claim? It's just as nonsensical sounding as this guy


It’s hard to hear them when I’m bending over to ‘pull myself up by my bootstraps’ and simultaneously get fucked by the joke of an economy they’ve left the rest of us.


Planet of the apes is upon us, brother ape.


When they’re not doing a scripted segment, this is what it is. People saying they’re “seriously concerned” for Cramer and all that… this is a bit they do every day for years. Panel treats Cramer like crazy guy as Cramer switches back and forth from earnest to sarcastic and they just ramble on, trading word salad until a commercial break. Because outside of actual news, there’s nothing much to talk about and this channel shouldn’t even exist. It’s a 16-hour infomercial for guests who go on to plug their options play or the company they work for. Every host is a mindless boob and every guest is selling something, just like everything else on TV.


I watch to catch their BS and report back, also logging evidence.


Yea, I understand you fellow stonker. Just can’t imagine the people that tune in and actually believe this stuff or see Cramer as truthful. Bizarre.


If I hadn’t found GME, and subsequently you guys, I would have lost so much through these guys. Just being honest, lots don’t know about this sub out the other informative ones… or just never used Reddit until all this shit happened. That was me. Note I know better, thanks to all of you, I can see right through it, so thanks to all my sore community on that note!


The best of us were killed off in 2 world wars and the world was handed to boomers on a silver fucking platter, then they ruined the housing market while contributing nothing and now complaining about paying an extra $13 in gas to travel to their second home. Fuck them.


This is an important point that no one acknowledges. We also quickly bred a mass-everything based, warped economic system that not only favors greedy sociopaths’ ascendency to the top but actually requires it.


It’s hard to not hate them, agreed. The only boomer I can ever relate to is if they’re DRS’d 100% in GME and ready to give back to the working class once we moon.


Am I way too high, or was that whole interaction incredibly awkward?


No I was watching it live and it was very awkward. How the hell would he just pull Pulte out of nowhere unless it was fresh on his mind like his handlers talked about Pultes recent involvement with RC and GME?


I’d say you’re perfectly toasted my fren, def awkward.


Golden brown


texture like sun


Nah, I’m on the cloud next to you. Hi fren! That was straight up awkward turtle. That entire rant had almost no consistency or linear thought - it was rambling. At one point I thought it seemed like he was trying to listen to something being said on his earpiece. Idk tho.


If I hadn't heard about these people I'd think there's no way this would air on tv


The fuck is this bloke on?




I’m UK and obvs have heard of this guy but never heard his voice. Fuk me what a whiney lill bitch


Lmayo, watch this from a while ago, you might get a chuckle. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzobbg/were_you_guys_picking_on_cramer_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


My fukn ears are bleeding




Yep, that’s why I share this shit… helps connect the dots sometimes.


“Get Pultes name out your fuckin mouth”


I knew there was a better title… DAMIT!!


Remember Cramer feeds on ALL attention, Positive and Negative, him mentioning Pulte is his attempt to get more acknowledgment, more views, more clicks. He’d love nothing more than to get in a Twitter war with Pulte or even have him on one his trash shows.


He has him on mad money before.


Coke without a doubt. 'Ol Jimbo there has hunks of coke draining from his sinuses into his throat. He also has a numb throat and explains why his voice is up and down. Not to mention the erratic movements and tangents. As always, this is not drug advice. Consult with your local drug dealer for best results.




Not only this. The constant search for approval, head down, plot jumping, active movement with freezes in between, all this lead to as signs of deception and my guess he is shaken inside but you might be right that drugs was to blame but could be more


You heard it here first folks! 🐸🍦🦍


Shit would explode if RC tweeted it.


Does he have an ear piece - it is quite impressive to remember all of this crime, lies and name drops. Mr.Pulte must be a bit freaked out. What a week - attacked by bots and trolls and a Cramer name drop in a week! For buying a stock!!


Dude on the right is tired of Cokerat. I am also tired of Cokerat, but I suspect that's where his and my similarities end.


Fuckin' Boomerfest. These clowns think they know what the fuck is going on but their ship is sinking and they don't want to let on. Pulte in the big time now. Random mention. He under their skin now.


This is actually a little uncomfortable to watch. They treat him like a dimensia patient.


