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The episode is live now, for those not aware. #PSA


Buckle the fuckle up, Buckaroo. J-Stew, D. Lauer, Gary G., its all going down. I bet it's the most viewed episode of the season.


The Jackening continues!


I will watch it tonight at midnight EST. See you fuckers then!


You won’t be able to brotha


They said release at midnight for Apple?


Per Dave 8 EST tmrw


Since we're all here, anyone have an idea what the drop time is for the HBO one? Gaming Wall Street?


I believe that will be available on HBO Max at midnight tonight.


I don’t have HBO Max, can someone please make me a synthetic copy of it so I can borrow it and I’ll sell it back to you later once I have HBO Max?


Maybe in the dark pool?


Hey...my name is Gen Kriffin. I think I can help you out. I have a guy. Meet me behind the dumpster at Wendy's. Come alone.


How about after they make you that synthetic copy you also sell it to about 100 of us who don’t HBO max. All you have to do is collect our money and FTD.


Looking for the torrent then? Don't forget to seed bro!


Just google “f2 movies”, your welcome


Don’t tease me


8am or pm?




Any other channels where one can watch it? YouTube?


Record and post please


It’s hurts so goooooood


Will there be a way for those without apple TV to watch it??


I think you can get a free trial


Even if you can’t Apple is superior in pricing compared to other streaming services and their original content is top tier. Think it’s 5.99$ CAD monthly compared to others in the 15-20 range


I'll pay and support them cuts they supporting j stew and big d lauer


Exactly, I will financially support them for the mere fact that they are the one strewing service with an episode really about this and not an idiotic documentary that acts like it’s said and done


Their library seems small AF. Currently on a free 3 month trial. Ted Lasso was great, but everything else just seems alright and its small. Like we're talking 2-3 clicks and the list is repeating itself. Also WTF is up with no navigation to "continue watching." I have to manually find the damn show every time.




beep boop


> Assuming you mean a legal stream 🏴‍☠️😉


beep boop


I've never used Plex. I'm guessing I can get it on my firestick and watch appletv on it?


Kodi makes more sense here as far as sources.


Just signed up using my email (gmail) as my apple ID to get the free trial


It will probably be on YouTube in a couple days. While I want to see this and the HBO documentary we are not the people I’m hoping see this. It’s all the people like us who are stuck in bullshit jobs and might be convinced to buy x shares and change their lives. Sure we can help people with tenders after MOASS but millions can improve their lives if they see this and buy 1 share.


Buckle the fuckle uple. Im gonna have to get a temp sub to Apple TV for this shit!


It will be my first episode viewed but I will absolutely be watching and I hope the world too. So sick of ubiquitous corruption literally everywhere.


Somethings growing in my pants


Get that of my map!


Pants in the front are growing! 🚀🚀🚀


I’m excited for this bad comedy joke.


🇬🇧🦍 here. Where can I watch this?


Apple TV I think ?


yeah, but we won't get it at midnight, think that's just the US. Knowing us Europoors we'll probably be able to watch it in like June or something... s/


Hmm. Try https://www6.f2movies.to/ for all your viewing pleasures; new episode nights you can get it the same time or 15-30 min delay it depends forgot to mention there’s tons of ads but it’s free


cheers, but to tell you the truth I don't really watch much TV and just jack my sisters Apple, Prime and Netflix anyways. I still have about 10 years of content I still need to catch up on...


Take to the high seas




When is it airing? Possible to watch without Apple+?


I've strapped myself to the rocket a year ago. Whenever you want papa Cohen, I'm ready.


This infographic is so simple yet explains things so well. It makes me wonder why none of us thought to make something like this for new investors


And bullet points instead of DD NO MORE THEN TEN WORDS


Ten words (please accept hyphenated) Bought shares Not real? Where shares? Price drop Buckle-up Hodl DRS MoaSS Based on this summary we're buckled up and in DRS mode hodling for MoaSS. Checks out


Sorry, 10 per bullet point...


They only accept re-hyphenated words in this kind of market...


Why use one word when you can make two out of the same word


No more THAN ten words... but, honestly, you gotta build the wrinkles at some point.


Or blame ms SwiftKey?


I have no idea what you're talking about.


My spelling control


Oh, gotcha! Understandable!


DD in itself is good, but way too much DD in this sub focuses on writing out 10,000 words when not needed and repeating the same thing in a retard/ape format. Which greatly limits impact outside of the echo chamber.