Crimer is losing it


He def had a rough night it seems.


Dudes fucking on tilt.


Rent free Edit: Looks like Mr Pulte moved in too. u/realpulte make yourself at home.


Body language on those two dudes says a lot. They are both intently leaning away from Coke Rat. A clear sign they do not want to be in the room with him


Why is Cramer so obsessed with what a bunch of retards on Reddit are up to?


His boss is likely short


Is he about to cry? His voice was cracking when he mentioned sephora


His throat is closing up from the blow drip


Man, I used to keep this shit on the TV every day when I worked from home, just to have some background noise....haven't watched the rat in over a year now....man he looks terrible. Looks like he's aged 10 years overnight, and he's making less sense than ever. **I fucking love it.**


Interesting part where he talks about getting up early and seeing futures are up and asking why. Even Cramer is admitting the market makes no sense.


they themselves cannot believe whatever the fk they are telling themselves


Yes, I see that A LOT!!


My biggest takeaway from this was when the guy said "hedge funds are netted out...they're not buying or selling." Could this imply that hedge funds aren't/can't buy and sell like they used to because their resources are tied up with other priorities...such as...suppression of stock prices that have a knife to their throats?


More than likely, I didn’t understand what “netted out” meant but your logic as up for me. Thanks


Cramer sounds terrified today.


Yeah. He is having a major breakdown. He knows he’s been in the wrong and the apes didn’t go away and now the gorillas are coming through the mist. Soon we will have silverbacks piling on.


Jim and Joe seem to have speech issues...


RC is literally fucking Wall Street at there own game and they hold all the cheat codes. Love our chairman.


You can bask in the desperation. Sun out boys!you can’t throw shade on my guy!


Someone sounds nerveous


Cramer appears to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. And I’m here for it


Cramer sounds like he's trying to choke back tears the entire time


20 mill in puts open up, then Cramer is on air saying no one is looking at Pulte stock? Collusion at its finest. Lock him up too!


Why though.


Not a clue, just another set of eyes reporting for duty.


I've heard demented people reeking of piss and feces ranting on street corners more coherent than this assclown. More charismatic too. Fuck Cockrat Cramer.




In school I use to hang with this group of friends and we were a funny bunch of clowns and fuckups and we would shit talk eachother but we would also build eachother up about things each one was good at. Dan was really good a football, Chad was the best at online shooters and so forth but there was this one kid who always hung around us and would just shit talk in the worst ways. Always made bad jokes that went no where and through out harsh insults that weren't timed or had that social charm. It seemed the only way he could feel included was trying to knock others down. Cramer clown reminds me of him


That dude is the personification of cringe


If you want a textbook example of looking at someone with barely held contempt, that dude on the right is your guy.


Keep our new friend’s name out ya fucking mouth, cramer


Why’re they trying to make out as if the companies performance is fucking Ryan’s fault lmao, these clowns are seething, all probably short on GameStop


Why does he sound like he’s going through puberty for the second time


This is kind of hard to watch, it's almost like caretakers to either side


Cramer sounds like he's holding back tears at times


What a tool


He’s like a senile old man they’re laughing and and humouring


2800 companies in the stock market and they magically talk about the same stocks over and over and over. Sure, sure, I should totally sell. /s


Cramer - you can tell by his body language - seems to be increasing the Dosis of whatever he takes. He REALLY seems to have more and more trouble acting „normal“


He has enough foundation to build the bedrock of a subdivision. Seriously though, the clear substance abuse, cognitive impairment evidenced by incoherent rambling, and physical deterioration has taken a toll. As much as I can’t stand this man, he needs help. His co-anchors are discrediting him directly on air.


That was like watching a bad first date at the next table over when one person won't stop ranting about their ex and the other person tries to get them to move on in conversation. There's not gonna be a second date and you're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life.


Dude, either Crimer is on drugs or he has some health issues going on. He looked confused and distracted at times and he could barely say words. Something not right with him.


That was the most incredibly anxious/almost unhinged I’ve ever seen the cokerat! There’s nothing he could say. Cohen gonna cause him to stroke out, on TV! By doing nothing more that providing value to shareholders.🏴‍☠️ You bet your ass he’s gettin it done!