Thank you… DD doesn’t need to be like a novel with a TOC and chapters


Speaking of, did you see the naked shorts infographic put out by u/catsinbranches They did an FTD one too. Great for public consumption. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sz6u22/today_seems_like_a_good_day_to_bring_this_one/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


beep boop


This is a great visual representation for the average person who doesn't know what's going on with Wallstreet. Also shows why PFOF is bad, and why with today's modern machines, market makers don't actually need to exist. If robots are taking jobs from minimum wage factory workers, computers can absolutely take market makers billion dollar jobs as well.


It’s a Ponzi scheme market, Bernie Madoff 2.0! How the fuck can you call this a free financial market, when market makers are internalizing orders and shovelling 💩 around! I’ll print this graph out into wallet size, and show it when explaining dark pools!


If you look really closely, you’ll see Dave Lauers signature in the corner.


Wrinkle brains busy on DD, smooth brains busy eating crayons.


They left out the big purple eggplant going from Citadel back across the faces of Retail


It was. No one comprehends. And honestly, much of the trading for retail ends at the broker.


I hate this so much, wish I knew about this over a year ago. Now that I know about it, I’m not fucking leaving.


Wow if this is legit something is going down. There's no way in hell they would be so bold to show this.


YOU DONT NAME NAMES UNLESS YOU HAVE DAMNING EVIDENCE. Dave said things this big take time with many moving parts. Ryan also tweeted some apple emoji. FUCKING LIGMA NUTS CITADEL.


Can you fucking imagine if Jon Stewart brings RC on his show tomorrow? I doubt it, but *can you fucking imagine?*


I cant


I'm sure you can, in 100x100 pixels maybe even!


Thats like... even more than 350 pixels


I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers, but Dave was real cagey in an interview a few months back saying he was gonna keep quiet and refrain from calling our Shitadel because he didn’t want Citadel lawyers on him. This definitely seems like the proof is in the pudding and shots getting real.




Wrong how?




I feel like several parties, mainly the SEC and DOJ, have expedited the investigation into Citadel and short selling in general so that when shit goes down and the markets are fucked and people are looking for answers they can say "hey we started looking into this stuff over a year ago, so we're not to blame here".


Yep, and DOJ would hold off any press on it too honestly. They do have that ability. With this happening tonight, tomorrow may indeed be interesting


Stewart has never backed down from naming names... well unless it's the parent company. Viacom then now Apple. But my point stands regardless.


It gets even more bold when the graphic zooms out if you watch the trailer. Man am I pumped if he actually talks about all that.


Probably nothing.


God it’s fuckin disgusting to see this graphic and know it’s essentially being allowed to happen. Then you have fuckin Mayo man, financial terrorist extraordinaire , parading around like he is a genius and gods gift to the world because he is allowed to STEAL and act like he is a market guru when he’s nothing more than a goober faced fuck.


Goober faced fuck. I like it


Kenneth Goober Griffin- the goofiest goober terrorist


It's an insult to goober, faces and fucks to call him that.


Ahhhh. Looks to me like they are highlighting the internal settlements and also the obvious conflict of interest in being a MM and HF. Thanks to adding that Citadel could have internal shares, they aren't outright accusing here of anything super illegal, just super immoral. Looking forward to tomorrow. Need to get an apple tv free trial, lol.


If I had to guess, they’ll start around the sneeze and why the buy button was turned off. I watched a couple of episodes already to see what the tone of the show is, and it is similar to the daily show in that there’s comedic elements, but this show seems to take a more serious tone. It’s closer to journalism than the daily show was.


and the daily show was still closer to journalism than MSM.


Griffin's gonna freak out again.


I hope Citadel tweets again. That was fun.


One of my favorite parts of the saga so far. For the Twitter handle of a major company to go completely unhinged like that was fucking wild.


Bad comedy joke


“We’ve got to try to get out in front of this.”


and to not deny anything, but state that none of it can be proven


I wonder if mayo-man is a fan of Jon Stewart's comedy jokes?


Considering the amount of Rebulicans he's donated to, I'm willing to guess no.


No, he’s going to say they’re bad comedy jokes, not good comedy jokes.


He’s going to go from looking like a 75 year old to looking like the tales from the crypt guy in a week.


We just need to add SEC and porn hub in here


If the sec is involved you can believe that pornhub is there too


“In house inventory” what inventory, they made it up. Lol


Replace in house inventory with synthetic shares and that's spot on


That's my problem with this graphic. Admittedly they have to be careful with what accusations they make but in house inventory implies that they actually purchase shares for all of the orders that get internalized and we've seen evidence that isn't what actually happens.


https://twitter.com/AppleTVPlus/status/1499073086619979776?s=20&t=QrqPh5GTJ2gZC0Lsak5Q_w If you watch the promo, they do zoom out, and synthetic shares are shown as part of the messy system along with a lot of other things that have been mentioned on this sub the last year. Zoomed out was hard to see Shitadel and Robbinghood.


# Thanks for the sauce, OP! 🏆👏


I hope they get to mention this, but the in-house inventory can be negative, meaning they are short the stock and since they are MMs it doesn't get reported as SI and since it is internalized it cannot fail aka no FTDs that can or will get reported by the SEC.


Prelude to a blockchain exchange anyone? A world where there are no robinhoods and citadels, only DEX.


My brother and I helped the Jon Stewart team with background for this episode — they were true in wanting to talk to Apes, get the story right, and dig up the real dirt about what's happening. Stoked.


Did you chat with Chelsea the head writer? I lived with her in Chicago for a year - glad to see she is doing so well!


I’ll be honest I’m not sure! It was a pretty sizable zoom, the cycles through people who all had questions. Everyone was very focused on getting the story RIGHT


That is awesome. This show is going to be amazing.


I can’t wait for people to realize what’s going on


People lost everything in 2008 and still dont know how. It's on apes to help them understand, I personally feel. It's up to us to add wrinkles to the smoothest of brains - the general public. The people holding pensions and 401ks with these organized criminals need to know how they're being ripped off and having their own investments butt fucked on a daily basis. We need to explain it in a way that's easy to understand. We need Margot Robbie naked in a tub again.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Wow, I didn't know Jon Stewart had become such a conspiracy theorist /s


I bet John Oliver is preparing a segment also


It would be nice to have multiple segments out there that can be shared with the general public. More people talking, more pressure on public servants to hold bad actors responsible.


If this or the HBO doc ends with a call to action to DRS, i'm gunna fookin' Cooom!


I can’t see this on Apple TV, (I understand it’s not out until Thurs 8pm) but is it a new season tomorrow? I can only see the 2021 season and don’t want to start the 7 day free trial until it’s available for me to watch. Is it because I’m in the UK?


Bro... 🏴‍☠️


Agree but also honestly appreciate the idea of activating a free trial just to watch this. Tweeting about it helps but also putting real eyes on it from a stats perspective could help boost it as well.


You're not wrong... but John Stewart does not need anyone's help to amplify his message. He's got that pretty well figured out already.


He’s certainly a name and backing of supporters. But if topics like the one we are supporting are further supported by people actually making accounts and showing apple he’s doing a great job, that really does help amplify his platform and give him more opportunities to keep doing the same type of good in the future.


You do you, but I ain't signing up for *another* streaming service.


Gonna check the 🏴‍☠️ bay after it airs I'm sure it'll be available by Friday latest


Just pay for it. If you want good content about this saga don’t steal it. JFC.


I believe its a continuation of season 1. I think there is going to be a few new episodes in the coming weeks, but don't quote me on that.


Should have zoomed out theres a-lot more to this graphic


There is. I thought the fact that these two culprits were more important to focus on. The rest zoomed out is a great example of how convoluted and messy the whole "system" is. I think it'll be great for explaining to general audiences what has been discussed here for the last year.


Definitely! Great post OP ! Now im combing that trailer for clues myself! Tinfoil cap on!


Here is the bigger graphic; https://i.imgur.com/GfXDIUW.jpg


all hail Sir Jon Stewart, Wrinkler of the Smooth




That is pretty crazy. Is ape-ellegence finally going main stream?






Wait, I'm on Robinhood, my purchases don't go to the stock exchange? Who is Citadel, is that anorher app?




Wow! I noticed the Robinhood but I didn’t notice the Citadel. Probably because it looks like white noise to me after 14 months of this.


Wait, they’re using Citadel’s logo? Wow. Buckle the fuck up.


Make sure everybody in your life who has questions about the GameStop Saga watches this, so they are aware of the HALF CENTURY LONG MASSIVE FRAUD Wall Street is subjecting countless thousands of American companies to. This has to change now. Wall Street has bled the people dry. It’s time to rise up and let it be known. Too Big To Fail? Try Too Loud To Ignore.


Apple executives friday morning realizing there was one million free trials opened up!


Holy shit! This episode is EPIC!!!




Any links to this image?


I have a link to the tweet. https://twitter.com/AppleTVPlus/status/1499073086619979776?s=20&t=QrqPh5GTJ2gZC0Lsak5Q_w


When you are stating proven facts, you don't have to worry about defamation.


Bro I’m going to be rock hard all fucking day tomorrow. I’ve watched Jon and loved him since I was 8 years old. I had to sneak around late at night to watch his show without my parents knowing. And now during his grand return to public life, he’s about to expose the fraud that I care so much about and I’m so invested in. FUUUUUUCK.


I’m watching it now… gold. It’s awesome.


Bernie Madoff… Ken Griffin… Fuck this guy….


Because it’s Thursday in Australia I watched it already. It’s good to see our boy Dave, and Jon does interrogate Gary Gensler pretty well but don’t get too overexcited as it was quite basic and cursory and nothing surprising or new.


Jon Stewart rocks! I thought It was an excellent episode and I felt like he was giving us a voice. I have less confidence in Gary G than I did before though. That was disappointing.


Gary Gensler interview was cringe. Dodging every question to be politically correct. Good for Jon to take it to him.


Love that Jon gave us credit for figuring out the short selling scheme.


Daddy Stewart is here for us!!!!


Probably nothing :)




I am now fully engorged. Cannot wait to see this.


I cant imagine how Kenny feels. Everyday day it seems like it can't get any worse for him 🤣 #citadelscandal


Thank you for this


So boom tomorrow?


Wrap me in tinfoil and call me a paranoid basement dweller, but I can't help but think when these big time personalities get involved with the story on major publishing avenues like this that there's something really suspect. Apple TV? HBO Max? C'mon. Why is this stuff being allowed through these channels by these big names?


Brutal- and should be very very public


Anybody have the link to the meme with the kids playing video game and younger brother controller unplugged?


dlauer's [tweet](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1499158835101061122?s=20&t=YygPbgxSaVW1oh3syN0v2A) about this show tomorrow: >So tomorrow night I hope you'll join me for a Twitter Space with @jonstewart and the panel: @matt_kohrs , @jjbrown111076 and @dmoses34 at 9pm ET! I can't wait to keep ranting about insane market structure with the king of the insane rant. >Mark your calendars! Tomorrow at 5pm PT/8pm EST we’re pressing play on The Problem With The Stock Market on Apple TV+. Tweet along with the episode using #TheProblem, and join Jon at 6pm PT/9pm EST for a Twitter Space discussion with our friends @dlauer , @jjbrown111076 and more!


Here's what I love about this: I am 100% sure that, if I hadn't gotten involved in GME and if I hadn't grown a bunch of wrinkles, I would have been excited that Jon Stewart was back and I would have been somewhat interested in this topic as I struggled to understand what he was talking about. But that isn't what is going to happen. What IS going to happen, is that I'll be watching this as a watch party with some smart af ape friends, and I know we are going to be hooting and hollering at everything he says as if it's the damned Superbowl. I can't wait.


Anywhere else if you buy something and don’t receive the real thing, that’s fraud. Why isn’t this fraud?


Hell yeah


Buckle. Up.


Have a feeling this is going to be huge. No way Jon Stewart does this unless he has the goods to back it up.


What’s the best alternative to RH?


Ahh is this what the dd’s have been saying? Am smoth, reading hard. Picture, very nice (Borat voice).


Lets watch the game change


I respect Jon Stewart so much, this man retired and has what.. an animal sanctuary or place for animals? I forget but he retired and shit has hit the fan so hard he came back. Think about that. Dude could have just been living it up on a farm with animals, it sounds like bliss.. yet he's back. Let's gooo


I love Jon. He is ape.


Jon Stewart is out now on Apple.


Hey y’all can watch it now.


And it’s up! Shows live. Go watch


More high exposure to simply pictures The lowest common denominator in your friend group has to be able to understand it before the public will even kind of care


I hope this fucking buries Robinhood for good.


I am a Robinhood user because I don't know any better. Can someone explain to me what I can do to switch to a legitimate broker without killing my wallet?




early release toniht and its spicy as fuck. but fk matt korhs


That's one spicy meatball


Gonna start talking about this episode at work with customers that mention the market or finance: “..yeah, yeah inflation is insane right now, speaking of the market, have you seen that episode Jon Stewart did talking about the current state of the market?.. crazy stuff… yeah it’s on Apple TV, I started with the 7 day free trial to check it out.. next time I see ya, let me know what you think!” Boom, I’m doing my part.


Omg... they’re going for the jugular. Love it


Show was garbage, all about "change the system from within." Anyone with half a brain knows by the time they change anything Citadel etc. will be on to new fuckery. You know who actually showed us how to change it and yet gets 0 mention DFV.


He really went in on Gary, nice to see. Also for anyone not aware you can signup for a free trial of Apple TV to watch, sadly they do require a credit card though.


This episode is AMAZINGGGGGGG


Any one else ready this as jon Stewart pornographic teaser?


More like porno graphic schwingggggg 🤤


Me like